the tribune stouffville june 28 1889 the politjtal outlook reform and conservative conven tions for the selection of candidates for the coming electionslocal and federal are of every day occurrence and there is no douht that the approaching fight will be the hottest in the history of confederation the selections cf can didates goes bravely on and in spite of all that has been said against french aggression and race priveleges each party endeavors to call off attention from itself by howling iu its loudest tones for vengeance on the other thus mowat is accused of being ruled from the palace and sir john of pand ering to quebec sentiment ro3s per mits french schools and bo well didnt succeed or even try to have the estates bill disallowed and so the newspaper warfare rages with many a bloodless but very muddy victory claimed and disputed by the adherents of the rival clans although the immediate effect of these wordy battles may not be of any advantage to the country it cannot fail to produce a feeling of disgust in the minds ot those not wholly devoted to the party and the result cannot fail to be a loosening of party trammels and the gradual demolition of ma chine politics government by party may be an evil necessity but a few rude shakings as the system has received in this country cannot but produce a de cided change for the better if this canada of ours is ever to take her proper rank among the nations of the world we must have a little more re gard for the general welfare and less for the maintenance of itself in office on the part of the government special announcement we have made arrangements with dr b j kendall co publishers of a treatise on the horse and his diseases which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work ty sending their address enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing same to dr b j ken dall co eaosburgh falls vt this book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse as its phenomenal sale attests over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years a sale never before reached by any publication iu the same period of time we feel confident that our patrons will appreciate the work and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book it is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the treatise this offer will remain open for only a short time 7071 round about us campltfg out as the rain is apparently over and the signs indicate that we may have some decent weather this summer peoples minds revert to past pleasures and the renewal of these pleasant out ings suggests itself as a pleasant relief from every day drudgery and business cares there is no lack of suitable points at which all the conditions ne cessary to a successful camp may be secured and jacksons point seems to be the prime favorite in this locality on account no doubt of its easy access and its inherent good qualities the prime requisite of course is a lake of some proportions in which the fishermen with troll or rod and line may exercise his muscle and pa tience in order to supply the camp with fresh fish a sandy beach and a good bathing place are of no less import ance and a grass covered shore with cool shady trees close at hand add to the pleasure and wholesomeness of the locality given these topographical conditions and good weather all that is necessary for a good time is a care fully selected party and a good tent of course if it is a family affair the trouble of selection done away with and all you have to do is to lock the front door on the inside and the back door on the outside hide the key under the woodpile ask a neighbor to feed the chickens and away but if it be a party of young men the trouble of se lection must be taken by all means take an even number and let them be men of similar tastes and no shirks but all willing to take a share of the work it is difficult to generalize a camping outfit so that we will deter detais till some future issue when particulars of an expedition may bo looked for a summer morning could not be more pleasantly spent than in reading the july number of peterson no lady can have this magazine for a year without finding it indispensable iii re gard to the making of bonnets dresses and every other sort of garment in the newest style and most economical manner the household department is as perfect in its way and in things worth knowing there is each month an article on home management nurs ing or some other subject interesting to housekeepers and mothers the literary contents are made up of choice novelettes stories and poems by popu lar authors and the steel engraving and wood illustrations arc always ad mirable terms two dollars a year or one dollar for six months send for a sample copy address petee sons magazisb 306 chestnut st philadelphia notes got by hook or by crook with scissors or pen in hand hallelujah wedding in the s a barracks at uxbringe next monday a batteau with six passengers went over the falls on the st maurice at three rivers on saturday last ad interesting flight is imminent between the city of toronto and the c p it for possession ot the esplanade which the latter wishes to expropriate rev p addison of uxbridge was presented with a gold watch by the methodist congregation rev e roberts has been appointed to that charge bill stubbs of cardwell who ran against mr white the party nomi nee in cardwell was bounced from the conservative