..P HA_.BT\ EY “F A L IE R IN LUMBEI Lu; <hi m... s.I:_. P135". goal. We: MflNEY; JAS. u. CLARKE, n. ROWAN. M. o W. A. SANGSTER, M. B‘ A. ROBINSON, DENTIST. STEPHENSON G. POWELL HOLM‘ES a. 'GREGORY â€islets, Mlicitors, Conveyueera, JAMES O'BRIEN . M. \VELL-s. DENTIST. AURORA. FRED w. HILL, 3. A 1E]! VILLE. ~ ONTARIO N. E. SMITH â€ALLOY 6. KEEPER AR â€STRONG “.mlh LLE. - UN'IARIO 1““ mu nu |I Inn-":9.†“Khan“ Etilnm t Davidson J1“ ham-m mum-nu SSIONAL. mil.- ill-told!" 1N HONOR -_~hulhlï¬ mew nfdomoluc munch way. u at 4:) Dmmvu! . .nnn‘ And Albert 451V bud". Nu! Inï¬llâ€"I‘ll lot WEI In bumâ€"Inl- W‘DD-ulld A: Film“! ht. Roan-Q! RA. rnfl‘nUn, (he FYI] TOR‘ c‘ ' l BER-BE A MAN . .W‘vur 3;;MILLER e;co., mm by B ANKERS. m Balm Black,- “’ 18. ‘Yor MST or â€MING unoon, General Ind NERVOUS DEBILI'I'Y, Weakness 0! BODY AND mun, Eileen 0! Errors or Excuses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble IAN- noon fully Restored. flow to en- Inrxe and me n WEAK Im- DEVBIAPID 0 LIVE and PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely unfailing no]: mumâ€"Beneï¬ts in n dly. I'll testify from ï¬fty States Ind foreign Countries. Write than. look, 91an mi prooin and (we!) ï¬ll Addre- VIEOB and STRENGTH! ERIE MEDICAL 00., 30mm, u. v. mm I! Inn-“.2 ‘O-lhl lmPorLlnnd. Mal-o v..lv1...va-: Elf-ulna. - .‘Eq...?_ Er. ion-Ia. v1: gnu-UHâ€. huh-Elna:â€" v . FPrF-uu. raw ï¬le. b.6339! Ilsa. [or'zzm‘E's‘E' "IS'éLPSY " gï¬suMATnsm SKIN DISEASES A YEAR! In my...“ mr. mm“: “L .\ n ma .. .my. 1r u...,â€"m. _ ‘ m- ‘ .m. M t ï¬lth-Illa“ DYSPEPS IA. BILbUSNEss. CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROF‘ULA. yEARTEUBrg. 509251-0an IOTES STANDARD BANK HEAD ornca. - ms WORM POWDERS. {nib-unmadhmm'ithd Regulates the Stomach. Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Secretions.'Puriv‘icsthe Blood and removes all im- purities from a vimple to the worst. ScrcfulousSo‘re. noun-d I! .mn‘ nl‘ QLQOII lupin-manna. eunuch-hm mum 1:: :3, m Ind cm: SAVINGS DEPARTMENT JOHI ELUO'IY CAI-nu. Pun Ur Rum“ Fun. q, CURES ' I‘\ VOL- IV. N0 44 V; Block, _-_ - Stunï¬ville‘ MONEY 'I‘O LOAN SAVINGS BANK M’sud cull-ct 0" CANADA FDTANCKAJ: go. York. V London. nth-t Pronu- ud Bflxiah Columbia. mica up}: Do TORONTO Gl.000.000 IEEIT n to mod IdQII: Bug. My mar hunch I: Bunniu'l Ill nip!- A all duh dim'patcd looking gentlemm ï¬nding on I corner nut tha mrkeuqum looked Alter the uni] farm 0! a. slow (nul- l-r down tho mean with unwrapâ€"it wu I girl who“ duthly (not nhrflnd him In Ihl turned back, groping with her huldlu i1 Ihn could not use. Another moment. And Ike hui hinted. Tho mm a mg a» hat Maud ninedhnluld. A: [mind In- to “In has he mntmd to himullâ€"" It in It: '0 m Wm M: mum“: to 'h h Inning hat 1" , .N’igh‘ crept on. vNo upper WM bmght up to her and Danni]:- lud delerwd lho learned uni-bought. unmedfor. In the world. Mn. Savant hr! told her ii She could not y up the next. dny the must “ puck o uomuvleru clue." And dun: stole into the room ulnar I nigh“)! unrest And reminded her (hit aha mun go out into lhaalreet within I few In... bo‘ Alter the letter lhe harlelf hld received (ram Juk'l wife she could not bring hem]! to believe the hm] an emeny iu har Incceuor in Jnck'u “factions. I: puzzled her much but the mnin thing no think of mm W“ the hat of her (Allure lonecure I place In tbu troupe. Her hem fniled her even morn a ll": heard Mn. Savann, her landlady, com- ing up the thin. The interview rho ex- pand followed and with the dlnppear-nce of the grim, sour. relemlm {we of her visitor, cum n burn at lob- Ind rho threw herself on her bed in In unrutnlned ï¬t of lhn uncy curve of the red llpllml the mlinl gleam in the hyncinthine eye: 2, What doe ickem nyâ€"" Light hum, light hem-u, thnt flout no glyly on A smooth Itrcnin, thlt me no spurkling and buoyant in the sunshine â€"how soon ye sink in truubled “(an E" And Ihflodil. light henrud, uncle-I. y, impatient in prelperona youth is now u- puriug. discouraged, suddoned in umortun- um womnhood. Like» all young mmuntic girls aha believed she could win her wny to fume Iim l" by her pretty Inca forgettin th-t hu work, iutiguu and long hour. 0 study are dinntmnx to beauty And tint it: war-I ' rum hckln changing lboir nhject .1, aching had. home two yea-a or in Inn-ll back room in to (ab-cure Ilreet In Detroit. A couple of loner: by on the Inn: able be- on: her md .11 untrimmad \nlking h» and n pair 01 Quad-bro gloves. Kel- flgnn in much Ilendmr Elna iv. wu. her handful Inir :3 soft ud bright. her mouth ll fleet ‘wd eyes an blupr [:ut. sh! -D.ï¬o~ V...“ -_u v .. Tho 9mm that l have raped m of the has A punmd : m In“ turn Inn-ml I blond. Inbound M76 WI: uh: frult. vault] Iprhz . from such I Iced. "How and In In; my hem-tum 1. Wu noun 0! no me In um World; - Wewncel mwlmkuovm , Apron a nu orlhahlne Ian-nun _ We {on Iodnd my Ila-11mm}: , nfl'ozil er the In. Dnycer I am qulte Antoni-had at - choice 0! clumlen in A company you re: Inn to patroniu. I my be mill-k- ) the person burl do not think I an. will surely and her nboul her bulineaa Ice if you :are for my influence in lo- v. She once injured our name inn moot epuu‘sle manner and Mr. D-ycer does :oununnnce her an I". If it inconven- uyon ï¬nancially to dismiss bar, I my- mll recompense you. Mn. Banana-a. Thi-Mlitue-tm echoed lhmugh Mo- f‘f unpd \fhu‘ And over a.- the ml with In pencilled in a different. handwritin â€" :ry same as in the letter from Hui ca )y Dlycer M Ihe had signed hem“! :- Mr. Bowmanâ€"it. mn,â€"-allow me to m In send me word before I leave here mu woman was whoplnyed Genevieva rghenml this afternoon. I! it in Min QHAPI‘ER VI H. E. Dunn. whnl' to think. elf hid received not bring kernel! DAFFODIL. A huty turning of the icy Ind npid openin of the door and: her look up wil film. cal-loci! . When Iho Il' Altro Klywr I o Itarb- ed up with as low cry. Ho ulvmeod unl In I vinngu mutioul whllper aid. "1 bus coma hamlet-I you. Do not. nuke flu hut wand. We mnnbe and†udnth if we would bu mcmlul." . Daffodil. m lhor gloomy prilon had Alma-I wept, hanall w lloap that evening when Illa once more heard A man's nap. npprowhhag. th {Ice laid down u 11 her land-u they ruled on ‘ tho mgr: before her aha waited, hope numbed in her lurdly throb- bing hurt. ‘ ‘ _ , _ Haidee laugl‘r‘ed. .:You may for All I care," she returned. Then. in I mom bull- neu-like tone, she amtinued. “ But thin second Impâ€"will you accomplish it!" After he knew what it was, humid, “ya, i! polsiblc." “ It muat be possible." Ihe declnmd, dark- ly.und left him preiently with lha idea that this plnn of her: was a lut de- ato [chains to win the nfl'ectiona 0! wk Daycar. For he