Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 29 Nov 1894, p. 6

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m puny nod-I II a. phi nun, who: lot!!! DB. '03 um: um nun, ch. colhr. Nb he plelu of fihe akil‘ Ink! 0! white nunâ€"'1 The cockroach is one 01 the torment. of the housewife, for which there seem who i no permmem. cure. They Ire like enu- ‘ You Iney rid your-alt at them for a time, ‘ hm. back they come u noon :- yen hue owedw he vigil-n: . The oockrmch hide! himealf in the dnytiine. end come: om. nnly It, night. It. will not come than it there in P light. in the room, for it. demetl light. About thebo-st way no get. rid of them in ho hnve for etch room infested e Inge Lin pen Imoonh Ind shining and with high linen. In ‘ho bome of thin pen put some bit: a! cake or pie. or Imam file bottom with molulu. Set. in 1mm the molten ere man yronbluome end 1.5» I hit. of [uh from ‘ ‘ “r -- tL- “mu m 1):: ndla of file inch-eel: Set. it 1mm me mun-u- -... ‘ molt tronhleeome end lei I hit. of leth from the table to the floor to the edge of the The rmehee no (and of Iweeu end they will run up the lethh) the pun. into which they tumble, end no then unable to climb' up the emooth lid”. When you rilein t morning cremuw the much, end keep it 0 till none are hit. Be lure the Iidee o! the ere perpendicular end deep, for they an chmb I nhon dietenee. Old lard cent Ire excellent for this purpole, md old tin bun-kale, but. they Inner. not be ruety. u the rowhu can clfinn up end get nwey. Save enl women hue cloned their hone“ of rouhe: in thie wny. It. tut:- timo and p“- ieuce,hub yhen y'°‘{ m once rid of them you _. In... rid hv ““5 method. Household. roache- in this way. It. iauceJJub yhon 1°! an en) hoop rid by u“! 111 The Right Sort of Oven. By using the following tau one 1 re-onnbly lure of getting she prop {or mavq'xpnchilwi- q! haw]; For [pangs 'cale Ina ponnu use In. huv. ant will. in five minutes, turn I piece of white paper yellow. For dl other kind. 0! Von take. an Au oven lhu w!“ in five minus». lunr: place 0! white paper duh yellow. For bread And putty. hlvo In oven char. "H, in five minutes, mm A piece of whim papgr dnrk brown. When the oven is mo hot at first, a crust forms on the brand or cake. which prevanu I 7 L:__ Lâ€"nn" rl’," ’ " When the oven is ma hob It first, a crunt‘ forms on the brad or aka. which prevunts iu mung. It is better when baking bread And cute, to luv: the oven a little slow at first. and increuz the lac“ grndully. When bsking pufl' pun, lhe he“ should he meme“ first and dam-sue later. This is Wha'n Lb: any be red vyWhen I: II. the £091 pm which oven be no hot. on under the ulicle th Apple Almon ahead and palm nlmondn, peel? Agpplu. mixing Apple Recipes. Apple Almond Pudding.-â€"Havmg blnnJ Ihed Ind pounded half u pound of lweeu} ulmondl, peel and grace eight or nine urt- upplu. mixing the upple with the nlmonda. Fun: with nutmeg, leman rind. hill 1 teapoonful of butter. wibh sweetening to unit. Huvlng mingled these ingredients thoroughly. ndd four well-beaten eggs. and pour me mixture into a well-bnnured daep diah. Bnke in a quick oven till quite brown, Lmn our. on a. platter Ind salve with lemon nuce. In ll equally goorl eaten dinh. brown lemon cold. Apple Tepioce Puddingâ€"Seek e cupful o! Tepioce in four cnplnln of water for three hours, Add two large hblsapoonfula of sugar, end keep in a. warm place, at. the beck of the slave. Fill