association at its last meeting mollie matches the noted crook who was recently arrested for picking a ladys pocket in toronto but dis charged for lack of evidence is now in the soup being sent down to the ohio state prison for four years on a charge of burglary burke the suspect who has been arrested at winnipeg and held for ex tradition charged with complicity in the cronin murder has been identified by a messenger from chicago who picked out his man from a crowd of toughs collected for the occasion revrt burns deputy post master at kingston was arrested on monday charged with having embezzled funds from the money order department it is understood that mr burns has con fessed to appropriating about 3000 mr burns has been sentenced to two years in the provincial penitentiary last week a concerted plot on the part of the 400 convicts confined at the kingston penetentiary to tie the jail ers batter down the doort and escape was discovered by the authorities and prevented the prisoners were sur prised to see a squad of soldiers in the yard one morning and quietly dispers ed thebuilding is to be remodelled and the old and young convicts separ ated at a meeting of the city council on mundav last it was decided to submit the question to the freeholders whether a commission should be appointed to superintend the erection of the court house the aldermen are loathe to let this chance of handling a large sum of public money out of their own hands ottawa has a sensation iu the mar riage of a daughter of mr justice tascherean and niece of cardinal tascherean to frank beard a young man in the employ of- the canada at lantic railway the voung lady is a roman catholic while her husband is a protestant the ceremony was per formed by rev owen jones a protest ant clergyman but the parties were afterwards remarried by rev father fillatre to save life frequently requires prompt action an hours delay waiting tor the doctor may be attended with serious consequences especially in cases of croup pneumonia and other throat and lung troubles hence no family should be without bottle of ayers cherry pectoral which has proved itself in thousands of cases the best emergency medicine ever discovered it gives prompt relief and prepares the way for a thorough cure which is certain to be effected by its continued use s h latimer m d mt vernon ga says i have found ayers cherry pectoral a perfect cure for croup iu all cases i have known the worst cases relieved in a very short time by its use and i advise all families to use it in sud den emergencies for coughs croup c a j eidson m d middletown tenn says i have used ayers cherry pectoral with the lwst effect in my practice this wonderful prepara tion once saved my life i had a con stant cough night sweats was greatly reduced in flesh and given up by ray physician our bottle ami a hall ot the pectoral cured me i cannot say enough in praise of ayers cherry pectoral writes e bragdon of palestine texn behov ing as i do that but inr its mt i should long since have died ayers cherry pectoral rkkrared uv dr j c ayer co lowell mass sold by all dragguu price 1 eu bolllm 5 a trolling hook to which was attach ed about 40 feet of line was found this week stuck in a log in the lake we heard a story the same day about two hirarods loosing a hook and forty feet of line to a forty pound fish we have tried to dove tail the two circum stances but they wont fit the hook is all right the forty feet of line is correct but there has been some lyin somewhere which we will hunt up during the week standard at the civil assizes in toronto on fri day last the perjury case of clark vs stevenson was tried the plaintiff richard clark is a laboring man re siding near goodwood and the de fendant a farmers wife living in scott the plaintiff brought action to recover 1000 damages on the ground that on nov 10th last the defendant laid an in formation against him charging him with havingperjured himself the de fence was that the plaintiff had on a certain occasion been arrested for per jury but the defendant had taken no part in the cause of the arrest the trial resulted in a verdict for clark of 225 taylor mccullough for plain tiff mcgillivray for defendant when the vital current is vitiated from any cause scorbutic blemishes in the shape of pimples sores and blotches soon begin to disfigure the skin in such a case the most effective purifier i northrop lvmans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptic cure which ex pel impurities from the blood as well as regulates digestion the bowels hor and kidneys for female com plaints it has no equal the following clipping from the keewatin hustler shows that the edi- tor is making great strides in western journalism he is speaking of the desertion of his friends by a local cotem and thus touchingly and familiarly remarks the ontario government we know and the news man we know but this member of ours must be built of queer timber if he fails to resent the insults flung boldly in his face by the wouldbechampion of the peoples rights we are no apologist for con- mee but for pure undiluted ingrati tude the editor cf the news is fitted for the same category as his lamented friend judas iscariot as an emergency medicine for sud den colis ayers cherry pectoral takes the lead of all remedies a dose or two generally sufficing to stop ordinary coughs and ease the worst for the cure of throat and rang disorders this