knew her and knew her history too An he‘rlnved with the Ray she had lelt Ind mule over thin unexpecmd chance of lacing 3 Iain, and thin tlmawithln his power, the love ygirl whom helmdnover lorgothn, he laid his plans with I careful prncilion and proceedod to apt “pop them. Kaylar looked into her Mack eyes with I comprehend“ gleam in hi: own languid orbs. " I ma marry her 1" lm‘nglf mprrqgufive†ler. Youlmvc only Lo play the put of u hero and rescue the Princes: from captivity And you have taken one step in the direction I Am pointing out." Tho second day will accompliah my object. You may aka what other: you please. I Im done With her than." “The beautiful Wilfulrblonde that Jack has worshipped through all !" Haidee winced but she Bfllll †The name. You were at, one time anxious to form I closer ucquninumco with her were ynu not ‘2" Mr. Knvler wanted, with interested“!!- nations. " You would like to (10‘ so at 2" the girl asked leaning over a little an ï¬xing 1H8! bold eyes on his. “ Yea."wnll emphasis. †I have arranged for a. chance, Mr. Kay- }er. Youlmw: u_nly Lo play .1110 put .of u “ Min Emfruy.†she said. thereb giving the lie to her inainunzions in her star to Dafl'ndil. †I hnve called about Mn. Dny- ccf‘. however. Mrs. Daycer thlt you knew . “ In it you‘wb luv- ol freedom air?" aha denim: in her nature In ' It ii I," he a not ï¬nd yourself Skin of l mu nsproaohing toward: even- ing nude her nhud er and row pde. Slow- ] the door opened. «gag. you (awfully, IL looked At the appearing ï¬gure. It wu Calmâ€"Raw Calm, unchanged, urn-lured. She recugmzed him with wonder. hope. de- apgig. _ And lama hours alter Dnfl‘nrhl muod Iron a long serie- of fllnlung ï¬n to ï¬nd hIr lull in n sumac. gloomy. lily-(unkind room in | home the knew nulhmg 0'. The worndn who waited on hor wanlll kl! her nntblug. In an agony of fur, she looked from 1th window: of Iln room. but, houn- topt ulxl aha-mm unknown Itmtl only. met her gnu. Thin mu u horrible lute ohfl-iu! If Ibo "an knew who hold her prisonerâ€"Inf hptive Ilu carulnly wua, this door boil: lookud md lnrred with each coming In In going our. 0! the evil v ed woman. Thu. wu n dmdful d: . S a thought. some- timu ll: wu a and our: And thut Illa vu- mny am... on. th. “mu..." 0' um pub of fully and vain clutching- Illa-pylo- of Sodom. Oh. the future! Or Would them bc~|ny fugue! He (behind in a momnnt whit. he winked to do. Md hsiling n ml). with tho uni-haw 9! n polieomua plum! the moon-don: girl unide. give a number and strut ndjnmpv ad in hintsâ€. gimmffmlllt ' he nhsworc‘nl, coolly. “ Devon xraelf comfortable! Fur bum. no in captivity in shelter than the pitilcu norm of Handle:- not Mush â€"she grm'whiter una’hnud tightpned over her 'rd her to whéro aha mood. her. Now. if you Ire going‘ nndm lenpi en you, my darling !†asked relaxing his moodyfoutum. ul of losing you. Tall me vo my reward. You must lma dared to child the u much u bravmlu mum-r, ’.d' all the puaionnte Inger rnâ€"nob a pleasing way With that odd calm d with stem «mph-- mg mu thin time I STOUFFVILLE. ONT. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 25, 189] T Imt would spoil and m‘odentyf’ But a much M luck I; l he sighed as she me the kcy. You to go we Knytor.’ d Calla said “ He to a mom that. per ough I kitchen in furnished. Indy sitting there. n little butcven in twilight. the pile- said, muningly and dupise her she whispered. \nquir‘mgly‘ When In ndiwr moor- ! “any It “If, it 0mm the horrible Imp chm “I“ he douu'z gut In much of mu dm n he hmhn (or. A 00th friend Ill thln hard to flnd.â€" [I'lutuolh gnu “d Then he hon-o the lovers lnuxhh pus, And thu mld‘iï¬ nuisance more: I Are mm not the Voices of them um love. That love and remember mu 1' " Not so. my hero." the luvnrs any, “ We no mono that remember not: For um lrpfinx has coma and the aux-Lb has am at , And the dead man he forgot." Thou tho mldler spake from the amp. dnrk mvo : ,, .... ..,, An . the Mind I hau- Tho mum] of the bunlo'u max- I" And thav n|l remind: " hum. my! Thou undead. and um n5 ll: o‘er. Our muntrrtdoylul and ran." Then the in ur spake from tho doup. «lurk grave : .. And when the wlnd In tho tree tops mrud. Tho soldier and from the deep. duk mvo: " Dld lhu banner flutter than I" No‘ so. mf hem," the wind mpllod, “ The ï¬ght a done, but the banner II won. 1 Pig-comm“: of on! have box-no It pnoo. vu norm: n. In mumggnoncc‘ ' Then the uoldlor upnk 11: um (up, dark gnvu : M m: __ ..... mm um...“ mums o E Tfa““rdh5’.'“n"‘°§“‘%“"‘ii nto c o nul- ey Itux rI vo. Androd 'th h (b hearts-â€Wu dyed mum... mm mm was“): The cal-Lb may lnld him in. The Inn looked down on Mm them Ind apakl †I ll" contanL" And flommbloomod thickly upon his grave. And were glad they blomamod than. TL"! xoldlcr h: 110'“er (“1:1“th folded hands n- L_x)_ A, . [From Roumnulan Folk-songs. Collected by Helen un'oaco. Tmnxlaud by' Carmen Sylvn and Alma Suction A he lay a-dylng the soldlor spake: " 1 Mn content! Let my mo her he told, In the village there. And my rldu In tho but be w’d. That thug nmucprn; with Ioldod hllldfl. \Vlth fol ed hnndn ur mo." “ Not yet; but Itknow, nerarthulul, who is out of MI mind. It. in the colonel.’ “How did you nuke the dilcoveryl' " He has just proposed to my liner. th qicy " I hope that your stay with us will also be beneï¬cill to you." . “ My nay ! I don‘tcatch your meaning." " Let n‘m feel your pnlae," said the Iuper~ intonrle , taking my wrist. ‘ \\' do you want tn feel my pulle? I am not i." ' " Fr what the colonel well: me. I should infer thu you needed my mllhnce." †But. my dear air, it in tho colonel who in OH hil head. “ " Undoubtedly one of you nooda utten- tion. Have you any written Inthority 9" “ No. I have not. I up and, u a mat» tor of'courle. that you court] diltinuuiah n lunatic Irom a lane per-on, hnncc I did not come repared with written Authority." “ T is in rather singulur. Two gentleman come here. and u-nch points out the other a: the patient. However. the matter can be readily adjusted. I will send A ineaunger on horseback to the city. in tho mantimo you will remain in this room." With these worda tho superintendent loft me. I axniiod at my ridiculoua position. The ride had made me Iomawhat tired, an Ithrow‘ myaeli on a sofa. and in a :lew'minuhai drowxineaa overlook mo, and I alch I ‘ could not have slept very longlwhen I wu aroused by the auperintantlent. “ Major," he aaid, “ I beg yourpardon." †Well. has your mauengermtumed from The unperinrlundent 6;»: me I piercing look, md then, with I disilfly ironies] “.92 WW:â€" "In regard I; the condlllon of m un- fortunate calm-Ida. Ibo lhn hi. ileue in non incur-ble. Aid avenu.I hAve