Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 30, 1888, p. 6

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i j 3d n jg r s fhb tribtjne stoottville out friday november so 1888 club rates wo offer the tuibuxe together with the following papers from now till the end of 1880 at the prices mentioned yeviy globe and rural caiiadtan2oo weekly mail and farm and fireside 175 weekly atari and one engraving- christ before pilate or fathers of confederation 175 weekly news and both pictures aoo weekly advertiser and engraving falls of niagara 175 family herald i century magazine 43 st nieholas v 35 address tle tribune stouffville ont- the ontario legislature will probab ly meet on jan 24 at the meeting of council today it was decided to call parliament for the despatch of business on thursday jan 81 the toronto world advises the globe to move over to buffalo no doubt there are more papers in toronto be sides the world that would like to get rid of the globe but the globe was i toronto before they were born and no doubt will still be there when they have gone the way of all flesh a wholesale dealer in toronto ac cording to the world says that the amount of capital invested in the manu facture of thread is greater than that invested in the production of flour he states that the house to which he be longs sends out daily hundreds of dol lars worth and that sometimes the orders for one day amount to 1000 the axakch oh axakguy chicago- nov 2- on sunday night 2000 anarchists uprotriousy cheered a tableaux in which an anar chist waved aloft a crimson- banner and trod under foot the stars and stripes the occurrence took place just outside of the city limits at a meeting of the socialistic turn verin the tableux was intended to represent he triumph of anarchy the central figure was a snowwhite bust of aug list spies ollsuhvatioxs wiio is to bo our next reeve echo answers who fresh arrivals at the zoo every week no gardens to equal it did our council give the contraet- for lighting the town by electricity whoever thought they- would i didnt cant our board of health go into the boarding house business and advertise cheap meals only three cents they take the cake too utterly utter those bone yard horses are our senses to be shocked with those unsightly sights of hereto fore time for the horses sakes let us have a humane society where is brother daley if those men wlvo are in need of as sistants eitllcias mechanics or laborers vere a little more careful as to the perspiistney employ it would be as vvellforthemselves and afleal better tor thocomniunity at large we are considered a toinperancc people dont let us disgrace pur fair name by im porting in our midst those vile besotted creatures like we sometimes see in our sister villages let us elevate the standard of our moralsby bringing into our midst men of unblemished char acter suppose that those supcricifipooplc who will not haw anything to do with municipal matters and are always prating that 01ft sit of councillors are o letter than their predecessors it would give a semblance of consistency if they would take hold of the manage ment of tliisi matter and elevate the standard of ability in our public men there are always men who are ever 00 ready to take office while the man of superior judgment will stand ly and see the nuisttnec propagated year after voir and then find fault because it is so grumbler either take it i yourself or for ever after hold your renee observer cohbespondence we wish it to be distinctly understood that we do not hold oursehes responsible for theopin- tons advanced by our correspondents corres pondents may write over a psendonym if they choose but the real name must accompany each communication editor tribune deau sut can any of your read ers suggest a plan to induce our re spected friend in the west end to keep inscow off the street both night and day we admit site is a tine cow why not she has cleaned out every garden west of the nailway track that she can get into to the destruction of cabbege beets celery mangolds car rots etc those that ure fortunate enough to have their gardens and yards fenced- and by being verv particular to fasteti up evory time they go out can avoid these losses but what can we do that have no fences neighbor mount albert mr yauantine brook has removed the town hall to a site a little further down the bill we would like to see it in the lower part of the village our post office has a new postmast er in