Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1889, p. 4

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exam1ne your address label the number on the label is the one to tekieh you are paid up thereceipt of your renewal is acknowledged by the change of the number on the label keep your subscription paid in ad cance the year aided last march and if yon have not renewed you owe us a dollar- the trtbune stouffville sept- 20 1 it is stated that mr blake will on no account resume the leadership of the liberal party this will prove a great loss to the opposition it he permanently withdraws himself from the active du tics of parliament for it must be con ceded that as an orator he is unequall ed in canada while as a constitutional lawyer he ranked amodg the best a party leaders duties particularly while in opposition are none of the pleasantest and blake certainly never held that position under any other circumstances the chieftain too seems to more than a match for any other man in party managing astute ness the season of exhibitions is upon us and after the big industrial and pro vincial shows are over the men of tho sideroads and concessimrs will have a chance to exhibit their fat oxen fancy horses and big pumpkins it is a matter of wonder how these township washington letter front our regular corrtipokjtnt washington sept 16 1889 some of the prettiest women in the country are right here inthetreasury depirtment said a friend to me re cently and he was about right a great aaajiy of them are washington ians but as a class they represent the beauty of about the whole country they are blondes and brunettes short and tall and medium some plump some queenly some willowythey are fairly the types of the several great cities and about all the states of the union in that one building covering four blocks is to be found as much beauty as a hunt through many large cities might discover a large pro portion of the female clerks are young or at least on tho minus side of the line beyond which lies oldmaidhood office lifo is not promotive of longevity and many of the elderly women have died off or reached au age beyond use fulness those who have come into the department within the past four or five years are mostly young women who entered the government service through the civil service examination they are a bright lot of young women they sura usually of a refined type of good sensible pretty girl a little beyond girlhood they always dress in good taste though not generally in an expensive style during the or dinary working hours the visitor to important the subscription price of the tri bune is one dollar a ir t advance a number of subscribers names are on our books who have paid nothing inr the tribune although they bave boen receiving it regularly since match 1st 1888 we wish it distinctly under stood that all arrearages must be paid up before the end of 1ss9 we dont intend offeriug any corner lots or chromos by way of promiuuisfor if the tribune isnt worth a dollar a year to you dont take it you can satisfy yourself bj a look at your address as to whether you aie a delinquent or not and county shows have become so fixed i intheaffectionofpeopleofthiseountry tre not see many of j these young women they are apt to be bard at work behind closed doors or just shut from view by green baize screens but during the half hour allowed for lunch a swarm of pretty and how every town of any size must baye it annual fair it cannot be that they are gotten up purely in the in- torestof the young men to give them a chance to show off their best girls to treat them to gingerbread and get their picter took in their company there is no doubt however that these friendly competitions among the farm ers has the effect of encouraging the breeding of better horses and cattle and tho raising of better samples of grain etc not merely in the hope of securing a premium but in their own interest thev are spurred to greater exertions when they see what is being done by their neighbors by the way the prize lists of the stouffville fair are ready for distribution and a lot of premiums are offered the markham prize list to the contrary noiwithstand- ingstouffville fair will be held at home and not at goodwood the late joseph a pipher to the edilct cfthe tmniine as 1 have been a friend of mr piph- ers family for years and knew the late joseph albert ever since he was a child and always knew him as a bright pleasant good boy who had a kind word for everyone he was acquainted with he was a member of peaches methodist church and sunday school for years he was greatly liked by both young and old that uew him there is a vacant spot at home that never can be filled the sorrowing friends has tie scar tful sympathy of all who kuevr him dear friend jhod hast gone to rest thy toils jnerth are oer thy soul is mingled with the blest on heavens eternal shore thy pleasant looks thy earnert words we shall not soon forget we seem to see thy loving smile and hear thy sweet voice yet mrs peery mrs caleste coon syracuse n y writes for years i could not eat man kinds of food without producing a burn- ingexcruciating pain in my stomach 1 took parinelees fills according to directions under the head of dyspeptic or indigestion oiie box entirely cured me i can now eat anything i choose without distressing me lr the laast these pills do not cause pain or griping and should be used when cathartic ts required female clerks rush about the corridors to exchange bits of gossip or to get their tea what will bo the tendency of legis lation tlas session asked your cor respondent of a member of the coming congress whose prominence in the democratic party makes his views worth reporting your question cannot be answered very satisfactor- ily said this gentleman until we see what the