we wish a to be distinctly onderstood that we do not hold ourselres responsible for the opin ions advanced by oar correspondents corres pondents may write over a pseudonym if they choose but the real name mutt accompany each communication jew ok no jew to the editor oftax tki8vse- sir in last weeks issue of your ex cellent paper tinder the above head ing in one of your local paragraphs you refer to dr wadelwards lec tures in the baptist church here you say there are some who doubt his hon esty in being what he claims kow if there be any such yet and no doubt there are they can easily set their s winds at rest on the question by call- tun ins o the bev mr barker who i presume will cheerfully furnish the necessary proofs of identity just what vou mean when you say the dr is not a howling success i do not know if you mean not a success as a howler or loud speaker we agree but it you mean not a success as a lecturer with all due respect for your opinion we disagree though like yourself not falling in with all his views 1 think taking his lectures as a whole they were entertaining and instruct ive and hey were certainly a success as was evinced by the large audiences notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather which greeted him to the close citizen let thk3i alonk to the editor efxvx tkibune dear sir i noticed in the last issue of your paper a set of resolutions purporting to prophesy some legisla tion by our new village council they aro no doubt the handiwork of some wouldbewag but to me they seemed rather impertinent the council is composed of a number of hard working busy men who give up considerable of their time to the transaction of pub lic business and should thorpfore re ceive the support and not the adverse criticism of the public at least beforo they have done something to deserve i myself have occupied positions of responsibility and know that such re marks in a paper having such a wide circulation as the tribune caunot but have an influence in the minds of the public not in the interests of the peace of mind ot the body politic there is one matter however that simplicity touched on in a very humorous way that reallv deserves the attention of the council that is the lighting of our streets surely the men who are tho choice of the people have puph and spirit enough to devise some scheme to relieve the darkness of i moonless starless cloudy nights by a munber of judiciously disposed lamps i commend this subject to the con sideration of your readers and the village council and remain yours darkly consul koukd about us kotks got bit book or bv crook with scissoks or vex ik hand canvassing for ihe repeal of the scott act in ontario county is going on in east whitby and scarcely one refuses his signature the license commissioners for east york recently appointed are henrv wilson markham john richardson coleman geo elliott agincourt onhsmee wants a boom it wants it bad the herald calls on the village council of course to produce the boom worthwith- on pain we suppose of dis missal whitby hotels were all closed on jau lsv and have remained so those accustomed to a matutinal horn are around with parched lips rat- teeth aud other evidences of a dry condition according to the chrouicle incendiarism is therageinbowman- ville a young man was arrested in the rear of a large store with a bottle of coal oil in his pocket magistrate haines sentenced him to six mouths iu the central prison mr geo doan collector of taxes for east gwilliambury is after deliu qvient ratepayers with a sharp stick they must pay up at once or the law will be called in to assist one of the oldest inhabitants of new market mr reuben robinson died on tuesday 1st iust at the ripe age of 90 years u i p r ormgevillo daily post after 19 days struggle with this bitter world suspended publication on the sth inst burglars blew open the p 0 safe at whitby on friday morning last they captured 30 in cash some pos tage stamps and nine registeied let ters no definite clue has been ob tained toddjcos fresh groceries dry goods clothing boots shoes glassware and crockery gents furnishings kimlm eompletestockto choose from dont buy until you have examined our goods we will not be undersold goods delivered in the corporation promptly at 10 a m and 4 pm a call solicited todd co we reprint the subjoined letter at the request of the gentleman most concerned and to whom reference it made so far from feeling injured thereby he considers it to his interests fo give tho affair even greater publi city stouffville jan- 7th 1s89 editor of the advance dear sir would you kindly give me space in your columns in behalf of myself go ing to fort william it is true i did go to fort william and i soon found some kind friends ready to kick me over board for so do ing and began to ridicule me behind my back and gave it out that i had run away and set other false rumors afloat concerning me i deny the charge that i went away to get rid of paying my debts nor did i keep it any secret where i went i did not leave canada nor yet ontario but no finding any nork to do i went to fort william where 1 secured it and i am sure there isnoing disgraceful n that if i was as sharp and cunning as that machine you might have seen its photograph in the tribune i would not have had to go to fort william to cheat you but by good words and fair speeches could uu it to your face i sup pose in the eyes of some they would say that this is no disgrace but they would say it was smart and cunning look out for this mac hine has got a steel jtter it will knot you up so tight that you cannot get loose and we read in olden times mi useasprcercry and witch craft to deceive the p jple so they are at work to day making out of people and to hide their own shame if tliey can get hold of a man that is likely to fa tfiiy will take hold of him oiid drag hiu iif possible how many men in to e today would be able t staidifthvn ci iiors were to shut down on themj i am ref tins to implement agents and liinp