Illl STREET 01.15 Par Yuan £1.00 1:08!) M ash lulu-aunt month 1;: «nu. Lin. of Sin: Alinnll $1 tor 3 ln-orlionl. Advofliunuu without do ifledlr-odons wm Iona-0nd "owl-nu n fox-b bald.“ elu luvs-cl “cardinal! WIHI'! Illa Im, Macdonald, Davidson I Patterson, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTAIIIS Pumc. nc. OFFICESâ€"Masonic Buildmgs. Toronto 5! Toronto, and Mlin Sh. Slouï¬villc. ‘53» legume. w. Bic-DONALD. . A\1D:I).\.._ _ no. A. “names. A» . v1- @112 @ribunz W‘Uï¬m893 STOUFFVILLE. . ONT. money to Loan. 'A. ROBINSON, L. D. s., DEN'FIST. The Sun Life Insurance Company:- Financial Broker A Wenâ€"known Denmark Nahum-n m I Statement Winch W111 Prov- o! are“ law and VIII]. no my. Indians Killed in a Storm. A deypueh from Zurich, Onn. say-:â€" The Indim hmiliu on their wny from South-mpcon ta Kettle Point pitched their mm in Teyler’l grove, on‘ the lake bulk, eight mile: from here, on Thad-y night. During Iue night 3 severe thunderstorm penned over, end blew down I Inge dry tree. which fell over on one of the team, inlunlly killing one of the Indium end hi- vlle,|nd uverely wounding their dlnghter, 5 girl of 13 yeerl of ego. Early next morning Ur. Buchenm In lea: for, end dulled ihe girl'l wound; She Ina Ifurwud- taken |o the relidence of Mr. Thoma ann'unll, Md nlthonzh in n critical condiuon, hope In enurtsined of hu- nconry. There In I fourth person in the “It, but Ihe «taped uninjured. Th. nunu of the nulurtnnue people are no: obtninnblc, bur. the womnn u a liner of John Crone, the Indlnn sgenbn Southmp- I gxrl of 13 you- oi use. Early mormng Ur. Buchtnm wu lent fa) dnuod Ibl girl'l wound: She ufurwud- ukcn lathe niidence ( Thoma Turn'unll, Md Ilthouzh critical condiuon, hope In enurtsi: bu ncovcry. There In I fourth 1 in the “It, hut Ihe «taped unin Th. nunu of the nulurtnuue poop no: obtninnblc, bur. the womnn u a .n lf‘Sl'KANCE, REAL ESTATE â€"A.\'Dâ€" 1mm McCELLOUGH, Ll: B†Barrister. solicitor. Eco. Dllq’l Block. P. R. HOOVER, ISSUER 0F MAHHIIGE LICENSES, GREEN RIVER. ONT. ADVERT! R.¢ DALEY, wm. MALLOY. 9. A: -namuumâ€" -nm on TEE )IS >n Yum md Vin-n Proporq. JOB mums. n ant-clan Jobbing Dcurtmonl nd In pnpued to do bminou in u “an “not ha mumâ€"TI“! COUNT DE DOBY. ENBRAL AGENT FOR Ir Ludinu Fin Inaunnea C035. LEGAL iHANKEL FINAN CIAL‘ Eta nuns: 's'r'dhrrwuz. on l! Pfld In Adan"- W u Engkud‘e lnterelu in the luke regions .LOY. B. A.. require the enurprile. There in no proa- ‘Wl m PIOPI'mi perhy or development (or the country g: without it. It recently we! $100,000 to g cxmma. curry 3 Ito-mun» from the In to Victoria. Nyunu. ut lust twenty than In much u Inn-port by ruil would h-ve colt. Eug- DII’UG I." uu In.- wo: be beaten. FAIJ. end in now puying $85,000 n your (or the OEEH u: B earrings 0! Government Itoree to the luke. ’ " The «normal out of ireiuhtuge Itiflel oom- ‘°n°“°r' Em' mom, and under present conditione there ‘ Blwk- in no pouih'llity 0! developing the ngrieul- ‘E. - ONT- . tnrnl und other moureee which Sir John Kirk, Cept. Lugerd, Ind other men ny no Loan. ‘ nre well worth nttentlon. i you: w: rp'erly for Sale And to Rent “Eu. bl uni in nu Block, Stnfl'villoo. noh Ind undn rfllh 75 eunu- u on the next day xe Mansion Housz ou the 1911:, (it on Sunday then rating § nu. Pto prlemr. The BIN-h Pull-mun ha vetod 6100.. ' 000 (or the pnllmluuly exp-nun n! th- Uguudn I'IHIIY project. uud Mn Ounou \ nunouuoed. just before Pullman VII proroguod thuttheuovemment would pun the work with I“ polllbll energy. no the t Vi“ be completed in than or tour you". The llne l- tn he built between Momhuu. on the Iudlun 60m, end the Vlotorle Hymn. 650 mule: ; und the alum-ted eon ol putting it in opernlon ll 08,775,000. l. y The prelimlnu'y nurvev ha been oompleted' ' [or none timo. A lav public men in Eng- Ir‘b und hooded by Blr Churlu Dllke no n Y Itrongly opposed to Ilddllng thll ndditionul al ‘burden upon the tnpayen, but they onn a: do nothing more thnu proton. The lute ‘Roubery Govemmont deolund, jult before " It went out of oï¬oe tint the rullwuy mult . be built ; the pronoun Government hu 3°“; naumod the obligetion wnh ulnarlty und ‘ Illh tho npprovul ol the Puliumentmrm. und people. The nilwuy will be the Eat A. to tench