wm sb vs5examine your address ubel the numher on the label is the we to tchich you are paid up the reteijt of your renewal is acknowledged by the change of the number on thelabtl keep your subscription paidin advance the year ended last march and if you t not reneiceil you owe us a dollar the tribune stouffville nov 1 1889 thk objects and aims of the literary and debating club which was fairly launched on the world on thursday night are such as to commend the society to the minds of all persons who have a soul above dollars and cents and arc dis- pised to count the acquisition of even a passable facility in the art of expressing ones ideas in mtelligable form as a desideratum it is true that some super- modest individuals are disposed to say that they dispair of ever being able to make a speech but these same persons are very frequently able to express their views in conversation very fluently and forcibly and all that is necessary on their part is a fair amount of practice and a cultivation of their quota of assur ance of which who so unfortunate as to possess none in order to make a success of an argument in public beyond this the intelligent discussion of public questions cannot fail to have a broadening influence on the minds of alb whether they akc part in the discussion j or not and it is the duty of all can j adians to become as well informed as possible on the vital questions now so prominently before the world and in an especial manner is this true of canadian affairs as has been intimated it is in tended to introduce the parliameutry form of debate into the meetings of the society and with the form will come the questions it would be presumptuous in the part of one to endeavor to outline the work of the session but it may do uo harm to mention a few topics which would fairly come within the scope of discussion the equal rights move ment has stirred up a healthy feeling of alarm as to the possibility of the undue growth of sectarian and race privileges and it will be wise to examine into the causes and remedies out ot this would naturally grow the questions of ultramon- tanism separate schools dual languages etc the relation between capital and lab or is forciug itself more and more on the attention ot statesmen and political econ omists and the various theories propound ed tor the amelioration of the poor are full of food for reflection and discussion the nationalization of the land and as sumption of all property and industry by the state might profitably come up for consideration and it is quite possible that many new and original ideas may be advanced again the commercial and political relations of canada is an allimportant subject just now and whether unrestrict ed reciprocity imperial federation independence or a preservation of the status quo would best serve the interests of our country arc questions involving not only our sentimental interests but our financial and commercial existence these and kindred subjects open up a practically unlimited field for argument and debate and will involve an amount of careful reading and thought which must prove beneficial in emancipating the rising generation of voters from the control of the machines and making all who are capable of forming and nxfei- tainingan opinion of their own fitter to perform the duties of citizenship the club cannot fail to be a pronouueed sne- cess if members take an enthusiastic hold laud keep the interest up to the boiling point washington letter from our fibular ccrresimdtnl washington oct 28 1889 it is the experience of tho govern ment that it pays more for a given amount of work than a business firm or corporation would pay for similar services this is so palpably true that whenever it is possible work is given out by contract and then the govern ment has only to look out ckit the work is performed according to specifica tions this does not always result in the absolute protection of the govern ment but it is a more economical method than having the work done by salaried employees of its own there is one department however where the reverse is the case this is in the department of justice no private firm would attempt to conduct its legal business as economically as docs the government of the united states large corporations pay tho highest kind of salaries to their legal advisors and get the best talent that is at tho command of money there is a consequent drift ot highclass law yers in that direction and the govern ment with all its great interests does not attempt to enter the field in com petition doubtless it secures many men for much less than their services are really worth because a lawyer who has been active in politics and has political ttmbition prefers to take a position where lie can look out for the future bettor than it ho were merely pursuing his regular practice this is rather an uncertain dependence but it is really surprising how much good legal talent is secured by the united states at salaries far below the income the appointees received when engaged in practice in general one ot the features of real estate operations here just now is tho seem ing of options by a number of enter prising individuals on sites which aie suitable for the location of hotels in case the exposition of 1892 is held in this city the present hotel facilities will be largely increased and desirable locations for hotels will be eagerly sortght after there seems to be a growing- conviction that this city will be selected and the energetic citizen is preparing to be in the front ranks hen the proper time comes the present facilities in this city for the accommodation of strangers are per haps superior to those of any other city the hotels are supplemented by boarding- houses