Alfons Rubbens takes a break at the Casey van Marl: Soccer Centre In Ballantrae Park. He Is standing next to the plaque dedlcatlng the centre to van Maris, a fan mer presldent of the w h l t c h u r c h - Stouffvllle Soccer "The numbers are still ‘there overall. But it stops once they reach 14 or 15." Rubbens said this summer’s World Cup should provide a boost to interest in the ame, but also sees next year's Under-20 orld Championships, which will be hosted by Canada, as a critical opportuni- ty to generate interest in the sport. A new stadium is due to be built in Toronto in conjunction with the Under-20 event. Rubbens, a native of Holland, started the Whitchurch- Stouffville Soccer Club for very practical reasons. "When my son Acco to Rubbena, the game has gone thxou a dry apell over the last cou- Ele of years, not just in the Whitchurch- touffville area but across Canada. "The World Cup in the US. [in 1994], really boosted the levels [of participation]," he said, 'but it has not wn in the last two years. There is not ' sustaining it in Canada at the moment. There is no pro Inge. There. is a lot lackgnglat the top.__ The 73-yemold community resident hnbeenakeyp la rontheloulloccer scene for almostp 4 yea." He founded the Whltchurch- Stouffvllle Soccer Club in 1977 and gulded it throuï¬'l: in culy years, and he a currently pubhs er and editor of Inside Soccer ma zine, a publication he launched in 1 that now enjoys a mtioml profile. Alfons Rubbcns can we a soccer revival coming to the Whitchurch-Stouffville ml, and he Ihould know. By John Hopkins Rubbens started ublishing Inside Soccer when he retire; and says hmstlie pubâ€" lication has become a great success. "lt' 5 become a major thing," he said "I’ m the only one who publishes a magazine in Canada, and the con- tacts We made throu hout North America, and the frien 5 I’ve made, are wonderful. " Currently the magazine, which is ublished every two months, is ocusing on speciï¬c themes geared to promoti the ame among you Elayers. n‘Fhe Apgril issue includedng ournament and Camp Cu1de, while the next edition will feature a parâ€" ents' guide to soccer "In those days [when the club started] it was very easy to t enthusiastic par- ents and volunteers, at lained Rubbens, who took two Stou fville teams to Europe in his time with the club. "But there's a lack of volunteers now, and I mean volunteers with a passion. Parents are not involved in the ame anymore. They are so busy now. Fthink it’s the same with baseball. "It’s such a pity. We used to have so much fun. There was so much unity'and it was a wonderful time." The club its me: at the Casey van Maris y'r Cesraitre in Baflnntrae Park The centre was dedicated to the late van Maris, a former president of the club, on Sept. 21, 2002. Rubbens says the club enjoyed a great deal of support over the first 10 years, but admits that such enthusiasm has been hard to come by more recently. It is a phenomenon he thinks isn’t restricted to soccer or to the Whitchurch-Stouffville area. SoMthaQflOOgnntfmnithemu/n for ui ment and unifomu, Rubbens su h t c Whitclfwrch-Stoulfafvillc club. One- undred and any-six p yen regilw tcred for that flu: season and 10 teams were formed. and daughter started playing I had to take them to Aurora," he explained. 'Then I would take their friends, and aoon I was driving aeven kids to soccer ea in Aurora. [thought ‘Thia is erazy. f , V I ,w‘-‘ 1'I wouldn't be surprised if we see registrations in Stouffville start to grow again." It is all part of Rubbens’ continuâ€" ing efforts to w the game in his community an across the country. "I wouldn't be surprised if we get another kick at it," he said when lookâ€" ingnahead't'o the next coupie of years.