Time to celebrate spring at Goodwood Gardens M_ARCH 2003 Local high school students aged lb and I7 are invited to apply for the Summer Work/Student Exchange program offered by the Department of Canadian Heritage Lindsay Shérban. with-{is taking Administrative Studies at Exchange program for high school students enhances language skills The ï¬rst of 000de Gardens' free seminar series takes place March I at 2 pm. in the greenhouse at 378 Highway 47, east of Goodwood. The seminar provides an informative and entertaining review of new plants. products and gardening ideas. Following Mr Flanagan's presentation. guests are invited to attend the annual Goodwood Gardens' Tropical Tastes reception in anticipation of the return of spring. For more details call l905l640-4852.‘ By Kate Gilderdale Stouffville This MonTh Garden designer and Stouffville resident Denis Flanagan will present What's New in the World of Gardening. A graduate of horticulture from Surrey, England Mr Flanagan has over 25 years of deSign experience and is the host of Home and Garden Television's The Indoor Gardener and One Garden Two Looks. Centennial College. is coordinating the program for young people in the Oak Ridges riding "It's open to students that either speak French or are learning to speak French, and they exchange with another student_from Quebec or New Brunswick for six weeks from early luly to mid- A-ugust' explained Ms. Sherban Part of her job is to assess applications, meet applicants and their families. and select between five and IQ students who are best qualified to participate in the program. Those who are accepted "also get a summer iob out of it. which pays minimum wage or more It really is a good opportunity and an incredible learning experience." said Ms. Sherban. "If you're looking at using French in the future, this is the best way to get into it, and bilingualism is a requirement for government iobs." For more information. e-mail lsherban@sympatico. ca. call 905- 6404584. or visit wwwsummer- worluoom. ~ This spring, Ms. Sherban will visit area high schools to give a IS-minute presentation explaining how the program works and outlining the qualifications that are needed to apply. "The presentation includes a five- -minute video,a talk and a_question and answer session." "Expenses are fully covered by the government and the only thing they have to contribute is their personal spending money." Weekend activities. such as mini-golf and visiting local attractions, are part 'of the exchange experience. Lindsay Sherban, the Oak Ridges coordinator for the Summer Work/Student Exchange program, offered by the Department of Canadian Heritage, displays a poster for the program, which is open to French-speaking students aged 16 to 17 in Wtchurch-Stouï¬ville. â€WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH