Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 11, 1889, p. 7

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i0b2iqb motb3 the famous german reglmfnt known as the blask brunawicktra arc aboot to w- change their time bonocicd unifcrms for the prussian pitttrn a mill piotore was lately eomat the hotel drouo in parte for a hundred francs which on being verified as his work by m meksoni- er was immediately resold for 18000 traces the range of the manrdioher rifle was proved again in a startling manner the other day when an austrian soldier was killed by one at target practice at a reputed range of over two miles and a- half there were assembled at the royal mace in copenhagen the olherday one emperor one eraprtm one empress dowager three kings one qaeen four heirs apparent and thirtyfive imperial and royal jfrinces and rincesub alexander dumas is hopelessly orderly and is often to be seen in his shirt sleeves feather duster in hand employed in dusting his study or changing the place of a piece ot fumitnie this is his hobby and it is gener ally on sunday that he indulges it a movement is on foot in st petersburg for observing sunday as it is understood in canada and great britain it is said that twelve bundrod st petersburg merobants have already declared themeelves willing to keep their places of business olosed on the first day of the week pita tho new remedy for hydrophobia re cently dlicovered in spain seems to be a name given to the flower stalk of the aloe a plant common in some parts of spain the story goes that its virtues were discovered accidentally by a man in a fit of hydropho bia falling upon an aloe plant and uncoa- sciouily biting the stem a hint for briifletg barristers in other countries may be gained from their learned brothers in france same of the junior members of the legal profession in paris have placed their services at the disposition of the manager of the ambigu for the trial scene in roger de honte and their offer has ieen gratefully acctped a future u thought to lie before alexander of battcnberg retired to an estate in styria since his marriage with his danseuse in a few months be will receive a high command in the austrian army as couijfc moltke entertains tbo very highest opinion of his atrategio talents and the austrian army is in great need of a capable general brigandage is now rife is macedonia and no fewer than 200 persons have been mur dered androbbed within the last two modths two brigands named shokir and 0man each of whom has committed more than twenty mnrders ore terrorizing the country the turkish authorities are described as blowing a most suspicious supineness in the repression of brigandage daughter wrote madame de sevigne in a famona phrase go and tell your daughter that her daughters little girl is crying there is a family at rosccff in frunceiin which such a remark would be appropriate since there are five generations of it alive at this moment the oldest member of the family lea preut grtac grandmother o nicety thr6j and the youngest a small descendant aged one month they all went to ohurch together the other day when the newes- generation was christened alexandre gustave eiffil who has leap ed into fame on the strength of nine hund red and seventyfi so feet of masonry and iron u a muscular built manof commanding presence with sandygray hair and olosely- oropped beard he is also seven and fifty and has not escaped decoration ooingja ohcvalier of the legion of honor and com mander of divers other orders yet he com mences bis work daily at six oclock in tho morning undhe wears the worst fitting trousers in europe paul da challlu had an interesting time of it when addressing tho british association on tho suhjoot of his forthcoming book ilhe vlkuigs the drreot ancestors of tho englishspeaking people the disoussion that ensued produced considerable critical disagreement with du chaillue theory and finally after some earnest arguments he concluded his- 1 remarks excitedly with patriotism is a splendid thlhgibnt let us have the truth 1 belong to the other side of tho water america and they would not aoousomeof being onesided there f the russian nobles are rushing to bank ruptcy in great numbers the credit bank for lending money to them on mortgage of their land established by tho government two or three years ago has now no less than 2 000 estates which will have to be sold by publio auction at tho end of this year for non- payment of interest on loans i the qaea tion is who will buy this enormous amount of property f if neither the bank nor the government buy it there will be 2000 noble landowners rained by an institution which was established by the government for their special help oaoof the most important enterprises in ris is the compressed air company which