Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 26 Sep 1895, p. 8

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in Indo~Chinn. or Further Indu, u the region is called. The French recently trumped up n qnu-rel with Siam nnrl annex- ed | 1- portion of ihnt kinvdom to it: Cochin him polleuions. The British had annexed Burnnh on Account of the hideou “rookie- ot its Inonuch And the French Ind English lonnd them-elves involved in qurrela between Burnnh And Sign over dilputrd lerrihoria whole tribe- were trib- utary to me or the other, or nometimes both. The British bed the right, of prim- poueuion. end ”my ofl'ewd to set .“l n neulrll province between French passen- iona And British Seminal eompoeed of Kin-lg Kheng an Kinng Khong which Wu L0 be under the smnlnly of Sinm. The pncum Anna-Hungry, and recently the flirnondo muchmpbone nu connected villi the circuit. going from Trina. LI: 1: Viennn, Breme'nmd Path, to Berlinme manic being hand in all then plum with eqnnl clerue- md force. The blppy Hunguinn‘un lie shed all [day and hear uvflylhinv Lh-t in going ‘on in his mulic in unimifled Lt til-u]; phoenix: Amro-Hnnguy, and Room flirnondo mlchmphone “1.. connect:- In new: items. hail: WMMmumdnod with ml Anal" mun' mt Nmou'l‘ These were It s given or apecull‘ in the omen of the: Rinaldo. but. navy the wine in in oommnniutinn] with ‘the n Mmmdhmukhdhmdon SJ: uni ninu’ day- yilh_ tho thumbs. TE: The British um Emu?!) u; hoe to flee R INSECT 1N DOâ€"CEINA VT FRIENDS FOES. 4ND Mr. Poacher, seconded by Mr. Hilts move- thnt the aid ion of rod Allow- nnce be rented to cm Chute: until such time u the me or my portion there- of may be required for road.‘p . ut an Iannni rental of 85 p-ynble on t e 1 It of June in each you. Ind thnt I lune be pre- pu-ed for the me oontnininz the unnl conditions and providing that the lane m be terminated at my time by the coon ' giving Mr. Cheater two months notice providing Ibo tint the nflownnoa between ‘ aid iota, 34 nnd 35, shall, by Mr. Chester. be thrown o for the me of the tnvelliug- public, Ind 5: him so opened during the :ontinuance of the term; And that the clerk >0 instructed to notify Mr. Chan. A. Anni- 0 remove nil obstruction: he an hue an lid Illownnco on or before the t dny of AY__n7l Mr Rich-Ida. wounded by Mr. Kim movw thet the rceve mat his order on the ‘ treasurer in tavor of the parties recomend- ed in the reports or the various standing committees M presented this da . ‘ Mr. Mowbny, seconded by Mr. Poacher moves that that portion of eideroui between 101324 And 35 in the lat Rouge 3! B. F. can. extending from the lat nnge line to the G. T. R. and the allowance for road known as the let {Ange line in form of lot 34 in the Township of Pickering be nub ml wh con, op lot 30, 31.50; J. :Tooi, for gravel supplies div. 48. $1.82. '1'. Hagerman. for nparinv culvert. on 5th con, 0 lot 35, 8|. Elin- Reesor, for myth gmverrnpplied div 80. $3; E. Maleom, on acct of contract Green River bridge, 350,50; John Gordon. {or work done on King-Lon road. $3. We beg toneknowlnga A communication from Richnrd Taylor and up tom of the Innate labor done by him on 1 e towniine In In con betwegn Whitby and Pickerinr Lawn- uhipu. All of which in respectfully whinin- ed. smeroaa net 10!: 32 and 33 in' 6th eon. as per contract. $25; 'Jas. Lidgett for graveling opp lot 5. 7th con, Soc. A. B. Holden, for repairing bridge on sidemad be! lots Sand 7: con. 9; $5.83 and and material;Dnvid .‘.nnis, 51. yds of gravel for divisiodNo. 107 $5.10. also “(ox-33 yda of gtavel supplied for Green River-bridge approaches 83 30, S. J. Holden, for gravel: sup lied on 9th. eon. opp lo 6, 8 an 9, 815.88; John Tool, for gravel supplied road‘ division 47, $2.80; Wm. Anderson. for building stone vculvert between 18 and 19, in mi: con. 319,50; J. T. Lnnghlin. for gravel supplied his :mad division. 