Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 13, 1889, p. 3

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young polks polly pitobeb- by mab polly pitcher nil child of modest rtein and manners mdd she bad alas oce habic bad which made her parent very tad the contcquences of her folly were very awful to poor polly when polly waa a babygirl her ear were like two shells of pearl 8weet little things of pinkyred that nestled either side her head alas that pretty ears to winning should be so pnuished for their sinning i as polly grew she tried to bear all conversation far and near aqpvlistened to each whispered sound of atcreta told when she was ronnd she strained her ears to hear folks talking when she was sitting down or walking her ears soon both began to grow and get quite large sha listened so bat still she tried with all her might to hear eaoh sonnd from morn to night r and every word of can don scorning she listened noon and night and morning her ears it last tremendous grew and oer her head stood np in view and when her parents finally put her to bed to cure her she accepted meekly this correction but cocked her ears in their direotion i j and now her punishment she found for her big ears heard every sound throughout the world and in her room i she heard- great cannon in jcbartoum i and the small song of the mosquito j in south america at qoito amid this din she tossed about o ril and nearly def ened by the rout she begged the doctor take the shears r and out off both her monstrous ears it 1 bui oh alas 1 twas not by shearing poor polly lost her powerful hearing for while she orieda soldiergay pa a big gun fired iniar cathay whose mighty thunder it appears craoked both the drums of pollys ears r she then remarked in accents oheering that shed become quite hard of hearing her useless ears now grew so small gj that boon she bad no ears at all jjjc 2k and so a mournful life she led with a poor little earless head and she who once bad been so jolly was thenceforth very melancholy all little pitchers with big ears should let this tale excite their fears to have nice ears its moat important they shouldnt listen when they oughtnt theyll keep their hearing and grow richer if they aie warned by polly pitcher pl0welfljdie3 a charming little game to be played by charming little children did any of yon little people ever play flower ladies i have made many inquiries and never found any children but those of my own family who knew about the game it was tho delight of my childhood and now that 1 am grown np and cannot play it myself and have no babies of my own to teach it to i begin to fear that the beautiful game will be lost it began in this way i lived with my sister when we were little down ever so far down in louisiana so near the gulf of mexico that when the evening breczas blew we could smell the salt seaair it was on a sugar plantation on the left of the big square white house in which we lived was the garden it cover ed four or five aoresv and was inclosed with hedges of pyracanth covered with sweet white bloaaoms in the spring and bnnohes of red berries in the autumn where the garden sloped down to the widej sleepy brown bayou was a long row of banana trees that rustled in the wind their great satiny green leaves which served ua tor hats and flags and even for letterpaper for we wrote notes on them with thorns out of the hedge above the bananas on jbhe qreati of the blope was a row of picayune- roso bushes with their myriads of dear little miniature blossoms and then there waa all the big beautiful garden it waa laid ont in beds of every shape imaginable with walks between covered with white shells but it was not a prim formal garden at all for we were allowed to do anything we wished there and i think it must have been beoauso we loved it so and lived in it so much that we invent ed the play of flower ladles to suit the place and give os an excuse for staying there twaea place of perjuintsj t am sure you never saw as ours did they rioted every whoro without oheok they climbed np in the trees and spread over the walks and bloomed out into thousands and thousands of roses all at once almost as many at christmas time as in the spring then there were tho sweet olive trees and tbieo kinds of magnolia treesiand every sort of jasmine and japan plum j trees when they all bloomed flora ann the bid native african negro used to say that tho garden wuzdea laminated dhl 9iu hii this was tho way we played we gath ered roses with stems about two inches long and set them down on their petals and any one oan see in a minute that they then become beautiful ladies with toll slender figures lovely pink or iorimson satin or velvet skirts and little groon overaklrts tho men were thorns from the hedge whioh stood up very nicely when stuck in the ground or else they were bits of stick but they were rather stiff and unbending were these gentlemen and really played a very insignificant part in the flower ladles households the houses in whioh the ladies lived were of the very simplest orohlteoturo jast bits of stick or blades of grata laid together in rqnarea to inclose rooms and halls a green leaf made a pretty bed and tiny flat pebbles furnishod beautiful ohalre then a chip served excellently for a grand mahogany iablo and nponvery small mud pies frost yii with sand and mud chocolate custards in acorn onps and loaves of mad bread tho flower ladies lived luxuriously oar ladles were divided into two tunilles my sisters family always bore the surname of grey and mine was called graham the big solfaterre rosea with the thick loose petals were the grandmothers beoauso they had wide laps for the babies to rest npon the common damssk