tributes power throughout tho city it pan with a pneumatic clook ayafct m about 70 the business grew until there are iow about 8000 pneumatic clocks publio jnd private driven from a stattcn about four mies east of the madeleine tho com pany distributes power for any purpose there aro about 250 motors varying in power from one eighth horso power to fifty horso power for all sorts of purposes all driven from tbs central station tho system need is that ol victor popp and it is being extended with great rapidity ttio experiments with the smokeless pow- dor made before tho yenng german emperor by tho artillery of the 7th corps aro said to havo intxprouibly thrilled and astonished all beboldeis although tho veloolty and penotrotion powor of the projectiles were increased thero was not nearly so mub noiw and praotloally no smoke whatever only vaguo brownish grey filmlike dust rose abovo the guns and in a moment disappear ed the sharpest field glasses oonld not fix upon the whereabouts of tbo cannon with anything like certainty and the lines of the skirmishers advancing though the sound of their firing was audiblo enough and could not be seen at all those who saw the 1 thing lay this is tho most terrible and disconcerting invention of all modern war fare a professional murderer named paul gy- omber has been condemned to death in gzegedin hungiry he is described as a prepossessing and intelligentlooking young man his master in the art of assassination xna a prison companion named peter bfcs- senyol with whom he bad been confined for some time in tho same cell while under- m going a long term of imprisonment for theft besseuyei advised him never to j jin a band bat to operate abne he told him that the best weapons to use were a stout walking stick and hatchet when gyomlxr was released he deliberately began the career of murdering for a living he killed in all six persons mostly old though in no esse did be obtain much booty and took bis sentence like a atol3 he was very fond of his mother and also of bis wife to whom he bad been married for a shorn time fattening slaves in a park and feeding them up iiko animals destined for the table and then leading them ta a shambles where they are slaughtered like oxen cut into pieces and shared bit by bit among hungry cannibals snob is the practice which is permitted according to m fondese a french explorer in some of the french belgian portuguese and even bitlsh territories in ubanghi m fondese was sent out three years ago by the french government to dis cover the sources of the niariguillon and having returned after the eucoeaiful accom plishment of his task be hastens to tell his countrymen about the terrible things which he had seen in his travels the fattening parks or paddocks are he says to be seen in each village and contain men and women who have been taken in war the poor wretches take their doom philosophically and some of them to whom m fondese offered free dom actually refuted it they eat drick dance and sing until the head fetishman comes round accompanied by an orchestra of tomtom and tinkettle players seleots a sufficiently fat specimen carries him or her to the market place of the village and splits his or her head with a hatohet or scythe- like knife the eyeb and tongue of the vio- tim are given to the bobi fetish and the real of the body is divided among the atro- oious anthropophagi m fundeso who has gone right through the heart of the african continent baa drought several interesting reports back which he proposes to read in a publio meeting cardinal laviferie the antislavery crnsader will undoubtedly find a new incentive in bis philanthropic work after having heard the testimony of the new explorer ohina eetaliatinec bishop fowler of san francisco recently created some sensation by predicting that china will sooner or later retaliate upon the ocuntries that have shutout her people irom their territories following upon this pro phecy wbicb is said to be based upon per sonal observation comes a new york herald telegram purporting tobefrcm shanghai to tho effect that tho emperor and his cabi net at peking are even now deliberating up on a memorial demanding the expulsion from china of all americans in chinese employ the rumour does not seem intrinsically im probable the wonder is rather that china has hitherto taken so meekly the insulting and iljurioua treatment of her citizens by the united states in contempt of treaty stipulations especially as the presence of large numbers of american citizens in her own dominions affords so ready a means of retaliation it was possible of course that the emperor and his government were wise enough to see that their own country would bo the greatest loser by the driving out of american capital and enterprise but anger does not usually stop