Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 16, 1889, p. 4

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exullne four address label jizeron th label is the one to w you are paid up tkerccnptof v renewal is acknowledged by the ihange of the number on the label keep your subscription paid advance year ended last march and tf you aot rawed you ow us a dolla the tribune th have stouffville aug 16 1889 no 1 vi j the present agitation in ontario for the abolition of race privileges and the consequent scrutiny that has been ap plied to our public and separate schools has led to the announcement that the manitoba government intends to mod ify its educational policy and put those tair rrder the management of a or education there can be that this is a step in the iltion but the statement that gvc j vill abolish separate schools yil since to do so would be to 1 i5 british north america act bich governs this matter such amendment is undoubtedly necessary and will some day be effected but it will have to be called for by an unmis takable vote of the electors and it re mains to be seen how long it will take this fair canada of ours to shake off party trammels and put herself in the way of becoming a united and harmon ious nation the question of justice of trial by jury and weight to be attached to cir cumstantial evidence has again been brought into great prominence bv the now famous case of mrs maybrick in london courts briefly etted the case is as follows mrs maybrick was the pretty and accomplished wife of a liverpool merchant in march last she visited a man named brierey in london which aroused the suspicion of her husband and a violent quarrel was the result soon alter this maybrick was taken ill although previously a strong healthy man and the doctors proceeded to treat him for one disease and another until they thought he ex hibited symptoms of arsenical poison ing but not until he had sampled al most every drug known to the british pharmacopoeia about che time of the first illness it was proved that the prisoner had purchased flypaper con taining arsenic which she was seen soaking in water traces of the pois on were found in bottles around the house and it is supposed some of it found its way into the bottles of medi cine a letter was produced in court written by mrs m to brierly in which she stated that m was sick unto death although he managed ip hold out tor- a week the jury evidently thought the evidenco complete and un less the home secretary interferes she will be hanged on aug 26th fred graham 38 yds gravel placed on 8th con 2 66 1hos hodgson 29 yds gravel for townline east 2 03 jos walker 135 yds gravel for road division 1 and 2 con 9 9 45 l g jackson printing and blankforms 7 00 a b davidson apportioning clergy reserve interest to schools 1 96 samuel philips 150 feet cedar for road purposes 4 50 the reeve building bridges 109 18 jas j hunter presented a claim of 300 for oue lamb killed by dogs resolutions were passed ordering the treasurer to pay the several bills presented appropriating 25 on the townline east provided the council of uxbridge granted an equal amount also the sum of 75 on townline north provid ed the council of east gwillimbury expend a like amount thereon authorizing the treasurer to pay to the order of the reeve the amount necessarily expended in repairing marsh bridge on con 8 and for lum ber furnished yor bridges by woodcock andramsden appointing councillor widdifield and mr thomas brown township engineer to examine the unopened portion of the sideline between lots 15 and 16 concession 4 and report to the council at its next meatting the probable cost of opening the same tor public travel ordering the treasurer to pay jas j hunter twothirds damages for one lamb killed by dogs and one dollar to thos far mor onehalf expense of plac- ing guard rails on bridge on town- line south accepting the securities offered by the collector confirming the action of the reeve in taking im mediate action in rebuilding the bridges destroyed by the freshet granting the sum of 50 to jas murphy on condition that he gives the council proper release of all claims for damages caused or hereafter caused by the fill on the 6th conlina backing water on lotl4con6 authorizing the reeve to repair the hills on the musselman lake road bylaws were passed levying the rates required by t he county 2076- 73 being eleven cents on the 100 for general purposes of the township and the amounts required by the trustees of the several school sections council adjourned to meet at ballan- ouibuildings cestify the soil ospry to to the goodness of the south is not nientsto cash buyers 10 cts off every dollar in dry goods ready made clothing- crockery and glassware 13 lts light sugar for si 10 ibs granulated sugar for 1 tea at prices never before heard of everything- in stock will be reduced to prices to please every body nearly so godmore stone uidsnouner j ra q1 g tfjq followhlg inuce- frost being there and the two villages vwajesvv feversham and maxwell are small places this part of the country seems a hot bed of methodism there are three good brick parsonages and ten