Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 29 Nov 1894, p. 4

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lectlon was taken up end subscripâ€" tion lists paused round. The liate will be placed 'lnto the hands of collectors who will ere long call upon the public to receive their oflerinze {or the bene- fit of the Societv. It is to be hoped that all on whoul they call will. If they cannot eonujhute, give them a pleasant treating and a word of cheer which will encourage them in this H. E A- Reid and I. At Shaman do livered addresses in favor of support- ing liberally the institution. A col- lection was taken up and subscrip The meeting in the interests of the Stoufi'ville Bible Society was held in the Methofiist Church last evening at which the attendance was fair. Rey; Una thing seems to be necessary in all cases, that parties taking- up ani- mals, if they desire to get remuneraâ€" tion {or feeding nndjcare of them shouid advertise them as soon as they take them up. 1!.l Church sum. sunnfivmg R"- Jol- Young. Mont-dune. Hun L. vutmd Whom mice 30.“? Band" “10mm: an" a. w p._m Guard mar Luna on walk-“dun!“ owning :17: 30. Brian]: Inu‘ue «In other Honda ovu- n: It 7:!) All "All (no. 5mm": welcom- -H. Johnson imands to stand‘for neuron-1895. Owing to the recent change in the make-up of the TRIBUNE all business advertisements are required to be handed m not later than noon on T nesdavs. We are being repetedely-asked as to the procedure to be taken in case 0! estrus taken up bv farmers and others. and on examination w find that the by-lsws of the .sev muni- cipalities give instructions as to the disposal or them sud not the Ontario Statutes. A copy of such bylaw can be by any ratepayer bv writing to ing with the clerk of the municipality. Our butter buyers on the market to-dav were not at all anxious to pur- chase hunter which had the flavor of turnlpl. Thoy were ofl'ering' only abouz l4ca lb for it u ills saleable only tor baking purposes. It may be well enough to feed turnips to boeL cnttle but go miléh “-545.11an 3: all Info u no matter when fed they are 1,0 ‘0 am: we Mater. Th5 yellow mangold la a better butter~p , in: root and why not cultivn‘ t I for Imlch cows lnstead offlhe turnip. thmers abmld mutually weigh mat ten Dr'thls kind and produce that which will command a ready sale at the bes‘ margin of prom. bus Mn 5 "Sunfvflll. Bav. Taiwan-m uideneo hm 8L. touch- Divim lords. ‘erySfindI It IN? 111- “Sand-y 531‘,“ ’ Et- She’looiky.YmnP 1' am (I 0 U .l Dian even and” “min: nag-13min?“ Church Notices. Nzw Law Onionâ€"Means. Steph- mon and Bentley, solicitors 8m, have named a low oflica over. Warriner's ore, where a mepbeFBl/the firm will around daily for the transaction 0! Mines: See and in another column. THE TRIBUNE. STOUFFVIILE. NOV. 29. 1894 RESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10th so... swun. . n'. it. Run. But. mm m’ m min; figh- Blbh Chan-nu m m- ETHODIST CHURCH, lull BI... ammu. Bull 3. A. Raid. um. hind-no- w Sta. Wm End. mic “10:5”. 13- 1nd .. 8 smut!!! ml utw».n..6uonl mount on "about, Junior Chi-fin Endanvor‘mdu ufibndfioniuus. Auwd ma" Main St. 8W0. Rn- mum- Mn BC. In: Rod. Div!“ "CHEW «man s. n. ud'lv.ln School a 1-!) p. 13. Guard If r on w "an us. Ch w ”M n n n 8 o’alnok. hat of ma a British hnve 100 and the Ines? ' us and Germans but 75 hem. Thus. in all the more : vessels comprising the strength of a navy, the old 3 onlv equal to any two pow- ctually surpasses any three lt all likely to enter a league ner. Under these circum- are nppe rs to be but little the sea about the weak- en 0! hlch so much was code a few weeks ago. | l soft, rich. glory sheen. so much ad- a Mir, can be seem-ed by the use 'a “Vigor. All the assist-ace chn require- no make the hair strong. 