to take counsel with prudence and there is no reason to suppose that the passion for revenge is not at least as strong in the chinese aa in the european or anglosaxon breast certainly ho one could save on the grounds of a very lofty morality blame the chinese should they insist on the uncere monious departure of every american citizen from their country it is tho nature of re venge that the retaliatory aot usually goes beyond that which oalls it forth herein liestho chief source of danger the united states could ecaicely with any show of reason resent the exclusion of her citizens from china but tho movement for expul sion should it really be made will hardly be restrained within legitimate bonnds it would be strange if in the enforcement of such an edict deeds of repine or violence should not occur such as wonld arouse in the united states nn irresistible clamour for strong measures it may be of course that the rumours in question are wholly unfounded and all these dangers imaginary but unless the chinese government is anxious to keep all its people at home and is rather glad when they ore maltreated abroad it is bard to beliove that the oriental rulers havo not laid to heart tho worse than dhcourteous condnot of the americans and are not wait- ng with oriental patience for an opportun ity to strike back number of churches in chicago- churches missions 9 biptist 27 christian 4 congregational 31 datch rsform 2 epso pal 28 episcopal reformed 10 evangelical association of north america german 9 evangelical lutheran danish 2 eoglish 3 german 15 norwegian 7 swedish 4 evangelical lutheranseparattst 2 evangelical reformed 1 evangelioal united 8 free methodist 4 independent methodist 4 jewish 15 methodist episcopal 37 african methodist 5 german methodise 13 swedish methodist 9 norwegian mothodist 3 presbyterian 20 roman catholics 62 swedenborgian new jerusalem 4 unitarians 4 united presbyterian 1 universalist 5 miscollaneons friends 2 disciples of christ i disciples of the christ 1 advents 2 spiritualist organization 4 totals 355 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 tjr ceasing oanmities the messengers of most puissant death are indeed many as the grecian satirist long since taught us by the mouth of the stygian boatman and it wonll seem as if during the onrrent year some of the mightier of them were especially ruthless the round of great calamities has been almost unceas ing flood and famine voloaso and earth quake gunpowder explosion and railway disaster have followed one another in rapid succession sparing neither chinaman in the e ist nor american in the west just now the land slide in quebec has brought the series of disasters to our own land houtrh happily the destruction of life has not been on a scale of such magnitude as in some of the other cases referred to has the year been indeed exceptional in regard to the number and greatness of destructive out breaks of tho great forces of nature or is it only that modern newspaper enterprise now brings to us news of such events from ail parts of the world whereas haif a century ago the half of them would never have beeu heaid of beyond the country in which they took place there is much truth of course in the latter view yet fi is hard to rid ono self of the impression that this has been it suoh respeots a phenomenal year yea i shall break the engagement she said folding fcerarms and looking defi ant it is really too much tronble to con verse with him hes as deaf as a post and talks like he had a mouthful of moan be sides tbe way be hawks and spits is disgust ing djnt break tbe engagement for that tell him to take dr sagea catarrh romcdy it will care him completely j well ill tell him i do bate to break it j large amount of trust funds to loan at a very law rale ot iniercst on nrl class security applrto iwisf beatty ckdiriek bmstoek gait barrister ana goltlton wellington st cor cnucb orer bank of toronto toronto ont fftr t j choice fabms fob sale ik ml mbts or charming o j course it cured his catarrh mm m m i f q a way do you call your paper thedihy smasher because it breaks the news voica culture adamj tutti frutti gum improves the voice use by tbe leading singers and actor slid by all druggists and confectioners 5 cents first bull here cornea man what shall we do second bull hio toss up most nvioratingi so they say- i have drank so leon water for the last two years and fiad it most invigorating for the system i consider tbia water to be in valuable for the people cf ontario living as tbey do at such a distance from tbo sea its saliue properties alone cannot fail to have a renovating efteco e b grekn tea dial ers toronto head office toronto ont demands un precedented so please order early a p 471 ling to purchase improved manitoba so acres aporard with