I "IL-quart pud. ding di-h three-fonrihe full of peeled and quenched A plea, pour over them the warm apiece, an bake‘ in . maderew oven for u: hour. Serve wuh liquid eeuce or sweet- ened cream. App.» Cunt-rd Puddingâ€"Peel enough tut Apples 0f A uniform size to cover the bottom 0! A flat pnddmg dish. leaving the npplea whole, but removing the cores. Stew these in a very little warm, and just before they become tender sprinkle over them two or three tablupoonfule of Iugar. Take them fro the stew-n without breaking, Ind urnnge them in the pudding dish. Hut 1 pint of milk, and add very grade-Hy n spoonful M. n time to prevent ourdliny, he yolks 0! three eggs. With each yolk e lull tables oonful of auger should have been beaten. 39in the care aperture: of the npples with jam. jelly, mnrmelede or pre- Inrvee Di any kihd, or with ltoued and chop- “- n.-â€" .5- ADP- urt up‘ bouom Ipplel Apple Rice Puddingâ€"Shown n cuplnl of flu till it in soft. and with iI line ch: bot- wm and lids. of A well-butmnd pudding dink, reserving enough to cover the top. nu the cavity with thinly Iliad um. um». Rouse Brest model in compound 0! duh. mm "It“ trimmed 'hh 1U“ A Cockroach Trap 13!, sub, am, being 0! Ihll. the skin: m outlined with I nthâ€"Tomlin) I‘diu' J our raking III an oven um in mo hot. , fill with cold water In dripping is about In inch deep, and place up gram of the oven. Should the 0 hot on the bottom, put I gnu: Irlicle that. in no be baked. {oven in mo hon laced by putting xture, Ind hula "squire I bout filtee Cover the top with .smu to a froth wit of powdered hug“. for three minute'- dates. in» the temperature :ung in it, a. pan of UYW 0' one any be props: he“ the wfiim of ‘h thus able- .nn brain: in ‘n or nigh mung .ures of the alnde or pre- led and chop- ver them the till iv. in let, sud apt-ad our man - novel-in] a! not Slum null hha lulu-Mon at n lurk lhowl :ln npplu to ho 14nd“. than not. any I» cooL Whoa cool men who paddling from 1.113 dlnh by inverting. ad urn with ‘Iweohnod cram. thin canard. [ruin um». or [ml-bod wnh bin ol tgplu jelly, cram being poured out fiho who 0. Apple Boiled Puddlng.~lnh {no eggl. human lighg .m- .pine ol milk, flour m make u modmhly chick hatter. I haplng “upconlul of Ming powder. uni Indy n plat ol shamed huh . plot. Boil in I pudding no or can win pdl. and nerve wi‘h liquld lune flavored with jelly. or ' with had uuoo. It I! urved Dr. Dodde’ Apple Pnddinq.â€"Beet the ynlkl of three egge, whip into them two “bleepoonfule e! Inger. ndd two «mum of sour cream (or mey be part. Ionr milk), three cupfnle of grand ury epplee. one tnblelpooninl of fine corn meel. two onpfull 0! filled white flour, nil-ring ell well to- gether. Then Idd ehe whiten of the one. But. ton-Lit? from. one ublel‘poonfnl of node diesolvecl in not. water. and nguin be“ thoroughly. l’our lnm e ehnllow pen, well bnunred. end bnke in e very moderate oven for forty er filby minutes. till well browned. A good plnn "u no ner the pudding dish in e ' dripping pm, containing boiling water. while behing. Wellington Pan One of the moat memonbla nnd hiltoric ’ incident: rel-ting to Wnterloe in the occl- dontal meeting of Wellington Ind Blnchar at the hotel of La Belle Alliance on n fum in the reel- of Napoleon’s polition. The Engliah and Prulaisu‘ genernle embnced. on they met, and each chimed the honor of the victory which had inst settled the etate oi Frence. Blucher hnd been expected