no doubt that he will be bonnï¬led by hil dc- lanjion in this institution." no] whispering in a Very conï¬dnnlinl mnuner In the unperinlemlenb. We all three cnwr ad rho pnrlor. nml were introduced to u venenble fem-la, n ninlar of the luporior tandem. She wu In olxl maid, but It. was however. evident (rom her look Ind manner that. Iho lmd not. forgotten how In flirt Plainly the had not yet. Abandoned I“ hope of capturing. hulbund. At thus to. table aha was particularly Aminblu And nuntivu to the colonu', who reamed no reciprocata. Once or twin 1 Gnu-1hr them whilpering to- gether and looking at. me. iéw, in order to BEN-in}. In: in e o ‘ .act. of our vilit. Al noon u we won Alone aid to the guparjnundqngâ€" “ An noon A: la: :u} 51;:- I requested the Ill ' Index“ to grant qua 9 pr' 5 _inte‘r~ It Willi delimta tank to :0! the colonel to tha uylum, but the major ndmitly mnnaged to perm-do him thnb they were going to an institution fur the cure of nervanl diseases. With the cunning peculiar to them-Ana. the colonel did not balmy hil thoughts. When lha curringn arrived ll. lhu Asylum, which was in few miles dial-at from the city a! Kiefl'. the colonel wu‘lhu ï¬rst to Ipring ou‘ and enter the door. while the major Itnyed back to give some llll‘l‘tllfll‘l to tha cnwhmln. We will now let the msjor him~ sol! tall the ma: ol‘ the awry. When I canon-(l the hall [saw the colo- nel whispering in a Very conï¬daniinl manner lo_ the unperiilleutlenb, We all three cnwr Amnjor in tho Ruv' -n arm lellln IWI‘V M. hi- own expense. .Lly I [er the battle of Plnvnn our major Wu ordered In take the colonel of hi: regiment loa lunuic uylum The colonel had received A gun-hot wound ill the head. which, while it did not. injuro hil phyliml faculties to uny great "mm. hm} impaiml his mangal equilibrium. “ I could not. com- nluar you in time," u: told her turning on hi: heel Ind luvlng the room. She looked alter him with Iron- bled eyu. What (lid he man by hi: nud- dan chm: e of mnnner. Jun. thin. the con- cluded. I at either Iho would do n he said or aho need expect no furlherkindneu lrorn him. Sha‘wondemd il lho Ind not gotten out of the frying pm tr (all inlnlho ï¬re um with I nigh, mudod the illAkopL link: to tha mom ordnred. " You will excuu me dllnylng ex- Plus-flan: Mn. Dnycor," he llid, In Inch 0. oourleaul kind Iona that. anil (alt. bewlldemdâ€"unl much re- lievodl " But i! you will but do u I All: you fbr thl- avaniug ymuhlll howlllsoan. A luvs- “ eleven o‘clock [or Pmku’de who your ï¬lter, Lnlla liven. Ind you Ihlll boon'ynurwny then-an lhn tiny" you will. I will go with yuu myuan ninth“ vullnin, (Mu. turn- up Iguin. But an my onmpmy play in I new place w-flight. llu nhloluuly Neon-Hy Inhonld be pro-ant. [ wlll briuy u Inch :Lllre u will ennble ya; lo Decomp- Mod“ cm he. tho hind hold out And moved that iln with slum“ feeling- u! joy “(I mhgivin Shu had not nun thin mm {on long 1. me but Ihe nmamberod with I burning (1th that tha 1m time the lad mat, he ï¬nd ofl‘md lul- III: nlmo, u: Ihc, yo! undivumd, than l Bub the follow- ed on Ind pruuntly the fudingright of dny wu all-bout them in the “not. Kuym- conducted her wrou this way tondflnpluu- ed. little Inquenhd holol And ordered I room {or her. Loni God. the Holy Ghou, In Lllln mowed hour. An on tho day of Pcnlnoou Demand In all thy