JUNE 2004 best thing you can do for fridgefsaysone yourbeer mac-49903 Mismatch; , _model:ywmsm$lï¬o ayeabymmofldiofldmméï¬euermï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ job and yAflyedmpaybthsemnmeelecmmybl savings Conserving electricity is always a good idea, but in Ontario it's more important than ever On April I. Ontario's electricity rates changed. but by coming up with a conservation strategy for your home, you can actually make your bills go down. Here are a few ideas: - Get the facts-How energy efficient is your house? Do you feel a cold breeze in the hall? Are you roasting in summer? Hidden air leaks account for up to 40 per cent of the heat loss in your home. The Energuide Audit for Houses program lets you call licensed . ’ professionals. who can come to “3“} . your house and evaluate :- what you can save. Even before this, you can improve efï¬ciency by maintaining your equipment. such as by replacing your - Energy saving tips for your home Conservation In the home can be as easy as planting a tree or putting down a m What's W is to Stan today-you can save the planet Ildsavemoney. Formoreenemysavingldeas visit www.mnorafl I 888-668-4636. on and off than to leave them burning. 0 Stop the leaks-ls your computer on all the time? It doesn't need to be-especially the monitor, which uses 60 per cent of the electricity drawn by your computer. Nor does that extra TV you hardly ever use need to be plugged ln because it's drawing energy even when It‘s off. All those ginnos plugged into recharges can be unplugged too. once they're your beer cold is to Invest in a new fridge bearing the Energy Star® symbol. Energy Starw appliances are IO per cent more efficient than minimum federal efficiency standards. You'll also save the Provincial Sales Tax on qualified Energy Star® appliances. Other Energy Star® appliances such as dishwashers and front-loadlng clothes washers can multlply your savings. 0 Easy on the lights-You can lower overall energy demand by concentrating bright -. . . light where you need it rather " ‘-‘ ------ than evenly lighting the entire ' room. This is called “task lighting". Less dramatic ways of saving energy include: opening the blinds. replacing your llghtbulbs with low-watt, energy efï¬cient ones and ' turning off the lights when you don't need T†' 'r/ " misconception. it takes_less _energy to turn lights 416 . QTT’7778 . "WHITCHURCHâ€"STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH {// Brad Wood Interior Exterior Staining Decks Fences Gazebos Stucco Power Washing Wallpaper Removal Minor Repairs Maintenance more. . . Services include: