young folks hhb ahd fahci piqeoflb most boys are fond of pigeons they are nios pets and are easily kept all the knows varieties can be traced back to three original the stockdose the riogdoro and the turtle dove fancy pigeon have been developed by the ingenuity of breeder and there are no lea than forty four independent rle each of hich contain ereral varie- they all have tome peculiarities in shape plumage or bight and the boy who can promptly name all of them 1 not only a keenobterverbut also ome thing of a natural- lt the leading fanoy plyeons sometimes called artificial varieties are the fantails touter tumblers shakers croppers trumpeter jacoblnes rents and nnns the jaoobine has a hood or i uff of feathers which grows on the back of the neok and encircles the head of the bird it gets its name from the resemblance of toe hood to rttoe cowl of the jacobine aonks the head is peculiarly small and the eyes are bright and pearly yellow i the beat color for them and their value depends on the length and buahlnesa of the appendage the nun gets its name from a similar tuft which resmbles a nuns veil thrown back fiom her face the most perfect of the nun variety are white with the head and tail of another color blaok preferred some go so far a to insist that at least six of the flight feather must be of the same color as the head and tail the fantails are blaok blue or red in color but the choice ones are white it is a fine showy pigeon with a tall of from twenty to thirtysix feathers which it spreads out like a fan i it strata about like a peaoook its wings spread and its tall o ereot as to touoh the back of itshead one with thirty- six tail feathers is considered a perfect bird in rearing the young they mutt have more nest room than other young pigeons or the tail feathers will be in j ored whioh will affeot the beauty and the value of the bird the trumpeter is generally blackmottled has short feathery legs and a tuft of feathers at the root of k beak and sometimes a hood at the back of the head it utters a a sound not unlike a trumpet the tumblers derive their name from the singular habit of tumbling or rolling over and over in their flight j they are consider ed among the best of fancy pigeons if they have all the points the carrier is a noblelooking bird with long neck and head erect around each eye is a clrole of ooe skin ranging in color from a dull orange to a fiery red the latter color preferred there are wattles of soft flesh around the bill white in the ordinary bird but rlaok in the most valuable kind the plumage is generally dun colored or blaok though in some rare cases the bird is blue pied in training them when quite young flights of a mile are sufficient at a time the dlstanoe oan be increased as they acquire strength and experience they must be fed but not overfed before start ing if hungry they will turn aside to hunt for food if overfed they will be likely to loiter they must be watered or thirst will lead them to seek to quench it and no boy could blame them for doing that another thirg is essential they must be taken in a box or covered baskot to the place where they are to be let loose when liberated a good bird will at unce rise high and after making several circles in the air it will start off in the direction of its home with an unorrinp oertainty that has something wonderful in it these pigeons were very useful years ago in carrying messages before the telegraph and telephone were invented the dovecotes may be made round square triangular or eight sided they should be placed on a pole out of the reach of rata and mice and sheltered from the cutting winds by a nearby wal the breeding cells should be large enough to prevent ovei crowding and it is very essen tial that the air should pats through them thete should be a projecting ledge in front of eaoh cell or tier of cells upon whioh the pigeons oan perch each pigeon knows bis own domestio retreat and will sit upon the perch in front of the opening with a keen sense of proprietorship the dovecote should be lined with slate or plastered with cement to keep it freo from vermin which pester the birds very much sometimesttie woodwork is made so that it can be taken apart and scrubbed a loft in the roof of a house iurniihes a good dovecote the entrance should be in tho gble and the main points are freedom from dampness freo aooeesf or air plenty of room and safety from oats pigeons begin to breed at the end of nine months and breed every month except in very cold weather tho nest boxes should be kept clean and should be changed after the birds are a few days old glean water must be kept constantly within their reach the patent food and water boxes and battles are good oontrlvances they keep