Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 26 Sep 1895, p. 5

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‘, Todd, bUFFVILLE. R CENT- ‘0 LAN [131106. max bunnies. ISELS m ge property GORE U 1110!]. 1e Independ‘ Mrs. Adair Miss Dame]! All the latest Pans and New York fashions in Hats, Bonnet's, Toques, c. Fancy Hair Pins 50. up; Beautiful Silk Gloves, 25c. up‘ Silk Frilling; 70. Hair Nets, « 2 for 50. Babies Bibs 10c. We will be pleased to have you call and inspect stock. Mrs. Adm ‘M1'sx Barrack MILLINERY SJl-i by 6. Conan. I urea Drug Danaâ€"pg Soloâ€"h HE'Sâ€"Br grin Inland : 25E Q E»! 592:5 318$ BOISEâ€"55223335! i Unis on “Banana-n £5 1!. Run Eula E E El! an 9.! ES 6.0!. 933.36: haven- gfi Earâ€"Sagan; E :33“ E‘o‘EEIE-VVEEE cg...- Egooâ€"REI i=3. iii. El.- 55 03... col! 5. fluxâ€"anneal! ‘7. Biq Barqains And with evéry $25 you buy we folding table, rocking chair, stretcher, I melanin, 30 lbs. sugar $1. 20 lbs. best granulated $1 6 lbs.raisins 250. Clothes pins 10. doz. 100 ten a dandy. NOW LOOK! We have nOt spa tee to give you the best and greatest, barmifie nu Steam made Ice Cream, made from our celebrated Bosâ€" can receipt, which is the best, and which we have the exclusâ€" we right to use in this town, therefore if You wish to enjoy a dish 01 this delishea and cooling creamâ€"go with the crowd, special accommodation for Saturday eve lugs, so come along. We also carry a. full line cf Pineapp Bananas; Oranges, Lemons, c.., c., ‘ In Candles and Nuts we carry__ th Vlargwt stock the DmALML -..‘_:-L__ A”: .1 . money: in the county Anal), 3 Bax We also carry a, full line cf Pifieapp Lemons, c., c., ‘ In Candies and Nuts we carry th iarg greatest variety. and the best in qualit of any we do ‘not deal in trash. The old stand ear the ‘ 1 yd. wide Factory Cotton. 2% cts. per yd.; Good He; of Dress Goods, 4-;c. per yd.;Seroe Dress goods worth 50 Shaker Flannels below value. S irtings, Tickings, Gingh all bought cheap, and sold at startling‘prices. ' Agents for_Wha.ley;Roy truments 30 lbs. sugar $1 50c ._,.4.- "“5. .4‘1. 11v: Jun .LL uuuun ss Goods, 40. per yd.;Serie Dre-SS g'OOdS worth 500. for 250. yd.; Lots of print cheap. Flannels below value. S irtings, Tickings, Ginghams,Tweed<, Flmmcls,Cottonades, ghL cheap, and sold at startling prices. CLOTHING, CLOTHING ‘ecause he has bought. a. big stock at. 5 ‘ook’sCottonfloot Opposition all . on the Dollar. See the bargains in Boys’ and Men?s Clothing. COMPOUND. E's HALF ICE CREAM, 38:0. FLEUBY:{CQ Store ne Co.,fMusic; andleusical In- bofight in Europe or on' im- port order. Mourning goods 8 specialty ' mad because Wax-liner is fairly giving 5 1n quaut [or any stole in town, old stang ear the G. T. R. truck. She has them to suit tastes and every pocket as she has a. large and well assorted stock n , l 7“ ‘ greatest bargains ever EAT, B©NNET Office at her father's “widened, Albert Street, Stoufl‘ville Eyes tested free. Satisfaction mun-unwed MERE? Graduate Optician If you are wanting a new BERTHA M. PARK, M. 0., SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN ?§.- F‘. Wflgon’fi. Chimp Ophthalmic Cone} will pvesent you with your choice of wardrobe or step ladder, and the best ‘ GO TO ICE CREAM, Ith $1. 23 lbs. white for $1. 6 lbs. cu I'l'ants 25c [00 ten lb chests tea. worth 450. lb. for 25c. 1b., it’s 119$ space to give a full price list but we gum-an- OR BIG'EXBITEMENT 500. or the dollar and selling. goods at Warriner is doing the trade WHY? i J ' ' C‘â€" ofl'ercd, come and see for yourselvc envy Shifting: 4:10. per yd; A Stack The Japanese Minister of Education proposes to make English compulsory m the Public schools of the Island Emcire. No batter evidence or the progress of civilization among the Japs could be given. A knowledge of English is now an essential qunliflca- ‘ tion for any person who desires to engage in international affairs wheth- er politicai.commercisi or seietiflc,end every year the language is being more widelv difl‘nsed among foreign nations. The Japanese owe their recent victor ies over the Chinese chiefly to the fact that they so readily ndoped civil- ized methods in thier affairs. and this same adaptability will keep them in advance of their neighbor. ‘ i The Toronto branch of the Bank of Hamilton on Tuesday discovered that on Monday someone had deposited what appeared to be a 820 gold piece but which was reailv a. piece of base metal with thesides of t genuine coin nentiv cemented on. 