flcde books and stationery cheaper than ever copy books note paper envelopes mouth organs iigs in clover novels autograph albums tissue paper a large stock of 8c each 5c per quire 5c per package from 5c up 10c 15c and 25c from 10c up lc per slice- music books srap books albums blank noaks purses games pipes violin strings dolls toys school bags and fancy goods pull stock of public and high school books at lowest prices n b- a present given with each purchase of school books monros book and stationery store stouffville august 21 1880 district news ciark3iont mr a wilkin is around again after some weeks of severe illness dr mcclaren and wife ot water- down are the guests of mrs milne the new church is now ready for seating the furnace is being ar ranged j the farmers have been taking ad vantage of the tine ploughing weath er lately a number of them have finished and several more are in their last held last sunday evening the congrega tion at baker hill baptist church lis tened to an excellent sermon from itev mr steeves of toronto the princi pal subject of his remarks being eter nal life mr r c perkins who is at present attending newmarket model school has secured a school for next year ou the 5th con markham near almira we believe kolix will be an efficient teacher and wish him success in his new sphere washington letter betiiksua a pleasant social event occurred at the residence of c j brodie esq ex- reeve of whitchurch on tuesday evening of last week a number of young people from stouffville mark- ham green river claremont and the vicinity were invitei to spend the evening the time passed pleasantly ir dancing etc aiid a sumptuous re past served as the good ladies of the house well know how was not the least pleasant part of the evenings enjoyment the manipulator of the violin furnished not a small amount of the fun the party broke up at a good hour in the best of humor and with best wishes for their entertainers from ifr rtfular corresjtoiltfcnt washington nov s 1ss9 and present met at the 3i a km bloojosotok the thanksgiving supper in con nection with the bloomington christian church came off as announced on miss bella graham is seriously ill thanksgiving day nov 7th and was but hopes arc entertained of her re coyery miss ada mccarty of stouffville is visiting at the residence of mr robert graham drs r j niddcry and a ross of prince edward island paid a flying visit to dr eastwood last week and to bo here again this week some share the delight at seeing them the congregations ot the presby terian baptist and methodist churches held a union thanksgiving service in the latters church last evening com mencing at 730 which was fairly well attended some mischief was done here by our youths on halloween causing- much annoyance to some of our citi- zens we are informed that w j graham is going to have a couple of the bovs arraigned before a j p to answer for injuries done his barber shop- as this is the second time his shop has been molested mr g is justly indignant news g lemonvllxk mrsbacon and daughter of chicago are the guests of mrs byron beebo at present mr donohugh of kingston is visit ing af mr jas kennedys for a couple of weeks we are glad to learn that mr jno pipher jr who has been suffering trom typhoid fever is convalescent the trustees have engaged miss jennie stoufferof stouffville as their teacher for next year miss stouffer is attending newmarket model school at present a refi monthly meeting of the lemonville g t s will be held in the methodist church on frtday evening next 15th inst at 8 oclock it pro mises to outdo any of the present quarter mr s donohugh of king ston banjo soloist will take pari in the evenings programme elect ion of officers at the close of the meet- ing last saturday evening between twontyhvc and thirty members of the lemonville g t s drove to victoria square where they had been invited to entertain the i 0 g t of that village the evening was a beautiful one and a very pleasant time was spent both icoing and coming and according to reports an excellent time while there the victoria square lodge welcomed our young folks as they entered the hall and as soon as most of them got nicely seated mr t astouffer pros of the lemonville g k s took the chair and the program hegan everything went along without a jar and at the close of the entertainment the square lodge served up a good square meal to their visitors who highly appreciated the kind act after singing god save the queen the merry party were soon jn their way home and well satisfied w their outing a grand success a sumptuous sup per was well served at 7 oclock pm by the ladies of the congregation after which mr n j armstrong of stouff ville was called to occupy the chair which he did in a very able and pleas ing manner an entertainment of an excellent character was then given the speeches of the revs barker brown chidley and percy were full of noble thought and life and were well received the songs rendered by orme gamsby esq of orono tilled the house with applause and laughter and was heartily encored we hope he will come again also the misses baker gave two solos in line classical style which were well received the reading by mr hoshel teacher was amusing practical and well rendered this is acknowledged by all to be the best gathering and most sucoessful supper and entertainment given at bloomington for many years after all expenses were paid there was a balance of over 70 mrs w f lang bethany ont writes i was one ot the greatest sufferers for about fifteen months with a disease of my oar similar to ulcers causing entj deafness i tried every- thing that could be done through med ical skili but without relief as a last resort hried dr thomas eleetric oil ana in ten minutes found relief i continued usiug it and in a short my ear wag cured and hearing completely restored i have used this wonderful healer successfully in cases of inflam mation of the lungs sore throat coughs and colds cuts and bruises c in fact it is our family medicine round about us notes ot br hook or bv crook with scissors or pen in hand patrick mcquaid a popular toronto pressman was buried at st michaels cemetery on wednesday mr f turner who was nominated by the conservatives of west york lor jthat seat in the legislature has tend ered his resignation mr h w darling will retire from the wellknown dry goods house of mcmaster darling co and devote himself exclusively to banking at a meeting of the legislative committee of the city council a resolu tion in favor of closing saloons on pub lic holidays was carried by a vote of six to one mrs win norman of oakridges lost her life while driving to aurora last week by the horse running up a steep bank and upsetting the wagon throwing the unfortunate lady out on her head the vice- regal party had a narrow escape ltst week they had embarked at victoria for vancouver on if m s auiphion the finest ship in the pacific squadron the big war ship struck a rock and reached