throughout. the any with re-enforcelnentl. Many times during the engagement Wolâ€" lingwn’u poeition was critical in the ex- treme, \ 'eee Blucher should nrrive within In hou‘ _.id be once exclaimed. "Would ’ to henna that Blncher or night would | , came l" I ,A ll Ln can“: i “There goes old Blucher at. lut," he later exclaimed: "we ehall beat. them gene" . The decisive moment had arrived, an the ‘duke promptly availed himself of it. He ordered the whole line. eupporbed by the artillery and cavalry, to charge. Hi1 “‘00P! replied with one universal Iheut, aml lie-lulled to die attack. Nothing could rosin Lhelr lmpemoeicy. The-French fought. with bravery and deeperatian; but. their first line was a eedily broken through; the ucond afiorcle little more reeiahance, and complete confuion and rouh ensued. Four squares ol the Old lru erial Guard yen re- mained. chh then a clean endeavured weaver hie retreat, whic wan new inevi- uhlewut. they were emliarraaaed and borne away by we crowd of fugitives. and were unable to reeiev. the overwhelming {or-:0 0! English and Prunianl which now present] D u n then. They defan men-elm my}. a “filing-y whio exei admin- non 0! a ur toes. The has of Welnnnu would have prevented the ineleee nun, oi theirlives,and eummoued lhamlolnl‘ er; hut. with a high eenee a! military heuor, ,; ._.;.i. pm! and oi men'uvuguu “mu”... __7 er; but. with a high sense of axillary honor, which we must regurd with rapid! Ind Admintion. chey reluud to yield. and slowly retreating inoh'by inch. were ulmoot. entlraly nnnibilamd. With their denunc- tion the content. ended. No furth'erraninâ€" knee was nppoapd. and the couquororl had little more to do than to pursue who fugi- tives and unaware those who would not surrender. The non of Blncher any: of lain meeting with Wellingmn: “Fnbher Blncher am- brnced Wellington in an‘uh n hearty manner that everybody who was present: aid that n was the mosh nfl'ectinz scene that could be imngined." In an olfiuill account. of the l I n, “1-5mm". rn Londol‘ by Wellington. he says: "1 should not. u . junLice in m) feelingl or to Marshal Bluchar and the Prussian “my if 1 did not attribute the successful results of this arduous day to (he cordial und timely nuisance Ireceived lrom them.” . A: .L.‘ 1-1.“: nf this One can hardly read of the dale“ of this victor of so many fierce battles without feelings of deep sorrow and regret. Hm whole career had been so bri‘linnn thin in wu indeed the curtain going down\ pen the grand transformation (Limo. Battle on Stilts. In I748, when Marshal Sun was travel- ling through the Low Countries. he sums to the town of Namur. in Belgium. Among other things which the citizens did in his honor. they got up 3 battle on stilts. The town was subject to overflows from the river! on each side of it, and the people, I-nm mnnh Ina of «tilt: at. such times. hm] leg: from under lnem, were the methodl of unault employed in than nilt-bnnlea. It was rough upon, for the combatants fought. u iitheir lives and fortune! depend- ed on the result. ; Ind although no one was ever seriously injured. there were many hruirad arms 5nd legl before a battle was decided. . A“. -5”... nnmhnmnu town was uquecb to river: on each side of i from much use of still; become very ovu them I unfludflfl- had unu awn-â€" The young men formed? themaalveu into oppoaifig armiel, with flags 3nd trumpets to make the scene gay. . IL was nglinsb the rule