'Inquirv threw suspicion on aJew and a visit was paid to her. line grew nervoufl and admitted the corn. Her husband was indignant at her confession. Dsniel Ritz. Propnetor and publisher of the Hamburv, Out“. lndapcndanb any: “I was suffering from Dvapepain nndliver trouble. I took :1. few bottles of Shiloh’a Vitalizcr and is cured me. ] can heartily ecommend it.’, Sold by 0. Com» drujmiut. , The Board of Management of the Pub- lic Library are making preparations for the purchase of a lot of new books. Those desiring to see any special book in the library will please hand in the title tothe librarian. Miss Smufi'er, fol-the considera- tion of the Board. S. G. Bin-net dug u a mom" oes of the beauty of He run v weighs 1 lb. also 12 tubers scale at 15 lbs, 9 oz. A specimen of tho vcriomous copper- headed snake WM sighted in the vicinity of the \Vust End recently. Mm. E. Richardsunnnd children are visiting friends in Scarlmro and Toron- to. The Gray murder yestedny at Petcrbol or Boyd. A qunntity of Hugh H. Silvester, Rinmv All ndvnnuo notices in the loan! columns of the Tnmungof meadnzg‘or onloruinmeuu n which an admission fee. I: char ad. or from which n pecuniary benefit In donve !must. he midfor n! the rate ofaevon cents per Inna ouch inumon. n0 chnmqleu than .twenly-five cents. \Vhan bill- nre printed 3': this 01503 or ndverlimmanu ofen- tgruin‘monu are inserted l brief local will be Elven Iran. neY. Dinner sets only $5. J. J. For binder twine eo'to T. E. House to rent aply to W. P. STOUFFVILLE. SEPT. 2b189h THE TRIBUNE. OCAL ITEMS. away}; voods LOCAL urder case commenced tcrboro before Chancell- :c of an elegant best value for your NOTICES barrels forsnlu Kl. nriety hippo; . Rue. Trull's. Han potat- which zl the Sir Charles Tipper strongly disap- proved of the new uttcmpt to induce the British Government to ask for Col- oniel monev in support of the Imper- ininnvy. He believes it would he a way to protect the Empire. in time or war. and encourege inter~Imperlel trade in peace. to place tour vessels like the Teutonic on the Canadian- Brltlsh Atlantic route. These ships. he pointed out, would be convertible into War cruisers it pieced under the British Adull NV subsides. This view is be‘ stronglv urged upon soseph Chamberlain end the other Ministers: and seeing the immense end unexpected revenue coming lrom the Stock Exchange stamps during the present and prolonged South African boom, it is believed that the Govern‘ mom will be able to adopt the proposal and embodv provisions in the next budget. However. the time is not fer distent when the colonies will be ask- ed to contribute to the support of the navy. Ceuede is about emerging from her latency as I colonv end perhaps should now do something more in the wey of protecting herself against toreign Attack. Cakes . Imatry ........... 200-100 Beet assortment Baker’s. . . 1 cakes and pastry. 200400 Pigkies‘l jars. ......... 75-50 Assxauen.â€"-l\lr. Jas. E Pitts.ot the Tremont House, Markham. made an assignment on Tuesday of last week to W. S. Ormiston of Lawrence Or- miston, barristers, for the benefit of his creditors. Mr Pitts. like manv others. invented in Toronto real estate at the time of the boom. and the heavv depreciation in property since. not onlv caused him to 1059 what he paid, but has left him liable for sever- al thousand dollars under the cove- nant in mortgages. Ibis, with an unfortunate ap“cn|§tion in cattle, has proved more i Mr. Pitts could carrv,andlflg ' mant is the re- sult. Theruwill he a meeting at the creditors on the 26th inst. In the meantime the hotel will be run is usual under Mr. ‘Pitta' management. cla'maes of cattle Ins 0111' c prize list but sui ‘es en:â€" Cnnnod fruit not less than 8 kinds ..... . . Cutaup 1 quart .......... Jolly not less than .3 kinds. Maple Molasses 1 quart” Homo nmd.wu1e 2 bottles Two 101w OR Home nmde.. {Repairing promptly I to. chargw moderate. ing is an ‘ Whitchur Ip/will nls LACROSSE.