president recommends in his message but there are several matters that i am certain will be be fore congress for its action the army and navy both require a good deal of legislation there is a very general sentiment among democrats that one of he thugs this administration must continue to do is recreate the naval service yes i used the word re-crfl- ate advisedly the work must not stop and it must be overhauled completely and restored to the position it occupied among the worlds fleets before the war the democratic party has al ways been the friend of the two ser vices i will tell you what i am in favor of and i presume i may fairly say that the average democratic congress- ment feels about as i do in the first place we intend if the administration will permit it to rebuild the navy all these ideas have to grow we democrats have declared in congress and to tho people for the past ten years that we believed a navy such as the dignity of the american republic de manded was an absolute neccssityand that if we ever came into power this was one of the first things we meant to have done there is not a demo crat of any prominence in either house who has not made this declaration some time or other it might have been attempted before wo did if the naval experts could have agreed upon the kind of ships wanted that seems to be settled at last and now we are ready to go to work and aid in repub lican administration to complete what we began i am in favor of the con struction of thirty more new ships ot in addition to those being built a curiosity in the shape of a taran tulas home is on exhibition in hamil ton this specimen was brought from new mexico by mr f ay fearman of that city the home of the taran tula is made of mud and is about four inches long and au inch and a half in diametor the mud which composes it is cemented together by the taran tula until it becomes almost as hard as a brick the interior is lined with a whitishcolored substance and the only opening is n one end which can be closed by means of a door fitting the opening as nicely as a carpenter could make it the door is attached to the house by means of a hinge and here is the interesting feature of the taran tulas house the hinge no other insect can make a hinge for a door mankiud and the tarantula are the only hingemakers in existence we will give the following induce ments to cash buyers 10 ets off every dollar in dry goods ready made clothing crockery and glassware 13 lbs light sugar for 1 10 lbs granulated sugar for 1 tea at prices never before heard of everything in stock will lie reduced to prices to please every body a special sale every thursday please step in and you will see we mean just what we say- m warriner the leader touffyille 9 qodeys ladys book for october is replete with valuable mattei forthe ladies this favorite magazine contests the palm of superiority with alt other fashion jour nals it is full to the brim with timely interesting reading matter for the fireside kitchen and boudoir handsome and ac curate fashion and work plates are given with each issue together with a beautiful frontispiee illustration it is the cheap est because it is the best fashion journal published rlce 200 per year phila delphia pa two good papers the salvation army laid seige on carlton it week ago sunday thejomb hwh- oasaturday sept 7th at his resi dence stouffville wm haigh in the csrd r of his ngo the funeral took place on sunday to the cemetery after the funeral sermon in the congregation al church by the rev j willoughby ptarieroj at his late residence lot 8 con 0 whitchurch on tuesday sept 17th robert stnpicton aged 67 years and 1 month buried at bloomingion christian cemetery oc thursday that aould give us a fleet ot sixty menofwar cf the best kind do you mean to say you believe even it the democrats are willing that con gress will agrpe to such an enormous increase in our navy as you imtiuiate was asked in some surprise yes i do and ill toll you why these ships would be of iron and steel besides the patriotic feature ot the matter there is an economic view tho re building or the navy would create at once a demand for the best class of iron this country produces and stimu- lato the iron production in very healthy way besides the countrys protection which- a prime duty congress would be encouraging and assisting a very important industry perhaps the world ought to be so ad vanced as to need noafmies or navies but it isnt therefore let as make ours as effective as we can an impression prevails that the tan ner matter will be investigated by congrcssand then the correspondence and the icport of secretary nobles in vestigation committee will be given to the public this commission has finished its work and given up its rooms at the pension office though it the best paper for your family or your friends family is the montreal witnbsa which while it is abreast with the news is notable for its unex ceptionable tamily reading and for its adherence to the great principles which it has consistently advocated for a gen eration it has been during all that time the uncompromising foe of eccles- iasticism of the dring traffic and all forms of oppression among which it eounts protection it has devoted it self much of late years to the promo tion of reciprocity with the united states and has recently been allied with the contest against jesuit aggres sion on which bathefield it is as might be expected the toremost and most fearless champion the quef tion and answer departments of the wit ness have grown into an institution in the country and tho paper is well known as an old friend and instructor of the farmer lindenbank and busticus being still constant con tributors the children look for their spedr stories and for the puzzle de partment the yearly subscription to die daily