churches within the bonds of couingwood town ship the town of the same name is not in the township more than all othor denominations put together paul h as four appointments on his circuit one of which for wealth and intelligence i s not easily surpassed by any purely rural society in our work david i hunter r s- and local preacher is a good specimen of a live scotchman he shows what methodism can do for that race graft a scotchman on to meth odism and almost invariably the fruit is immense paul seems to love his work and his people and they seem to love him at the quarterly meeting service ten probationers were received into full membership coming home we rode over colling wood mountain from whose summit is presented the finest view it has ever been my privilege to see spread out before you are the whole of nottawa- sagabay the town of couingwood christian island and the townships of tiny floss sunnidale nottawasaga and almost to barrie i passed through a number of vil lages and towns but in all put together i did not see so many houses being built as there are at the present time in the village of stouffville geo flint jr a special sale evert thursday 3t please step in and you will see we mean just what we say- w arriner the leader errors of youth cweynthhauhs swans specific remedy wool wanted ohmywihcs agents waited tiae on the 12th day of october a trip north whitchurch council pursuant to adjournment council mot at ballantraeon saturday august 3rd 1880 members all present reeve in the chair minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed from county clerk certificate of countyrates as follows for general purposes 2129 94 for school teachers d73 00 for industrial home 478 82 petition from mr john vannostrand and 87 others asking the cmcil to complete the opening of sideline be tween lots 15 and 1g con 4 stewart walkcrcollcctor submitted the names of george walker jasbugg and daniel mcdonald as his sureties the reeve reported that he had tak en immediate action to rebuild the bridges that were destroyed by the freshet in july the treasurer presented an abstract statement of the township accounts for the half year ending on the last day of june which showed a balance of 15291ol township account and 305 go dog tax account by tilman reesor 116 yds of gravel being one half the amount placed on townline south 11 60 jos young filling washout on hid con 2 25 richard thomas at yds gravel got by c thompson 2 3s homy ticaly 58 yds gravel used on 8th con 2 92 a h caincs placing 38 yds gravel on sideline botvcoh lots 20 and 21 as per in- structions of council 17 10 for the tribune on the 27th ult we charlie and i boarded the n r r at toronto to go to visit my brother paul methodist minister on the ravenna circuit the r r passes close to this thriving towns of aurora and newmarket and co allan- dale which is quite a junction as you approach the bay you see barrie just across which is beautiful for its situation it always makes me wish wheu i see it that we had a bay like it near stouffville new lowell is dis tinguished for the model farm with immense barns and stables of mr r hay of toronto in which he has in vested forty or fifty thousand dollars staynor has much improved since i was there last couingwood is a fine commercial town on a good harbour although suffering from the severe competition of owen sound hur- ontario is a noble stveot very wide and good blocks on each side the old market house is nearly as good as ours but they are building and expen sive one now the sawmills are on an extensive scale one cutting from go to 90000 feet per day we left the r it at thornburg which is pleasantly situated on georg- ina bay at the mouth of the beaver river clarksburg adjoins it to the southwest although not larger than mouffvillc still it is incorporated as a town here wo saw an old mongolia boy mr r thornton who runs the barber shop a ride of six miles up hill brings us to ravenna which is about in the centre of the township of couingwood it scorns like one long valley and one long hill from the parsonage can be seen the west part of couingwood and the cast parts of euphrasia and st vincent townships and away out on tho bay there arc few level farms but the trick houses and substantial a sure basis of popuiarity merit apparent to a cloud of witness es upon which the popularity of dr thomas eclcctric oil is founded throat and lung complaints pain sore- ness8tiffnes88wolling8burns and ail ments of various other kinds yield to the action of this speedy and safe rem edy history of british columbia from the earliest period to tle present time br hubert howe bancroft jsow ready complete in one volume with sectional maps plans nnd index a book full of startling incidents and thrill- ng romance a matchless work by in author of great repute and is also the only history of this section extant everywhere rhe im mense area covered by this volume is rapidly filling up with intelli gent and enterprising settlers who are making here their homes they all want to know the history of the country as well as their friends and those who have busi ness connections with them who do