to use 1 club or w'eapon of any no“, or to strike with the a... Punchinfl with um. . T a wives and lilMl‘B cheered them on, nnd assistance of those who ‘L_â€"4 The mm: mm llama-z v. ...v , cheered them on, nnd hutaned to tho assistance of those who fell, helping them up agaln unoon as they Incl recovered. Marshal Suedeolared on 1ho occasion of the battle arranged in his honor thnbif two real armies should fight, with M much lnry an was displayed by chase young lellow- on stilts, the battle would deserve no better name than tlnt, of butchery. W}! H Awâ€"cun bun red to wun OVA] Fatherâ€"J ‘Whm.’ I “Golf." :1 Good 1 I! you unit to learn Horned Compllme ul‘ me very expert. with them, stilt-battles on holidays. 23h, but WATERLOO. uf Blucher any: of bin meeting ingmn: "Fnbher Blucher em- ‘lingmn in math u hearty manner body who was present: aid that. mosh sfl'ectinz scene that could d." In an otfiuinl account. at the :, us: {mm Wnlerloo to London gum, be my: : "1 should not. d . m faelinu or to Marshal Blucher lle Pun-Inn Geller-I ioie line, uupporwu Dy um huh-y, to charge. Hi1 Hoops on: nuivernl Ihouw, and he Attack. Nothing could pamouty. ThuFrenoh fought. and duperntion;but. their Ixeadily broken through; the little morn Mai-knee, an union Ind rout. en-uad. Four 501d In: arinl Guard yen ro- ch the" Enpoleon endeuurec} tau-eat. which wu now inau- ‘y were emlm-umd And home crowd of ingitivu. md won .iu. the overwhslmiug for-:0 o! Pruninm which not pruned They defan mouldin- iuy whio exoi 0 adminâ€" toes. The uh ol Welunflu penned the Indus! can And upmmoued Ghent lonl'nfl â€"â€": .__.. hunt-f, it]. At: the PI: pawnbroking ring puwned ad. Only 30' it, originally. thirty Iix lil Inna: in il unwed every tdnqledgal yun ngo, | in 18-19. Mn. Hui Iquu'e. Lon mm mm- Tha room: muuivr, In Algy's Ambltlon. wâ€"cnn‘ you lpnre me ntew run nvnh to Lunnon '1" What]: 0116 object 1" I! you learn how to P‘fy fl 1 don’t, wlnt w plflyhifi 1 how '10 pwonownce in. 'ule to use 1 club or w to strike with the flan. Punchin with their elbows tn kick- wizh their Hills, to knocktheiro pqnema leg: from an or them, .L,.1_ A; Sun was travel- untries. he came Belgium. Among :izans did in his .eon nil“. The airflow: from the of the oombomn}! and often to phy so". mung- “I Icnlblo cum in I'm “munâ€"Called "on III Batman. no nun Inll n lush Bridge. A dupwh (mm Olin-lawn. W. Vt. llylâ€"DI‘. A. 0. Anita, oi Montgomsry, Flynn: count. . w culled from hil bed is 3 o'clock on ridny morning, to Attend whnwu nil ed no he Ill u out one on the o polite I do u! Mon-in ck. At 7 o'cloe ha hnd not returned, ad lib funily begun 3 march for him. Abe-us 0 o'clock n mm pulsing over North Creek bridge uw his body lying on the jaggad rockl on the hunk of the “mm fifty (our. 'below. Ex- uninnion thawed 1.1:“ than had been Ii duper-u lung lo on tha bridge. The docwr'l cont ha been korn in seven! péweu and he hnd been “ruck with name lunt. inlnnmem. The full upon the rocks hnd lolb hardly a whole hens in MI hody. I Perlonl living neubha bridge heard nonsm- . botwaan 3 and 4 o'clock, bub Iuppond they . won from drunken miners. The l-heory in _ um members nfthe mob indicted for murder [ during the coal riots pm. Dr. Aulw. out. of g, the way In keep him from maniiying thank. u droning their wounds The Snlncion Army in being boycound in Fiulnnd. So quietly in thin being carried out that tiny mention of me army in print. or my ndvuninmenv. boning on the move- menb. il Iul‘n‘cienn Lo name an entire inns of n new-paper to be cnnoelled. ‘ The mom annivenary ol the denbh of Edwud Gibbon, the historian. 