84: Robert Milne, for remixing culvert [on 8th con, op lot 30, 81.50; J. :Tool, for gravel avlppheg div. 48. S ’ '1‘ Hagegman. for ”ml-inn mam.-. .‘ r. Mowbny, seconded by Mr. Hilts, ed that the mve Ind l I: depnnydreevo ad m hereby sppointed I committee uquire into the claim for dun? .- Ic this townlhip msda by Wm. . h rhnflolhilmotber,fln. Price Pu , report of the _next meeting of thin v . l â€" a “““ I 7"" 59 also for 6031.13, 54.20, also 50 yds, 33,50. also 15 yda,$l.12; Mrs. T. P. “White, 28 yds gravel and right of way 82.74; W. S, Dunsbeath, half cost of building culvert on western: townline be: Pickering and Mtrkham, opp 6th '00:]. $816; \V. J, Turner, for gravelling sidemad bet lots 32 and 33 in 6th mn iug bridge opp lot 4 con might. 26 vds of annual ._... vuu uluuwtu Nigbswander be Eat to the Tomato Genérnl Hospital for treatment of her eyes‘and recommend that the request be granted payment. as follows: Toronto General Hospital. for treatment Henry Elam, 28 days at 40c. Austin Badger- ow. 59 days nud Eliznbeth Nighawnnder l3 days 852. All of which is respectfully submitted. On motion of Mr. Richards,.chairman the report was adopted. ’ Ou motion of Mr. 'Mowbrny, chairman report was adopted. Your standing committee on Indigean beg leave to xeport and :reoommend as follows: Your committee have had i» fore them a communication from J03. Moqkhonse asking that one minim!- V" 3.....qu post. duds. $1; D. R,_Beuton, on account. 015312115835. D. Benton, for minute I: and stationery for use of council, $10.72. All of which is respectfully submincd. , sittiligs, $2; The standing committee on contingem cieu brought in the following_report: F k C. Lotron. for burying horse, $2, Den- tonDodds, advice to move as to lin- hility of township for rent of hall in 1h vjllage of Pickering forrdivision court On motionpf Mr report was adopted, 5a. wuaon m hand to n Lonh end of Christina burying Min Ianbelln Liscombo wm asking that May Ann Jolly bu Admission to the Asylum it Or W. J. Devin was heard regarding the use of Usher cement for the purpose of building culverts. Mr. Richards reported lJlVlng received 83 as license for travelling ehow. Mr. Gerow reported having received 87.50 from licensing three travelling shows. These amounts were paid to the treas- urer. ‘ Wm. D. Pugh was heard in reference in accidem on northern Muslim: o p lot. 25 when Mn. Price Pugh receive ser- ious. injuries through horse running away by colliding with another rig. He claim- ed the road too narrow. He naked tint. ea the muffin narrow. Hue Ski-6;: the Townships 0/ Pickerinqund Uxbrid- go pay the doctor bill. Your standing committee on sheep killed by dogs. repott and recommend us follows. Rich-rd Medd. for one sheep killed by dogs $3,33. said amount being two-thirds sworn valno. Mr. Thou. Chester was to rent nllnwanoe “sheen lathnze. B. F. an Ind ‘ur standing ccmlpifitee on roads 53; W. J, Clark? for printing Lainnh Ml 1D TU) con 88 P6! The following bills '3: W7. Penmllv I: ,-,..-, ‘A‘ ydsorg'ravel fo'r div, 24. E. Pugh, 57 yds gravel, 83¢ Sobds, $4.20, also 50_ yd}, u: my- .. ... n council not pm“: to n on Monday. Sept. lfilh,in an"; Brougham. Memben all we i9 the choir. Minutes of I: read and up ved. A num- nnu were ma Indjefened to ‘atanding committees. lsgn_yqa heard to wuhonz at “of {In Richu-ds, chairman F. m and range linié nded by Mr. mm can: his order on the the Fifties recomend- lbe various aunding u-) .L:_ . RING COUNCIL umber. clninn-n. re Hug mm were re email], for repair “Jr 0?? lot 35. $1. rmvelauppljed div ace: of contract 30; Joya VGonlon, as per contract, rying gmu'ndfl t was heard Iv 110 secured t Orillil. heard asking 34 andfib in Position permanent if situed also increase. State reference and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. ' Salary $700.00 and Expenses WANTED â€"Several faithful gentlemen and ladies botmvel for established house. PERSONS T0 TRAVEL __ Posrnvnv arms-n Wuhan-ml million.