1!, And Abundant. is supplied by thin It prep-Mon. Epwo‘rth Lengne debate on rening it was decided that ance ot woman wna grenter )f mun". after bringing {or- the noted worthies from Gladstone. ARD’S LIN’IMENT Pukdale, Ont. Our present council have given us excell- ent value for the money expended on public works and they merit commendntion for their zeal and attentiveness to buninesa offairs of our town. They have worked to- ther with the greamt unanimity in on- eavoring to do their belt for every rate- payer consistent with the interests of the municipality. Who are to constitute our next council we will soon be alled upon to decide and apparently, as yet, there seems to be no interest taken in the matter. As in the put let every elector exercise his fronchile in invor of men who will steer the village craft carefully along the bosom of the placid waters of economy and substantial proa- perity. Iwua cured of Inflammation by MIN ARD’S LINIMENT. Walsh, Ont. Mrs. W. W. Johnson. I was cured of gainful Goitre by MIN- "1‘. ARD’S LINIM E According to n despntch form Shang- hai, published in London, n sensation hu'been caused them by u- memoiral to the throne, _ signed by over-120 high oflicials,'impecchiug Li Hung Chung and charging him with corruption Speculation and de_ceptiou. que_nt danger of dagnnge to goodl. 0n unitary ground: also it would be3 of decided advmmge The lighting of our streets by electricity he: also been before us and there is no doubt but it. would be quite a great im- provement on dark nights. As the pro- prietors are putting in a new plant on the incandescent system perhaps some arrange- ment can be msde whereby our town ofici- nle can see their way clear to give us “more light". We have no figures before us as to probable cost. but we notice other villages of smaller size thnn Swuflville being Lhue ‘ lighted. The subject ‘is well worthy the fullest consideration. A trunk sewer has been privately talked about recently. The arguments in its lnvor were that it would BO remove surface water from our main road that much less vel wouldbe re uired to keep it in g state of repair and the mud nuisance would soon be reduced to 5 minimum. In fact it will be only a mntter of a. few years until the road bed will become higher then the level of the sidewslks, as under the resent conditions gravel must continue to laid on to keep the road in wood condition. Besides, it would be I met boon to our business men by preventing flooding of callers end conse- - The memorial also says that Li Hung Chang rejoiced at the Japanm victor- ies and prevented the Chinese from a- ohieving sum. He is said. to have represented that China was pm for wax when he knew that the contrary was the case. Chadian], Gnu Li Hung Chang 1s also said to be 1m plicated with Prince Knng the Em or’s uncle and President. Tsung-Li-gs- men of the Admiralty who was re- oemly appointed dictator and with the Taotai Wu and the commander of the Chinese forces It Port Arthur. These three oflicinlsare said by the signers of the memorial whe guilty of high tree. son and 01 selling state secrets end wnr material to the enemy. They are further charged wiih invest. ing money inJapnn harboring trenou able designs against the Chinese Empire and with conspiring to procure the: overthrow of China The memorial demands the instant. punishment and_ dismissalof all concerned In the conspiracy. Ll HUNG CHANG IMPEAGHED‘ Another cizic your is fast drawing to a clone and the ofiee-seeker, as far as we no swore, thnot yet begun to squeeze the digits of the electors or “kindl " trout the leteat urrivula in the family. erhepe it in thought flint honor alone in scant. remunera- tion these hard times. when hdaineu re- quires every spare moment. However, we Are all intemled in good and thorough municipal government. sad the fittest men should occupy the choir: at the council board. even if u fair compensation for their