not go there here is a country as large as the united states and this volume mast ever constitute the foundation of its his tory from 5 to 20 a day car lie made by agents every one of the hundreds of thousands of people interested in thiscountrjand in the history of the world one part with another will buy this book it is wholly unbiased and though full of startling detail it is thor oughly sound practical and philoonhicftl jood- earnest ywprkcrs dsiring territory- should apply uityjuatately and in order to secure it instantly send 185 for a complete canvassing outfit and name choice of territory extra liberal terms guaranteed no experi ence or capital required as the book will sell itself if properly presented and we give our agents thirty days time in which to deliver and collect address the history co 723 market st sasf a scisco cat notice to creditors olf jonas lewis deceased i notice is hereby given in pursuance ot r s 0 1887 chap 110 sec 36 that nil persons having anv claims or demands against the estate of jonas lewis late of the village of stouffville in the county of yorkjentlcmandeccajtd who died on or about the 7th day of julv 1889 arc required to send to fred v hill esq solicitor for the executors of the said jonas lewis at the village of stouft- viileon or before the tenth day of septem ber 1889 a statement in writing of their numes and addresses and full particulars of such claims and demands and the nature and particulars of the securities if anyhcld by them aud notice is hereby ijivcn that after the last mentioned date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the saul deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any pari thereof so distributed to any person ot whose claim noticcshall not have been received at the time of such distribution dated stouffville aug 14th 1889 fredw ii ill solicitor for executors w b sanders y executors a s leaner j 7779 at the mt albert woollen mills for which the highest toronto prices will be paid or goods given inexchange r our stock of cloths flan nels yarns sheetings cover lids shawls bed and horse blankets etc etc is more complete than on any previous year and ve are now prepared to give our customers the very best value in exchange for their wool custom work in all its branch es as usual give us a call haih theaker formerly george haigh 6674 xa iany mana i who u weak nervous debilitated j vjbojabss folljr nd ignorance ha trt- curt weakness and eartydecayof mist nerves and body nervous prostration organic decarsmlnai losses weak mnorywasniirsixttlnetsof organs in success us cnahenged the adrolra- tfwi of erery doctr who has studied it it strikes at the very root of tub kvtl sold only by hwaiifl specific p 0 box isttoroxto nonbghnutnk without our tjtade mark pkicemjuuioo six fob 500 the sun life assurance company of canada assets 2 000 000 low rateslarge profit f to policy holders claims paid promptly thos- workman esq president r maculay managing director b j daley genera agent and inspector stoixffville qnt see the new raymond jbk hi baokaoho dreaarai dreams weakness of memos bashfulness la soolety pimple open th the effeota leading to early decay consumption or insanity wl fled in oar urectfio mo 83 a positive ours jmpttta youthful vigor restores the vital power maud young strengthens and invigorates the brain and worvoa bonds ap tho muscular system and arouses into action the whole physical energy of the human frame with our epocifio tho most obstinate case can bo cured in nonth each m no uireo months and recent ones in loss than thirty days each package contains two weeks treat ment price 82 euros guaranteed our epeo- lno ho m is an infallible cure for an private diaoases no matter ot how long stand ing sold nndor our written guarantee to efloot a cure price 85 toronto medicine oo toronto out u ladies only french regulation pills kar superior to ergot tansy pennyroyal or oxide endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use them month y never fail re lieve pain insure regularity pleas ant and effectual price 2 toronto medi cine co toronto ont dont read this ut call at ham i lto ns ax1 buv vour stationery canned goods oysters fruit etc pipes and pipe mounts ant tub best bkaxds ok tobaccos and cigars in toyvx toys fancy goods and pocket knives in endless variety jane 29th 1ss chas- raymond jokemember the place hamiltons first door east of station- fire fire liverpool london globe insurance co no quibbling about paying losses the available funds beino- 48260297o a g brown agent telephone store m gives peifeet wttefaction buy no other hisb arm light running bifflily finished p antnmntic bob- in winder conillete set c i p t est i k pro y ed a- tnchmenlo c this wjti ceitifvthatmrbavibkbh syth of stouffviheis theobly authorized agent liirihmiie of the rnjnioud setting machines iu the couply of york nnd t townships of pickering uxbridcennri scott iiud piirchnfcrs ciinnot be sure of getting i genuine raymond machine j less thoy buy from mv forsyth or from those in his employ in the territory above yl mentioned 4 fo st k jffijft jjf ryf

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