OCTOBER 2003 Mark you calendars now for A Bid and Bop for Luke. which takes place Nov. 7 at Markham Fairgrounds. All proceeds from the event, which features a live band. cash bar, live and silent auctions and a fabulous evening of fun and dancing, will beneï¬t Luke Anderson, 25, who was severely iniured in a mountain biking accident on Oct. 27. 2002 in British Columbia. As a result of his iniuries Luke. who grew up in Stouffville. is a quadriplegic. Bid and Bop for Luke at fairgrounds 'Luke has sï¬ent {he 'malority of his life in our great town and needs your help.“ said Sandy Schell Complimentary beyerages and snacks, courtesy of Tim Hortons in Stoullvlllc, will be provided during the evening. and everyone is Invited to come out and loin the fun. The appraisal fee will be waived for anyone who is willing to donate one or more items to Parkview Home. Donated items will be sold at a lundraising auction for the building fund to be held In early 2004, and donors can request a charitable receipt, which will be issued within 30 days of the sale. ‘Antiques Roadshow’ to benefit Parkview Home building fund This special event, sponsored by Clarkson Auctions and Reid's Antiques. is a fundraiser for Parlwiew Home Building Fund and covers a wide spectrum, from metal toys and quilts to Stoulfville Creamery mill: bottles and antique ieweilery. Our local experts will identify each artifact and provide a verbal appraisal of its value for just $i0 per item, or $25 for three pieces. If you have antiques or collectibles and would like a professional appraisal of their value, drop by Stouffville's own Antiques Roadshow at Partview Village Auditorium on Oct 24 from 6 to 9 pm. A |\\ ICS'I Auction items donated so far include golf fours at some of the finest courses in the area, including Angus Glen, Sleepy Hollow and Mill Run; a Re/Max hot_ air balloon ride; Leaf tickets and a Toronto Rock jersey. Businesses and individuals who would like to donate an auction item or provide volunteer help at the dance are asked to call Sharon at 4l6- Kennedy, who is on the Friends of Luke Anderson Committee. "While his spirit remains high, he and his family face an incredible ï¬nancial challenge as they adapt to this life change." 37¢}; mama avatar; EdwardJoneé Serving Indiviflua] Investors m.edwardjom.com 34 Civic AWL. Unit 10] Stouflvifle Bus 905-640-9559 1-888-631-3348 Fax â€5640-9916 “Ruben! [imam-live The organizers welcome new sponsors. For more information on A Bid and Bop for Luke. call the number above, or visit Luke's website at www.lukeanderson.ca. "Proceeds from the evening will go towards Luke's transportation requirements to provide him with much needed independence," said Ms. Schell Kennedy. Tickets for the event, which is open to people aged l9 and up, are just $20 each and are available from the Bank of Montreal and Latcham Gallery, or by calling 905-640-4705. 929-7503. Local artists promote their Studio Tour and Sale which takes place Oct. 25 and 26. Pictured are - back row: Pam Wright; middle row: Steve Noorhoff, Ray McNeice, Joan Chalmers, John Walmsley; front row: Benny van Velsen, Marie Messma, Marg Grandison, Ron Brown and John Roberts. Other participating artists are Sandra Cole Burke, Cathy Dumas, Andrew Hamilton and James Wilkes. planned for Oct. 25, 26 Studio Tour 7WHITCHURCH-STOUFMLLE THIS MONTH†- ll To Talk To John 905-642â€"4323 - Email: Electhph@yahoo.com RELPH [Vii/Do MW Councillor Ward 5 - 16 Year Resident - Retired Police Oï¬oer - Community Volunteer - Willing 8L Able to Commit Fulltime JohnfoRelph