I worked as a telephone cable repairman in Stauffville in the eariy 60's when Bell took over the system from the Thank you‘for a very enjoyâ€" able publication. In the inter- est of accuracy, the wires shown in the historic photo are telephone lines, not power. To the editor: Re: Turning Back the Clock - - March Reader helps to uneross our telephone wires 6 - 'WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH - Kg See us on ;\ Vllll'l'clllllIGIl-SI’OIIFFVILLE ‘ ‘ A division 0183:: Marketing I 1460912 Ontario Inc. Also mm: u me Fun Pmy as and mum. Sh: Dismbuted Free by Canam Post 10 evety home in the following communities: STOUFFVILLE â€" GOODWOOD - GORMLEY BALLANTRAE â€" MUSSELMAN'S LAKE AND VANDORF ls traffic, particulally along Main Shoot, a problem lot you and It so, what oltomatlvo routes do you use? SIOUFFVILLE - GOODW006~ comm?" BALLANTRAE - MUSSELMANS LAKE AND VANDORF NEWSPAPER ~ ~ - . ' . ‘ ‘ _ ' . . : ' ' I scn me value ol an advemsamoa The publisher is noi liable 10! l ' blicalion musl be made wilhln two weeks ol publication. and, il nol made. will nol be considaved. No claim willbe allowed mum than one inSem'm. Soupging ' lhe Tork-Durham ACademj 0? {he Periiormins Arts’ production OV'OUVer!" is This'si 'ust One ‘h’fmq. "T18 J M l was privileged to meet a lot of good people in and around Stouffville during that time. The sales bam. when it really was a sales barn, was the municipality. A lot of the lines and cables were still there from the era shown in the photo. it was a challenge to keep the telephone system running until more modern facilities were installed. (All? mac Yes its"? my; and I am it mi xmmagziz? an a ml were In live on Rupeï¬ StrgtlmWï¬ave ‘www.stoullleoqline.com' North. ' trafï¬c to the (Stoumile Country) Made! could be redirected in the summev. is awful ind auntie? us even worse. I calm the back megs: gum Milky and Trafï¬c on Main Sheet, MGAH'W 9" mm There are a lot of tales that could be told about my adven- tures here," was an interest- ing time for a poor clty boy like best place for lunch. For two or three dollats you could get a delicious full'course meal. The meal also included all the best local news and gossip. Terry Hutchins Stouffville MI IINNIIIV Yes It isflou sit for a long time at the lights in gm town. I come across open to s town. We: cams! route is needed so people com- ing fmm the city could bypass Main Street Mr. Klees has pinpointed the need to reduce our reliance on automobile use between the community and the city. Let's take a leaf out of his book and make it easier and more pleasant for peo- ple to hang up their car keys and let their legs.do the walking. - With the proliferation of big box retailers and drive-through restaurants at the west end of town. not to mention the unlovely vista of, concrete and plastic signs this type of development tends to create, the most avid walker would think twice about a stroll along Main St. west of Ninth Line. And unless -a viable east-west bypass is constnrcted. our residential streets will become more and more congested and our quality of life will continue to-decline, even without the planned residential growth. Meanwhile, Stouflville's own gridlock 'heaéa‘che 'tï¬iï¬hues to grow. As two readers point out in a letter in this month's paper, sev- eral residential streets are facing a major increase in traffic volume as a result of recently-installed lights at two more intersections on Main Street. Rupert St., in particular. has become the bypass of choice for many vehicles, creating a‘ hazardous situation for pedes- trians and homeowners alike. Persuading people to take public transit is an enormous chal- lenge, but once they give it a try, they are often surprised to dis- cover how pleasant it is to have someone else in the driver’s seat. And the more of us who use it. the more likely it is that the senrice will continue and expand. - ‘ Last year CO 'n'ansit substantially inCreased bus and train ser- vice between Stouffvllle and Toronto,’ a move we welcomed. And it's not only commuters who benefit. Teenagers can take in a movie, visit their favourite store and enjoy a taste of city life. Adults who hate driving on busy city streets can have a relaxing day or evening out and still have time to catch the “:40 pm. bus from Union Station. His daily commute from Aurora to Queen's Park has given him ï¬rst-hand experience of the rapidly-growing problems of gridlock on major routes Into the _city. ‘As guest speaker at the Stouffville Lions dinner meeting March 15. Mr. Klees stressed the importance of lon'g-tenn planning and investment in public transit to provide the infrastrircture for. maintaining our quality of life in the commu- nity. Our local MPP. Frank Klees, was appointed Minister of Transportation in the recent Ontario government shuffle. Keeping penple on the move We ls opï¬anlï¬es'Yot anion (ogrreaeation and WNW! Sute there's a lot 0! lights, but it's not a great issue compared to Toronto trafï¬c I don‘t think the met- chants of Whltchurch- Stouflvllle would like it it thq_boilt a Imus; _A_ binge: GENERAL MANAGER CREATIVE MANAGER SALES REP. ....... OFFICE MANAGE? 4 BUSINESS OFFICE . traffic 1i chlonized across "and treat. Also W “W another "major mute so that 89‘ of! the sides;rnte‘:e't)'1e .MaryAm Flemlno .86. Bell .Bmce Slaptey .Lorena Addison .Gayle Stapiey rgged to have’the APRIL 2003