020an next month. and tha ovum. will be oblorvod by the Roy-.1 Binaries! Society of Gran Briuin. Ar. Lho lame time there will be an exhibition of mnnuaoriptn, porcniu, and rnlic- of the historinn. Chum-n Noni du' Papa, the famous vine- yntd a! the Popeu during their exile u. Avignon, which w“ davuumd by the phylloxnn, '30 that. hardly a bottle at the wins could be had in anoo, bu been emiraly redeemed mud in now in full ben- ing ngnin. The wine in calebrnad by Mil-- tn], the provencnl poet. And by Alphonn Bands: in his ulel oi Provence. anerly pnrilh, in Surrey. object: to being swallowed up by the parish 9i Furn- hnrn,which surrounds it. almost 0 plelely. 1': ha on‘y alaven householders n d filmy- ona inhabitants, but Wnlwr 3mm 00k the nnmo of his flrat noval from it : it. “ill bus in anorlay Abbe the mint of n Cider» oinn monunry, an it. olnlml to bus been m independam. pnrinh from time lmmemor- ‘ inL - -- . .I 7 ,m_:_| At: the PIrin Mont do Pick. the oflicinl pawnbroking establishment, n wedding ring pnwnad in 1857 has ju-c been redeem- ed. Only aevenwen hunc- wu lent upnn it, originally. but. Lha ticket was renewed ‘ thirty Iix limel. Ind the owner pnid fifty Inna: in interest. Tinkeu are lull m- newed every year {or a pair a! cotton cur- tdnqledgad for four francs twenty-two yurI ngo, and for an umbrella powned m 1849. _ ... ,x 12..-- :. Run-All British and Foreign. m 1011(- Mu. Humphrey Ward lives in Russell u: old-Inhioned house uquu'e. London, in that Mama dark and ntufiy v.0 the visitor. Tho room: no of grant. aim, the furniture munivr/Ind mirrorl. cur-mini, cormgog Inc M furnishing; {was cl ' u u‘éppreu I?” 1" Iii-penned there is “meioua. u: e on» in an Attractive place of resort 1- literary people. ‘ ‘ LA _:|A {to A DOCTOR IUBDEBBD The number of danzhl c: nnimnll in increuing grallly bile: handipgfhe list. luv y: uuua Dunn-.15 ...- ._V victims. 0! 2.800 pariona'who py Iniupsh, ‘igen killed nearly n... M. .. ”rut... v, .._., leopards. 291 ; wolves. 175; be: elephnnll 68. Ninety thou: cattle were destroyed, an incr over Lha year before. 0n the 15,000 Wild bean“ were hilll Dy nniumlu, iigere liilled nearly 3 momma; leopards. 291 ; wolves. I75: heanJ'ZI :nnd El"thL' 33- NW“? thounnd head of nun unt of hi‘ birul’u flighb. “The flight. of cenle were destroyed, an increue of 9.000 the “h“, -, in extremely r-pid 'end pro- over the you before. 011 the ozher hand, trn ed. He aw e along the margins of 15.000 wild beans were killed, including the clde, through 1.1,. woods. and by the nearly 1,309 tigers and over 4,000 laopnrdl, 9‘5“ of pond! an rivere, with such lpged heeldel almost 120.000 deadly sunken. M w tumble himi name his Prey by merely The English grerediggurn are the lam: deviiting 3 law rd: from hie course, trade to claim In eighc-hour day. They nuiuing himself such occasions by hi! camplnin LIA-L the hour-lo! work an “'illeu- long ml. which ike n wider. he throws den are no leis than thirteen. We do non no right or left, pwerde or Hownwema ('u‘ know how long it. aka: m dig s grave, but. chem his progreea. or enable! him sudden- Lhineen hour: a day seems no point. to un Iy malter hi! course. At times he pusca alarming mortality. In this one It all likenmeleor through the undorwoud. where even: the