Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 5, 1889, p. 4

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the tribuni sioukfvhxk july 5 1ss9 it is rumoured that hon mrmovtt will probably receive the offer ot knighthood this summer whiie tht tridusk believes there is bo man in canada more worthy of the honor it is hoped he will decline- it is time all such tomfoolery was done away with at least as far as canada ts concerned i the public will le sorry to learn at least part of the public that the bril liant career of hon gwhoss is likely to be abruptly brought to a period such however is the case the fiat has gone forth mr james l hughes so recently a prominent figure in the third party movement has entered the field to contest west middlesex in the interest of the conservative party mr hughes is credited with having at one time applied to mr kossfcr a posi tion which was refused and cw mr hughes evidently has the temeritv to aspire to the position of minister of edu cation himself surely whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad there is one difficulty in connection with the french schools question for which wo can see no solution and that is the procuring of suitable teachers granted that the situation is as serious as represented by the mail and sup posing the french people are willing to have the english language taught as in the english- schools where are the teachers to come from they ought to speak both languages fluently public school teachers are miserably underpaid as a class and a young man who is capable of speaking both lan guages as lie ought to be able to do under existing conditions in those schools would be a fool to teach for such salaries as teachers in rural sections receive djloubthfimr hughes the wouldbeminister of education him self would be a success in such a scjiool and he used to be considered not a bad teacher either uxbridge tovnship council tows halt goodwood 2tth june 1889 council met pursuant to adjourn ment reeve flummerfelt in the chair members all present minutes of last meeting read and confirmed mr d oboyle was heard before the council re a ditch e on his lot 11 in 1st con mr oburii was heard before the council as to some work done on the roads occasioned by the recent rain communications were read from the following viz wny spenco re grant opposite 0 con reach jno nott re anatomy act j e farewell re amt required for co purposes the mcgilli- v rays v driving par ass fence w p widdifield ana 15 others ashrg grant to joel degeer presented by george dowswell a griffin and others re centre road benjamin hallty was heard respect ing sheep kilt d two killed and one injured and also heard as a witness and confirmed what previous witness said as to value of sheep and value was allowed mr dowswell seconded by mr ewen moves that when this council adjourns it stands adjourned until the 81st of august carried mr williams seconded by mr mill ard moves that the second report of the standing eovntniue on roads and bridges te adopted and the pecye be and is hereby authorized issue his orders on the treasurer for the amts mentioned therein when the work has been performed carried the standing committee ou roads and bridges in their second report stated that they had expended the fol lowing sums on the 4th eon opp lot 26 1 ssooo on side lino bet lot 10 and 11 g000 on the ith con orqi lot 0 10000 on a hill ana bridge opp lot 12 in the 2nd con 2200 mrdowswellsccoulcd by mrewcn moves that the reeve be instructed to grant his order on the treasurer in favor of the following parties for the sums set opposite their respective imrrons their account having been ex amined and passed henry hodgson s8 yards of gravel at se per yard 7 04 thos johnson putting in cul vert on 2nd con bet lots 25 and 26 1 00 elias recsor for 125 yards of travel at sc per vnrd on lot 28 10 00 john gleasonj wood repairing washout on the 2nd con opp lot tg in the 7th con 8 00 james sherrard putting in cul vert on the established read across 5 con op lot 28 2 80 francis oburn repairing wash outs on sideline bet lots 25 and 26ttkcon 5 00 jas shiilinglaw cedar for cul vert north townline 375 jas shiilinglaw tedar for cul vert west townline 7 10 1fi rj5pafcyjg washout on ah cou op lot 14 2 50 david fraue lor 50 loads gravel at cc per load 3 00 thos carey postage 2 00 tims carey for 20 lb nails at 4e for railing on the 3rd con opplotl2 80 t u echardtcedar rorculverts voad div no 6 and 27 cedar posto and handling posts 6 93 a lewis and smith for putting up railing on 6 con op lot 7 8 77 geo jones for work on sideline 2nd con bet lots 5 and 6 8 75 marv hocklv rent for road in line of s fine bet lots 20 21 5th con 150 j b feasby allowance to mrs morrison 400 and mrs miller 200 for the month of june 6 00 joseph badgerow allowance for the month of june 4 00 j b feasby allowance to jos chapman for the maintenance of james vance for the month of june 5 00 benjamin holtphy 2 sheep killed by dogs g value 6 66 j b feasby tor 80 yds gravel at 8c per yard for rd j030 2 40 wm pemberton part of pay ment of printing ace for 1889 25 00 j b feasby allowance to jas hizzard for the month of june 5 00 j s todd for 220 rods fence at 25c per rod re snowfence by law 55 00 john faulkuer rep washout s lino bet 80 and 31 4 con 8 00 thos storry 8 gals oil and one lamp glass 2 75 b s davidson cedar to this cor poration for 1sss89 78 57 carried- mr millard seconded by mr dows well moves that the prayer of the petition of w- p widdifield and 15 others be granted and that the clerk be