contnl All-loo. The Government doe- not propane to give chl- work to e connructilon comp-ny. but. will underteke the enurprlu iuelf, em- ploying Indian lsbor under the direction of engineers in the Indien public Jervice. Thu proposed niiwny in who belt reeult. thu- hr. of the pub ï¬lteen yeirl oi eï¬'ort. {or the ultimnce development of tropionl our. Alricn. II. wiil be oiviliution'l foremost. quit in doing :11 that on b- dona to turn this vut region to good “count for Africa her-elf end for me world 3‘ large. Rea Crepon Dress. Bright red cropon bouillonne in the. mum-ill of this dun. The skin, in nude ’wich planted (rant And godec bank. The of complicity in the murder wu nnqu‘itled. The netull murder wn perpgtrated by the elder boy. After tho commission of the crime the boy: pawned a number of valu- nblea, and proceeded to enjoy themselves with tha‘proceedl in variou- wnya. W hen urn-ted they were playing cudl with the hnll-witted mun Fox, wholly indifferent of the terriblo odor perv-ding the house, due to the decomposition of lhlll' mother's dud body. The mindl of the boy: were un- doubtedly upset by rendin'f lensetionnl and unwholeeome literature. 'he flther of the boy. was I steward on board the National Line Itumahip France. His Ihip wu on it: why to America. when the ungady took plnce. and he ï¬rut heard of it upon his arrival in New York. full round wuiat ha: I notched yoh mud Handing collar of pan-fouled black velvet mounted over red lilk, and il cnmplaud by a bun blluk velvet. bolt. ‘ A doapnch from London uya :â€"‘Robert Coombel. the thiruen-yenr-old boy who, with his brother NAnhlniel, aged eleven, wan Arrested lut. July on the chuge of murdering his mother by subbing ner while the hy in bed, was on Tuudny' ndjudqed gumy of the crime. but declared insane and condemned co be imprisoned in u: uylum during the pleuure of her Majesty No charge we: hroughhugliull the younger brother. A hell-wined mun named Fox, who we- arrested with the boyapn eunpioloh of ii: Ind wounding oi several membere of the Loni-ville Legion, G. A. R... hoppened shortly after 5.30 Wedneudoy morning, by the explosion 01' L cannon. The oceiiienn wok loco on Broedwoy, between Third and onrlh Ibreeu, where the Fire Kentucky Artillery were lubioned for the pnrpoee of ï¬ring the morning “lute. Eye- witneuel to the shocking occidenc uy the: the exploeion wu cooled by dropping the cap. on the friction-primer of the piece. The mm In mounted directlyin the centre member! or the urn n ,Louiuillemhich ha I] the fluent in the Sum. Robe" (‘oombc'l Found Gully. llul Du: dared Inn-e. The ICCOII'I laying h-bil I wide-brimmad onpolino of b not fancy nnw edgnd with plantings 0! black mouuelina do loin, und trimmed with black utin ribbon bow- Ind in placing: a! mouueline do Ioic, with 1 mn- oi red poppiu lifting the brim .9. tbs bunk. A tie-patch from_ Loni-villa, 'Ky., ny â€"A horrible nccidencncauhingin the delth Any 5.... . bl the street pointing towardl Founh lvenue. Two of tho bodiel were blown we: the home-Laps, Ind were horribly nnnglad. The wounded have been removed 0 the hospiull. Two horlu Attached m h: cnnnon were no horribly mangled thnn boy will be killed. All the killed were nemben of the ï¬rth Kentucky Artillery of )ouiuillemhich hu nlwlyl been oonlidered CURRENT N01†THE COOMBE'S MURDER. Fatal Cannon Explosion not propane to ghé menu, nothing men (and {or vol upon vet that. hon" 'n the trick 0! learn to wnlk Wmmml THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. éNnunl an ha been nruok M Ibervlllo, unbeo. Humilton now propolu to some. pm 0! the mountain. Typhoid (ever ll resorted to b. on tho incl-cue in Chub-m. In. Msyor Snow-re o! Humllmn, in “peeved homo tram Florence no the and 0! next. month. bun-III. Ito-J About I Own mum. Gnu gum-nu. nu Inn-a nu‘u. nu All Dunn of II. GIIM. Gallo-III and muted for luv MIMI. uxum. Cont-bk Kenyuou o! Mounted Police. It. Wlp: kicked by u ham. nu...“- ., _ _-_,,, Mr. Abner Mlcthewl, In old min 0! 