services be required. _ A system of waterworks has been up for public discussion recently and the verdict. wss that the cost wss too great. in nropor- Lion to the‘ advantages. which would accrue from their construction. Yet, some more efficient method of combating firs should in the near future be made '11 mutter of con- sideration, not that we have anv fault to find with the manner in which this mutter has hitherto been managed. Our villa are at the recent fire are to be congratulate _on the Activity nud energy they displayed in quenching the flames. bur, a suitable hund- engine which would throw several streams would, in our estimation. be a profitable in- vutment and would greatlv facilitate opera- tions on such occasions. 7 In acme neighboring municipalities we hear of boodlinv and corrupt transactions, but our town has been noted for uprinht manipulation of public afiaira. On a care- ful survey we find that those municipal cficera found ilty or accused Inf corrupt acta are men w 0 have no financial intereat in their muni2ipalitv. By that we mean that no matter what amount- of débt in in- curred they have little or no assessable property which Would make them bear a proportionate share of the public burdens. len in this orition MAY BE fit for muni- cipal honors at it seems to us that a cer- tain property qualification suflicient to make them fool in their pocket a Hull share of the public outlay would have a tendency to produce better municipal government. As regards our own town father: no fault. ha been found. as In: an we are aware.â€" not. with their exlmvugnnce no any rate. Some we have heard say that they have been boo economical, but. it should be re- membered that we no passing through a. period which requires rigid economy. II we look round about. upon surrounding _' es and towns my 0: them will be ”and w mm more improvement: than we‘ hive but, they. in much angel, lave vac l-rwyytkmgngew 2‘, "- ."°£1}3. 3°" wâ€"But tour lEOllldil' phced in n limilu poulion. Our villain debt in I mere nominal mount and wise legislation will not much innreue it. in 'the meantime at. least MUNICIPAL MATTERS ed of Facial Neunlgia by IAIN Bayard McMullin‘ J , H. Badey. It is the unanimous testimony of all who have used Ayer’a Pills for stomach. liver or bowel troubles. that .they [are on 00 take. alwnvs efi'cctive, and that they up the ayatom in barber condition than any other-medicine. The best, family physio in existence. Monday, Dec. 3rd. at l p. m., at Bumm'l Hotel. ngwood 30 head of cum: consist,- imz of fresh milch cows, Ipriugen, steers weighing (mm 1000 to 12001ba.,and heifers. the property of John Coon". Terranâ€"Ten months'credit or 7 per cent. 03' for cub. N. E. Smith, Auctioneer. When Bnby vu alck, we gave her Cutorh. When Ibo m I Child. the odd {01' Cum When aha becamo )flfl, Ihe clung to Castor“, When Ibo Kind Children. Ihspvo them Cum he. of Jesse Brillinger. Tamâ€"For I“ sums 01'310 and under, cub; over that :- mount 11 months’ crudib. N. E. Smith, Auctioneer. Mr. Buchanan, of Gnu-ville, In: {quad the mill here. Mn. Walter Baton in Iufl'ering with neunlgitin the stomach. v, Thunduy. Dec 6th, ntl p. In. thug. at lot. 1. rear of 3rd concession Whitchurc , {at Gormlev) the {arm stock, implemengf A“ -t Y,,,, “ ...- .â€" Mn. '1‘. Bum has been ill for film timn with chronic rheumatism Mr. and Mrs. Parker have returned home after spending a few days visiting friends in Toronm.) The Rev. I. A. Shanton of Slouflvllla conducted the nervlces held hereon Sundny last. There are quite a. number of young peo- ple attending the Epworth League which was organized here a short June ago. Miss Annie Forsyth has just mturne (1 home after spending a. verv pleasant. time visiiing friends in Midland nd that. vicinity. Mina Hutchinson move-c130 Goodwoodulut weak. She intends making her home with her sister