Fvuhm Featured bands Include Bnar O’Sumvan and Alluon von Cncgern Carysmd Fncnds, Son 1mm.111c day also include: an as show, face painting and a wude assortment of food. The manv vcn- pm. Slouffville’s baseball diamond and pavilion in Memorial hrk will come to life with musical perform- Inca ‘ from blues and jazz to Cdmm folk and a musical chikhn's show. , V‘, __ _ .......... my. Together With allow mum and amsts, he mud The Ans for Mm: Fme Beneï¬t Concert sched~ uhd for May 27 (mm date June 3). Between 1 and 5 Tuuum tn m 2005 he knew hu Cw forever He had travelled to African town u put of a p [mm the Stouffvdle hrmenhjp (SIP, a local hummurian ef trying to make a (influence m communnty. After witmumg ï¬rsthand the end disease that IS my life for Tinnnhns, the local musi- cian decided he would spend the word and do what he could for the peer pk he Ind come to know dumb!) month long mp. Concert to raise funds for Stouffville Igoma partnership m9 “3"“ deathâ€, By chy Hophns SmufMlk Pm Pres: in Kerswill retumed Tmuma in the sum. he knew his hf: had men: In time treating malaria and infect and assisting with health births eye clinic distributes asses. next major project for SIP is installation of a filtration systen purify lgoma’s water sunolv mm mdiaisnr Ind IHI 00mm I“ 1V )mR D! he Ans for Africa lei! annual involve- :wbcrry Festival, SIP working on an early pact tor SI filtration s} '11th supp] : a crucn Involved hav 1V UK “CG :m compo- running. lr of their cncï¬t nlt ths.An s. The is the tem to \CN 40 RCHCI )IO found on their websiter at www.sipannership.org. Be sure tc mark the May 27 Arts for Africa Fm Benefit Concert on your calendar. Anyone who wants more infor mation on participating in this part nershir can contact M: Clark at 905- 640-1 02. Further details can be found on their website M been very generous wnh donatlons, but paylng for and successful] dclivcnn the goods has n a chaï¬ lengc, Assnstancc from the Shl ping Industry would ma e a real dnffcrcncc to that efforts, Child 5 MO!â€" shi is also necdchodatctS Igoma chuforcn have benefited from month- ly sponsorships Church 336.000 It P Secret the SIP a Fundnun D‘umu Auction held at East ' ye Missionary h Last April‘s event mud Ms Whitchurch experience the community particularly p: medical backgro nearing know- regards to water. )Uatx ur mmauvc can I labounon." Any! be part of the pro; mate nme, moncv sumo: at the ary Nancy initiative ( DCCC 5946Main sc. sun-mill; )un be! dmner. luntms in of lgoma. 905-642-1111 an Item engl with (across Iron Canadian Tin) )ma mt} an