-â€"Th6 second match in the semi-tinel C. LAlntermediate round between Orillia uni Newmarket, was played at Newmarket on Mondav and resulted in each twelve scoring two goals. C. Blnin for Onllia especially doing good work. Play was thorough- ly scientificand intermtinz and. free from all roughness. As Orillia 'won the match last week by 9. goals to 0. that club thus gets the round bv a mnjorltv 0t 2' minus. Bore Fontâ€"Mrs E. J Neill. New Armegh. P. 0. writes; "For nearly six months I was troubled with burning aches and pains in my feet to well an extent that I could not sleep at night. and ’as my feet were bndly swollen I could not wear my boots (or weeks A; In! I otnhottle of Dr. Thutnes’ We Oil Ill resolved ur my innit mr astonishment! vat nlmoat insuut relid. and the one bottle accomplish- ed it perfect cure. Toronto Unlversltv Senate elections are in progress at present and all ballots must be in the Registrar's by Wednesday, Oct. 2nd‘ Some wire- puller issued a circular containing the names ofn number of candidates who were specially recommended,but omit- ting- the names of some firstâ€"class men but who Are not In the "ring". How. ‘ ever. the circular has the echct of causing all right-thinking gradua’es to vote specially for some of the genâ€" tlemen whose names were omitted from the circular. Arum-m 'rn PRIZE Lienâ€"Tho follow The commnn’dev of the German squadron in Chlnene waters has been ordered bv telegraph to'mke what- ever measures may be ueceesarv to W. Shale. East End, exhibited in our office 'eaterdnvn sample of potatoes from 5 Recon plantinv on Jul 15th, and they are a good average size m just about ripe. A second crop of “Mlllphiea” would be u nre thing in this htitude. 3xact sutlsfacrion 7hr the destructiéx; oflhe Germrn mission at Swntow [W a Chinese mob. An is usual at, thin mson of the wear good butter is extremely sun-v. pasture being very some in the only part of the lexicon. cattle became very thin and have not. er. recovered from the lhonncu of food. file juice in good but of nondvnnmao to thus» who nevlected w prewe succulent food for the period of drought. funi’mh ‘or unfurnished. Patti apply W. J. Sim-k. We have a limited quantity of (x at 100. a gallon suitable for reuo hen moses. Silvester Daugherty (AI-um awusxv, U. S. A., 8m 0611.. says: “Shilah’l CILAH'I'I] Rem Lhefint medicine Ihuve ever foam would do mu unv coo," Prino 50 I G. CoLLonn. Dru pint. 77 â€". vaulluav m. Auuuuy as judge at the full fair. Children’s services will be held In the Presbyterian church here on Sunday. Mrs. Dr. S. L. Freelwu one oflho Judges in the Eagles Dunn-men! u. the "L_]JA, . .- Mm Dr. B. L. {Judges in tlw Ladlea' xbridgtrfull Mr. Rev. De this week. Robes. Blankets. Guuycombs, B be. Whips, Sweat Pad, ‘ Trunks, Valises, Harness'10il, Coach Oil, Axle Grease. Black Soap Reliable Polih HARNESS 0n hand and made Rm._rime )1 To PRIZE LEIâ€"Tho follow- ‘dditiun to the prize 11's of the :h Agricultural society r 1895. lbfi noted that me olstein x Home made Bakers brand mill. of Oshawa. was In town J. BRUWNSBERGER l‘hgbrldge on Tuesday clam house either fies will I S. A., Sin Diego Afl'l'h Remedy u ever found that Prints 50 cents . to order. ‘I attended Particulms $100 70430 200-100 200-100 200-100 m] oil «rating the ()n the night of Aug. 29 the barns of Hugh Ferguson. Lot 20,con. 3, King: Township. were destroyed by fire. The circumstances pointed to incondiarism. There:was an insurance of $1100 on the buildings and contents and though no suspicion was directed to Mr. Fer. guson, the Mutual Insurance ComA pany, in which the insurance was held. asked for an investigation. Con- stable Savage of Newmarket was emploved to work up the case. On Sept 7. a coroner's inquest was held at Springhill. at which three witnesses swore thev were told by a man nam- ed William Currie. who had some diificulty with Ferguson, that he would send the latter up in smoke. 