Mra. Myer: of that, place and will continue her drain-making an formerly, her leaving here will cream a void not easily filled u aha lived among us for eighmn years and always took an active part, In all the duties of the church. particularly the Sabbath School and prayer meeting. Our loan will be Goodwood‘a pain. Her many friends in bidding her farewell winh Ihe may have as many frienda jn her future home as she has in Glasgow. The Rev. Joseph Young will preach Sunday to the A. 0, U. W. in the Methodist church, at 10.30 and in the evening the subiect for discourse will “A Fountain Opened. " 0n Sundav at 11 a. In. services will be conducted bv the pastor, Rev. Mr. Evans, subject of discourse, "Obedi- ence and Disobedience. " The Rev. Mr. Moorels assisting- Rev. '1". Booker in the special services which are being held on the 9th line Mark- ham and which will be continued during- the coming week as usual. Ju Buck left on Saturday w uk- ship 10: England. A very important cam, which has a direct bearing on the action or munlcl- pal councils, has been decided at Guelph. An action was Drought by a member of the Council of Mount For- eat to prevent interference with his right to be present at the meetings of that body. II: appears that at a meet- ing on October lat plaintifi‘ spoke of some members at “such characters." d refusing to apolo ize or retract 3253., be h The teacher and scholar: 0! our Public School are mking preparuion for the nnnunl Xmu Tree. Maggie Robinon. left J. Nigh’a on Thun- duy hat for her home in Muskoka, where she intends to spend the wmtar. Mrs. Martin and her daughter Susie. also Aggie Spofl'ord and her brother .Percy spent Thankaviving in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Young occupied the Pulpit of Melulle Church on Sabbath and delivered an intemting discourse on the “Bible". It would not be amiss if some of our Township lather-s were 00 take a look It Almira. brid 0e. Part of the nilin needs roplucinq aud some‘fillinfl in woul render Judge Chadwick. in quoting cases and precedents, said that legislative asssml Iles have no power in the ab- seuce of express grant, to remove a member for contempt. unless he is éctually obstructng the business or the house. This. of course, applies to all. legislative and representative bodies in this country. There is no pretence here that pleintlfl‘ was ob- structing business, except in so for as he refused to do what the Mayor and others insisted he must do. Mr. James Bowman returned from To- ronto on Monday Inst with his a eyesight, much improved. ch23 appréach much less dlafiéerouvn: Wm. Carruthers went. [to Pickering last week to spend a. few days. John Campbell is engaged with D. Ken- drick for the winter. 0' unfit. K! unmet “the 15t t. the subject brought up, and plaintiff out. Edgar Nigh is laid up with jaundice. INTERESTING T0 MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. SALES TO BE HELD. CHURCH NOTES‘ GLASGOW. ALMIRA meeting“ was again agl in put TorontoSa-turday My)" may well ofler to piece their Christmas Num- ber of this year alongside any- thing produ cod anywhere. T be book itself is ex- tremely hund- _ some. The cover in designed by Mr. John D. Kelly. of Toronto, and in one or the meat brilliant nnd ettrurtive things in the way or a cover ever done in the Dominion. Thrice pictures, instead of one. are given away with the Number this year. end "Charmed by ‘ a Song Bird' has only to be The eubjectie h group or children lint to the birds. It wan painted by O. A. Reid ( m tumou- picturee, " Mort- znzing the Rom toad" and "Forecloeinx the Mortgage.” our ex- will remember having men at the To to Fair) and ie reproduced in the cheerful col riot real Me by the newly discovered proc called phowllthogrephy. It in A great picture. No. ZSupnlement. “Piny- mutu." in a French polite! and a marvel of dainty coloring. No. 3 in black and white. called " A Dinicult .k.