Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 13, 1889, p. 4

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55s tggexamlne lour address label the number on the label is the one to which you are paid up the receipt of your renewal is acknowledged by the change of the number on the label keep your subscription paid in ad vance the year ended last march and if you have not renewed you oiccv a dollar the tribune stouffville sept 13 1889 john l sullivan wants to bo a member of congress one thing is certain that his morals cannot be much corrupted by contact with that body it is a matter of doubt whether he oc cupy a seat in legislative halls where laws are made or in jackson prison when laws are enforced if ho can get there as successfully at the polls as he did in the ropes and can make jaws that he himself cannot break ho ought to make a model congressman v the great boat race is over and the championship of the world as well as a pile of canadian gold goes to austra lia of course every loyal canadian sympathized with oconnor wanted him to win for the honor of the thing even if he had no money hazarded on the result it is 10 be supposed that the next contest will take place in australia as it is not at all likely that searle will peddle the championship around two hemispheres as hanlan did speaking of hanlan reminds one what a wonderful number of admirers he gained while he continued to win races as ho did so regularly and so easily and again how quickly he was dropped when he couldnt scull fast enough to sustain his reputation although even yet there are those who think he could yet hold his own if he would brace up the following effusion from the pen of a pupil in the public school is worth preserving it may be an ac cidental rhyme or perhaps a second goldsmith has been discovered cer tainly in skill and correctness it is above the average the exercise was was changing thl subjectmatter of sentences preserving the structure throughout the example was two well known hues from the deserted village beside yon straggling fence that skirts the way the village master taught his little school after passing through the boys hands it read thus near the red town hall that decks the street the armvcaptaiii wet her little feet it is needless to say hat this answer brought down the house washington letter engineer wellington has made an exhaustive report on the toronto waterfront question he proposes a grand union station at the foot of par liament block and a four track viaduct along the esplanade it seems likely that soma such scheme must soon be adopted to meet the growing demands of the railway traffic toronto is growing wonderfully and ail ontar- ians are proud of her but it must be een that she is absorbing some of the bert rawn brain and money from the rural districts many a town that once had urfwn ambition is at a standstill or on thedecline with numerous empty houses aud roachineless factories on account of the superior shipping facili ties of termite it is not so many- years ago that it was known as muddy little york and many a man still liviug has anything but pleasant memories of a lonely drive with oxen up to their knees in mud through a winding road in the forest with the howling of wolves for music instead of the scream of the locomotive truly the progress of toronto has been phenomenal when you notice unpleasant sensa- ions after eating at once commence the use of northrop lj mans vege table discovery and your dyspepsia will disappear mr james stanley merchant at constance writes my wife has taken two bottles of northrop i- lymans vegetable discovery for dyspepsia and it has done her more good than anything she has ever ned frotu our regular correspondent washington sept 2 1889 an important cabinet meeting was held saturday and the result of it will probably be that no session ot congress will be called before the regular meet ing in december this has not jet formally been announced by the presi dent from the fact that it is the pur pose not to close up the question before all the party leaders have a chance to express themselves but the matter is looked upon as practically settled by all the secretaries who were present secretary tracy stated that it was as good as assured that no such call woud be issued and representative peters of kansas was advised to that effect when he asked for light upon the sub ject secretary tracy was the leader of the opposition to the extra session idea the rest of the cabinet had somehow become persuaded that there was going to be one anyhow aud the ruler of the navy was a little lonely at thcouutart he took the incontrovertible ground that if there was goicg to be a pro tracted deadlock a months additional time would be of no consequence any how if no deadlock occurred there would be plenty of time anyhow as the discussion proceeded it was dis covered that none of the conspicuous party leaders have pointedly urged an extra session while several like major mckinley had protested against it this proved to be tho turning point of sentiment if the president called an extra session the responsibility would be entirely with him as those party leaders who had expressed themselves at all were opposed to it those who remember the bright round face and the plump figure of little mollie garfield when she was ten or thereabouts will recognize her in the young wite and mother mrs stanley brown who will come with cool weather to live permanently