which give to this city an astonishing capacity for enter taining visitors the reputation of the city in this respect was fully sus tained when the knights templar were here attending- the triennial conclave independent of the fact that tho ex position will probably be held here the movement that has been going on during the past year or so thac has resulted in the erection of a number of new hotel buildings and the enlarge ment of several ahoady built will it is likely continue the growth of the population and the constant in crease in the number of visitors to the city has been the cause of the past activity in this direction and the movement lias been merely to meet a legitimate demand army officers are much interested in now pending hospital remedies what are they the growth ot intelli gence in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class ot genuine reliable medicine the opportunity ot the ignorant quack who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed to supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme dies has been created they are the favor ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day gathered from the hospitals of london paris berlin and vien na prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from s25 to 100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of one dollar each not one of them is a cure all each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease and each one keeps is contract sufferers from catarrh diseased lungs bronchitis asthma consumption bheumatism dys pepsia liver and kidney complaints fever and ague neuralgia female weakness lcucorrhoeaor nervous debilityshouldsend stamp for descriptive catalogue to hospital remedy co 303j west king st toronto canada it your druggist does not keep theso remedies remit price and we will send direct months for four 35 cents subscribe for the detroit free press and read its 3000 prize stories and the tribune the best local weekly 20 lbs sugar for 100 at s m warriners stouffville to every cash purchaser of 5 00 worth of dry goods groceries and crockery sugars excepted we will give 20 lbs of sugar for oue dollar having bought a tremendous stock at the vert lowest cash price we are now enabled to give our customers such inducements never before heard of in the history of stouffville wremembsrthis we will not be undersold see our stacks of new dress goods from locts peryard upwards cashmeres black and colors from 20cts per yard upwards remnants at less than halfprice 100 pieces of grey and check flannels from 12 jets per yard upwards great loads of mantliugs below what you could ask or think i see our piles of overcoats mens and boys from your price down to mine see our piles of mens and boys clothing bought at 60cts on the dollar the customers will get the benefit light sugar 14 lbs for 100 white sugar u lbs for 8100 granulated sugar 1 1 lbs for s100 japan tei for 25cts worth 40cts try it the best 50c tea in stouffville c lbs good tea for 100 all canned goods at big bargains we guarantee to sell goods cheaper than can be bought anywhere else in tin- country and give 20 lbs sugar for 100 with a five dollar purchase space will not permit a more lengthy price list suffice to say we keep a full as sortment at prices to suit the hard times and help the fanner to bear the burden of the low price of grain s m warrilnner the leader iin prices- both papers for four months for 3c cents sales to be held farmers and others who get their sale bills printed at this oilice will have a free notice of the sale inserted in the tribune up to time of sale tuesday nov 5th farm stock and implements belonging- to mr root pollard lot g rear 8th con whit church sale at 12 oclock noon n k smith auctioneer colic and kidnev difficulty mr j w wilder j p lafargeville n y writes i am subject co severe attack of colic and kidney difficulty and find pa rmelees pills afford aie great relief while all other remedies have tailed they are the besf medicine i have ever used in fact so great is the power of this medicine to cleanse and purify that diseases of almost every name and nature are driven from the body of partnership notice is hereby given that hie partner ship heretofore existing between us as cabinet makers undertakers and furniture dealers has been dissolved by mutual consent mr jacob burkholder retiring the business will be continued by mr samuel burkholdcr who will pay all claims against the firm ah accounts due the firm must be settled by dec qotli 1s89 thanking the public for the liberal pat ronage jjiven us we remain yours re spectfully s burkholder j burkholder stoiiffville oct 21 j8s9 we defy competition in until tie first of iveier we will give 10 lbs best green 50c tea for 450 10 lbs best mixed 50c tea for 450 10 lbs that celebrated japan 35c tea for 300 10 lbs extra 25c green tea for 230 we guarantee good as in continuing the above mentioned busi ness t have decided to do so on a strictly cash basis in order to reduce the very large stock on hand prices will be cut down very close many lines will be sold consider ably below wholesale cost hoping to receive a continuance of public favor i remain yours truly s burkholder the tomb blvckieat his late residence stouffville on tuesday oct 20th 1889 james lilaekic aged 64 yrs and 3 bios ale to gn value in teas as you can buy why not patronise those who buy your produce instead of going away from home tjrsr us a g brown telephone store maladies multiply one another a simple tit ot digestion may especially if he constitution is nor naturally vigorous throw the entire mechanism of the liver ami bowels out of gear sick headachotohows poisoning- of the blood by bile ensutsand there is grave rid serious disturbance of