power - We meet with one seen In our: polnwd nluo And Urn]: he Fromm: of our lord Thu Splrlto all . ler- mlzhty run Ing wind Upon the "we: beneath. More with one lmpulno ovo mind. Ono mu). no fool! hunt a: The youâ€. tho old. nnulre Wlth w om 1mm nbova: And give us henna and Inn on a! are To pray and Duke. and ova. gm}: hung qplon And chm our I Wlth hum uhl F more day : Splrlt of truth. be then In life md death alu- Gnldo 0h Enlrlt of adopuon. now u» my by manned. NA ." the girl laid, quicklyâ€"N I will any n u lelawn." “ The Sabbath chime. The Dying Soldier. (To In: cox-flunk) Test of Sanity- I am content I am oonlont. I am content “ Rh enide " (ch-c Win the name of their noun"; home) "in full of them. and they Are so and of Iwingiu. So when I come outltln the top: oil. a long ggnuu and bend claim over. It mnkm n hula Iwing. yog soc ' I luv ch“ iv. did. Ind luv. too. that) she Ind not. ulhnduw of doubt. that it. would nay k: and fro with the light weight, at n full-xbuforu h. Ind clme Logizhor. Iho uld: “I": do no like me. “ hi. u- mnka lame more Iwinp." I uld kneeling down Ind beginning to look (or the alien. gram. “ And all m. whn oilur thingI you do. Do you know thunâ€" the hlrlu. I men 1“ ' " For the {antics 1" I a M. " \Vull. you me " aha Mid. lancing round at Hm wind 0E1" nun-dlpp odflcld floworn and nun t are are no mlny of thom ham. I’hey live in thn count , you know; they don't. like the town to rEve in â€"they only go there «42 use propln thny um fond of. Her homo w beautiful grove il. wul chiefly “ shadows that w conversntionl. It was there mm fanciu mg Ingether a morning: of my 'She had been ssyin snmathing I» ma shout s certain kind 0 tall. swnyin I admired. and she quietly stooped. ï¬le the long blades to ether. and bent them enro- fully down in t spurt. where the knot was. “ Whit are you doing chm for Y" I Asked. " Ah !" shn answered quite simply, lifting her ch-sr eyu with n smile, “it is far the hiriea." It Who I lovely summer were rambling about my flower or I0 I: we mlkc watch a bird or heading K some interesting little insects in the gun. I hid indeed gathered n good dell of in- formal-ion on vnriona subject: because Chi “ Maj )r." who had bean n Canfmlcmlu nlï¬ 'Ah. I'know than," Ihntnlmd,buly VI _dp g st-IG-Inlny thin; ware About. the lime nae. though it a that I Ind lived same time longer Ibo hm]. But than: wu something [crate about. Birdie which mule me mt «(Let all they did not nuke no difference between uu Lhow few which had enticlod ms to be muriod. muc_h Infra mama: and lerioul YOUNG FOLKS grub mnny thin (or them," In_r_l they no log 5d and they sy lit. Hound out one a. which ended iI if the mmt’ ulh in. And we gathering a gtopping>to If Bir-lie': delig‘mlul @rflb mm, the Twenty-eight yum ego a young Irilh girl refund to merry and «mm ny her ï¬ance to New Zulend. cn tho plee t er she could not. leave her mother. who, week end ailing. wu alone in the world save (or her. The old women was admitted in!» en elm-house. And there thle Iofl-ncriï¬cing d-ughler hu boon in unendmw upon her and thnothor inmltee ell there weLry yeerI. A Ihort time ego the mother died. end no sooner did the new: ranch the {nithlul suitor. who rue-awhile hsd medo e lnrge fortune in New Zulu-d. then he wmu be in; hie old love to come out to him I: hie ride, md encloeing A re- paid ticket. for her pen-ego. The fur er- gemt. whole now 50 you: of ege. hu tempt- ed hil renewed ufl'er.