instructed to notify john and cor nelius dike to grant joel degeer goods and flour to the amount of 2 each per month curried mr millard seconded by mr c williams moves that the reeve be and is hereby instructed to have the wash out opposite lots 26 and 27 in the 2nd cou rtpaired and to grant his order on the treasurer for payment of the same carried mr dowswell seconded bp mr ewen moves that the aid heretofore granted to joseph badgerow cf 5 per month be reduced to 4 per month for the summer months carried mr c williams seconded by mr millard moves that the sum of 2 bo granted per month to william hardy instead of 4 per month and the same be supplied in flour by gould bros carried mr c williams seconded by mr dowswell moves that the reeve john ewen and the mover be a committee to examine the 8th con of uxbridge opposite lot 21 and 23 and at the same time examine side road between lot 20 and 21 con 7 and report at the next meeting of the council carried mr ewen seconded by mr millard moves that george doweswell be ap pointed to examine the snow fence on the stouftville road across the 3rd con and if built according to snow fence by law to grant his certificate to the reeve for 25 cents per rod carried mrdowswell seconded by mrewen moves that the reevemillardand jb feasby be a committee to examine washouts on the 2nd con from lot 20 to 28 inclusive also sideline bet lots 25 and 26 con 2 and have the same repaired forthwith and report at next meeting of this council carried mr dowswell seconded by mr ewen moves that the clerk be instructed to prepare the lease for gravel pit on lot 23 in con 4 and have the same exe cuted forthwith and the reeve be in structed to grant his orders on the treasury for the payment of the same carried mr dowswell seconded by mr c williams moves that the reeve and john ewen be a committee to enquire into the complaint of s york re driv ing park association encroachment on road and report at next meeting of the council carried mrmillard seconded by mr williams moves that the reeve bo instructed to grant his order on the treasurer in favor of d oboyle for 20 part pay ment of work done on sideline between lots 10 and 11 in the 1st con carried mr c williams seconded by mr dowswell moves that the sum of 25 be expended on sideline between lot 25 and 26 in tho 4th con in cutting down a hill and grading the same and john ewen be appointel commissioner to ex pend the same amount carried mr millard seconded by mr dows well moves that the by law just reed a first and second time le now read a third time passed signed by the clerk and reeve the sealof tlie cor poration be affixed thereto and the same now becomes a by law for the purposes therein mentioned carried mr millard seconded by mr dows well moves for leave to introduce a by law torepeal by law no 553 to encourage tho planting of trees in this municipality aud that the same be now read a first anjl second time carred to save life frequently requires prompt action an hours delay waiting for the doctor may be attended with serious consequences especially in cases ot croup pneumonia and other throat and ring troubles hence no family should be without a bottle of ayers cherry pectoral which has proved itself in thousands ot cases the best emergency medicine ever discovered it gives prompt reliet and prepares the way for a thorough cure which is certain to be effected by its continued use s h latimer m d- mt vernon ga says i have fcmnd ayers cherry pcctoral a perfect cure for croup iu all cases i have known the worst cases relieved in a very short time by its use and i advise all families to use it iu sud den emergencies for coughs croup c a j eidson m d middletown tenn savs i have used ayers cherrv pectoral with the lest effect in my practice this wonderful prepara tion once saved my life i had a con stant cough night sweats was greatly reduced in flesh aud given up by iny physician one bottle and a half ot the pectoral cured me i cannot sav enough in praise of ayers cherry pectoral writes e bragdon of palestine texas believ ing as i do that hut for its use i should long since have died ayers cherry pectoral rkkpaked by ayer co lowell dr j c gold by all dragglsta mass trice 1 nboui5 there is danger in neglectiwracold many who have died of consumption dated their troubles from exposure foil owed by a cold which settled on their lungs and in a short time they rt beyond the skill of the best phy sician had they used bickles anti- consumptive syrup before it was too late their lives would have been spared this medicine has no equal for curing coughs colds and all affec tions of the throat and lungs world over the canada pacific have commenced to explore for coal at vancouver the pope is likely to soon leave rome for spain he had better come to montreal the annual meeting of the social of friends in canada ceiivcned at pick ering on june 28 mrs g bloseeher daughtermyra and mrs i k cameron were drowned at graven hurst on saturday night last alex watson a young man of 18 was drowned at brampton on monday in one foot of water he was subject to fits sister teresa lady superior of lor- etto convent in toronto died on mon day the deceased was a native of ireland and was- born in 1821 the officers of the law are taking every precaution to prevent the sulli- vankilrain fight from taking place m either mississippi or alabama a passenger train on the norfolk and western railway ran into a washout thirty miles from lynchburg va on tuesday a number of passengers were killed and others severly injured mr stead tho