tho birds from wasting the food whioh they are apt to do salt is an occasional luxury to them and pravel is necessary as it assists them in digesting their food j they are also fond of peaking at olu mortar when pigeons get slok they indicate it by a loss of flesh by refusing food by sittiog in a moping way wlthlheir feathers puffed cue and their wings dropping in moat cases want of oleaninss proves to be the cause and the best remedy is to fumigate the feathers with tobacco smoke to kill the ver min pigeons are sub j tot to a disease call ed the roop the wet roop is caused by dampness it is a bad cold and two or three peppercorns every other day is a good rem edy the dry roop is tho wet roop with a cough added for which oloves or garlic is a remedy j another disease is the canker which occurs when the birds fight and peck ach other the exposed sore spots should be rubbed every day with a salve made of honey and burnt alum when pigeons are generally out of health whioh is likely to be while monltjrg a little stimulating food like hemp seed will be good for them keep them warm and dry while they are changing their feathers and put saffron and old rusty nails in the water they drink- philadelphia prers with me for a while but of course be wont jim jumped through a hole in the fence into the donalds yard he found tip there looking as sober as could bt imagined what is tho matter tip i why are you so sullen well began tip slowly if you had only bretdand mils every day for your meals you would look sullen too i wish i was you and could have nice bone to pick instead of bread and milk ill tell yon what we can do said jim as we look so much alike only yon are fatter than i am but that would not be no ticed we can exchange place and no one will know the difference what say yon master tip all right said tip after thinking awhile anything to get out of eating bread and milk every meal ill go over now and pretend im yon so goodby tell me how you like the change soon tip had not told jim of the bad boys in the family or how they tied tin cans on his tail that sent bim howling over the house whila kicks were added to the noise he made jim sat down on the side poroh thinking of his good fortune suddenly he heard tome one calling tip tip so as he had exohanged places for a whilo with that indi- vidsal he answered the summons he went around in front where the ohildren were playing here tip cried hatty the fair young mistress of the dog come here sir why didnt yon come when i called yon 1 and with this she whipped bim poor jim not being used to auoh treat ment didnt know what to make of it but he determined to put up with it till he saw tip come here tip let me dress you up like a young lady she picked np a doll dress and commenced pnttlcg it on him jim felt very uncomfort able and was glad when the sleeve of the dresa ripped and he was released he stroll ed around to the side porch and seating him self comfortably oommenced thinking again but his thoughts ran in quite a different channel this time instead of thinking of his own troubles he was thinking of poor tips 1 11 go over and see how he enjoys the lifelled so saying jim moved quietly to the hole n the fenco and saw tip looking happier than be had ever seen him look before j8why couldnt i be happy like that thought jim well ill try anyhow and aee how 1 succeed jim certainly did not accept the exohange for alwaya but he learned that wo mubt never judge from appearances and went back to bis old haunts better oontented than he had ever been before maodb stockton his little blunder nephew trying to make a good impres sion ttnole this port is excellent unole well i shonld think so it is fifty years old nephew by jove you dont say sol what a superb wine it must have been once 1 tc make marriage a success dolley that seems to be a good rule which mr gladstone and his wife orserve cunwo what is it when he insists his wife submits when she insists he submits yea thats a good rule my wife and i follow it too at least the last part of it an unsuccessful illustration a teacher waa telling her little boy about temptation and snowing how it sometime came in tho most attractive attire she used at an illustration the paw of a cat now said she you have all seen the paw of a cat it is a soft a velvet isnt ft yetfem from the class and yon have seen the paw of a dog 1 yerem well although the cats paw seems like velvet there is nevertheless concealed in it something that hurts what is it no answer the dog bites said the teacher when he la in anger but what does the cat do scratches replied the boy correct said the teacher nodding her head approvingly now what has the oat got that the dog hasnt whiskers said a boy on the back seat