|nd the luru thin week {or the Anti u. never :1 yet hnving boon {)eyond the “In lawn of Down-trick in her ifs. Vanni-LII yours no longur. comm-row mly never youn; but today ll yam-I. um living proton: in yum-I. Man in the living pro-ant ynn may nrowh found to tha shin;- the m balm sad I ha â€" beau“ uh} in) [Eula Ind tenderâ€"a e Iometimu lee- one." laid Birdie. " She never dream: it. Shel thinks ehe in just. like He. and I could not. bur lo hnve her ï¬nd out that. her had is [rude oi chineâ€"or Lhn iv. Iecms like then to people who don't love her. It isn't chine ho Incâ€"end neither are her arms kidâ€"hut then! I'm her mother." Never Iglin wul guilty of inferring the! Min Anne was I dollâ€"never so long an I knew her. I should not mention it new only I know she never read! pupers. end my dear little Birdie. who mun be a gown-u {nun lady by this time, would undenuu ow er I am from mailing my disrespect to her deer old chinn‘ memnrv ‘ u wee var ebeorbmg when Boy we: In- troduced to irdie end Min Ann: end my- self. Birdie‘e experience an a parent we: very useful to me in my ï¬nt venture. and she had my gc'md opinion of liay, lhgugh 1 .u, she find I Very good opinion of Bay, though I think we were boil) quiw frank in sdmlt- ling that jult at ï¬rlb he was more big than exactly beautiful. I went Ibmud Lhe ucxb Ipring. Ind when I kissed Birdie for the Inn tima I thought we: should be intimnte friends ugLinin About two yuan. But sine, those days cinnce hu placed us limos! at diï¬erent ends of the world. Birdie mun be by now I gmwn-up young Indy‘ When I think of her, an I often d... knuwing how muny fuiry lhin teem in fwde any n we grow fmm n chi d to u wo~ nun. I cannot help laying in mylelf wist- fully : “ I wish I. could toe than,†I aid; "1 dn'r did :0 m0. 1» lee n {mi ." “ 'hey no no “my." due and. “ They Are dulled in c oLhes mule o! flowerl, or I an out of swirling spiden’ Wlbl, Ind L a hive: diamond. undo o! dew drop. an mm Emu their bdl dresses-r! tgun 1“" .J . 14-; W I ing henelf with mother Iwin . “ but I lave never lean them. I jut do t inge to nuke â€hem beppy. You lee they m In tiny, ’ tiny. tiny, that it im't any to lee them. “ They think we are gimu, And they Are nther lri hwnud It In until they know we Are their riendl, end they run ewny and hide in flower cups And under leave: and in the glue. They know now the 1 Van's hurt them, to rhlpl I [my Ioethem name dey.v {hope Eh: ." ‘ I'hppe ahg Itill beljavu A Uonnty Town Bommma in the fair-ion m man u like thlc to l“ chin. to iâ€"bu: than 'erring that a longs: l mu u. now era. and my 3 gown-u undenuu r dilmlpecl lay wu in- n ud my- puent wu mun. and i0 .thou h k {n Mirna- re big chm ;. ll‘d when I thought. Lin in About In: heed a war d. n-up young I often dn. teem to l d to n wo~ nynlt win. HOLIDAY m. Muringe in ofku lmnge. Young men should be ctreful about dropâ€" inz remlrh. They mly be picked up by I bigger nun. ' " Mnmnn, I know whu hulmrï¬ln In: for." cried A little boy, running mm the house. " To by butwr," he nddcd. empha- limlly. “ \Vhst'l the difl'eranu between a pm- Liutiniiï¬-ud . WW 2" -- \"hy, the me:- {I full of drunl Ind the former of scrup- an \Vhen th: short youn mm mm to kiss the tall young womlu n I: may not have m “hoopla conquer ; but if she likes him she il AP! to stoop to concur. Dogginaâ€"“ “'her' d'ye git lhnt ha! 3" Dude â€"" Hut. store. 