Housing Tribunal I submit that vulnerable seniors should be assisted in dealing with federal, provincial and municipal government bureaucracy, including the Ontario hntal The Singer sewing machine was first manufactured in I85] by Isaac Merritt Singer. Each machine has a serial number that you can use to determine where and when it was made. In I853 he set up corpomte offices and a manufacturing facility in New York City, USA; and Dear l.T.R.: You have an easily recognizable Singer treadle sewing machine. It has an Egyptian painted motif in gold on the machine itself and is a six drawer model. Dear Attic Treasures: I bought this sewing machine about |0 years ago and I had it refinished What can you tell me about it? I.T‘R. me through Whitthurch Stouflville this Month, drop it off at Reid's Antiques, 6397 Main St. Stouffville during regular business hours or via e-mail at robert.reid5@sympatico.ca. everyone I welcome inquiries about any obiects that you may have and look forward to seeing and perhaps writing about them. Please forward a photo and a description to MAY 2003 Margaret ngoct Seniors Sunny. bright May to pitfall next councils I submit that outgoing municipal councils should ensure that any 'undisclosed' matters have a paper trail dealing with legal and ï¬nancial angles to the â€Undisclosed " Matters From I85| until I899 each machine was issued a unique serial number. In I900 a single letter prefix was added to tell where it had been manufactured and later a double letter USA, Canada and Germany. and in I9I I, one in Russia. Canada started production in I87I. This same year. |87|, was when Singer introduced the Red “S" girl . a trademark that became recognized worldwide, by 1900 the Singer Sewing company had manufacturing plants in Scotland. dknigblo’rz @93sz www.sknigbtondesigns.mm coordinated by a well‘ qualified, experienced and knowledgeable Chief Adminilttative Ofï¬cer (CAO), I submit that municipal govemmem should be managed and Mil-Run Stacey Knighton R0. Box 157 Sm Main Smufliu‘lle 0N L4A 725 :knigb!ond¢rigm@mgm.mm of modern manufacturing techniques, The cabinets are most commonly oak veneer -- this example has curved drawer comers wrapped in a seamless sheet of veneer illustrating The cabinets and machines were made to a high standard of uniformity and can be interchanged Singer employed the best Hi36l5|l indicating that it was made in Elizabeth. New jersey. USA in |907i V. Stouffvill neighbouring t their town and compare them wit Ivy-laws in I submit that persons seeking election as mumcipal councillor! should be familiar wit} ensing Lleonslng by Rob Reid These machines are nearly indestructible. and at one time almost every household would have had a machine such as this to make routine sewing Singer also produced many different sewing related products and the older items are now avidly sought by collectors. There are several websites devoted to the collection and discussion of Singer items. The company celebrated its [50th Anniversary in 200l. Dianne 0 905-640-3521 Karen 0 905-640-1657 The variations on the cabinet itself are almost endless: from two drawers per side to three drawers and a front centre drawer, to wood pulls or brass pulls and applied details to the front and sides of the cabinet The sewing machine itself was also decorated in a variety of different styles The Egyptian motif is one of the more common variations. one of the benefits of this material. The applied decal on the front of the cabinet is not original, but is consistent with the overall design. New To Your Community? Be sure to call See 'Antique’ page 21 Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along wilh helpful community information. lLCOME‘ IAGON Sm I930 905-986-0941 Port Perry 0 Real Estate 0 Wills Estates 0 Litigatians 0 Corporate 0 Family Law Eric R. Button, B.A., L.L.B. Gordon C. Ness, 0.0. and Associate Kenneth C. Goodbrand B. Comm. LLB‘ BUTTON, ARMSTRONG NESS BARRISTERS SOLICITORS â€WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH" - 25 starting at 5pm through 8pm , ‘2435 plus tax .chuum lo a under - I/zgiu 905â€"640â€"4882 / 1-800-344-5527 HWY. 48 I 2 KM N. OF BLOOMINGTON RD. >K NOW for Mother’s Day 31 Sunday, May ll 2 Seatings: llam-lpm l:30pm-3:309m "4.45 plus in â€" Childnn l0 s m â€" I/zBuu Expert Legal Service Since 1896‘ CALL FOR DETAILS AND RESERVATIONS :aples of Ballan' Mother’s Day Dinner Buffet 905-640-3530 6361 Main St, Stouï¬ville