22 - ’WHTI'CHURCHâ€"SI'OUFFVILLE THIS MQNTH' - See us on ‘www.stouflvifleonline.com' â€5:me xhz hour) of 12 and_5pm ful ben'cï¬ï¬‚ ofdnil M forwdï¬szflalins Wuhmmm mm WmMWGMummmW mmmm mmm gdailyconcznuitisso Dammit! MW: “mammal ' inmate. Misadcï¬m'unudfor mm mmmmmm “mm m mmm .MQIWWW Wmmb m wwmmm m 3mm. mmm mm mummflm lnacorpomeseningonâ€"sim mmbooaem player moraleloyahyandeOdlK to reduce m tension and 'Pmmon'ng Wellness in the Workplace†Chair massage. also known as on-site masage is a short massage routine done routine done mm the clothes m a spe- cially designed chair for the purpose of relaxation, focusing on your key ten- sion arm - i.e_ neck shoul- ders. arms and back. While dtai: massage has been around for yams. only recently is it becoming m:- ' as one of the moa beneï¬cial methods Jaclyn Skulmoski Certified Chair Massage Practitioner _ Of concern to most women is the condi- tion called osteo- porosis or 'porous bone’ Bone loss begins to occur after the age of thirty in most women It is hastened with menopause and many women chose Dentun‘sts study the clinical and technical aspects of removable den- tures and general health for a period of three years, longer than any other health-care practitioner: The College of Dentun’sts of Ontario acknowl- edges that Denturists are “Denture If you or someone you care about requires den- tures. or if you wear dentures and are experi- encing prob- lems, you should see a Dentun'st for help. Strength Training - Positive Preventative Medicine for Osteoporosis and Arthritis m, m a mm W mmm hm . m .mwmmw mmwmmmï¬m lndkanmï¬'lmdholblkwmdtcsmwdlbdn the Ispemmdasalodnydmflmarcstndylmuï¬lacdfl I madepmdcm Hdlnglsallfepxmqlllsahmdmwfllmmym on Wanna mdoncmothymy lorovlcbmmtmha. Amoddflylhdhas rsuhsforawkkm ofcoodl- tlmslsBMcchTthm www.mlsa ksys- mdnus'demdmwmm Mbmflmbnllflgï¬ haltthldc.Formflm' yarslthasbecn Wiymmumdpeopkuflermsfmametyd Illness. Whalinlhcï¬wtlcdvbacompkttysafcmd Whmï¬mlflhhbflnampm- eslasungrefldï¬un mm.m¢ olhe bogtoallownlohzl .Tgcmmdasaksd - clsemm .lhscmovcsnl mdmbcdmscpmmmm ‘l’herealwcfreqvemIntilrllpi‘u’r'E mmmachm mywngthcbocyllmto Other modalities offered. 905-642-2600 - Markham / Stouflvllle Cranioaacral Therapy 0 Reflexology Reiki 0 Visceral Manipulation Integrated Lymph Drainage Therapeutic Touch 0 Bowen Therapy Manager. Curves for Women by Sandy Higgs, Why Choose a Denture Specialist? Specialists" Anyone can consult a Denturist without a referral from another health-care professional. Denturists provide the most cost and time effecâ€" tive denture treatment Most Denturists‘ laboratory work is per- formed on the premises by the Dentun‘st who sees you. This ensures the quality of care is consistent and personal. Your Dentudst is able to provide you with the professional advice needed prior to choosing the denture that best suits your lifestyle. The importance of a thorough consulta- tion and examination with your hormone replacement therapy as a result. But there is a better method to treat and prevent osteoporosis. Strength training stimulates the man- ufacture of bone tissue because plac- ing a load on the long bones of the body encourages a bone building response. If you have the nutritional building blocks in your diet. you should expect bone density to be enhanced! Another health concern today is Arthritis. The two malor types are Spirituality and Health Spirituality is shaped by beliefs. deep convic- tions that we leam through previous core experi- ences of life. These experiential beliefs deter- mine how I see myself. others, God, and interpret my experiences In life. A childhood experience of abuse can lead to negative views of oneself, a dis- trust of others. and the belief that God is a power- less bystander in our worid. When an adult with this type of spirituality contracts a malor illness. this negative beliei system powerfully shapes her experience Due to a negative sell concept. she Nomtally. when people think of health care. spir- ituality is the last thing that enters their mind. But as pastoml counsellor for the Community Care Access Centre of York Region. I am convinced that spirituality is a core dynamic in nurturing health. ‘A Foun COURSE ï¬XEd MENU IEA CElEbRMiNq IhE IASIES of [All SUNdAy, OCIObER 51h RESERVE youn tickEI IodAy! FiNt Gihs Denturist prior to any treatment can- not be emphasized enough. This appointment gives you the opportu- nity to express your concerns and desires for your new dentures. It also allows the Denturist the opportunity to assess the oral conditions present and address your needs and expecta- tions. A Denturist can restore an existing broken or cracked denture to its orig- inal state. Repairs maybe required when breakage or chipping occurs, when one or more teeth need to be added to an existing denture (due to tooth extraction). or because of wear and tear. Most repairs can easily be Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid. Although different. the common denominator is damaged ioint carti- lage. Strength training again will help to provide the support joints need to work properly. Losing weight will reduce the stress on the joints and proper nutrition will help provide the cartilage with the nutrients needed for cellular health and antioxidants for protection. With a low impact exercise program moving fluid rather than weights. the 6308 Main Stun 905,64043787 (Acloss'hon flu clock town) FALL/HARVEST IEA LUNCH TEMpESI iN A TEApOT qih sh0ppe ANd TEAROOM may believe that she deserves her sickness Her distrust of others, which ‘ And often leads to controlling behaviour, makes it hard for health (are profes- sionals to support her. Because of her theology, she sees no point in prayer for God cannot help her. Not only do beliefs shape our response to ill- ness, they also can be a oonrributing factor to ill- ness. l have met people who found themselves with cancer alter praying for God to make them sick Closely related to beliefs is emotions. another Continued on page 23 by Gard Alton. Pastoral Counsellor/Pastor. Community Mennonite Chunk by Michael C. Deegan, DJ} If your dentures are more than five years old, make an appointment to talk with your Denturist. You can improve your looks. selfâ€"conï¬dence and possibly your health with quality replacement dentures. Courtesy of: The Stouï¬ville Denture Clinic, celebrating 3 years of dedicated ser- vice. done in one day. If your denture requires a repair, it may be indicative of underlying problems. including age of the denture. wom teeth or poor fit. Your Denturist is the profes- sional who can best explain how to prevent denture breakage from occurring. motions are smoother with less impact on joints. making a safe work- out for any age group or physical con- dition. By increasing lean tissue, women will raise their metabolism and expect to keep the weight off. thus reducing strain on hips. knees and ankles. What a bonus! Strength training is positive preventative med- icine. its more than iust exercise. It's about improving your Quality of Life. AhERNOON IEA OCTOBER 2003