cobekspondekck ye wish it to be distinctly eiuicrstood that we do not hold ourselro responsible for the opin ions advanced by our correspondents corres pondents may write over a pseudonym if they choose but the real name must accompany each communication observations can anyone tell why so few of our conservative christain brethern are attendants at our gospel temperance meetings we are certain it would be a good thingfor the cause of religion if all of our brethern could bo in duced to sign the pledge it is a disgrace to the christain pro fession and a terrible stumbling block in tho way or moderate drinking sin ners for them to see such of our brethern indulging in the intoxicating cup come my brother it you are what you profess say in your heart by tho grace of god i will never touch the acursed thing agsin and to those who persist in their dissipation should bo exhorted to either abstain and mend their ways or els drop their profession of course there are those in our ihidgt with a blue jug who will have their malt and beer though the heavens should fall and the earth be blattnd out of existance well such they aru and such there will be always and such shall have their reward as they sow so shall they also reap wuiskey a poor thing with which to unlock the door to heaven for no drunkard shall enter there one of her majesties servants was seen measuring the narrow sidewalk the other atternoon and found it too narrow by twelve feet and only for the forty rod he possessed his neck would surely have been broken us he was several times in the ditch after blessing the authorities in his vile fashion for causing him so much trouble he took up his abode in the snow and as he thought had retired for the night and making repealed ef forts to draw the snow over himself wondered what was the matter with the quilts just then a good samar itan came along and hearing the noise from under the snow made a search and there he found her maj estys servant quarelling with his sat anic majesty when he was disturbed in his deliriums by the samaritan and dumped into a sleigh and driven home a chtkcii msputk simcoe methodists at loggerheads with the body politic simcoe jan28 thedifliculty in the methodist church here is likely to culmi nate in a lawsuit at no distant date the history of the matter is briefly as follows the methodist church in sim coe has or had a large intelligent and prosperous congregation and the min isters sent here from time to time dur ing the past twenty years have been no small fry but chairmen of districts conference secretaries presidents ex- presidents and others of rank and talant who have been provided for liberally as their talants abilities anil capacities seemed to require it is said by those who are in a position to know that the congregation has not increased numerically to any appreciable extent during the past two decades notwith standing the talants of the array ol brilliant pastors who have ministered a debt of 2000 wan contracted some eighteen years ago for the erection of anew parsonage and a iurthur debt of 2000 incurred twelve years ago for improvements on the church edifice the debt still remains the interest only being paid tho ministers are charg- ed with unconcern as to whether this debt was paid or not the congrega tion about a year ago gave the official members to understand that a policy of retrenchment was desirable and must be begun at once intimating thir willingness to bo as liberal as possible towards connexional funds but determ ined to make provisions for cancelling the debt at an early day the salary heretofore had been 1 100 with remov al expenses it was decided that under existing circumstances a salary of 800 with a comfortable and well fur nished parsonage would meet tho wants of a young minister and such the congregation hoped to get at the regular meeting of the quarterly board early last year the them pastor rev le roy hooker received and accepted a call to the metropolitan church tor onto the board unanimously decided to begin the policy of entrenchment at once in accordance with tho wishes of the congregation the choice fell on tho rev a c crews then in his third years pastorate in thowelland avenue church st catharines and ho was in vited to become pastor of the simcoe church at the close of mr hookers term at tho same time mr crews was informed of the decision to reduce the salary to s0o with the reasons therefore when theinvitation founded on this action of tho board lxjeamc known the officials of the simcoe church complain ed that they wore taunted and redicnled freely by ministers of tho niagara and other conferences mr crews accepted the invitation but tho stationing com mittee of the conference that met in norwich in june 18ss refused to send mr crews to simcoe and here tho trouble begun the official boiird backed by the entre membership of the church made every effort to induce the committee to rescind their decision but to no