tratcedkte parties wishing farms from pcuesjioa call or writs to c i jaattlsoaf mc- arthurs block main el winnipeg informal ion famished free of charge and settlers assisted in asing selection m o isr ej sr ao roa3sr at ccasixtraros or istusst the albert toilet soap coys tsanspasent carbolic acid toilet soap is pleasant to use it heals the skin and de stroys insects and germs on the hair of man or beast iraisiia rill jeh gf pure cod liver oil and hy almosta palatable as milk so disguised that the most delicate stomacf can take it remarkable as a flesh ritoduvelt persons gain rap idly tchile tauinj it scotts em0lsion is acknowledged by phy sicians o be the finest and best preparation of i ts class for the relief of consumption scrofula general debility wasting diseases of children and chronic coughs sold oj all druggists soc and lo0 patekts procured patent attorneys and experts estdl867 donald v itldout tt co toronto what she wanted- it was a little outoftheway pace in ar kansas a log oabin ot two rooms was the home of a family of six persons father mother and fonrsllow towheaded child ren two northern tourists exploring the country on horseback drew rein one day in front of the cabin as the members of this family were sitting down to tboir supper just within the open door goodevening called the gentleman from his eaddlo can i get somo water here for this lady reokon yo kin replied the head of the house rising and ooming out followed bos pltably by his family stopping to the springs bo ye yes forty poart orowd up to the hotsl now tho lady tr whom the oup of cold water was required was vory thirsty indeed and not wishing to wait for further conver sational amenities between her escort end their host she addressed tho woman of the house may i tronble you to hand mo a glass for answer her hostess turned and went into tho cabin whence she returned pre sently with a small pine framed mirror in her hand iheer said the passing it up to her visitor on horsebaok yonre welcome to look in it though it will make your faco look purty kind of skew gaw its bettern none and yer hair does need fixing thats a faot tho young lady understood the situation took the glass gravely taeked back tho looks that the wind had disarranged and then returned it- you aro very kind said sh and now may i have some water shere i exclaimed the other in a tone of great selfreproach i clean forgot about yer wanting u here you jimmy take thur gourd and fagot down to tho spring and git the lady a go jd dipperful of drinking- water have yon got saltrheum or tetter scrofula or feversores yon will never be the better fr your faith in quackish bores seek from natures store the treasure that will save you from the grave and give blessings without measure not to fool or quaok or knave bnt to dr pierces golden medical disoov- ery the worldfamed cure for the above diseases it is guaranteed to cure the dis eases for which it is recommended or money paid for it will be refunded let us pretend you married me for my money johnnie all right elotsaie give me a quarter this morning dearest what is homo without a housekeeper is the degraded view taken by a gruff old bachelor of the holy office of wife and mother and yet how many mothers and wives there are who aro simply house keepers household drudges whose life is worked ont while disease is let in during tbo cccseleas round of washing and scrub- bing ana dnsting and baking and cooking the same olothes and floors and furniture and dishes aro gone over and over until the heart is sick and the body is broken with worry and disease amid this toil nerv ousness begins bad digestion irregularities of the reproductive organs prolapsus or other displacements popularly known as female weakness sick headache and a host of female complaints follow on j for all suoh take dr pierces fmrorito prescrip tion the only remedy sold by druggists undeb a positive ciuabantee from the manufacturers tlat it will givo satisfaction or money will be refunded consumptive id like to bee the proprie tor of the sanitarium oiker hes gono away sir for his health the book of lubon- a man without wisdom lives in a fools paradise a treatise especially written on diseases of man containing faots for men of all ages 1 should be read by old middlo agod and younp men proven by the salo of half a million to be the most popular bocause written in language plain foroiblo and instructive praotioalpresent- ation of medical common senso valuable to invalids who aro weak nervous and ex hausted showing new means by which they may bo ourcd approved by editors critics and the people sanitary sooial science subieots alio gives a description of speci fic no 8 the great health rcnower marvel of healing and kohinoor o medi cines it largely explains the mysteries of life by its