noted editor ot the pall mall gazette has tendered his re signation and will shortly sever his connection with that journal it is understood he has secured backing to start a new radica morning paper in fxmdon no matter what may be the ills you bear from indigestion a dose of ayers cathartic pills will ease you without question just try them once and be assured they have much worse dys peptics cured youll find them nice and amply worth the price ati unknown man committed suicide at clappisons corners near hamilton on monday his linen was marked with the letter c and some people are wondering if the dead mad is cooney the fox who is implicated in the cronin murder case while others think ho may possibly lie w jcoates cashier of the city club buffalo who has been missing for several days we want and for ten days we will reduce the greater part of our stock to cost psrcall and get bargalxswi s m warriner stouffville may 3rd 1s89 mr h b mckinnon painter mount albert says summer ray sys tem got impregnated with the lead and terpentine used in painting my body was covered with scarlet spots as large as a 25 cent piece and i was in such a state that i could scarcely walk t got a bottle of northrop lymans vegetable discovery arid at once commenced taking it in large doses and before onehalf the bottle was used there was not a soot to be seen and i never felt better in my life the sun life assurance company of canada asets s 2000000 low rates large profits to policy holders claims paid promptly thos- workman esq- president- r- macclay managing dictor r j djclle x general agent and inspector stouifville ont see the new raymond a g givis leifcct satisfaction buy no other high ann liuhl running hiehly finished iuleht auioniatic bob- in winder complete set of la t est i in p r o y e d at tachments this will ceriifv lhit mltdavid fob sytnofstouffvil cis the only authorized agent for the sale of the itnymond sewing machines iu the county of york and the townships of picketing uxnpdee and scott and purchasers cannot be sure of getting a genuine raymond machine un less they buy f nun mr forsyth or from those iu ins employ in the territory above mentioned chas- raymond- lunejolh 1ss0 form 3 section 0 clerks notice of fikst posting of voters list voters list 1s89 municipality of the township of whitchurch county of york notice is hereby given that i have transmitted ir delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 aud g of the ontario voters lists act 1889 the copies required by said sections to lie so transmitted or delivered of the fist made pursuant to said act of all per sons appearing by tho last ro ied as sessment roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said muni cipality at elections for members of the legislative assembly and at muni cipal elections and that said list was first posted up at my office at pine orchard on the 27th day oljuuu jss9 and remains there for inspection electors are called upon to examine the said list aud if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law dated june 27th 1s89 j c lundv clerk of the township of whitch special announcement we have made arrangements with dr b j kendall co publishers of a treatise on tiio horse and his discascss which will enable ull our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address enclosing n twocent stampfor mailing same to dr b j ken dall co enosburuh falls vt this ho k is now recognized as standard authority upon nil diseases of the horse as its phenomenal sale attests over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time we feel confident that our patrons will appreciate the work ami be glad to avail themse ves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable hook it is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the treatise this cftur will remain open for only a short time 7071 until the blood is cleansed of impuri ties it is useless to attempt the cure of any disease rheumatism which is traceable to an acid in the blood has been cured in numerous cases by the use of ayers sarsaprijhi external treatment being of no avail fire fire liverpool london globe insurance co no quibbling about paying losses the available funds being 48260297 a g brown i agent telephone store wool wanted i at the mt albert woollen mills for which the highest toronto prices will be paid or goods given inexchange our stock of cloths flan nels yarns sheetings cover lids shawls bed and horse blankets etc etc is more complete than on any previous year and we are now prepared to give pur customers the very best value in exchange for their wool custom work in all its branch es as usual give us a call haih theaker formerly george haigh m 74 errors op youth 28pm swah sp remedy 8 mmi never known to fail to cureweikntisanieuyderayofm nerves nd body ncrvout prostration organic decay seminal lois- wek m cmo ry wasnng smiluoi of or3r its success his cbahenged iic ttniu lion of every doctor who ha studied it it strikes at the vtrv icoot c tup kvil somocly by huanvi specific co o box mttojaonxo nok cemjtnr without our trade makk pbic by mail 100 sixfor5oa look having done business in camilla tor years our reputation ani responsibility is established we want three men in your vicinity to represent uj o whrnn exclu sive territory will be given handsome outfit free salary mid expenses paiil week ly previous experience not required write at once tor terms hardy steel- for canada may brothers a specialty xurseryrier c7c9 roclicstcr n y i

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