purpose rev thos colling b a- was sent although tho conrega- fcioii distinctly warned both him and the conference that they would not ac cept him as their pastor and would not make any provision for his support the official board claim that they in extending an imitation o mr crews and he in accepting it acted in strict harmony with a common usage throughout the whole methodist church four miuisters have been re moved from tho simcoe methodist church within the past thirteen years by invitation and that before their three years had elapsed they further claim that they have the right to prac tice retrenchment until their present difficulties financially are removed and the conference have done them a gross injustice in forcing upon thetn a pastor contrary to their expressed de termination when mr collins arrir- ed there was not one to welcome him ho hd lecn courteously but firmly warned that such would bo the case if he persisted in coming on the first sabbath he found an almost empty church the organ losked no choir pre sent of the seventy pewholders only half a dozen attended for a time the congregation net in the usual sabbath school bible class and prayer meet ings in the church but studiously avoided recognizing mr colling as pastor or attending service mean time efforts were made unceasingly for an adjustment of the dilfitulty but tho conference refused to act ex cept on terms which the congregation could not honorably accept at length some two or three weeks ago tho min ister and a clerical colleague attempted to prevent the congregation from hold ing their usual thursday prayer meet ing under their chosen leaders and the people refusing the leadership of mr collins have been shut out from the church and ton out of the twelve members of the quarterly board have been served wfth a notice from a lead ing law firm of toronto to restrain them from using the church or holding ay service therein it is understood ttiat both parties have engaged emi nent counsel and the pending suit is watched with much interest by the parties concerned their friends and the local public generally meantime the congregation have engaged a hall in which to hold their prayer meetings and the matter until recently was only discussed in the local press but the associated press item which ap peared in the empire and other tor onto dailies last week has called forth a controversy in one of them and fur nishes a subject for a cartoon in tho last issue of grip a scurrilous sheet in the ministerial interest directed against a prominent member of ths congregation was largely circulated here sonic time ago by a vote of the congregation the use of the lecture rooms in ttie episcopal presbyterian and baptist churches was recently of fered to the methodist congregation they are ably led and adhering firmly and unitedly to their principles pro claim their determination to stand or fall together in opposing priestcraft hubby sweetly said mrs phunny- pun as he drove into the yard after an accident why is that broken wheel like florence gadabout because it runs around most of the time no thats not it because it wants a new felloe he never spoke in reply he was so tired and mrs p became a littlosulky the worldwide reputation of ayers sarsaparilla is the natural result of its surpassing value as a blood medicine nothing in tho whole pharmacopoeia effects more astonishing results in scrofula rheumatism general debility and all forms of blood disease than tthis remedy sat a i ill a ie great new 8t0 no 1 daleys block next door west of bank siouffville c o a 2 c3 o ej c 1 co a i s u 8 a 8 a a i another county heard from having leased the above well known premises for five years at a very low rent will be able to supply the whole village as well as the surrounding town ships with every line of dry goods gusts furnishikgs carpets axd oilcloths all at astonishing prices our goods are all new choice goods not old styles nor yet shop worn goods but fresh and beautiful our custom ers all wonder how we can sell so very cheap well hero is the reason wo buy- for cash only and sell for cash only and keep our expenses very low and being in the toronto whole sale houses every day are always able to pick up big bar gains we have some wonderful bargains and as we have neither time nor space to mention prices would like you all to come and seo for yourselves what we are doing remem ber no trouble to show goods or to quote prices as they are sure to please so come one and all and bring your friends to the great bargain house and you will go home happy dont forget the place no 1 daleys block headquarters fred spofford 158 162 queen east toronto fuby 8th 1889 2 5 o o o 3 p to 3 st o co g el silvester do tjgtierty 5 money ay anted for seasonable goods at stouffville hardware vstore the we have 17 kinds and prices of wood cook stoves and 5 kinds for coal and wood all guaranteed to work satisfactorily box stoves round wood heaters with or without