'counu E" " Yn-a-u. ye di ! What's much n In! wuxh. Dndey? " Dunno. Mm wun’t in.“ Mis- Ami-bleâ€"“ Ethel im't reny. but than her flea mm on you." .\ in Slurp- tongnc (in pretended nlnrmlâ€"“ Dov: il ? “’3 II I hope it. won't grow on me." BiggIâ€"" I'm glad lo henr yon- plnvinx coma new pieces Lhi- year." â€"-“ No : they're the Lune one. I plnv luv. year, only I've had my pinno tunoa." With-ppm: n can: an pound nnd flour Milkenâ€""Bridget. everything in mi: homi- oovcrod wnh dust. and I can" nunâ€"lit nn longer." Bridgeueomolingly Dou do, mumâ€"pny no Immtion u Mmher (mprmingly lo liulo mdy to go (or I walk). “ Dolly, m not. in yonrg \ (pmmplly)â€"“ \ love this mornin here was it then A little girl. whose nonunion Wu «2 the {not lhlt lho hld forgouen grim below beginning hur mad. I] eye: gnukly and Inn! : “ Excl they're thé sung only I've hnd my limlly in full of drum: Inld 71h lea." the tall young onm stoop to conquer : bu il .1)! w a‘oop to con Dogginaâ€"“ “'her‘ Dude â€"" Hut store. ye di ! “'hnt'n such " Dunno. Mm wan Mill Ami-bl?â€"“ I then her Inca grown a m?“ (in prawn-la I hope it. won't Bi'gglâ€" " pay In glnd some new pieces Lhil With nppla I cent a and and three time: up high it vi 1 alwnyl m I mynugry why a railroad enling-h pie in In much crult and little \‘hccm “*Nm IhpnthnOI-‘u- «roan-3.13:0! It! 3.3: 5.1-..ch z... iron-r. gnuâ€"pr up. “'hen the short 3' enoï¬gh Iichout little old worn: than: paper or I at at mtg, [or dmgmlu, but reï¬ned oys,md wholesome lenne the ape-ï¬n] purp thing glue. WHOLE NUMBER 200 I The Imam I‘mp. A vary dainbla. ilncc indeed n. n (“can of the niclinyroom Innp in A bright- oolored dudeâ€"either I no“ role or I pal: {allowâ€"in order that the influence of lb: ight ml, be «ï¬lmed Ind land. A gran or. wlute thie in u imposn'ble ml!) a truly cheerful uimngxoom .- n 11le um, “cording to the . cw J'ark Tn'bum. A lunp _wll.h_ hndsome Ill-dc looks well \‘th the difl'erance "Adllll." said Eva. ‘AI they won'. out the gum When ordered to learn. "I: my Inn on “night. 3' W “In. It» clnn; to Calm HOUSEHOLD. VI {In ha? Cm :hl‘. Kola ’ Dolly 'Illv Scarlet h-ir nun- tobe coming in“: (uhion. Worn in conjunction vim Ill emenld-gmn bonnet the chi. in wry n~ muklblo. Ind unit. In much “and“ u .‘ Maxim. lholoughhn'." “ii hnlg lhtt: I had I! nig I in {hit woek. ll" him no ' pics. The (In dim-ad I. mm“ Ind mat (mhbfy‘n'hm, pork, Ind m rill not only haul-u flu pm: 0! than-«plu,b-t hrs - undaq lo an. Inna: Lh- ulna 01 {um Pod-QM]. [lance products-n loaded Warwithmâ€"ay noon- to | Mr mu-ku, Ind who an has» . Aim. 3min, pom, uni "put-h- {m in: la {far none mam wizhnthmuzid or euthrujonwfllpmhbly pi... by nodzing. But than: who hold than-pn- dnce far better prion- man. not: it with,“- mudmmdgnudwmt ln-frnm don], undue nhrinhge, the mug. of rennin, igeâ€"“Eow am you come co lob thin in broad dlï¬ight on I (manna uughhn !" Highnymuâ€"“ I oonkllfl lhtt_: I bu! _In_eng.gumn‘ for our, Whysï¬' Bow His Hair Sued Him 'lhe way, it ï¬lm-prumg' ' howl-nyfl {Imagina- tailing lot nth-Dd I. lpecidgxuu, Ion land: a All of pfoï¬ubyenhunogï¬gem hymn-inn (immune-gm... 'mn Building. Live Stock D‘ W< I ULTURAL