rose were nice comfort able mothers who were careful lest the children should get their feet wet and always had ready lovely mad plea for the children when they come home from school the olotre dt france rose were the sweet young aunts named mabel or irene and the mossrose and oldfashioned thornrotes were the uglytempered aunts called jane or mario there was s rose bash that bore very long slender white buds and one of these buds because it couldnt stand np well was always a girl named kate who had hurt her spine lying on the orangeleaf sofa she bore her sufferings with touching fortitude next came the children the grays and grahams had very large families the picayune roses came in here the fullest- blown kind being the eldest girls of about twelve and from these they went down through various ages to the tiny tiny bud that was the newborn baby rocked to sleep in a velvety rose leaf and so sensitive that all the little flower children hod to tread lightly for fear of waking her suoh lovely times those greys and gra hams bad 1 they went sailing on a big magnolia leaf in the garden ditoh or visited each other driving np in a bananaleaf carriage or danced at big balls or gave splendid dinnerparties perhaps the best inn of all were the christenings and the burials when the gray and graham babies were old enough everybody drove to the grand church bnut for the occasion and there they were baptized the font was a white roseleaf filled with water and there was always so muoh excitement over choos ing a name for the new baby and such a supper afterwards with quantities of christening oupa of acorn ware coming in every moment that there wasnt anything but a funeral that was nearly as tntarestine when somebodys stem broke or the leaves dropped off which happened frc quently the body was carefully wrapped in a banana- leaf and hauled away to the grave in a japanplum leaf hearse and there were sermons and hymns and the flower ladies cried dreadfully and didnt give any more parties for a long time j when we were kept in the house by rain a servant went out with an umbrella and fetched us in lots of roses and then we played flower ladies in more artificial stylo the furniture was made of pasteboard of a kind with which every little girlie fa miliar t all the family wore dresses cut from tissue paper just oval pieces with a little hole in the middle to put the stems through the childrens school dresses were simply pieces of plain paper but their elders wore elaborate oostumes out in openwork patterns a sort of laoe overdress through whioh the pink or red satin skirts could be seen while mamma and grandmamma were supposed to cut out those beautiful frocks the children were at school and irene and mabel the kind- aunts bat at the little seashell piano and sang one of these two songs which seemed to be the only ones they knew j over the far blue mountain over the white sea foam come thon long parted one come to thy home 1 gayly the troubadour tonohed bis gnitar as he waa hastening home from the war singing from palestine gladly i roam ladylove ladylove weloome me home 1 the great charm of this play waa that everything could be swept away in a mo ment there was no trouble of putting away playthings and then everything was fresh and new eaoh day we used roses because we had so many all the year but crocuses or daffodils or daisies and red olovers make nearly as lovely flowor ladies felizbeth bisland in st nloholas strongly defended sir g baden- powell in a vigorously writ ten letter to the london times dofenda the new canadian route to the east against the oriticism of sir george campbell and others he points out in the first place that it is to be supplementary to the penin sular and oriental companys route not its rival and shows by figures how muoh can be bald in its favor to japan for instance tho journey will be made in 22 days instead of 41 aa by the p and 0 to shanghai in 28 instead of 34j it will reaoh hong kong as soon as the other ronte bat adds sir g badenpowell comparisons are odious and unnecessary and then he points out that owing to the rapidity with which british trade in the paclflo is advancing there is not only room but positive need for incroased accommodation for the in creased traffic j pef raining from saying anything of the new routes military facip ities as obvious heipolnt out the advan tages that it will offer for malls passengers and light trffb how lb will open up can ada including british columbia and the whole pacific to british trade bring us near er to ohr klnsmetj in anstralla and give an alternative tradeand mart route that will bo simply invaluable in oaeo of a european il i bis salmon catoh i it was mentioned the other day that the british columbia salmon catoh this year has exceeded that of any previous year and that tho catoh in the fraser alone has been greater than the largest oatoh ever made in all the other british columbia rivers put together in one season the whole business was effected in about a month in the seoond week of jnly the sookoyes as the salmon aro called commenced to run and the fraser was soon literally allva with them the boats pat oat and returned to the canneries loaded with their silvery spoil no less than 375000 cases equal at fortyeight cans to the oaso to 13200000 cans hve been put down on tho fraser and itls calculated that throughout the province 425000 oases or 20400000 cans will yield in addition salted salmon has been prepared in vast quantities by tho middle of august the work was practically over tho value of the yield is throe million dollars a good ronnd sum the receipt of which in british columbia will help business materi ally tommy to the bashlnl young man calling