the person of mr r roland the late postmaster mrs jackson is about removing to other parts our grain merchants are having a good deal of trouble to get away theji grain for the want of ears it seetus that the railroad company are bomid to destroy mt albert market thisea- son mr yilmot hoover while cording from newmarket in passing purdyo bush on the fourth concession was knocked oupof his buggy by three men and robbed of one hundred and sixty dollars mrtbeaveras also robbed of fifty dollars fewmiles south the presbyterian church of this place held a successful entertainment on tuesday evening themt aibert lodge of ao u w partcok of an oyster supper down at the new bakery on monday evening when tommy dished them up in line style boys if you want a good plate of oysters thats the place to go municipal matters are beginning to warm up and rumor says that depu ty rraviss is going to appose the pre sent reeve mr john ramsden and mr e lundy lire going to try tor the first deputyship we should think that after the little game mr lundy played last winter the grits of east gwillimbury would leave him at home we hear m- p ileepor and mr jiiaigh are going to be candidates a big racket at the post office satur day evening will soon have to- en- are that office a dinner pill many persons suffer excruciating agony after partaking o a hearty dinner the food partaken of is like a ball of lead upon the stom ach and instead of being a healthy nutriment it becomes a poison to the system dif- parmelees vegetable pills are woiulonnl correctives of such troubles tliey correct acidity open the secretions and convert the food partaken of into- healthy- nutriment they are just the medicine to take if troubled withjlndigestion or dyspep sia f m auction sale ov rt11 freehold jtjrtjlii r the uimi i sv 11- irrxi fjcritqw i- property ix til village ok stolffviixk 1m thecountvoi tfork under artjl by virtue of a owcrof stlc contained in two irtcrtiaci which will be produced at the time of dc there will be offered lorsalc by iniwie auction subject to a rorvctl bill at the mansion house miflcrls hotel in the said village of sioutf- villc on saturday december 22xijl8s8 at the hcur if loctaclt in the nficrnfwn the fol lowing valnjhc freehold village pnverty viz ma i and sinsnayi lrte iot number 14 nr the wcl i jc of vlcmirfa street in the wiiil village stcuftvillciii the co inly 01 vork according to re- fisered rtljn jjt and having a frimacof co fee y a depth of 131 feet containing intcfilth ofatfacrc more or lews on the premise is a rnir ofscmidctaclicd houses in oud repair and now entitled i teltjis twenty percent cadi at time of sale and balance by mortgage on the ail prcmisrs payable within one i jer from datethcreof with interest at six percent further particulars intv lc ohitiucd from will i iiam fleming of mrlchin the mortgages abstract tite dre is jnrl other pap ers may lie seen and ftirthtr pticwlars may be had by appying at the officeof mgelow tvstorsox it i mitts street tunmtj r licitors it y 1 dors christmas numbkit of tu globk a word t the wise is sufficient they say to those whom it may concern we would ten der the friendly advice that if they think of securing copies of the christmas gouk mentioned in our advertising columns the safe plan is to get the order in early any news agent will lake orders or tuey may be sent to the globe direct the promise is given by the globe management that this number will be an improvement upon anything of the kind hitherto issued and those who know the gijobes record as what canadian does not need not be told that this promise will be kebt the features of the edition will be as to mechanical make up new tyfj beautiful illus trations fine paper printed on a new pres by the most skilful work in the dominion as to literary merit contributions in the form of verse fiction or sketches from the best native writcts and as to arttstich inialiliesa profusion fo fine woodcut s illustrating the literary mat ter from designs by the best artists and also three magnificent colored presentation plates theprincipal one a view from vancouver lark b c by mr l k oisrien the leader in this branch of art in canada 1 lie price of the whole is only 25 cents so that- litis splen did paper is within the reach of all seasoisable -o- styles fall and winter goods v invite attention to our complete and carefully selected stock of pronounced by the vress the best paper of the kind published in canada today tiie rural