0n the night of the fire. an hour be- fore it broke out. three witnesses saw two men with a horse and buggv driving towards the Ferguson farm. and acting in a manner that caused the witnesses to become suspicious. Immediately before the discoverv of the fire the same buggy, this time with only one occupant. was seen standing- at the corner of the Fergu- ‘son (arm. A partv coming up near the buggy noticed the fire and gave the alarm. At this the occupant of the l buggy whipped up his horse and drove rapidly awav, It was also shown that an hour or two after the fire. Currie, with dusty boots. and‘ every appearance at a long and hurri- ed walk, called at a hotel some miles. from the scene of thc fire and asked for ‘ admittance. Currie was arrested on the} night of the inquest. On Monday he weal before Warden Stokes at the Court House for orelimlna‘ investintion. Currie de- nied being in ads when the fire occurred claimin to have been in New York State. Coastal) e Sav e had made a trip to New York and tractafi Curtis‘s movements into Canada. placing him in King the day pre- ‘ oedinp the night of the fire. Currie was committed {or trial, and in the meantime Con-table Savage will heat up the driver of the buggy that floured so prominently in the evidence. fliwd‘a Linimont Lumbermn’a Friend son the the bug linisl, of the Uuileec of M .ic. Turouxo and Mr. Hermon Brown. vinlinisl, and a vocalist. from the choir of Westminster Church. Toronto. Arrangements have been made for cricket and football mutehesdniug the afternoon. Proceeds will be in aid of the fund for repairing um church. Mr. W. Fleming. of Murklmm, willkimlly furnish one of his choices! pianos for the uccnsiun. A cordial invilu- rion is extended 10 ii]! Admission 250. and Knot? pulpit of the Methodint Mr. Reid of Sun JUBILEE AND ( congregation of Unshcl induct into C! mnxiy disem bacteria, and the narrows! Recent researches indicate ely of cancer known us large can be communir'uled by which should be a warning t who are in the hnhil. of hm bills. or unvthiuz which it is bass from one person to a: Draclice of kissing, which n Anglo-Snow, mtw be a pro] A 1395, writes;â€" “The organ continues m bun gran favorite in our School." The orgnn in n DOMINION and Wm purchased from W. Fleming. Markham, dealer in high grade Pianos. Organs, and Sewing Machines. The potato crop in this vicinity is uilnolv enormous and tho tubers are or very large average size where the land has been in good state of fertilltv. Price Pugh, 0: lot 12. con. 4.Uxbr|dge sent us a tuber of the American Beautv veriezv which weighs 2 lbs, 2 oz. They make excellent cattle feed. but may be somewhat more expensive than other (and vegetables. Onmsn ll largo com uncwrou; mm being ( cep- ouf. dirt and we! 11' In Evan T8034 Superintendent of the School, Pickering un‘ mm Thnu: Weekly H. H. Holmes. the alleged noted murderer. will be tried at PHI-dolphin on October 28th for the murder ol Beninmir. F. Pietezel. WILL Exclumm. â€"First. clusx milch cow nnd calf (or general uurnosc or draught Sunday and Sundny were scorch- era, ma thermomelur registering from 97 to 100 degrees in the shade. S. Burkbolder bv the dd of the 100 pieces u just in u S. M‘ Mr McConnu :Iay ‘n'Mr House to let inventi oEjecl Add re micro! Brown. vinlinist, and n the choir of Westminster no. Arrangements have for cricket nud fool-bull ,allur Jll‘vill uchic. lormorly a teacher at inter were in town on Sun- under w prints, Wax-finer 1L1 Apnlv to Pu rI1 pgncturing o! the Mint: 02: series of char: htnnzlasw it. steel band a circumference uf ‘rn riveted to the matroug, resilient, that. cannot be 'irat clam milch cow ‘urposo or draught 1 con. it old enough Forester, jr., Garm- that. wcnnnotr rvenxl' with m bl ul ,S.Bu-ker Ithodist S date of SI writ uld c that cell A. 8. Dan as: colon: the van surconu culaliom person: red noted I ‘rta unduly Tl pt. 11 watched by an idle was building its nus that hornets wisdom influence on the w the discovery of the movable types, whh gestion quite as but 10 Will be colored in the rats to imitate rosewood, mahogany, ebony. black wal- nut, oak and all the favorite timbers that are growing rare and extinct. In 'a few years it. will be used exclusively in the manufacture of barrels, tubs and pulls; of doors. 