teachings hoalth may be main tained the book will teach you how to make life worth living if every adnlt in tho civilized world would read understand and follow our views there would be a world of physfclal intellectual and moral giants this book will be found a truthful presentation of faots calculated to do good tho book of lubon tho talisman of health i brings bloom to tho cheek strength to the body and oy to the heart it la a mesaape to the wise and otherwise lubons speci fic no8 tho spirit of health those who obey tho laws of this book will be crawnod with a fadeless wreatb vast numbers oi men havo felt the power and testified to tho virtue of lubons specifio no 8 all men who are broken down from overwork or other causes not mentioned in tbe above should send for and read this valuable treaties which will bo sent to any address scaled on receipt of ten cents in stamps address all all orders to m v lubon room 15 60 front street e toronto canada and tumor specialist prlrate hospital no knife book free g ii mcmiciiabl m i n063 niagara st buffalony teacuebs can make money during vacation by canvassing lor one or more of our fast selling books and bibl s especially history o onad by w h withrow dd latest and best edition ever published prices low term liberal trite lor illustrated circulars and terms vtm briqos jublipher toronto jj gueiph business comegi5 cinelph ont tbe sixth echoustlo year begins sept 2nd an art department has been added in which drawing and wood carving will be taueht by the most noted specialist in tbe dominion our short hand department has acenmpuheri phenomenal results we lead the van in practical e 1 ucaton jimaccormick principal barkers shorthand school 45 kcus street eatt toronto formerly lor overlive years princlpi of the short hand institute id connection with the canadian bnsi nesa university tyyewrltlnfr department under the management e mr geo bengoug1t agent for the remington typewriter appy for circular- mention this paper in writing deliverei anywhere in canada largest stock lowest prices mccausland son 72 to 76 kihc street west toronto you cannot help gerilnqstrona ip yotjiake regul the great strengthgiver beavek lilflj sre sailing weekly between momtttk x and mve8fo0 salooon tkketa 840 50 and return tickets 80 90 and 110 according to steamer and accommodation intermediate s0 round trip ticketa 00 steerage 20 apply to ii k buiuith general manager canada ship pine co 1 custom house squarb montbkai 01 local arents in all towns and cities cromsj- the great army of homeaeekere and secure 480 acres of free government land in the devils lake turtle mountan or mouse river districts i dakota ft further information maps etc apply to j m irijchix- canadian passen ger aent st p m m ry4 palmer house block lorouto allan line koyal mail steamships the pioneer canadian line and etill to the front in rgard to the provision made for the safety and comfo it of its customer wccbly salllncs between liverpool gins gownpfl she st lawrence fc fortnight ly strvlce from oniln during summer mnnllis mail samers rui lxtveen liverpool and portland via halifax during winter g asypw steamers sail through uithe year to breton and philadelphi call ing at irish prts aid hilifx en route cs5i for rates ofpaasfage and other itifoiraatfon apply to h- bourlifb cor kinif and yonge ste toronto h a aflan montieal or to the local agents in your couuft purrbsrts merenants butchers and trailers generally wo want a good man in your locality to plok up calf skins for us cash furnished on satisfactory guarant address a s faqel iitdb pask vermont 17 8 artificial limbs fik cibcdiiab addiies j do an son norlhcote ave toronto onu d provident life and live stock ass chief offrcje room 0 arcade toronto canada ivcoltrorated a mutual fitenefit association goxin isive5twkxt- by payiog to the above association onri tent per 1my a person aged twentytwo and two ceitl per day a porton aged fort four con secure five djlard oer vcek while uliiblel through slcknwt or accident also for two and thrro cents pe day parsons ftgtd as xbovo can secure for their cepenuants five hundred dollars id eventnf death lite stjick owxeus can proviso against of by death through disease or accident of their etook at eas rate those interested teni for prospectus eto reliable agents wanted in umep relented dis tricts wifcham jomes managing olrjctor sawmill engines gang mills band saw mills heavy circular mills wrth slcol carriages siiiivofk ijatk nnd veneer macbinc link belting sa jilcvators conveyers carriers waterous engine woiis co brantford canada donfe6etation ifc kc1 toeowto 3s1 homs oonepws over 3000000 assets w c macdox4xim and capital sib p howlaffd zvcxoihuu ww sitic il zjotss 1 n acdwulb iluugotadiuctcgu

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