- nulhm. Bel-ll Mill. St VI! ' D ]..0- a! Power, huff. Wuha- Ind 13? maul Dim-mauled bymalood um W Nerves. Skin Bet-met. 0m III-l prom IL In 3'55...“ 0.! .!9'JH_ _m D B °PP "in Street 316317-318 Omaha Bld‘ For the finest of Photos and latest style in finish, call at Mertens’ Studio. Family Groups ‘1 specialty. Unced at wnm}; ihB‘ifli'EIE} aepcem bar, A D‘ 1895. ~-......~. .. .u. u. Henry T. Michell, Claremont P. 0‘ McR§e. Brechip P.70., Executors. mam own jugglg'é Euféu. worm}. mm..- And notice is further given that liter the aid last mentioned date the mid Executom will roceed to distribute the meta of the said Seceued among the mom entitled thereto, having reward on y to the claims of which notice shall have been iven as above required. and the said xecuton will not be liable for the said we“ or any part thermt, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been mceived by them or their solicitors, at the lime aforesaid. Dow a Mcauuvary,‘hm¢{k SL. Whitby, L __ Solicitors for Execute". n, ._ ... . Their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims And of the secur- ities (ifanyj held by them. Pursuant to the "Revised Smmten of Ontario, 1887”. Chapter 110, notice in here- given that all credilors and other non: hnving claim: against. the estate of rancin Jordan. late of the Township of Mm iu the County of Ontario, Yeoman. deceased, who died on or about the third day of Jun- unry. A. D.. 1882, are required to and by registered letter to Henry '1‘. Mitchell, Claremont. P.,O., one at the Executor: of the last will and testament, of the said \ ancin Jordan, deceased, on or before the i The north quarter of the west Del 0! lot 9. in the 6th concession of Whit- church. containing 26 ‘acree more or less, 10 acres of which -ie bush. con- sisting of pine and hardwood. Tenders will be received up to Oct, 19th, 1895. bv Geo. Macklem.Ringwood. W. Lemon Bethesda or Mackiem Cook. 83.0115- ville. executors. The undersigned wlllee prepared to make elder on Thursday. Sept. 5th prox. for that week. and the following week on Mondav. Wednesday and Fridav, and after that will make every dav. except Saturday .jnfternoon, ml the season closes. Lot 51, con, 8. Mdrkham. The lowest or any tender not nec_es' arilv accepted. CIDER, CIDER To those who wish to Invest in real estate. the west halt 0! lot No. 12 In the 9th concession of Whltchurch, con tuning 100 acres more or lean, Ibo 5h acres in the west end Stouflvllle; belonging to, the estate or the late Wllltam Starry, will be oflered tor sale this fall. a. Francis Jordan. deceased. A and young Ayrshire miluh cow mifk). Apply n. this office. W-"Ja’MERTENS I wu cured of contraction MLN§RD‘S LINIMENT. l I magma cilthe [get 5 can. y M ARD ‘ '1Â¥wo Riven. N. 8. meet gain on Maud-y, the “:5“ October next at. the hour 0! 10 t. In, causation of pun] human. I was cured of Diphtheris, that doc! {Aged} by_MlNARU‘S LINIMENT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PHOWBRRPH'I. TH E NATIONAL. mum-ma 213! day of October, A. l}. 1895, Autgoiinh, Mr. Richln For Sale by Tendefi W. Stun-y Funcha Stony It thoa Executors MQQRD'SIIVDTI‘EEET. ForSale. FOR SALE THE PERFEOT TOOTH POWDER Mrs. mam: Sunder: 0F mded by M men do now Jaw?" RAuEn Executorm: S'I‘OUFFVILLE John A. Foray o! mulclu by Philip (giving cn’ TB“ MAHOGW ‘ 'In 'uirc'hnsing can that our crude mark (The nowahoe) and firm name are on one]: box, no other in genuine. Our “Something Good" band in [unfiltered and any one sell- ing other cigars under this name will be prosecumd. era that it show I. ') fi;;;n: mlmmgmmuotnw m 2 L Add”. . Kw 2011!. 