the entire system check the threatened dangers at the outset with northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dysjieptic cure the medicine that drives every impurity from the blood 00 in prizes are offered at the plowing match at saintrield on friday nov sib- competition is opened to the dominion about ten car- loaded with coal left the track near holland landing on t jrffflrsday of last week a longevity ration case before the second comptrollei irivolv ing tho question of pay for longevity rations for almost every officer in the army the total amount of all the claims involved is wut ci 500000 when tne first claim was presented to tlie second auditor it was disallowed tho court of claims however decided that oflleers were entitled rintjor the law to allowa j for longevity rations and the supreme court affirmed the decision the second comptroller still hesitates to allow the claims as he is doubtful whether the decision of the supremo cour operates to reopen ac counts which have already been settled the second comptroller has devoted much time and though to the ease and has finally written to the attorney general asking his opinion on the subject if this should lie decided in favor of the otlicers there will at once commence a raid upon the surplus in the treasury which will equal if not exceed corporal tanni s celebrated attempt to reduce the pile by rerating ail the pensioners aknobody in the world thought more roifjtanncr than president hrrrison said marshall ransdali the ether day and when corporal tanners attention was called to this statement he paused stroked his chin and slowly remarked well perhaps ho was wise to dis semble his love but why did he kick me down stairs the query of the lover in the old ballad seems to suit he situation l the altar bramlev bkkuis at the residence of the brides father ijingwood on wed nesday oct 30th maty ann daugh ter of julius breuls esq to john l bramley esq of toronto to our subscribers the special announcement which ap peared in our columns some time since announcing a special arrangement with b j kendall co of enosburgh falls vt publishers of a treatise on the horse and his diseases whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address and enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing same is renewed for a limited period we trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtain ing this valuable work to every lov er of the horse it is indispensable as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afllict this noble animal its plicnominal sale tlirougliouf the united states and canada make it standard authority mention thin pap er when sending for the treatise lksa la ry expenses paid j s a 3or liberal commissions to local men outlit free no collecting permanent positions guaranteed exper ience unnecessary choice of territory if apply ut once l p thurston co empire nurseries rochester n y 8v2m v 15 comstoek caledonia minn writes i was suffering the most ex cruciating pain from inflammatory rheumatism one application of dr i homas kclectric oil afforded almost instant relief and two bottles eiiccted a permanent cure miss wilkins a dressmaker of n-w- markct on saturday issued a writ against joseph ii- beifry merchant of the same place for 5000 damages be cause of breach of promise of marriage it will be tried in toronto belfry kept company with the plaintiff for live years and was engaged to her in august last he married miss lundy daughter of cxrcctc lundy of whit church miss wilkins is a sister of lawyer wilkins of toronto auction sam of residence in the village of stoxxffville the undersigned has received instruc tions from the executors of the estate of jacob raymer late of the vilnge of stouffville miller deceased to offer for sale by public auction at the queens hotel in the village of stouffville on saturday nov- 9th at 3 oclock pm ibo following property that is to fay village lots numbers 28 and 20 on the west side of albeit street in the village of stouffville according to plan made by peter s gibson pfjs and registered as plan number 331 upon said property is erected a soid buck dwelling house and there is also a quantity of fniii and shade trees tlieicon and it is altogether one of the most desir able residences in stouflviilu tkbms of sair ten per cost cash at time of sale and the balance is to br paid into the canadian bank of commerce within thirty duvs thereafter without interest to the joint credit of john hoskiti esq qc oiiicial guardian and the executors the property will also b- offered for sale subject to a reserved bid lixed by the said ollieial guardian possession of i lie property is not to be given until 1st april 1s00 for further particulars apply to john hoskm q c and messrs kerr mac- donnld davidson fc patterson toronto and to fred w hill barrister stouffville dated this 33rd day of october d itssfl peter i barkry samuel baukey executors noah stoupfer nelson smith auctioneer hamilton c stationery stationery o we have just received and placed in stock a ivew and complete stock of stationery school books c these are not old and sholf worn goods but new and fresh from the manu facturers which we are offer ing at ridiculously low prices merchants account books and french tissue paper a special line fflremember the place hamiltons first door east of station the sun life assurance company ok canada assets a ooo coo n e smith t icensed auctioneer for the count of york sales of farm stock cic at tended on shortest notice and at reasonable rates address stouffville ont low rates large profits to policy holders claims paid promptly tnos- workman esq- r- maculay president- managing director r j daley general agent and inspector stoixflville ont vx ai k