‘ in the aret popular repro- duction of an el fashioned Iteel engraving by T. Wehater. 0n the expiry of the copyright The Sheppard Pdhlishing Co. (Ltd.)nt once had a plate made, of which they are proprietors, and whet formerly could not: be bought for less than ten dollare ihey now give with the Christ- mu Number tree. A. a study in tacos it can- not be equnlled. The three picture- hnve been admired by all who have Icon them. The lead- ing etory in the Christmu Numberie by Robert Burr, recently associated with Jerome K. Jerome in publiehing the London Idler. but better known as Luke Sherp, whoeo writing: made the Detroit Me Free: famous. Hie story. One Day‘. Coumbip, oceupiee fifteen pages. The scene is laid in Canada. and the illustrations are espibal. Other etoriue are: The Shade of Helen, by Francis Morison; Le Donn Garou. by Cliil'brd Smith; Why Johnnie Went Back. by Edmund E. Sheppard: The Passing of Bagmthe Club Men. by Mung-run! Harvey, and An Heroin Imbocilo, by Joe Clark- Thero are beunti ly iliuetrnted poems by J. W. Dengough an; Reuben Butchart, Koppel) Strange and Jemu A. Tucker. There are local can reuse-re out (if not. eomeonoehould take hold )1' it)and our r er- Iheuld sen iho book. It :oste fifty cent ( ieturee and all). and i- In: uiabed in tube (or mulling. a dupnchmi‘uum Iaya:-The order laaned by the Canadian Government provxdlnz that all moat cattle arnvlng in Canadian quaranllne ahall he tested by the Koch tuhelculine lyrn h will scnrccly af- fect the United Sta the number of cattle exported fr thll country into Canada In very am I. Dr. Salmon. chlel of the Bureau of A‘nlmal Industry, and that the notion 0! he Canadians was in- tended to lapply to cattle imparted for breedlng purposes. all of which came lrom Europe. The other dsy W'illinm Coulter, n son of Andrew Coulter, of thin], n township north of Peterboru’ met, with s terrible death. He, with another young man, wu collecting fire w in s hush on the farm. sud in felling n to tan tree young Coultur moved to the wrung side. The mnple swerved nurl strucl: the boy an awful blow. throwing him to the ground. Hll oom- psnion rushed to the spot, but found him already dead. smashed to pieces. His skull was broken. Ind pl'l'G of it severed item the remaining portion his neck dislocated. hill arms and legs bro en, several ribs broken, sud ona hip prot’ding through the bndy . TheQuebIh 'iime is' to be mm to lupprell but Protective Association and: amorous leagues and alliuncea of I“ ’ nature in tho‘Province of Quebec. A I woman, which has the Inthoriutiou of be high clerical authori- ticain the Rom Catholic Church. him been inaugnncod in Montreal, with this object in View Ind nlively agitation“ likelyto mull. Pulihiona are now being signed Ind l b. forwarded tothe Le ill-cumin man. The petition: net. onh that such mhliea u the P P. A. Ire dmgemul to tho public peace and harm- ony, that they unusual to themselves the pram ntive a! e Legislature, and saw diacor and hi ' between the different. notion- of [he mmunity. Their suppressâ€" ion is thereto naked. » Law flfl‘ice: Into lot 23, co . 8, Whitchurch about. June lat last fin Inntrae) a yearling hei- fer. The ow r a requested to prove pro- perty, pay “in es and take her away. 8. MCMULLEN, 3?. I Bullanlme. Parties wishin? to b y anything in this line have a chat ith me before purchasing qlsewhere. [W the market. 