canadian incoklokatijvo the farm jhlbnftl canadian farner and the d1aryhan an illurated monthly for the faiwi and home 3gli amd covklt s100 per teak- on the 1st ofijrtnuary next the rural canadian will enter on its twelfth year of publication during the past eleven- years it has been received with growing frvbr by an ever increasing number of readers ahd in the coming yearto efforts will be spared likely to enhance its value to the intelligent agricul turist a statement of the regular departments in the rural will best convey an idea of the scope of the publication karm and field horses and cattle the dairy sheep and swine garden and orchard liees and honey poultry and pets rural notes home circle household hints scientific and useful and two full pages of music dtjffebin land loan agency farms for sale west east west west liast knst west east west amaranth half lot 5 and 6 con 2 s2 con 3 2 con 3 1 con 6 3 con 3 si 6 con 0 33 con a con 2 6 con 3 24 con 1 25 con 5 20 con 8 f 10 and the w4 of the kj of lut 10 con 2 150 acre iiiii lot xi 200 acres 28 con 7 1 con 3 2 con 10 12 and sj of the wj lot 13 concession 1 22 con 9 5 and 6 con 5 of w half lot 4 con 9 130 130 130 100 100 100 toy io so 5 io 2co 2co io- tw 2ao ioo 96 79 io 75 75 53 so 5 mono tflrt of wast half ixt 20 conccssson 6 iol 23 concession 1 east knst half of lot 15 concession 3 west kast half of iot 14 concession 3 west west half of lot 26 and 27 concession 7 east half of lot 28 concession 3 west east half of lot 22 concession 6 east w part of lt 7 concession 2 cast mono e part btihe east k lot 7 con t east mono also a litw rw mill im lot oafialkaxa est half of west half and vcst half of east halt of lot 6 concession 10 south west part of lot 16 and 1 7 con 1 1 ixil 4 concession 1 west half of lot 14 and 15 concession 14 west half of lot 9 concession 17 east half of west half of lota cun deast 3 concession a meikcthon vt 266 concession 1 sv cft and s r lot vaj concession 2 iot 270 conccsmou 2 f lot 83 2s9uid 290 criiicession 4 b uftiihdsr 4 ixit 2 concession 4 2 yah 2 1 concession 4 neof i ixits 11 and 12 con 5 s w of t and s r tot lot i8 6 ixj calrdox east hilfoflot 31 concession 4 west 72 west halmflot 23 concemon 5 west 7 west hall ol lot 2ti concession 1 f iol 2 encssion 1 eist woodhouse parts of lots 13 am 18 in the iorc f the tuwnship of wudhone j r os 1 rev lr i 1 3 and 4 con 2 south duiham 2ro lot 12 eocesion 13 euihras a ivcm half of ijt 15 concession it 100 auiiox 01 ti nd i7conccmon 7 161 vo for sac in orancville a nu nhcr of ilriek i i vainc luclliiii hoics a r nmnher of it alifcijj i and atenarc field all of which rsi i c ocheap and on easy terms crtinitsiun of ten dollars on all sale pndcr fiuti uiidrtd ijllats over four liuulrcd lollira r v- medlay manager tjkc opposite tlic cordon house oigeville out 3kire ancl life inr lorn acu- yah lujy- comprising extonsivc lines ofnevvest and most fashionable ladies siioics gents hoots and shoes childuens shoes kuiibehs oyeks1ioes etc mens felt boots iinlmaiea 1arc stock vomens misses ani childuens cokdigax oveksiioe somothiny now comu and sec them t iptitciiis jtat xoavis- it will pay you to inspect our stock and get our quotations befou- purchasing elsewhere remember the place j xjnderhill stoufrville nov 13th 18s8 siouefyidle and mahk1iam aj xiie- isil foreign and domestic frimt store -33y- new fruit now in stock raisans oranges currants lemons figs dates cranberries full line ofwew groderies teas coffees sugars soafs tobaccos and cigars of the finest quality canned goods of all kinds salmon peaches pineapples lobsters tomatoes- liebigs beeftea sardines i apples- corn beef try our mince meat this best in the world wmwffm3 wlmwm wwsmmt manitoba imported flour goulds faultless and mount albert best all fulf roller process come make ready for your christmas pudding weddirfg cakes got up in the latest styles and on sinrt notice intending brides please note this fact confectionary and nuts of alt kinds come and secure your goods before the bakery is taken goods delivered to any part of the town everything cheap for cash pleasti dont ask for credit stoufpvirlist nov 28th 18s8 h johmsoist gunrantced to ive perfect satisfaction with cither coal or wood a large assortment of first class stovss of all kinds always kept in stock a splendid stock of tin and copper ware always on hand rememlwr the nliice b8qkr bros- isirw v sttwues stouffville-

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