336118;. Hinds, snltilk :he mten'or finishingof cum very e yfor fluor- ing, cln boards and shingles; our furm tum ' bemaglesfiailt,andso will our carriages, sgric t implements, ma- chinery of all sorts. railway ears and chinery amps. «‘rled b\' a. jurv. It is beginning tobe telt by this class of individual that juries are somewhat lenient and. not having the experience of magistrate Dunison. look upon certain classes of offences committed in cities as at slight importance. Juries have a weighty responsibllitv and in their position have a. powerful influence in putting a check upon crime. That thieves should put this estimate upon their decisions should make them wake up to s. more thorough performance of the duties devolving upon them. Persist- ..nt determination in wrong doing should be put down with uniform firmness and decision. Fort ycm nape; mun It willt Kocplinud’s Linimul In the House Those who have silos have bv this time filled them with cut ensilage corn. Those who did not plant corn this season are now aware of the mistake thev made «is in some sections of On. tario there is not enough of forage to winter over the amount of stock usual- lv kept on the mm. As a rule hay cannot be relied upon as a crop and, besides, it is a very expensive one as compared with corn. The average Ontario farmer has much to learn and an the long winter evenings are draw- ing nigh it will pay him to secure the best agricultural literature for his perusal. A few dollars spent in this direction may be the means ofnot only saying much labor but 01‘ 'merenéing materiallv the profits of the farm. As Police Magistrate Denlson, ol‘ Toronto. is somewhatfiovere on hie) â€" clo thieves. James Lee Kemp who reâ€" centlv stolo bikes In Toronto and sold them near Mt. Aibart. has asked to be min or soreness in the Eben, . brgngliili; etc. It has cured many when supposed :o be in advanced in canaum lion. "1118’ me” ' c 1? WE fessor \Vigelns has not. as far as we are aware. struck this locality yeLThe great “prognosficator” put us in mind of the nld woman who had noclumal premonitions of coming events but al- wavs adopted the happv method, after the event happened. of connecting it with the dream. thus eliminating all possibilitv of Minn-er Hokevé; willawait developmentq. inilhcs the new the throat and 3D , Vi 0“,... V-......w.., mu u: had bv applying to H. Johnson, secret-IT, Stoufiville. The barn of Wm. Arbnckle, about one mile from Uxbridgn. together with the contents. was totally dostroy- ed hv fire .\Ionday,caused by threshing engine. The threshing engine, own ed by Geo. Hamilton,was also burned. boss on barn and contents. about $500. No insurance on either ham or machine. hearldinllse med mil uickly cured. by Dr. A earn. One dose can Rownn C0. dmzsziau The fall exhibit-ion ol should call at this prepared to give 11 Hum-Dismu v isitir Forester: meet to-nizht 'l‘hos White. of Nimr friend. m Lowu. Mrs. Fitch and mu ha visiting friends in Galt. T. E. Trull nnd duugbu ldn Brown visited in ”sh: Spofi’oxfl’s Block, and you will have something GOOD The appoamnt several years is as Mr. and Mr Is the chain that no man i A PERFECT H ng Mrs. Willis; in Markhnm. BUY OUR RELIABLE ROLLEDâ€"PLATE CHAINS ile phirusophcr whil must. The utxfiuti‘ dom has had hardly world's destiny the art of printing which came from a humble. The post idea of manufacturimz never entered the av eluted by - hornet. I 'usophcr while it Niagara Falls 1. Arbuckle, about Uxbridgo. together was totally dnstrov- caused by threshing hardly .- L. REEVE qua] to costing as though it cos all jjjjf fikéfiae Touch of Magi]: 7 THE JEWELLER CHAIN lulJ LRUW that it is more economy, is more to your best interests, and will give you more satisfaction to buy clothing that is high grade in style and make and mod- erate in price (as we are sure our prices are) than to buy goods that are 5.111) to be cheap in price, for they are sure to be poor in quality. In Asking Yong:- John Bray CANADA‘S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION AUCI'IO ' LEG ill}: OF BOOTHS AXD'PBXT‘ OS GROUNDS: Al‘G. m Western Fair LONDON Sept 12m to the 21st1393 YOU EN {1131-5 CLOSE PRICE 5. can: KNOW that Merchant Taill', STUUFFVILLE axes ffloncx .nd Condiu‘ou Apply to ‘1 East Show Stoufl' ville I, 5th. Aug. 15th wan-fir

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