and the titter that ran around the class brought the lesson to a close blood is thinner than beer magistrate orally you are charged with assaulting and brutally beating michael modooley at the reunion of the orally family yesterday have you anything to tay 0 rally yes yer honor the blokes an impoathor aorr and hasnt wan dhrop av the orally blood in his skin begorra nlver laid my eyes on him afore yer honor an he dhrank oop all of the beer magistrate how is this modooly 1 are yon a kinsman of the prisoner modooly faix an sure it is that i am yer honor hie grandfather wor pathriok orally av belfast an 0 rally an bedad phat do that prove yer worship modooly an pathriok 0 rallys dooh- ter marrlt me own orally hes lyin yer honor hes lying me grandfather never had any oheel- dren at all at all eorr dot its ohin gave it away vas a pooty baby dond id ox- olalmed hans spellbreoker to the father of a new baby that has just been landed in tho household yes it is a dumpling sure replied the father who vas dot baby a girl or a boy asked hits cant yon guess asked the father veil i dink dot id vas a girl said hans correct but how did you know oh yoost because he gob so much ohin on ida face quite humorous the vesuvius is a funny name for a dynamite cruiser remarked mocorkle funny asked mccraokle yes lavable you know incompatibility of temper wifes lawyer gentlemen the husband is brutal violent oholerio husbands lawyer gentlemen the wife is malicious passionate orabbed puzzled judge bat gentlemen where the deuce do you find the incompatibility i no lack of encouragement mother does mr stalate seem to bhow any sign of wishing to bring matters to a point louise louise yea i think he was nearly the popping point last evening mother did yon give him any encour agement louise j louise yes i got as close to him as i could the dissatisfied pub goodness i what meat exolalmod the little pug dog as he tried to pick tho meat off a bone im getting tired of this life i never got anything but bonos that havent anything on them to eat i wish i was the donalds t dog thoirs gets everything he wants to eat and is as fat as on be while im nothing bnt bones ill go and find bim and tee if he doesnt want to exchange place he warned her i wonder said a husband to his wife what causes me to hiccough so have yon been drinking 1 asked the lady no madam i havo not i havo heard said his wife- that it ia deduced from a cold settling between the shoilder blades if that is the case replied the hnsband i will thank yon to keep your cold feet near the dashboard of the bedstead advice aw miss belle b guide jay do you know ive been thinking indeed yas thinking of doing some work then you had bettsr horry np or you will bs so tired thinking that you wont have any strength left to work with wait til i get you home shefwasan intelligent cultured motherly looking lady a good church member and a teacher of a sunday sohool class but she looked in well simulated amazement at the street epi cndcotr when ho passed her baok fourteen cents inohango for the quarter whioh she bad tendered yesm ono fare and two half fares ex plained ho two half faxes aho murmured ques- tlcnlngly yea that boy a more than five years oli im seven years old volunteered the youngster in question as if he thought his testimony would straighten out matters his mother flashed perceptibly bat wo manlike she would have the last word i never paid for him before oh yes yoa have ma qnoththe terrl- ble infant very anxious now to establish his claim of being a big boy his mother settled baok in hor seat her face the btilo ground of emotion but the boy spoke again qoitnudglnmo his mother wbisperod something ia that boy ear that settled him a good investment is that whioh yields large returns from a small outlay reader the way is dear i no speculation no ohanoe big returns 1 if yon are like moat of mankind you have some where a weakness dont feel at all times just as youd like to headache today backache tomorrow down siok next week all because your blood is out of order a small ontlay and what large returns i you invest in- dr pierces golden medloal dis covery and soon pure fresh blood courses through your veins and yon are another being i the schooner lilly which arrived at viotoria b c on friday night reports that she was boarded on august 6 th by the united states revenue cutter rush and 333 sealskins were confiscated things are seldom what they seem while the above is in the main true still thejre is an exception to the general rule as it the case in many instances we refer to dr pierces pellets which are not only all they seem but more in torpid liver indigestion sluggishness of the bowels bllioueness and headaohe the relief afford ed by their