public Will desire to lee the he neural squirrels and here! with cum « 7, LL. Innnt‘ A] much u 003- When travelling he flies high. with 3 con- el'e'lâ€" . iduhoti‘ given the following graphic rec The unprepared condition of the Bhlpll it ' exciting much comment in England. Two weeks before the sickness of the Czar of Russia took I turn for the worn, Mine Stratum, hie {ormer governels; died in the Winter Pnlace It St. Petersburg. Minn Strnttou, who won nu Engliahwomnn, lovcd Alexander Romenofi a! dearly us though he had been her son. The Emperor and his two brothers attended the funeral. following the hearse on foot from the palace to the English cemetery, nlmont two miles apart. His Majesty and the two grand- dukre had carried the coffin from the death- room to the henrae. When lhe body was lowered into the grave, the Czar. it in said, wnpt like a child . the historian, occur- nun um. wlll be oburvod by orical Society of Grant. nmu time there will be u; and Cowardly Shooting. uuell on law-anus. )y Wud liven in R , in m old-'uhioned hon-o W “W '“l and study to the winter. f great, nine. the {urniwro inorl, ouruim, comm:- mhin l 'Bpprgclm“ )d more is gracioun.- An Interactive pltoe of neon o. of danzhl ceuued by wild suing greuly in Indinmnake e list. leer. year with 21,000 100 persons who were killed lied produce we killed nearly n thousand; el‘o'L l wolves. ”5:55:11. WI :and , xdubo Ninety thounud hand of ace “M "f Lroyed, an increue of 9,000 the oshuw - More. On the ozher hand. true ed. H. men were killed. including the 01.15, a. guru and over 4,000leopnrdl, 5‘8“ of Pol 120.000 deadly sunken. M to enable grerediggorfl are bhe hues» devilting A an eight-hour dny. They “aiming hir the hour- 01 work an “'lllee- long tail. w than thirteen. We do nub no right or l ; it. llkei to dig u grave, but. ohm: his pl | a day seems to paint. to an ly no alt er l zeliw. In [his case In all like-meme 1bl|c will desire 10 see the he maureal ‘ elmrbenell as much nu poa- When new uly by the diminugion in the : below wi zigzag“ Itr kl along Th: oombim the Oflicitl ABOUT UAMDIAN HAWKS. uosr or man an: BENEFICIAL 1‘0 1m: PARKER. no Gian !-'., In" I“. I. lie ,You naval II‘ u 5 Iran. lulu mn.‘ Wu Ila. Pun! In Old:- final. The huvk hmlly in Cunds, culled h Ioienfiflo language tbs fuloonldudncludu I Inge numbu o! Ipooiu; |uving out. howaver, uvcnl that. only Vi!“ ib- country Wlflnluy. 'or in» oral: .1,_A __- “MA-II The huvk hmlly in Gun-«in, culled h Idenbiflo luau-go the ldmnldufinclndu . lugs numbu 0! “Mia; lnving mm. howour, “van! thn only vhit ib- caumry Won-11y. ‘or in» oral the mutbuefi bold-r, than no film club reguhrly mid. in. or visit the euwm hdt oi CnnIdIâ€"bhlh l2, (mm the Atlnnuio N Lake Superior. Thu {Armor Ind the upon-mum olun non-idol tint .u hlwkl uninjurinnl to thoir chickenl or their gnm'ei nd shoot. chem whenever thay have. chi on. The Uniud Sum Da- pnrcmenb f Aariuul‘ure have onllocud Ind anmiuod, (or «van! yearn. in im- mune uum rohwm-onn ol the link of prey, in or ax- to dotermina the anal. food ‘ ‘ "" A“ -â€"--~---- '1‘)". Demnmenb of ch: difl no upeolu. 