381 Bumw‘x {oro Ithe fact that. "SO”ETHIfl] being cogngrfgitgg is a gunmm THE IIHK'ET. Uthor Mnnutnctumn are putting on the marker. inferior goods under this name _ A ppor‘nrlicl}: $.35:ng imitated. there- mount-ho enulc Ann-Hun. Ind III In limb um" mm ml Imb- on out: to th- m Thll noisy-maker. 731 Mb “I l ovumâ€"K Erin}! to: - IM email "I“ to man I! l t 00.. '39..“ MY. hmn 17 yun' In“. unlu- uau met! A In It or In ’ u! no . ’°m°“.m_%aunqm and lit}!!! w_ ob- CAUTION SOMETHING GOOD" CIGAR ’ “Thane: ‘mh' L1 no mum‘s-l and It: Ina-[um “Ii flint n. mom a work 0! NW so u. row are tho Intent-us mania-9 woo: twp Comm wlLMn mulch.“ “atoll-Inn n11 ldlptod tochfldm that I momma n a superior to any plum-[mien mum." ELM“. M. D.. I“ 80. Wold St... Brooklyn. N. Y. ESIN Fflifififiifififfifiifififl lunnn _l§,T HE nsfs cE'u'f mm mix Dr. Samuel Pitchers prescription for Infants and lumen. ‘It won! nuns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nucouo substance. It is a harmless substitute for Marie, Drops, Soothing Syrups. and Castor on. It 1. Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty ycan’ use by Millions of Mothers. Canal-la is the Children’s Pannce. -che Mother‘s Friend. Enlfir: Tnfiuto Ca... ”unreal LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS. DISEASED MEN um mtmm-r Divorced butnnitedingnln III-No NIHES on TEST“ L110! IALS USED WIYHUUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ‘a (hum lam. D. I: _ .SOMETHIIG 5000’ Castoria. Owing to the cnor sale of_our famou- Row York (3:7. Timex-run: Conn". 71 Emu." Erma-r. In What is Vince. Gun 11 fore purchasin‘ warranted. R( Of all d first-ch Farm Waggons, Bug- gies, Sleigh: and Cutters Where I intend to carry on th‘ ring: buvincss in all its brand I manulhcture Queen’s Hotel I beg leave to in I have) purclul property \ Carriaae Jk‘ England, come .11: your buggy painted B. SINBY one (f t] mull arriaze Painters in thi oe. Call and see my ska purchasing elsewhere. Cutorl- cum 0011c. Consumuon. Sour Stomach, manna-.1. Emcunio: mu. Worml. Riven sham. and m Wit-bout Injurlovu: mu Stouffville QUEEN'S HOTE}: kWorks Emu-z F. YARD“ M, D.. mMLMMAu. NawYorqu 'or several yz-Ars W. H. T0111). mem at Castoria. inform :11 used the e (f the' best ab], {ears or f I hammommmded and yruxnnbe- d1 Or factory 5d, east of All work Ron the You Cm. L! banufldu rman 1t A share of the public patron age is hereby solicited CARRIAGE BUILDING Where he is prepared to do all kinds of BEEBE’S BLOCK Opposite the} All work' entrusted to him will be done promptly and at reasonable rates ‘ NEWA BUSINESS. MACHINE Far {I ot Gormley, BINDER R. R. MEN. +>3+T00LS~<<59+~~2 SILVESTER DOUGHERTY _....- -- v4.“ 54.qu UL uuc highest possible test, Best made Best granulated and yellows at, rock bottom prices The one great place for all kinds of fruit, Order early and avoid disappointment. ALWAYS TO THE FRONT Gass jars at lowest price. Quart at 900. per doz., Pints at 750. per doz., and while we always quote the bottom price we always try to give you the best article. We are ielliingjars made from glass of the T. E. TRULL. HAS OPENED And all kinds of The Stone Lantern is very AND ARRIAGE REPAm neat and the price very TWiNEgNLmEJED :LANTE RNS lots of them UP INâ€" Market, Stamina . H- Ratclifl‘ Co. lhi: ibe mark Al AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.000: suascmasn, $1,018,500. Siouflvillo and Mt Local EX lPROVl\CIAL BLILDINN [â€"AVDâ€"D LOANIASSN M. WARRAN R. J. GEORG Mu..l Vdunt ,‘ITOUFFVILLE D. S‘l‘Od'FFEK'Specid Agent. ) qr! v ille ontar York and 0nlari0 â€"â€"THE E. SMITH SI LVI ULI SMITH DALEY )Y alBoml UFF

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