11 For the li a right~hunded Maxwell Binder, no lightest and simplest elevator binder made; mowers, rakes. Ly teddexs. hay loaders and akent for the Colthardt Scott firm'combiued drills, seeders, mlltivutors har- rowa andk‘soufl'lers. Over Warrint": Store. N. E. SMITH, 6- H. STEPHENSON V1. B. BENTLEY A Christmai Book. GENERAL ”IVS. . E. sMITH. STRfiYED Mom In Luau, Stoufi‘ville, Ont ‘ anon o! township h terrible farm, mum mlple blow. Noteâ€"Cash paid for hides, skin and tallow. SAUSAGES. HEAD CHEESE And fish in season, in fact everything that is kept in a Well-ordered shop. Beef sold by the unrter and pork by tho cal-cue, at. reuonnb 9 rates. MEN” WM”. Family Butcher Keeps {on hand all kinds of FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Hay. ton Straw ton ....... Dressed Hows. . . . Beef, forequnrters Beef, hindquarters Mutton ........... “'henl When! Outs, Barley Wh eat. Wheat. [amt Goose' wheat Lhck Eye Pe Small Peruse. Barley ...... Outs . ...... Flour. per bl: Potatoes, per Hay. per ton Alaike...‘.. Red clover. . ‘ Hood's Sarsaparilia Quickly Cured. "C. 1. Hood 5' 00.. Lowe“. Mast: " About a you ago I hmi an attack 01 the grip. followed by a. continued hemlnchu nud dizzi- ness. And shortly alier this my {use broke out In biolches like rin v«wrung. I tried numerous mediélncs to see w it they would do (or me. but novcr found anything to fake ciiect until. at last. I thought I would give Hood's Sarinpnrilla atrial. I purchased one hotlio which soon look cum {or 2113 butter, and by the time I had uken Butter nu to 1m, eggs me to 20¢; onions $1 00 bush. ;chickens 250 to 45¢ 8 pair, cabbage 3 for 200.; calves 84 to b6; pork $6 00 lo $6 75; lard 15c lb peef66.50. lamb; 83; wool Mic. to 17c. aotntnes 75c. bag: ducks 40c. 60¢. urkevs Sc. to Sc. lb: geese 7c. lb. Fall wheat §priug ‘Yh Brought Homo from Work during the day nnd have a doctor called In, but dld not get any permanent teller {tom any names until. upon recommendation of amend. I purchaser! a bottle of Hood‘s Susapmflb, which made me 1901 better at. once. I have cor.- unued It: use,lmvlng when three bottle; uni I Feel lee a New Man. I have :1 good nnpeme. feel as strong as ever 1 dld. and enjoy perfect rest at night. I haw: much plensuru in recommendlng Hood's Sarsar puma." CHARLES STEELE, with Eric Pro- son‘lng Co., St. Catherlnc's. Ontario. half the home the matches had all lo pm“! and r “C. l’. Hood 6 00., Lowell, Mass‘ "For a number of years 1 mm with A general tired feeling, shun pain in me back. and constipation only little rest nt night. on accour and mm In nmwlllo whatever. I In my limbs max. I gave out befor- wns gone. I tried a great numlu blood purifiers, but with no good also under the care at several quenuy I hnd such bad spells u. Headache and Impure Blood Reported by S. B. J Unwashed Woo] ...... Cottgd wool qr reiects Clothing Snutluh v That Tired Feeling, Constipation and Pain in the Back Appetite and Health Restored by Hood's Sanaparma. Broken in Health TORONTO STREET MARKET The Old Reliable at. .\ (he t ml 1 . lbush bushel bffahel STOUFFVILLE MARKETS aprimz fiarSaparilla (From Thursday’s Gl‘ white, bushel. . . .S 0 apring. bushel. . 0 red winter, bushel goose, bushel. . . . . H. KEMP, MIRA WOOL: MARKET. bbl 1 by S. B. Lehman GEERES Mr. 5L C :1: ago I had an attack 0! the grip. |. continued hemlucha and dizzi- ortly alter lhls my face brake out a ring-worms. I tried numerals co what they would do (or me, (1 anything to mice once: until, :1! would nlvo Hood's Sarénpnrilln hand one huulu whlch soon wok ‘0 D‘ ul- headache had ceased and the Sc my Lute. I lm'o never {on onus. Steels nun-rIue's. Ont. Me prompt nud emclcut, yd u Ly all drugglsLs. 2» and I mlnl»: H u! purlficr on ad 1: to anyone [ have been troubled shumless of breath. patio“. I could get ccount of the pnln, MAI N STREET, AT PRICES TO‘TSUiT YOU. Lad les’ Mantles Men’s Suits, BQQIS: gBoots ‘ and Shoes, gflubbers and axe BHUWNSEUMBE PERKINS Great EEN’T EQEEE’E TE CEEEQ DaleV’s Block BOTTOM% Bargain :PRICES. ----FOR---- %0vershoes, House STOUFFVILLE Look out for S gains 0 all line at S. ' ner’s. The Greate 30 LB 11» 11,3; 1 00 Big Reduction 51‘ I) Patr REBUGT EQMPETETO Palace Boots GRl Shoes

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