on sister hello mr blush yoa aint caught yet are you t mr blush caught 1 why what do you mean my little man tommy nothing only sister said the fool- killer would catoh yoa one of these days how to select a wife- good heolta good morals good sense and good temper are the four essentials for good wife these are the indispensable after them come the minor advantages of good looks accomplishments family posi tion etc with the first four married life will be comfortable and happy licking either it will be in more or less degree a failure upon good health depends largely good temper and good looks and to some extent good sense also a the best mind mast be effected more or less by the weak nesses and whims attendant on frail health young man if your wife is falling into a state of invalidism first of all things try to restore her health if she is troubled with debilitating female weaknesses buy dr pierces favorite prescription it will cure her a corner lot the community of italian fruitvenders an ngly complexion made nellie a fright her face was all pimply and red though her features were good and htr blue eyes were brigh what a plain girl is nellie 1 they said bat now as by magic plain nellie has grown as fair aa an artists bright dream her face is as sweet as a flower newblown her oheeka are like peaches and cream as nellie walks out in the fair morning light her beauty attracts every eye and as for the people who called her a fright why nellie is handsome they cry and the reason of the change is that nellie took dr pierces golden medical dlsoovery which regulated her liver cleared her complexion made her blood pure her breath sweet her face fair and rosy and removed the defects that bad obscured her beauty sold by druggists in of the nearly seven hundred physicians practising in san franoisco fifty six are wo men oh 1 why shonld the spirit of mortal be proud we nave often wondered why and have conbluded that we dont know unless it be that the aforesaid mortal is conscious of the fact that at his disposal at all times are dr pierces pellets to relieve him should he suffer from torpidity of the liver slok or nervona headache dyspepsia constipation etc druggists the turtle mountain region thousands of acres of choice free govern ment land now open for settlers in the turtle mountain region of dakota here was raised the wheat that took first premium at new orleans exposition rich soil timber in mountains good schools churches congenial society for further information maps rates etc apply to b i whitney gp ta st p m m by st paul minn or j m hnokins can pass agt toronto scotts emulsion of pure god liver oil hypophosphites and almost a palatable as milk so disguised iliat the most delicate stomach can take it bemarkable as a flesh rttouvceb fersotim g a ix rap idly while taking it 8cotts emulsion is acknowledged by phy sldana to be the finest and best preparation ot its class or the relief of consumption scrofula general debility wanting diseases of children and chronic coughs sold by all druggists 60e and 100 ciralph bcskess college gnelpta jr ont the slxtn scholastic year begins spt sad an art ipartnent his been added id which drawing and wooccarvldg wil be taught bv the mostroted specialist in the dominion oar short hand department has accomplished phenomenal re sults we lead the van in practical education iljuccormick principal ayo u r n am eon ttds fan and reaea stanrp i with bottle otlnk aa ease ssc ft toss per day rmads by ut agents send tbo for earn pis and terms i tfce camadlam itnlj w mam ce- it 4djahs bkmt soat jtaattoalbb paper beater lin ste saliinz weeily between sloxtresx and lie befool saloon tickets 10 50 and 60 return tickets js0 s90 and 8110 accordioe to steamer and accommodation intermediate 8s0 round trip tickets 60 steerage 20 apply to ii e jicrit av general manager canada ship- slngco rcobtom houslt socaei mostbkal or ilccal afcontsln all towns and cities engraving yq jljones wood engravr oi 1- v oking street east pukfosr i or0nt0 canada merchants butchers and traders generally yiii we want a good man in your locality to ploknp or us gash furnished on satisfactory guaranty address htds park vermont 0 s the book of lubon a man without wisdom lives in a fools paradise a treatise especially written for diseases of man containing faots for men of all ages 1 should be read by old middle aged and soung men proven by the sale of half a million to be the most popular because written in language plain forcible and instructive practical present ation of medical common sense valuable to invalids who are weak nervous and ex hausted shoeing new means by whioh they may be onred approved by editors critics and the people sanitary social science subjects also gives a description of spec fia no 8 the great health eenewer marvel of healing and kohinoor of medi cines it largely explains the mysteries of life by its teachings hjalth may be main tained the book will teaoh yon how to make life worth living if every adnlt in the civilized world would read understand and follow our views there would be a world of fhysicial intellectual and mora giants this book will be found a truthful presentation of faots calculated to do good the book of lubon the talisman of health i brings bloom to the ohoek strength to the body and joy to the heart it is a message to the wipo and otherwise lubonsspeci fio no8i tho spirit of health those who obey the laws of this book will be crowned i with a fadeless wreath vast numbers of men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of lnbons specific nj 8 all men who are broken down from averwor or other causes not mentioned in the above should send for and read this valuable treatise which will