makers fijgri that live in glass houses should net throw stones yours truly a yake entrance litbkatuke tho following are ihe literature selections for the next entrance exam ination to bo held on july 4th 5th and 6th 1889 1 clouds rains and rivers pp 5459 2 the death of the flowers 6769 3 from the deserted village 8083 4 the battle of banuockburn 8490 5 flow gently sweet afton 98 6 resignation 105106 7 lead kindly light 145 8 dora 137142 9 scene from ivanhoe 164168 10 she was a phantoii of delight 188 11 the heritage 212213 12 song of the river 221 13 landing of 4he pilgrims 229230 14 edinburgh after flodden 277281 15 national morality 295297 the following are the selections es pecially prescribed for memorization at this examination 1- the short extracts list on page 8 2 111 find a way or make it pp 22 5152 9798 121- 122 128130 145 199 220 231232 277281 298302 silvester dougherty money w anted for seasonable goods at the stouffville hardware store 3 the bells of shandon 4 to mary in heavon 6 ring out wild bells 6 lady clare 7 lead kiuolv light 8 before sedan 9 the three fishers 10 riding together 11 edinburgh after flodden 12 the forsaken merman there is danger in neglecting a cold many who have died of con sumption dated their troubles from exposure followed by a cold which settled on their lungs and in a short time they were beyond the skill of the best physician had they used bick- les anticonsumptive syrup before it was too late their lives would have been spared this medicine has no equal for curing coughs colds and all affectioas of the throat and lungs we have 17 kinds and prices of wood cook stoves and 5 kinds for coal and wood all guaranteed to work satisfactorily box stoves round wood heaters with or without oven coal surface heaters art garland and art countess base burners both tiking the cold air direct from the floor and are the best made crosscut saws maple ieaf disstou robertson corpor ation fiddles 3 kinds files axes 9 kinds 75c to 150 see our handmade ailsteel axe whips 10c to s3 00 curry combs loe to 30c- horse brushes from 15c up rope and web haltera cow ties sausage stutters and grinders etc we stillhavo an immense stock of lamps cheaper than ver before those for parlor and hall use are unusually handsome oner lines of table and pocket cutlery are complete we have received the largest assortment of silyerplated goods wc have ever bad ladies call and see horsa shoes and nails very low silvester dougherty hjohnsonsv foreign and domestic fruit store oranges nujcs lemons rais1sts for xatb33 mies canned goods teas of the choicest brands sttqajeis coffees spioes ont ai ijuick trans ness bodily 1 ricauility iiiilw condition of vi fort follows th regulating toiiu rop lyinai aud dyspnptip conquers indi bilious compli plaints purifivr forces tho vita v- a state of fceble- and nervous ir- dyspepsia to a physical com- o the standard macliic north- le discovery rtlch speedily constipation cinale com- and reiu- tjntil your lmir becomes dry iliinvriu gry beforo giving the munition heeded l tiretervo ila bounty and vitality kwip on your toilettable a bottle o aycrs hair vigor tho only ilrwtiihg you nijniri for the hair and use a litt le ilaily to prsrve tho natural color and prvont bimniisn tjibinit miuiiiay sharon grove kv writes several months ago my hair miimuteiil falling out nml in a few weeks ray head was almost bald i tried ninny remedies but they did iio gnu 1 finally boneht a bottle of ayers hair visor and after using only a part of the eonieiits my head was covered wiih 11 heavy growth of hair 1 recom mend your preparation as tho best liair- refnrer in the world my hair was faded and dry writes mabel c hardy ot delavan hi but afier using a bottle ot aycs 1 lair vigor it beeaino black and glossy ayers hair vigor flour i flour i flour i of various brands for family use and of the best quality 90 days j without hard labor listen s j burkholder who keep the largest best and cheapest stock of furniture north of toronto will give 10 per cent discount on all cash sales of furniture foi 90 days picture framing a specialty undertaking coffins and caskets con stantly on hand and all funeral supplies funerals promptly attended orders received at all hours s 4 j burkholder furniture warerooms still to the fore el j davis has now in stock a yaried assortment of furniture prices exceptionally low- picture framing a specialty a fine line of baby carriages tj3srrertakiisrg m all itsbrancheson shortest notice ij give mk a call ujavinahdersbim ifwm srid lrusg3ts ai d iv pimp i- arid blot slies s i to tho face fore j niul li- i viitirely rv bv iic limmiiayt rssiiisftpfti ill ti infst ajsi totive nml i ootl lr r jihovrn dj c aycr sc co lovc 8oldtydni2glti 1 li uuli fori see our tobaccos and cigars the great tobacco house of the town 3 plugs tobacco for 25 cents of jubilee beaver prince of wales old crow brands etc or 4 for 30 cents on fridays 6 cigars for 25 cents or 8 on fridays of the following brands or others as good cable hysloptony soplcase dont pass without giving us a look in stouffville jan 9th 1s8s jtdl ei j jgldj oijim chemist druggist dba ibr in general drugs and medicines pitent medicines dye stuffs essences pure spices v toilet goods 8c school books jcsfx stationery p also a idw likes op jewellery spectacles which are selling at cost the fallowing proprietary medicines shoulil be in every house rowms gojgh syrup one of the moat effectual remedies in use for coughs colds hoarseness c rowans winter fluid the finest preparation in use for chap ped hajs and all kouglmess of the skin rowans capilline a supenor hair dressing promotes the growth removes dandruff and renders th wr soft and glossy rowans stomach drops pains in thetomach co vels 6 tcrdbmsetii3bl3 for- great reductions mxllimeby at ftfrs wilsons -0- 100 a year in advance- some choice mantles left knitting wools saxony bejlin an andilusian also childrcns woo goods old ladys dress cans call and see our goods before pn chasing elsewhere mrs p wilson 4