4 - 'WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE THIS MONTH" â€" See Mr. Mrs. A Alexan Doug and Sharron Alla Ann's Fahics Jill Atkinson Jean Barkey BeuyNelsonFrendI Ron Baird JamsandJmeBaey BMOFinandalerp SandraBuke mandemButmn CandanBroadcastingCaporau'on CamdanOperaCanpmy mmem ShopdeeaRoun CentuyMiLurber Barthaulemkllers MargBrock Bmok‘sDeiecmleGncolate ValetieAsh‘ton DamathetetBell The Latcham Gallery would like to thank the following for their generals support of the Gallery: Th_e__ Latcham GalleryTeam Mew Hamilton 0009 Human CardGuinane SheilaGhawian LyridaGigs Ela'meFlamghn V0 [UNTEEIU' OrnarioSdermCerWe OnmrioTrflimFomdaï¬on DomthyclarkoOue Theau'ePaseMuaifle GlotimdFrmkar Wanda“. Kate Gildefdale Gila Olevrolet Oldsmobile Lynda Giles Golden Eagle Art Galleries Margaret Grandison Carol and Peter Guinane Don and Darlah HaMIan Ivan and Gayle Harris Headlines Hair Studio Pat Huff Irside Out Decorating Grant lvens Jennifer Oeegan Gay and Dsign SandedIell Kennedy Sig Kusatz JudyLendon Kathyn Miffl‘n mineral Boutique Judith Livingston Wm“ Lyn Liddle MagrunCopyCemIa MaernGrowofAnists DONOR! us on ‘www.stouï¬vifleonllne.com' Vanessa Perry Miian O'Rourke Shale] Pam TheImaMdDonald HelethXema Kann Metrakos’ Kathryn Mifflin mm? 5(le McMahon Taboo Resort/Golf/Confereme CamWallis WarmrMusicCamda JaneWanen Town of mm Stouffville Vanessa Perry Jadde Petrie Pet Stop, Stouffville Gillian Pritchard Roz Pritdiard Linda Proctor Purrfectiy Country - Nadine Lauder Francine Reid, R.M.T. Janet Reid John Roberts Tar-9mm TempstinaTeapot JanetWikon 3%mï¬memM Visit the Gallery to see our aï¬amm ï¬rst exhibition celebrating ’c'igasewk 25 Years of Art in Stouffville Dee Smith Sony Music Canada Tiffany and Paul St. Gennain Stouffville Bakers Hill Stouffville Legion Stouffville Lions Club Stouffville Newcomers Club Stoutfyille Physiotherapy Centre Stouffvil Stouffvil Stouffvil Stouffvil Royal Ontario Museum Stouffville Pic’twe Frarï¬ihg Studio Stouffville Therapeutic Centre for David Street Sandy Stronach lelms BudSanderson Baleeife SDSSGrade 12Artdass JulieStewan PauIStGamain TiffavyaGermain Elizabah Tsoukalis Benny van Vehen Laura Wannop Jane Warren Carol Watson Mike Wm call. We would love to hear from you: The Latcham Gallery, 6240 Main St. Stouflvme MA 724 905-640-8954 If we have missed your name, we apologlzo and thank ' you for your contribution! The Latcham Gallery is a public art gallery established in 1979. if you would like to loin the Gallery team by making a clonadon or becoming a volunteer, give us a AV 79 JANUARY 2004