use is wonderful there is nothing loud at out the flannel shirt on the contrary it is modest and shrinking the women tell me every day that all my bloom has passed away but they could no longer ohlde you with less of bloom and beanty if you made nse of the great restorative dr pierces favorite prescription au female weak- nesses and derrngements vanish before this excellent remedy thin pale and emaciated women who find existence burdensome on account of their ailments shonld at onoe have recourse to this unrivaled speoifio druggists care sentenne the parish priest of notre dame montreal severely criticized in his sermon on sunday the oclebration of labon day which he said waa a godless domonstra tion resembling thefetesof the frenohrevolu hon when the goddess of reason was th supreme ruler ithe book of labon- a man without wisdom lives in a fools paradise a treatise especially written on diseases of man containing fclo for men of all ages i should be read by old middle aged and youny men proven by the sale uf haifa million to be the most popular because written in language plain forcible and instructive practicalprosent- atlon of medical common sense valnablo to invalids who are weak nervous and ex hausted showing new moans by which they may be cured approved by editors critics and tho people sanitary social science subjects aim- gives a description of speci fic no 8 tho groat health renewer marvel of healing and kohlnoor o medi cines it largely explains the mysteries of life by its teachings hoalth may be main tained the baok will teach you how to make llfo worth living if every adult in the civilized world would read understand and follow our views there would be a world of physiclal intellectual and moral giants this book will be found a truthful presentation of facts calculated to do good the book of labon the talisman of health 1 brings bloom to he cheek strength to the body apd oy to the heart it is a messape to the wise and otherwise lubons speci fic no8 the spirit of health thoso who obey tho laws of this book will bo crawnod with a fadeless wreath vast nnmbors oi men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of lubons specific no 8 au men who are broken down from overwork or other causes not mentioned in the above shonld send for and read this valuable treaties whioh will be tent to any address auled on receipt of ten cents in stampa address all all order to m v labon room is 50 front street e toronto sanada to she st- leon mineral water jo- pasixaxcuishuie august i gzsnsaxir i nse se leon mineral water three times daily find nothing better a a regulator and to promote good health and buoyant feeling st leon is imply grand for the whole system h h thompson mayor testimonial aa above come from all quart ers down to te lowest despairing sufferer after a free nse of st leon water all are changed raised to height of health put all former conception purchase st leon an oyster bed of unusual lze and richness was discovered recently by a danish fisher man near the coast of jutland it is some eleven mile from land and fifteen miles long by seven miles wide the turtle mountain region thousands of acres of choice free govern ment land now open for settlers in the turtle mountain region of dakota here waa raised the wheat that took first premium at new orleans exposition blah soil timber in mountains good s jhoola churches congenial aoclety for further information maps rates eto apply to f l whitney gpta st p m k m ry st paul minn or j m hucktna can pass agt toronto v 68 mksst me jtt ft day ssod messrs 7 j ia m mi ammmk ok mmmmwmm the albert toilet soap coye oatmeal skin soap makes the hands soft and thc complexion beautiful see that the coye name it stamped on the soap and o the wrapper beware er imitation llarxeameonteftru low rate or interest on bj class security apply to beatiy wadwiokblagkstock wl barrister ax 1 solicitors wellington st cor ohnrch ore bask oitorosrta toronto ont choice farms for sale in all parts of e manitoba why you should use scotts emulsion of cod liver oil hypophosphites it is palatable as milk it is three times as efficacious as plain cod liver oil it is far superior to all other so called emulsions- it is a perfect emulsion does not separate or change 3t is wonderful as a flesh producer it is the heat remedy for consump tion scrofula bronchitis wast ing diseases chronic cough and colds sold by all jtruggiita boe and 100 lok ovar 60000 dressmakers now proclaim iho wonderful mcdowell garment drifting ma chine to be the greatest invention ol the age it cats bisques coats polonaises prinoesses wraps sleeves eta to perfection dont be without it send for circular head offloe- adelaide bttet wegt toronto- j cancer and tumor sptcullm prtriu hocpltal no knife ewk fro g h mcmicbvsl f d no63nuglrast- busuonv teacuerscan make money during vacation by canvassing for one or more of our fast selling books and biblis especially history of crnad by w h wlthrow dd latest and best edition ever published prices low terms liberal vrite for illustrated circulars and terms wm brioos publisher toronto h williams co slaters felt roofers manufacturers and dealers in kxiflng mater ial and building papers etc omci 4 adelaide st east toronto proprietors of wllllair flat slats r of telephone 611 commercial education write for circulars from the largest commercial and shorthand college in canada over three hun dred pupils last year reopening monday sep 2nd 1889 addre canadian ltusintss university publlo library bulging toronto inos bskoooon ciias h brooks 1 president secretary and manager keep knitting machine send for illustrated catalogue aad thia advertisement witbyoororjerf or our new bibbek ad we wm allow you 010 fehiirn disooujri ajjdribs caeelman bros mfgs ceoruetown ont parties wishing to purchase improved manitoba farms from so acres upwards with immediate possession call or write to e i siaduom me- arthurs block main si winnipeg information furnished free of charge and settlers assisted la aklng ejection mxjictsi-x- ao loaist at cuuro ratxs o israssr allan line eoyal mall steamships sailing during winter from portland every thursday and halifax everysaturday to liverpool and in sum met from quebeo every saturday to liverpool calllnz at dooderry to land malls and passengers foi bcoavand and ireland also from baltimore via nail fax and 81 johns nf to liverpool fortnightly during summer months the steamers of the glas few mr sail daring winter to and from halifax ortland boston and philadelphia and during sum msr between glasgow and montreal weekly diss gow and boston weekly and glasgow and phlladel- phufortnlghtly r r for freight passage or other information apply lo a schumacher co baltimore 8 canard s co halifax shea ft co si johns nfld wm thomp son ft co st john n b allen 4 ooohlegaoi love ft alden new 7ork h boruller toronto i aliens rae ft co quebeo wm brookle fhfladek phia h a allen portland boston montreal wualfiy r0yc q dealers in 11 kinds oi musical instruments- agents tor the besson and hiqham band in struments tysheet music and music book manulaoturers of the imperial band instruments teat in the world eight tears guarantee send or illustrated catalogue psti and testimonials 283 yongest toronto jhe boiler inspection and insurance co of canada established for the prevention of steam boiler explo filon by propsrlojpdcuona sib alxxadsacaaipbsll k cmg ltqov of ontario president head office 2 toronto st toronto out consult ing engineers and solicitors of patents gbo c bobs chief engineer i a frisks keoy provident life and live stoek ass n chief office room d arcade toronto canada incobpobevted a mutual benefit association horid investmestbypaylngto the abovs association onk ueni per day a person aged twentytwo and two cents per day a person aged fortifour can secure five dollars per veek while disabled through slcknsss or accident also for two and throe cents por day persons aged as above can secure for their dependants five hundred dollars in event of death 11 ve stock owveks can provide against lost by death through disease oraeddnt of their stock at easy rates those interested send for prospectuses etc reliable agents wanted in unrepresented dis tricts r wimiim jfohks managing director engravj ng j lijones ltfu engraver purposes toronto canada beaveb lin ste sailing weekly between mvxtkktl and myexfo salooon tickets 10 s50 and s64 return tickets tso 9c and 8110 according to steamer and acoommndation intermediate 930 round trip tickets 960 steerage 920 apply to if s murray general uanagor cauda ship pins sjo 1 ccsrou houss 83ojrs uostkiil or local apenbi in all towns and cities puritt and strength combined in thb empire powder mjsnoacurfcd by ellis keigmey toronto agents wanted ar write us at once if yon wish aa agnor tho universal cooklnfc crock mpersedea all other tttewto ood boluntc cooking utenu if yon want employment or a xonboraliug acid proof kettle send tar circular fully explaining its i mnd construction rmembar this is standard article not 4 novelty the keoond oanrasslsottea more successful than th flrax f tarbox bros 611 kingst w toronto ps wc are canaolu agents for the selfwrlntfng mopo sample mop wringer and cloth 85o of 13 to 40 horsepower wp l08s ml held up for wot qf show take your saw mill to the logs by purchasing one of our portable saw mills most pracisca efficient and economical hills built send for circulars waterou3 j engine works company bxtantford wmtflpeg