here Old Fashioned Service Meets Today's Building Needs†FABUlDlJS SPRING 8: SUMMER MSHIONS NOW! Won Whitman-SW w ' tho you at “Mnfl I III! I a [a â€My older lads onjoy Ming m um UV. Shaman. This "I; It. pllco on Jun. 3 from 10 mm. b ‘- Includo Wuloy United 4 larch-SW". Museum. Willow ‘ ‘ Ind Stouflvllll Lawn Bowllng Glam. fluctuation vlsn www.DoonOponWS.¢. a courtesy of the Doors Open Whhdmfdl Illa Commmee And thank u to your newgpaper for supporting the sale through'm men: and pub ‘city. last, but certainly not least, many thanks are due oath: citi- zens of Stouffville who came out in record numbers to support this annual library fundraiser. Your generous support is responsible for the event's continued success. All this dedication and commitment are most appreciated. ‘ John Rel h Chair, SP1. Book Sale Committee Stouffville The Book Sale Fundrais Committee has many people to thank 501 Mm to make this sale so success“ First, thanks go to the Stouffville the Kinsmen Club of Stouffville, the Richardson Lodge Masons, the 5 Lime Club, and the students of SDSS and other neighbouring schools for their inv'nlve- ment in setting up and takin down the sale. Thank you also to Lindy’s'flunl Boutique, Steve 8: Liz’s No F ' s, A 8: P and Sobeys for donating goods and Idle-h- ments to the sale. Thank you to the many volunteers who gave so freely of did: time, sorting, selling and packing. . Once a the community of Whitchurch-Stouffville has come TheLIbr lamBookSaleraiseyd more than ’11,000werï¬ourandaï¬ of thll year. ese funds will 0 towards au entmg the collections at the» offering more programs, an providing ad in anal resources for the redder!“ cor_r_\_mu_mty A To the Editor: ITOUIMLLI â€"â€" Readers Write â€" Library Book Sale A ‘ Giant Success SINCE 1922