4 - 'WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH" â€" See Wheels in motion for Rick Hansen Stouffville residents are invited to participate in the 2004 Rick l-hnsen Wheels In Motion (RHWIM) event to raise funds for people with spinal cord injuries. "Canadians are people who care about each other and constantly give of themselves." said Rick Hansen. president and CEO of the Rick Hansen Man in Motion 9y Kate Gildetdale ï¬mï¬ville Ibis Month Foundation "We're thrilled with the support we‘re receiving from the volunteers organizing the second annual Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion event. We invite the com- munity of Stouffville to join in the fun and partici- pate to help support their efforts." Stouffville event leader Brenda Lobraico and a group of dedicated volunteers are planning the local event. which is set to roll at Stouffville us on ‘www.smuffvilleonline.com‘ Arena on June l3. People can participate individual- ly or in teams. or they can pledge support to others who are taking part. "As a team captain you will need to put together a team of IO or more indi- viduals who would like to participate," explained Ms. Lobraico. "Each indi- vidual in turn would col- lect their own pledges which would be put toward the team total." Local residents Luke Anderson and Wayne Feasby will be among those wheeling, walking or running in support of RHWIM on lune l3. Half the net proceeds raised go towards improving the quality of life for people with spinal cord iniuries and the remainder are directed to research into ï¬nding a cure. Participants can regis- ter online at. www.rick- hansen.com or contact Brenda Lobraico at 905- 642-2739 for pledge forms or more information. Was Stouffville District Secondary School (formerly known as Stouffville District High School) a part of your life between I954 and 2004? In honour of the contribution the school has made to the community. we will be producing a special oom- memorative section in our lune 2004 issue. We wel- come contact from individuals who have stories to tell about time spent there; memorable moments. achievements. favourite teachers, mentors, peer rela- tionships and infamous antics recalled. Visuals and memorabilia will also help us make this special section a fitting tribute. If you have a story to tell or a photograph of days gone by at 5055, please contact Na‘ncy Hopkins no later than May 5 by e-mall at hopklnsnanqehotmallxom or telephone at 905-642- 8I07. Since space will be limited. we cannot guarantee publlcadon, but we will Include as many contributions as possible. If so. then news of the upcoming 50th Anniversary Reunion weekend Iuly 2-4. 2004 has probably sparked many memories. Slouffville This Month would like to know about them. 8088 50th reunion organizers seek memories from students and staff MAY 2004