'Ino inued, 13.1 «I. n ropun on by Dr.A Filhor, wh hich mlny of r. hawks feed so u fieldy mice, round ujrrel I. g and other urge jun-kl. this whole. I [\bdnive And Ih d N uljoyed. .EVGB iniuHou-"m In“ beneficlll in mm summit of the wings, seldom moving in lugaoimielhke other hawks, and when ha dq'n this, iv. in only u few times in n hut-rind mmner, that which he continues his iaumpy." Like Cooper's hawk, it. in mud a writer given the following innunce on buldneau. " A farmer who resides a few miles from my office, wishing to per- pelunw the old New England custom of havirg I chicken-pie for Think-swing dinnrr, om ht. Ioma (owls, wok them to n log, Iavure ma neck of one. and threw iv. dowt beside hun. In an inaunt s gosh-“VI: Ioizo-l the struggling fowl, sud flying of}~ somewn rods, llighted and commenced devorring llil prey. The boldneu oi the a.-.» n. umnished the farmer that he '3“ VERY an“ AND puma, end brougnn uuu m. 5-... hlm‘mth hawk and lowl." The goehewk wu hueh prized in olden days, when hawk- ing use on Ilmoet nnivernl upon. Though not belonging to the true falcons, which were ‘ noble hewke,’ it wee still 5 favorite bird with which to tlke here: and rehhite. In the noble hewh the second wing {anther letho lergelt. end the have dark huel eye“ while the lgneh 0 case. well u the goehnwk. hove the fourth feather longest. md their eyes ere yellow or ornnge. In England dlfl‘erent birds are ellotted to dirlevent peruonl, according to thelr rank - -7-:‘â€" Thu. runlw mlnht me e gyrfmcou' . n gun mwk I Ennvo :xzm 1‘0 first Mr Mn (“MP Mr‘ Seuondwed.â€"Ym1 band. Mr {hope the dim a promoted rather than do n the “glen, tlwngh very Ihup dilution, are highly um pun o! the country {lwunwu- .. -..~ : dulermina the snot. food Ipemol. Tho Depnrtmenm n upon on the Inbjeob, Imher, which qu‘ eh“ vln feed-o unnuvely on 1d ujrreh. gnuhoppcn, In . shut they no on )llu Pm"- ltation. Thu: ray-My mlghv. me n :cnu ; an earl a peregrine ; I comm mwk ; a prielt \\ Ipurow hut : Ind ‘vo or leIVnnt Ike-uni. l MKS." ._.Oh, Ml: Vor much. 3‘ 3. _â€"Thnnh {whit I h' n. gâ€"Yon’n ulIvo )l‘ ‘uu. ,I hope the difference in In my Vial Difference. OOEHAWK ?Fdfir aownwuua ('6' Ir enable- him sudden- ). At, (imcn he pusca 1 tho underwoud. where and hares with cue. flies high, with 3 con- AND mama. injurious to the m‘fiy. the sharp, fond uf young ‘ar'u hawk. which mu; and the go- nblel it to oury cum-v. on which nu. wâ€"hvivclrl aegurefi no lo nnllké my CHICAGO SPORTSMEN HAVE A LIV- ELY TIME IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. The, Binocular urn-luau (In! II Guide and Bcrlou-u Injurrl â€"II'II|1I.I Collmhll I In: Null-e. Brni-h Columbia oflfon the hu 8 flnhermnn greater oppunuu Ifiprt than either xhe Rocky “in: or the western prairies even when the pluinl were com herds of bufl'Alo. The hunter weariu of such u Ihooting prairie chicken and pin when the report. comes that ape thl: one flnh which make: 2 game that. mull Andy McAuah. J l'u‘, Stewart. Hamilton and Gen. I up the Nipigon river but numme chum nu Chicago bmineu men, ‘ tic upon-men, Ind pouesued of whmh delight; in ndventure wh pnnied by dmger. m5 Imus-u I 05..-“... __,, Port. Arthur, Ind from there the Cm: sdinn Psoifia rulrond to Nipigon nation. This is the rail surfing point. of adventure Here they Iecnrud guides, supplies and birch-lurk ounces, nnd all lhn necusuiea lnr their month’l sojourn in the Cunndisu wilds. One of the first. things to do is to get 3 permit, from Overseer McCurdy u finh in the Canad- vsters. Thzn cost: II American 55 but the Cunucka are. of course exempt from the tax. Them are an Nlpi ‘ A ’2... 3....“ whnnl guides guides no ncceanry rm ! side: this there muac be speak English and who r charsu of the cheduLion‘ Agent Halt-pun 5 an the r. _ ms of the Indmu'ain ~\chuuh u I loud grunt and poiuwd up where an nnimul with Inge u swimming for the shore. Me! at once it was An enormous cam Th2 Indians were nppnrcnbly EAGIB m8 THE sruu' goginlo 3‘ By this time the you had arrived And in was man the evidently den expressed. grief an ibe hnp to their comrades dead. gov ed and poum but. fortunately Lhe \ liuio injured. being shaken by his Ml. In the morning flu Rook Ind from the Chutes," I spat. whe‘ great. deal of wrapping no bare in plenty and uhnken by mu um. In the morning they proceeded to Flat‘ Rock Ind from there to the “ White' Chutes," I spat. where ‘he Indians do I‘ great. deal of trapping in the molar. Mink no here in plenty and mink 3km: pus like current. money, at. :he oquivnleuv. of 81. Camp Miner, two miles south of Virgin Fulln. which in the head of the river Nipigon, was the dutinacinu of the Chicago \nnrhv and they ruched there in the even- any 3%. mad I oonmu um". w... ....... other with - ongm. They t‘ Imnll minnows imwnd of the E‘ the bulb leugmhwi-a over both l1 line for filhing in thin nwlrling h-vo a swivel ul‘ it. will curl an on of Ihlpe. Mr. Farnr our honors ol the day. After thn ought. a finh Lhnt. weighed nova qulrler pounds. Mr. McAn-h with n aix-and-thne-qunnenp usuurlng twenmymlghn inuhe; GARIBUU i‘hu next. dsy they beg-n fishing. They ad I double hook. one fuleued above the her with I ostgut. They fished with nsll minnows instead of the fly. hooking is bulb lengtrhwilo over bolh books. The us for fishing in this swirling wsLer must. we s swivel or it will curl snd twist all no of Ihspo. Mr. Fsrnr curried oti‘ the onon ol the dsy. After three casts he night. a fish thh weighed seven and three- nu- munch. Mr. MoAn-h cams next, ’1‘!!! N01” “id bh°y I the tux. There are "Adan from who supplies can be oblni ‘cceanry for each rm in ofion the hunmr and renter opportunities [or nu- the Rocky Moun- mmrv prairie: ever did. nlninl were covered with N'zw You: DWI" Wao Dowm ”mum: lhnt Illll one njuru knoll-el- n sport-man'- McA DR PARKHURST. ush knew mu he uvu. Up the Nipigon u - trip ceruinly ofl'en low of opportunity {or upon lnd adventure. Such a. erp of ; monuh’u duration om be made for about $250. BABES BURNER TU DEATH. TWO CHILDREN 0!“ JAMES SCOTT. NEW LOWELL. CREMATED. I! I‘m"! The Seven Wonders of Corea. KILLED BY A KICK 301nm THE WHOLE WORLD WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE GLOBE .fl ‘nl law Wnld luau l Ciro-Id“ lrlclyâ€"lmru poll-u .l Ices-l Inn. South Autria own: her 0‘ nyucm. Member! of flu Amtriu: Pu} ‘ ‘4 per dly. England expend- mmnlly an Inn three million pounds. Prof. John Stun Bhakh. of hu pol-ed hi- sinh birthdny. Sweet bud: us not. pox-mm my unlau they mumpnuy 1 The little country of Hesse hundred And twenty-nix miles The nonulnion of Peru nude ' In. ranch Government l (:0an . bin fining nilrou . no Inim. Tthopulnign w twain him dny- 'Alhlneof Marlin! do erecw‘l M. Anton. It in “fish- ' in Rut-in, u in Frame, luly n this: tarry no privileges either locinL Windsor Cutle ha been axed for u midenoe seven hundred wd oithy The textile enures- 01 ed m adopt I Imdud Englnnd. The NeLbarluzdI awn lwd miles of nllmd. condmon. A Inge per cent. sra owned by Lbs v.0 corporations. 2' Wall lulu of [men at I“ lrchyâ€"lmruuu Inp- ol heel! Due. Lbs Government m HO on nil"! picture. 3‘ Edinburgh men! get roynl

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