the great bargain house daleys block main st stouffville baboaos baboaisrs baboat5ts we are creating great sensations with our ready made clothing mens full suits at 8395 worth 050 mens all wool suits 500 worth 8000 mens fine all wool halifax suits 0 50 worth 1050 mens fine tweed suits at 800 51000 1200 and 1500 all being worth twice the price gents furnishings a specialty the balance of the bankrupt stock of gents furnishings to be cleaied out at any price the largest and most choice stock of dress goods in the village all at bot tom prices factory cottou beats toronto ii icus as i bought my factory cotton at old prices ranging 21 5 6 j 71 8 j and 94 while cottons 5 0 7 8 9 locts great value heavy shilling 5 8 10 and lscts fincoxfoid shirting at locts worth 15cts per yard cream seersuckers 5c coloured seersucker 7 j and locts per yard good heavy prints 5 7 8 10 ard 12 cts while quilts a bargain lace curtains in great quantities heavy cretonnes in beautiful designs 10 11 10 and 20 cts per yard fancy flanneli very cheap hemp carpets 10 15 20 and 25 cts union carpets 35 45 55 and 05 taoestry 25 30 40 50 oilcloths 25 and 30cts table oilcloths 30cts per yard large towels 5 cent each great value in white and coloured handkerchiefs 0 fo r25 cts well worth 10 cents each linen spools 3cts each cotton spools 2j cts each cottonades 12 20 25 and 30 cts corduroy and moleskin cheap jt ood fancy trimming braid cheap buttons 5 ctsper dozen worth 20 cts corsets 25 35 50 59 75 100 and 125 cts per pair ask to see spoftbrds 59 ct famous corsets ladies jerseys co 75 100 150 cts all linen toweling 4 5 0 8 and 10 cents per yard apbbpgqepibtt evening shawls in different colors very cheap a thousand other bargains which we have no room to talk about so come one and all and bring your friends to the great bargain house main st stouffville head quarters toronto now is the time to buy your wall papers j j sae causes the largest stock in town just abbiyd- shirtings cottonades prints dress goods ac atnll line of those grand teas from 1 cts up wards kaisins currants if ure jlard etc fresh coffee ground daily a lot of that nice kingwood cheese on hand yet spectacles and eyeglasses suitable for all sights all at the lowest figures stouffville mar 20th 1889 fu s j burkholder have on hand an extra large stock of everything in the furniture use- the finest assortment ever of fered for sale in stouffville parlor and bedroom suites lounges and extension tables etc picture framing a specialty undertaking m coffins and caskets constantly on hand and all funeral sup plies funerals promptly attended orders received at all hours uj if we have decided to sell the balance of our hanging table and hand lamps silver plated ware and axes at 20 percent less than regular prices now is the time to buy we respectfully ask those who intend building to call and examine our common sense sash oor main church sts stoussviiie furniture warerooms v still to the fore el j- da- vis has now in stock a varied assortment of furniiur prices exceptionally low- picture framing a specialty a fine line of baby carriages tjisrdeilt-kiiisrg- in all its brancheson shortest notice give mic a call e j date sabiers block and large business our motto no weights used no pulleys to break no rope to wear out costs less than the old kind can be applied to any window and does not require a box frame silvester dougherty j urquharts new spring goods arriving daily every dcdaitment filled up with the very latest designs special attention is invited to our wonderfully fine range of printed imimiettes chambrairs cashmebemes and pkostts every lady should see these high class prints before buying the ordinary thing in the market pull range in all shades of ib1ess 001s great bargains in bleached and grey cottons pillow cottons tablings towelings shirtings cottonades c stouffville fb 22nd 1889 j u xl c u xl x new spring goods now in hats gloves- 7 laces and fancy goods at bottom prices mourning goods a specialty f wilson dont read this but call at ham i lto ns and buy your stationery canned goods oysters fruit etc pipes and pipe mounts and the best brands op tobaccos and cigars in town toys fancy goods and pocket knives in endless vard3ty s3rcmcmbcr the place timber for sale i bavc a large quantity of round tim ber of all sizes and lcnqths for culverts and bridges it may be seen at the fol lowing places dixons hill arthur spoflbrds almira and also at lot 1 and 2 cou 2 scott i liaye also a large lot of cedar posts round cedar timber and lumber also planks at my own premises lot 34 con 8 whitchurch 5760 chas spofford money to loan on good mortgages apply to r j daley a pointkk to advektisers to discontinue an advertisement says john ivanamaker philadelphias great merchant is like taking down your sign if you want to do business you must let the public know it standing advertisements when chang ed frequently arc better and cheaper than reading notices 1 hey look more substantial and business like and in spire confidence i would as soon think of doing business without clerks as without advertising a g brown telephone store has a large quantity of field and garden seeds on hand hamiltons first door east of station fany manm s weak nervous debilitated bholnhia folly and ignorance has tri fled away his vigor of body mind ana manhood causing exhausting drains npon too fountains of life headache baokaohe dreadful dreams weakness t jfemory bashfulness in society pimples upon tbo face and a tho effects leading to early decay ooncumptlon r i nsanlty lod v car mo ko 3 a positive civ mpp- vouthful rigor eate- 5 fit power f old and foung strougtbers anj vlgoratos tho brain and hervea baiiastw mepulai- yiom ind arouses hito actio the wholo physical th0 numan triune jfvith our upccinc so 2j too most obstinate caoo can bo cured in oro months and reeeoonos in less than thirty lays each paobogb contains two woks treat- s cures guarontoodgour spec- ac o sf is an infolnblo cure or all private diseases nomatterof how long stand ing sold onder our written guarantee 0 pet o curo prieo w toronto medicine bo toronto out ladies only french regulation pills far superior to ergot tansy pennyroyal or oxide endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use them month y never fail re lieve pain insure regularity pleas ant and effectual price 2 toronto medi cine co toronto out