in washington it was a romantic mar riage that of mrs garfields only daughter and the courtship commenc ed way back in the campaign of 80 when mollie wore short gowns and played with dolls and stanley brown was the private and confidential sec- rotary of president garfield the prying public with true world ly cynicism would never believe that their course ot love ran smooth soa few months before the wedding when mrs garfield aud her daughter were abroad selecting the trousseau the wildest rumors were current ot the marriage having been broken off but the wedding put a quietus on these their honeymoon was spent abroad and their first six months of married life was passed in that delightfully crops injwitoba 31st 1s8 romantic old town of heidelburg oxpresident cleveland is not consider- herc hkre 000 bags- na 1 quil- ed a valuable card by ummer hotel ity just arrived at the spofltotd bar- proprietors there is more money to gain house selling at closer prices i the speculator in baby mckee than in than other stores sell the 2nd grade j the entire cleveland family l where mr brown pursued a course at the university during the coming winter ihe browns will occupy their little home on massachusetts avenue nearly opposite mrs dahlgrens whicli for tho past few years has been ten anted by mr and mrs george ken nan and it is in the little library upstairs where surrounded by his books and stock of siberian curios that most of mr kcnnans interesting papers for the century have been penned the browns will probably belong to the literary circle of the capital mrs garfields penchant for this is well known and mrs brown has not only had her mothers influence but until his death that of her father who pos sessed a fine literary mind so that the kennans will have worthy successors in the little gray house on massachu setts avenue the unwearied chestnutbroker has discovered once more that the secre tary of state is about to retire from the cabinet it would be a very chilly day when the same veracious chronicler of great mens doings could not send mr blaine on some jurney he never thought of taking it would be quite in accord with the secretarys way of doing things of course to make all the preparations for a pan- american congress and have every- thing relating thereto in encouraging shape after vears of energetic effort and then to step out just before he is to see his plans realized it is remarkable how soon a family loses what might be called its market able value after it falls from power publishers no longer make handsome offers to rose elizabeth cleveland photographers have left off importun ing mrs clevelaud for sittings and beasdon aug deu cousin only that i have been so very busy for the past month i would have written you sooner but possibly the delay has not been detrimental to my object which was largely to con tradict the ideas of many of your eastern editors of their would be fiiends their ideas or object in pub lishing so many little squibs regarding our great north west and its immense wheat fields it is truly astonishing to anyone who knows what a crop of srhyat is here now to bo seen to speak for itself onlv last week mrs s and i drove four miles north of tho city and we were in the midst of eight hundred aews of wheat then just about all in stooks we drove across tho stubble and when in the centre we stopped and all we could see was wheat and the tops of three houses why talk about wheat its my firm belief that it would tiro out the best horse you can scare up down there to carry you around and see as much wheat as you can see here in less than one hours drive from the city it is needless for me to say the ladies were delighted for not only was the sight of so many thousand stooks of grain marvellous to them but the large clean fields with row after row of these golden stooks in such perfect lines for view them either way straight or across it does seem wonderful what regularity there is even in setting up the sheaves if i mention the names of the farmers all of whom you know you will seo they are old ontario farmers who understand their business frst comes hy nichol 800 acres nathaniel reid 140 acres wm nichol 140 acres jno ramshaw 50 acres this last gentle man only came to the country this spring so his crop was small he has over 100 acres broken and backset ready for next year j w sandison has 200 acres here and hs 400 more on his other farm all these men with many more are of one opinion re on tario farming vs manitoba farming and they in one voice say manitoba for ever and i tell you there are more right with them every time for i vis ited many of the good farms in york county this spring as also i did a year ago and each time only convinces me more and more that manitoba is the place now while i am saying all this i mav sav this year we are only having about half a crop the drought has been very severe as there was no rain all june and july and in fact there was only just a shower all mar aud the heat has been severe on all crops more so on the very light land but this goes only to prove that we can grow grain here rain or no rain now as to qualityit promises to be the best sample ever grown and our wheat buyers all sav it will go from 62 to 63 lbs to the bushel thus showing that it is a good quality so where the edi tors of your ontario papers get their information from re our manitoba crop beats me probably they are troubled with nightmare if they heard of some englishman