oven coal surface heaters art garland and art countess base burners both taking the cold air direct from the floor and arc the best made crosscut saws maple teaf disston robertsons corpor ation fiddles 3 kinds files axes 9 kinds 75e to 150 see our handmade ailsteel axe whips 10c to 300 curry combs 10c to 30c horse brushes from 15c up rope and web halters cow ties sausage stutters and grinders etc we still have an ever before those handsome immense stock of lamps cheaper than for parlor and hall use arc unustlally our lines of table and pockot cutlery are complete wc have received tho largest assortment of silvorplated goods we have ever had ladies call and see horse shoes and nails very low silvester dougherty people formerly liail trying to swuiimr tho umfasiiioiiutl pill with its lilin i magnesia vainly utajiitaiiig its ijit r nti mid what ii cuiiirsbt to aycr jiili that have wmi wil culled ktiil miiaiiiiw the only fear b is that pnihii may bo tempted into tsuiii too many at a doiu put ti eions are plain ami should bo fllly followed j t toller m d of cliittinaiik y expresses exailiy what liiiiiilies have written at greater length ho says ayers cathartic illts are highly rpjireeiatiil tffiiy are perfect ill form miii coating and their effects are all that the most careful physician coithl jiesirc they liavo supplanted all tho hii formerly popular here ami 1 think it must bo long before any other cia be made that will at all compare with them thoso who buy your pills get full value for their money safe pleasant and certain in their action is tho conciso testimony of dr georgo e walker of martins ville virginia ayers pills outsell all similar prep arations the public having once used them will have no others berry vcnablo collier atlanta ga ayers pills prepared by dr j c a yes co lowell mud sold by nil dealers in medicine no more credit from the first day of february 1889 ate the foreign and domestic fruit store h johnson all my goods sold at the lowest living profit and for cash only see my stock of teas coffees sugars tobac cos cigars canned goods everything you want and cheap flour flonr family flour uxbridge or mount albert 90 days without jam labor listen s j burkholder who kees the largest best and cheapest stock of furniture north of toronto will give 10 per cent discount on all cash sales of furniture for 90 days picture framing a specialty undertaking coffins and caskets con stantly on hand and all funeral supplies funerals promptly attended orders received at all hours s j burkholder furniture avarerooms still to the fore j- davis has now in stock a varied assortment of furniture prices exceptionally low- picture framing a specialty a fink lhjb of baby carriages xjndektaking in all its branches on shortest notice give aira a oaxx e j davis sas block 6reat reductions tvt t t t t y mrs wilsons o some choice mantles left knitting wools saxony berlin and aiichlusinn also childtvns wool goods old ladys dress caps call and sne our goods before pur chasing elsewhere irs f wilson as the bulk of my goods are only to be bought for cash am compelled to sell for cash also and my numer ous customers and friends will please take no offence if they are refused cred it all grades of customers rich or poor will be treated alike we sell the largest 12c loaf of bread to be had in the county and anything you want in tho pastry or confectionery line always on hand or on short notice call and sec mo but dont ask for credit i stouffville jan 25th 18s9 h johnson dont head this i but call at hamiltons and buy your stationery canned goods oysters fruit etc pipes and pipe mounts and the best biianos op t o bac cos and cigars in town toys fancy goods and pocket knives in endless variety o iseremember the place hamiltons first door east of station fany fflan wfcofcweak nervous debilitated ipbotams folly a ignoranoe n tri fled away w vigor ol body mind and manhood oui3ng cxhanstleg drains npon fountains of life headaohe baokaohe dreadful dreama weakness a memory bashfulness in society plmplea npon tho fnoo ana ail tfao effects icwling to early depny consumption r insanity od v oar apoute ko 53 a positive ciitf i imp youthful rigor reucx- jtal povof in old and oung str3gtan uitf rgotntci ifco brain sfhi nerves hollas u muvnlnr byitom wet aroasoo nito action tho frholo physical ipurgyo the humeri frame with our epoelflo o t3 thhmst obbtinat caso oanbo corod in iirw nomhs tod racemonea la low than thlrtj iis each psckkco contains two wooko treat ur prico si cnio gnaranteoaour spoo- tc ko st is an infalllblo cure tor all private doeagoon matter of how longstand ing sola andor onr written guarantee to iflfoct cure brio toronto modlctn lk toronto ont ladies only french regulation ptlls lar superior to ergot tansy pennyroyal or oxide endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use them month y never fail re lieve pain insure regularity pleas ant and effectual price 2 toronto medi cine co toronto ont