witness is 3 00 and to the weekly witness 100 which should be addressed to the publishers john dougallson thenortiierv messenger issued by the same publishers is still the cheapest illustrated paper published and is full of the best of family read- ing as well as reading for the young the substription price is only 30 cents a year mr crackemhard teajher beat mr shanklimbchecsemaker at eversley by one sheaf in a binding match the other day oconnors friends met at the queens the other night and decided to present him with a banquet and parse on his return the late wm gooderhams will con tained a bequest of 125000 for the building fund of victoria college and 75000 for endowment a junction realestate mans head smashed a pressed brick into atoms while his head was not much injured realestate men are a hardheaded lot mr j percy of the junction was jammed between two street cars in the city the other day his injury was rather serious but be is rapidly re covering the york tribunes exhibition num ber is a very creditable sheet contain ing portraits of prominent men and cuts of some of the best residences and streets the paper and presswork is very good hospital remedies hey call what are they the growth of intelli- gence in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine reliable medioine the opportunity of the ignorant quack who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed to supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme dies has been created they are the favor ite prescriptions of the moat famous medical practitioners of the day gathered from the hospitals of london paris berlin and vien na prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from 825 to 100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price ot one douar each not one of them is a cure all each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease and eaeh one keeps is contract sufferers from catarrh diseased lungs bronchitis asthma consumption rheumatism dys pepsia liver and kidney complaints fever and ague neuralgia female weakness leucorrhosaornervonsdebilityshouldsend stamp for descriptive catalogue to hospital bomedy co 803i west king st toronto canada if your druggist does not keep these remedies remit price and we will send direct for sale or to rent a house and lot in stouffville east of mr henry johnsons on the premises are good stables and good fruit 12 apple trees 11 plum trees etc apply to mrs a yaice stouffvillssept5th 8082 just received five more half chests of that 35cfc japan tea which every body say cant be equalled we guarantee to give satisfaction both in prices qual ity in every line of teas a g brown telephone st08e dont read this but call at ham i lto ns and bulf tour tobaccos and cigars in town stationery canned goods oysters fruit etc pipes and pipe mounts and the best brands op toys fa cy goods and pocket 1 knives m endless variety mi peterson- for october comes to us with a handsome nw cover which the publishers announce to be the first of a number of improvements about to te made in this admirable periodical these s cannot fail greatly to increase petersons wide circulation which bus long been far beyond that of any other ladys magazine in the country thccoateirts of this number ar- usual ef the first order of merit thedllustra- tions are excellent the stories capital and the fashion and household departments are models in their completeness the list of premiu na for 1890 presents i tempt ing array of attractions to getters up of clubs lt will soon be time to decide on a magazine for next ytar our advice to families not familiar with peterson is to send for z sample copy they will cer tainly be induced to try it for a year and thereafter peterson will always be bccesit i the household address pkt- has not yet bcoe finally dissolvcdfl j lhiiadeiapa cbeinnt street cider making t5hc subscriber in returning thanks for previous patronage announces that having- purchased one of the most celebrated boomer botehert presses is prepared to do custom cider making at his residence lot 81 8th con markham in a quicker and more per fect manner than at any time hereto fore the cider being pressed through cotton cloth ts eiitirely free from deleterious matter aiifl the yitld much- greater the eider is purer ardwill keepbetter than when made by tlie old methods he invites inspection the mill will be open for business on monday sept 9th 1889 for the first twb weeks he will- manufacture on mondays wednesdays and fri- dys and for the remainder of the season on every week day except saturdav afternoon joseph ramer ringwood sept 2 1889 errors of youth ib8ffisw swansspecific remedy remember the place hamiltons first door east of station chhyw1kcs never known to fail to nrrcjam bo4 errot riattxuiz orpalc dcorsraiisil una w3 ion cvuvb without os ts mat psrllaiiioo sixroisoo exeoutobs notice in the mnttcr or the estate of john fockier late of the village of stouffville in the county of york who died on or abduf the 5th day of october 1888 all persons baring claims against the said john fockier are hereby notified that they are to send on or before the firstday ofdecemlier ad 1889 to nicholas j armstrong obe of the executors of the deceased their christian names and surnames addres and description the full particulars of their claims a statement or their accounts and the nature of the security held by them afler or in default thereof they will be excluded from any benefit coming from said estate the executors alter said date will proceed to distribute said estate and no persons whose names are not sent in will have any share in the said distribu tion dated this 30th day ot august 1889 nicholas j armstrong f executor henry dickson j address stouffville p 0 out i

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