farmer who lives on a sandy farm with one or two sloughs near by and after the close season for duck shooting turned their attention to farming 1 think it would boa good thing for the editors to club to gether and have an excursion up here such as the doctors of toronto and montreal have been enjoying for the past month for seeing is believing and again peeing they could never write as many of them do oh uoi am not down on editors no no i know if people would pay for their papers as they should do that they would have a fund on hand whereby they could gather correct news and so make their columns newsy with cor rect information instead of just thank ing folks for some little article for them to fill up with i dont care for editors and less for their papers filled with such in them i just take them for old time sake and to see what rid- i iculcus things they will say about us next i never sav the prairie so parched and dry before but have seon it fresh er in everv way the first of october than it was this year on the first of for one month we will give the following induce ments to cash buyers 10 cts off every dollar in dry goods ready made clothing crockery ancl glassware 13 lbs light sugar for 1 10 lbs granulated sugar for 1 tea at prices never before heard of everything in stock will be reduced to prices to please every body a special sale every thursday please step in and you will see we mean just what we say- s- m warriner the leader stouifville o we are sending from this section chiefly a car of manitoba exhibits i think they arc to go first to toronto industrial and thence to many of the smaller fairs owing to the very short time given to gather these they are not as good nor as many as there might otherwise have been but think it will surprise many of the farmers there after readirgthe squibs previous ly spoken of better tell your town paper man crops in manitoba are very fair and we expect to export ten million bushels of wheat out of our 89 crop yours as ever g silvester catarrh catarrhal deafness hay fever a new howe trertiyient sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved ti to be a fact and the result is that a simple re medy has been formulated whereby catarrh catarrha deafness and hay fever are perman ently cured in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks n bkor catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by a h dixon son 303 west king street toronto canada scientific american sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully notice i will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name without my written order philip cook ringwood aug 29th 1s89 7981 for sale or to rent a house and lot in stouffville eai of mr henry johnsons on th 1st the premises are good stables and good fruit 12 apple trees 11 plum trees etc apply to mrs a yake stouffvillesept5th 8082 cider making ftihe subscriber in returning thanks for previous patronage announces that having purchased one of the most celebrated boomer bokhert presses is prepared to do custom cider making at his residence lot 81 8th con markham in a quicker and more per fect manner than at any time hereto fore the cider being pressed through cottou cloth is entirely free from deleterious matter and tho yiwld much greater the cider is purer ard will keep better than when made by the old methods he invites inspection the mill will be open tor business on monday sept 9th ifcs9 for the first two weeks he will manufacture on mondays wednesdays and fri- days and for the remainder of the season on every week day except saturday afternoon joseph ramer ringwood sept 2 18s9 errors of youth tf jkss swah sp remedy justreceived five more half chests of that 35ct japan tea which every body says cant be equalled we guarantee to give satisfaction both in prices qual ity in every line of teas a g- brown telephohe store doo read this but call at hamiltons and but your tobaccos and cigars in town stationery canned goods oysters fruit etc pipes and pipe mounts and the best brands op toysfacy goods and pocket knives in endless variety wr jremember the place hamiltons first door east of station chutw1kcs august therefore hay is riher scarce- compared to other years although there is lots to do us nicely it will possibly 6 a dollar or two higher though- artcincco noegel pxc3yiujls00 heverkn0wht0faht0 2 srr- sul lonet vul lu boh fa ciajrf lie tst smssm txadcmaic slxfmssjx arrived forty five cases of boot ioe arrived at d stoufter cos with more to follow hortlv executors notice in the matter of the etute of john fockler late of the village of stouffville in the county of york who died on or about the 5th day of october 1888 all persons having claims against the said john fockler are hereby notified that they are to tend on or before the firstilay ofdecemlier ad 1889 to nicholas j armstrong one of the executors of the deceased their christian names and surnames address and description the full particulars if their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security held by them afler or in default thereof they will be excluded from any wrntfit coming fnirn ssimi estate the execotore alter said dale will proceed to distribute said i-stati- nnd no persons whose names are not sent in will have any share in the said distribn- tlod dated this 30th dar ot august 18s9 xjebojasj armstrong i henry dickson address stouffville p 0 out execiitois

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