be sent to any address sealed en receipt of ten cents in stomps address all orders to m v lubon room 15 60 frontstreet e toronto canada i i i no vi riilvi it ap467 the albert toilet soap coys as tho largest sale of any toilet soap in the country on account of its uni formly excellent delioate and frag rant qualities plate qlass delivered anywhere in canada lowest prices largest stock mccausland son 72 to 76 king street west toronto concentrated nourishment is supplied by barkers shorthand school 45 king street east toronto formerly arorer five yei principal ot the shorthand institote in eon- section with the canadian bafines university 2pmititig department onler the oaniirement ot t gboege bbkqouoa af eat tor the beminetoa typewriter apply tor circular mention this paper in writing artificial limbs for cutcclak address j doan co korthcote ave toronto ont m large tsuni or 1tcu8t fundstouuststerf low rote or interest on flrsac class security apply to j beatty ghadwigk biackstock gal barristers and solicitors wsulnftob 81 cor church over bank et lenatst toronto ont c401ce farms for sale ik all parts of manitoba parties wishing to purchase improved manltcta farms from 80 acre upwards with lmnndlaw possession all cr write to s i madison mo- arthurs bim main st wlnniper information furnished tree ol charge and settlers assisted to making selection at cosbkst hint or ihtsust allan line royal mau steamships sailing during winter from portland everytbursday and halifax every saturday to liverpool and in sum mer from quebec every saturday to liverpool calling at londonderry to land malls and passengere for scotland ind ireland also from baltimore via hall fax and si johns n f to liverpool fortnightly during summer months the steamers ot the glas gow tines sail during winter to and from haliffax portland boston and philadelphia and during sum mer between glasgow and montreal weekly glasgow and boston weekly and glasgow and philadelphia ortnlghtly for freight passage or other information apply a sohumacher ft co baltimore 8 ounard ou halifax shea co st johns nfltt wm ihomp cbloago ito lortnlghtly for freight passage or other information apply to a sohumacher ft co baltimore s ounard a co halifax shea co st johns nad son co st john n b allen k oo love k aldeh new york j h bouriler toron allans rao ft co queboo wm brookle phlladel phlatha allen portland boston montreal 9jlk provident life and live stoek assoen chief office room d arcade t0r0ht0 canada incorporated a nvtuaii benefit assocn boiid investment by paying to the above association one cbnr pkr day a person aged twentvtwo and two cents per day a person aged fortyfour can secure five dollars per week while disabled through sickness or accident also for two and three oente per day persons aged as above can secure for their dependants five hundred dollars in event of death uvk stock ownebscan provide against loss by death through disease or accident ot their stock at easy rates those interested send forprospectues etc reliable agents wanted in unrepresented dis tricts wixuam jouks managing director patents procured patent attorneys and experts est d 1867 donald c it irtont co toron to bicycles iso secondhand 1 send for list a xla ne moirtssaii qui cancer and tumor specialist private hospital no klfe hook frra ch kcm1chaki md no 69 nltgara st buttuo n v rpfeaoiiebs can mane money duilng vacation i by canvassing for one or more ot our fast selling books and bibles especially history of canada by w h wlthrow dd latest and best edition ver frabushod prices low terms liberal write for llustrated circulars and terms wm briqq3 publisher toronto wondekfiji water cures diabetes w j raymond journalist boston mass says was troubled with incipient diabetes indiges tion to tried freely all the famed waters of europe and america but absolute relief and cure was wrought in me by st leon mineral water true if need freely and persevered in si leon never falls to effect lifelong lasting cures patent mixtures arc as trash a momentary 1 elusive com pared with natures pure essence he sixteen ele ments of life to the body the work of age and evolved by hydrogen gas from deep mineral caverns to earths bosom what an amazng study i fresh lite springing from the cleft rock to restore suffering humanity from this grand tprlog flowing life vto trace compassion on a sick fallen race the st icon mineral watr co ltd toronto montreal quebec 4 a dorenwend toronto manufacturer ot hair goods for everybody lidies bangs waves wigs switches oto gents wigs tonpeeseto tho largest house for nalr goods in canada goods ordered by mall guaranteed as satlsfactoryasby per sonal selectloo send for description dorenwends paris hairworks 103 105 yongo st toronto canada the rupcer bicycles are english machine and acknowledged the ill lie ln the world send to v h ip davies o church st tn- n lor illustrated catalogue and second hand list budge light roadster ony 6iz3 8050oi il bicyclotte safety 05uo special bargains in second hand wftccls during hits moutli stud for lut dontfail to see orir exhibit ait the toronto industrial exhibition liti during september merisviit3jit4piievgrydescriptioii u wmacsstrltiffery g uns glothi ng ormgodds hardwaref tt irrice25cehtso upbnlsppltrationj charlesstarkcgmpany it vkj5xijthst s o rontomj- iliwimiwiiii a3 3a tecozsxsez oobxpan over 3gooooo it c hacdoxaxn and capital sir vi p h0wland preaiaeitt 7m elliot e hooper wr rrf m sawmbll encines gang mills band saw millsi heavy circular mills with steel carriages smivglte lath and vkneeb mnclilnea lihk belting ioar blcvalors conveyers carriers waterou8 li engine works co brantfobo canada jttsa rt- j

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