hello boys elloi xlellol going out of ij and xmas is comin and so is the demand for the complimen tary tickets is like the demand for spoitords bargains which surpass everything fever was the like of boot balance of stock must be sold for what it will bring mhii w mm at cost to make room for our large fall pur chases which are now coming forward fresh stock of wall papers and borders that 30c tea still leads pure jlard kiugwood cheese pure spices crockery ivdo glassware styles latest quality excellent prices low special discomt for the next i will give a special discount of 10 per cent on regular prices on all cash purchases i have a very complete and well selected stock of furniture bedroom sets parlor suites sideboards clip springs mattresses lounges sota etc every thing to make your home comfortable those in need of furniture will do well to take advantage of this oppor tunity to secure bargains as those goods must be sold in order to make room for fall stock picture framing a specialty ejmvis sandersblock stouffville the concert known before and never were the bargains knownbe- fore spofibrd came to this hourish- ittle town stouffville sept 11th 1s89 the pioneer mg i tell you what it is we can knock the bottom out of the toronto prices and the top out of the toronto con certs for the talent we have engag ed like the bargains we have are of the best and finest typeintoron- to but here boys i wont say another word about our concert it will speak lor itself when it- comes dont iorget the concert it is friday dec 13th at 8 pin sharp and dont forget to come and ask for a ticket it is your own fault ii you dont get a ticket for we have lots of room lots of tickets and will have lots of fun we will make you happy for a whole year also special direct is up to the times with full lines of to suit the season g lines in scottish tweeds imported any manm nervous debilitated wotnhls folly and ignorance has tri fled away is vigor oi body mind ana manhood causing exhausting drains upon o fountains oi life headache baokaohe dreaarui ream3 weakness ot memory bashfulness in society iloring to order a specialty diagonal worsteds fancy worsteds plain worsteds also special lines injjteas coffees spiceajsugars glassware and delfware positive cure it lmparta youthful vigor restom th vital power in old and young 6trengthona and invigorates the brain and nerves buhdanp tho muscular system and oronsos into action tho whole physical s tno numan framo with our epeciaa jjo j3 the most obstinate case can bo cured in three months and recentonos to loss than thirty days each package contains two weeks boat s s 82 onreb guaranteed our spec- iflo no 2d is an infallible cure for all private diseases no matter oi how longstand ing bold under our writton guarantee to fleet a cure price s5 toronto medicine 09 toronto onfc ladies oimly french regulation pills far superior to ergot tansy pennyroyal or oxide endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use iiem month1 y never fail re lieve pain insure regularity pleas ant and effectual price 2 toronto medi cine co toronto ont r ovebflow looals a call is respectfully solicited w stouuville doc oth 1888 b sanders st0uffer h the leading shoe house i stouffville i you will never forget the great bargain house nor the bargains either for style quality md civ ility call at the bargain house we have our store chucked full of new goods and at startling prices one thing i picked up this week in tor onto was 55 dozen heavy ribbed all wool shirts and drawers worth 90c each we will run them at 60c as long as they last see our hand kerchiefs in lawn cambric and silk which surpass any store in toronto i dont need to mention who our talent consists of for you saw in this noble tribune of last week who they were terrible big bargains all this month as we will soon have our spring importations in and must have room hoping you will all have a jolly good time at the con cert and show us your smiling faces every day the year round doing a large webeg to announce that our business for the past six months has been very satisfactory we are making every preparation for trade during this fall and winter our new stock of boots shoes trunks valises c is arriving and will be found complete in all required styles sizes qualities and prices ordered work receives w special attention repairing promptly and neatly done we guarantee satisfaction we are thankful for past favors and will do our utmost to suit you when you call dstoufferco stoukfville sept 11th 1889 we are holding a clearing sale of yours asb4 me and boys overc no shoddy or bankrupt stock but genuine goods at wholesale prices gts the regular meeting- of the stouffville gtswas held on tuesday evening last there being no ad mission fee and no collection there was a very large attendance mr wm george presidentelect occupied the chair eey j unsworth gave a very able address in the temperance line miss lily percy sang very nice ly and miss gertie daley recited mr wm george gave a recitation and mr w p ilartney a song the temperature of the room was ltot such as to add much to the comfort of the audience fakik that gay and festive sport prof maddren who has been making a tour of ontario towns ostensibly for the purpose of giving- shows illustra- tive of magic and human electricity struck this town last week bills were scattered profusely and a fair crowd gathered on friday and saturday nights and the show was advertised for monday evening monday morn ing the prof dematerialized omit ting to pay sundry debts hu had con tracted among others lie forgot the pi inter who only received the assur ance that he got up a very flue bill and several dollars worth of experi ence the cash in advance system obtains in this office to strangers on tuesday night constable obrien was f despatched to sutton where ho found mr slick and brought him back to town on the strength of an information laid by jacob yakc he was tried be- fore wbsanders and hjohnson jps and fined eight dollars although a tough citizen he broke down when he heard the warrant of commitment read some of our kindhearted boys subscribed the amount of his fine which he promised should be a first claim of j his future gains their are several sadder and wiser men in stouffville among whom is ye editor fred spoffqrd also clearing lines in hose from 5c per pair up all wool flannel from 16c a very large stock of dress goods from 10c per yard 4buttoned kid gloves at 40c per pair wool shawls from 100 up and other clearing lines atjjvery low prices tr j urqiihart farmers meat club the meeting held at holden brcs on monday last meets with the great est success mr malcom boyle taking the chair and t holden secretary a club was then organized of twenty farmers to commence the first tues day in june 1890 and continue twenty weeks sixteen mostly being the number of these clubs but not wishing to cause any hard fcolin with those wishing to join the club we had to take twenty this is the lust club to organize themselves i believe t there is more to follow i wish them success as i believe they are just what the farmers want if they want good meat as our butchers mostly peddle- the country after they sell all their best meat co