preparation is unequalled the pretty kxmoor pome sieek docile and intelligent form the subject of a spirited engraving in the ameri can agriculturist for july the breed ing of childrens ponies so great has become the demand for them could no doubt be carried on more extensively than it is and with profit the prime points for a childs pony are that it should be pretty to look at kind of temper and an easy traveller spirit and fleetness come afterwards- the shetland and the exmoor ponies are the gentlest and prettiest and they are as knowing and intelligent as full- grown horses the different kinds of ponies bred and and sold especially for childrens use are described in the in teresting article that accompanies the engraving the midsummers number of godbys ladysbook has been receiv ed notwithstanding the temperature it is more than equal to its general excellence the opening illustration goe up will carry many a fond mother and child back to when life was full of sunshine the colored and black fashions and work pages are all full of novelties the architectural design for an episcopal church is very quaint and attractive a notion of nancys an illustrated story by max van der wedye is replete with inter est two summer days by olivia lovell wilson is a very clever sketch with an excellent moral music hath charms is an amusing charade the two serials a womans way by elsie snow and a model american girl by david dowry increase in interest the beautiful home club by emma j gray is a new depart ment upon home decoration which will without doubt as they arc to be continued prove a great source of in terest to the readers of the magazine the other departments arc bright ana interesting as usual published at philadelphia pa canker in the mouth can be cured only by expelling the poisonous humor from the system to do this effectual ly requires the persistent use of ayers sarsaparilia together with a good generous diet one dollar a bottle six bottles for 5 begin at once its we money want and for ten days we will reduce the greater part of our stock to cost call and get bargains s m warriner stouffville may 3rd 1889 bickles anticonsumptive syrup stands at the head of the list for all diseases of the throat and lungs it acts like iu breaking up a cold a cough is soon subdued tightness of the chest is relieved even the worst cuse of consumption is relieved while in recent cases it may be said never to fail it is a medicine prepared from the active principles or virtues of sev eral medicinal herbs and can be de pended upon for all pulmonary com plaints the sun life assurance company op canada assets 9 2000000 low rates large profits to policy holders claims paid promptly thos- workman esq r- maculay president managing director xv j daley general agent and inspector stouffville out the hambletonian membrinrv stallion see the new raymond i 1 as g 3 gives pei feet satisfaction buy no other high arm light running highly finished p automatic bob- in winder complete set of latest improved at tachments sithis will ccrtlfv that mrdavidjfou syth of stouffvil eistheonly authorized agent for the sale of the raymond sewing machines in the county of york nnd the townships of pickering uxhridite and scott and purchasers cannot be sure of getting a genuine raymond machine un less they buy from mr forsyth or from those in his employ in the territory above mentioned chas- raymond- june 29th 1889 fire fire 1 maxey cobb 4 years old a beautiful mahogany bay over lf bauds high with black points 1 w paislky lrop faievibw farm lemonville ontario will visit regularly during the season of 1889 mount albert sandford lisdale zephyr ravenshoe union ville gormley victoria square parties desirous of breeding good road stock should see this fine young animal before breeding elsewhere lemonville april 12th 1889 liverpool london globe insurance co no quibbling about paying losses the cradle the available funds hoshei atbloominston on friday june 2lst the wife of mr j l hoshei of a daughter doulrt at ballnntrae on june 12th the wife of mr samuel dorley of a son the altar silvester stokes- in toronto juae i 18th 1889 by the rev a hart st marys dovercourt mr geoffrej sil vester brandon man aon of h sil vester bloorst to emma rose young- est daughter of j t stokes civil engineer for county of york being 48260297 a g brown agent telephone store wool wan at the mt albert woollen mills for which the highest toronto prices will be paid or goods given inexchange our stock of cloths flan nels yarns sheetings cover lids shawls bed and horse blankets etc etc is more complete than on any previous year and we are now prepared to give our customers the very best value in exchange for their wool custom work in all its branch es as usual give us a call haigh theaker formerly george haigh g6 74 errors of youth i swans specific remedy oklmwinc never known to fail to neveind bod nenrouf prokrttlofi set sfl touo wok its lucceu bu dulltiiged tho 5mi uo iofrry doctor ho his studied it it very hoot or specific co oflc puce iy mail ti00 six for oo look having done business in canada for yearsour reputation an rtspoiisilility is established we want ihree men in your vicinity to represent us to whom exclu sive territory will be given handsome outfit free salary and expenses paid week ly previous experience not required write at once tor term hardy stock for canada may brothers a specialty nurserymen 6769 rochester n y