esquimau in a sink ing condition on wednesday morning he village of alton about five miles south of orangeville on the credit river was inundated by the bursting of a dam above the village six other dams on the stream were broken and property to the value of about 25000 destroyed one aged couple were drowned and another had a narrow escape past aiid present met at the white house yesterday shook hands and en joyed a social threequarters of an hour with each other in the green par lor kxpresident grover cleveland impersonated the past while president harrison represented the present just as smilingly as though he and the rest of the republican partv had not been more or less upset by the results of tuesdays political strife mr and mrs cleveland drove to the executive mansion togethcrbut only the expresident alighted his wife satisfying heelf by sending a card in to her successor as mistress of the twostoryandbasement national pal ace then she drove awav and the empty carriage returned to take away the ex leader of the democracy ho must of had a very pleasant time with his antagonist for when he came out his face was wreathed with smiles and he chuckled merrily when he said goodbye president harrison ac companied him only to the jeweled glass screen which shuts the public out of the main corridor and then left him standing in the vestibule chatting a couple of minutes with the doorkeeper others of the old employes were cordi ally greeted and with the remark its a fine day to one of them the ex- president walked briskly out to the waiting vehicle he looks very well having lost a good deal of superfluous flesh and gathered in its place a good deal of energy wnich was not so no- tiiiible two or three years ago the bayardclymer wedding yester day brought together all the men who were most prominent in cabinet cir cles during the late democrat adminis tration there were present expresi dent cleveland ex secretary fairchild expostmaster geeral dickinson ex- secretary bayard exassistant secre tary rives justice lamar who was secretary of the interior during the first year of mr clevelands adminis tration and ex attorneygeneral gar land evsecretary of war endicott was represented by his sou wqendi- cott jr mrs clevelands reception by her friends was as enthiuiastic as in her palmiest days when she shone as the wife of the chief executive of the na tion she has gained beauty during her absence from the city and im presses one more than ever with the charm of her personality exmar shall wilsons residence where the distinguished couple were stopping was literally besieged by mrs cleve lands friends in their efforts to greet once more the woman who had so won their hearts in the days gone by in view of the unfortunate faux pas committed by mr mtzner the ameri can minister to costa rica in making his presentation speech it would seem advisable for the state department to coach its diplomats a little before send ing them out on dolicate and impor tant missions in this instance it is true the department promptly dis claimed all responsibility for mr mi to ners offensive remarks and thereby soothed the ruffled feelings of the mex ican government but one of these days some envoy will get us into serious trouble unless he goes abroad equip ped with proper precautionary instruc tions it will be well for the state de partment to define more clearly the line of distinction between- what it is responsible for and wjiat not oh the part of its representatives according to mr blaine our government cannot be held accountable forthe indiscretions of minister mizner because they were not authorized this would imply that our ministers may say things at foreign courts as private citizens that they may not say in their official capac ity what the public want to know is how much of his private citizenship an american minister takes with him when he goes to his post of duty and how ridiculous ho can make himself without incurring the displeasure of the government if mr mizner is a private citizen he is not a minister he is a minister should he not reprimanded or recalled the scone in the departments does not resemble hc past election days of former years ail the clerks have read tlin accurate account of the re sults and settled do vn to their routine work they did not aire to discuss tha its and aivds or the profitable effect on the administration the liepubhcans as a rule aiomrrcse and make no attempt to hide their gloomy feelings but they did not care to dis cuss tiie matter while tli democrats while elated over the victory gained by their party are diplomatic enough nut to appear too joyful t ho general opinion among the higher officials who would talk was that the rcsilt ivas duo largely to the dissatisfaction on which existed in the party and thought the lesson would be one which would teach the president that a marc rapid distribution of patronage was highly essential to future success r o has not but the end has been knocked out of the jtonmle harta rap si to make room for our immense stock of stoves stove furniture lamps lanterns scoop shovels drain spades x cut hand and buck saws axes cow ties curry combs and brushes sausage choppers and staffers farmers scales silver plated ware and all other seasonable goods ii imn m we would like you all tcrcome and see us in our enlarged premises now nearly 100 feet deep where you will find all the novelties and newest lines of the trade and at prices which you know are right silvester dougherty special we expect everyone who oavcs us to call this month and settle his account sure msa mmatacaauaavkm wattmrnms use mccoll bros ifs which as a lubricant has never been excelled always in stock by ma n ufactueed mccoil bros toronto for sale by sanderson bros rchmond hill john brays gents furnishing departnt we still lead the van in furnishings and show better value and a larger stock of reliable goods than any other house in the trade the only way to convince yourself is to look at the goods and com pare prices and you will be astonished how much you can save by buy ing your furnishings from us olothing dept our clothing department is a pronounced success in every way for a number of years a great many people were forced to go to toronto fora good suit of clothes these people all get tneir clothes made by us now the cut and finish being equal to the best toronto make and the price is about onehalf if you want a good stylish suit drop in and sec us inspection invitei july 12th 1839 orders solicited john bray if be r monkhotjse co have just received a good assortment of 3vess cjoods vigs hvtniismiigs which wc will sell at low prices shillings o cieatfe best value in tapestry union and hemp car pets we have also a fine range of newest styles in hats tweed clothing made to order we guarantee a perfect fit and good avorkmanship steel mvos seleeteil seeis and cheap freja groeere always on hand r monkhotjse co v stoijffvimk may 12 h iss v 1o e- mum1 llmwffiilw