70 yearn, wu killed on the Mlohlgm Uonlnl unok nau- Wollnnd. Hon. Mr. Dickey bu ordered 1,500 bu- Metford riflel and 8-0 Lne-Mutord curbing. for the Can-dim mimh. Hamilton vapor-nu pro on to amour-w the 30th nunivarury of Eidgevny on ch. buttle ground in June non. The statue 0! Sir John Mncdgdd hn urived in King-con. uni is in pouflblo Chm it any be “mound non. month. ‘ M: end Mn. Shuttle. the pnrenh a! Shout, the Velleyfleld murderer, urlved in Montrnl on Sawnhy night. Onion hue been luued to hue the Snult. Ste. Merle Can-l kept open on Sun- duyl until the end at the union. The Intern-tion-l Ridill Reilwn Com- pmy ukfor bonulee (“520.000 from eur- down end $50,000 from EubFlembm-n’. Bnnv’l Open houu n 8:. Ctthlrinel In- burned on Sunrdny morning. The building In: ulued ID 518,000, sud wu insured tor $8,000. Out (on: hundrod of Winnipeg'n nicizenl Itlondad the (unwell reception It. Goverm menu Houu given by Sir John and bldy Schmuâ€" The Quaen’l Haul propany nb Mantra-l was laid by the Shoriï¬' to Mr. Willinm Han-on. noting on bah-if of lame oi the orediwn. for $21,000. Forty-four I‘lunil u buahfl in the price buyer. hue ï¬xed (or Mnniwbn when u. pomu where the eighteen cam. nu: to Fun. Willi-m lflontoxinll. Loud Duï¬erin bu needed to the requou for hi. ponnib (or the Nuionnl Glllery n. Montreal. nccompnny'mg it. wish a very oomplimenury letter. , , A- 12‘..-) nun-r. A Ihnrpar who gnu hll nuns :- Fred “Iii-on of Manual was “rolled at London after ho had buncoed Mr. Jim“ Bllklo. a White Oak tumor, out 0! $50. Mr. Jolaph Limoges. while driving with Mr. Nndm :0 Montreal. was struck Ind killed by an electric our. The Bonn wu killed Ind Mr. Nudin wu badly hurt. The C. P. R. in openlng new nation, putting on night opentorl Ind employing additional train crew: to handle the big ".5... "an In Mnniwbu Ind the North- The C. P. R. in opening 1: putting on night openlorl In additional train crew: to ha wheat crop In Mlninl Ind We“. A landslide occurred At St. Luco.Quebeo, which ouried away the hauls of Mr. Nor- mandin and buried ï¬ve momben of hi- family. Ther-mpllin Riven-completely blocked. - 7 gnum The tel-vices of Rev. Prof. B. Warï¬eldv D. D., of Princeton University, hive been secured by Knox pollen, Toromo, for n cbuno 0! lecture: on the gonenl Iubject. o! lylmmmo theology during the month of October. he Montranl Compuy conzamplntea holding a guild hit in Montrellnexc yur, covering between Mny 24 and October 12 The Exposition will be called. the B list: -__| Empire‘ Expo-Non Dllplly of All Nnuonm Mr. Hayler Reed, Disputy Superintend- ant-Gena“! of Indian Ami", has returned to 0!.me from the We“. Raz-rdin tha rumoured upriling among the Blncgfano Indians, Mr. Reed say: there in no trouble whuever. In fact. ha uonundn thlt there navar was Inychingglerion- or unuluul. An ngitnion in being worked up Among-r. the Germ-m of bho Northwest. Terriwrieu to in" the mo of the Get- m-n lungungo Ill-awed in the nchooll. Mr. Peter Glut-an of Ronharn bu written u Itrong latte]- in luppon ol the mova‘ mom. The Torouw City Council us It upeoinl munin held on Thur-dny nfkrnoon by t who 0 13 to 8 decided to engnge Mr. Manuel-3h. the emmant wnbor works ex- pert, of U)ndnn.lEng., I game to Torunto E6 re-porn on therbuh' lyltem of wt": lup- ply for aha city. A momoriel service to the Rev: Robert Stewart and his wife, who were murdered recently in Chino, was held on Sundny evening in St. George's church, Ottawa, when the Rev. G. 0. Troop, of Montreal, declared Lhet Robert Stew-rt in n nrerly n martyru Stephen. who prayed for hie murderers, and on much deserve: to weer the mertyr’a crown. The Belgian Consul-General in Ceunde will demand that the Cenndinn Government take action against the Manda, which republI-hod on article from the New York World, mnking on “back upon the King of the Belgiena. eteting that ho bed squandered the immoneg‘fortum of the ex-Empreae Cerlntta of Mexico at the eltnblilhmont of the Congo ere State. ‘ ems“: BRITAIN. Mr. Sirm Reeves in reported tohnve married again It the age of 73. The British Association (or the Advance- ment of Science he: decided to meet in Toronto in 1897. Forty thou-end poundl' worth a! jewel: belonging to Mrl. Lnngtry were telen from the Union Bunk, London, on e forged order. Cable tie-punche- “are tbnc it il under- stood that the Bruish Government. hn decided b0 introduce Ieguiuion in fnvor of sectarian Izhools. b The British Ihip Swnelaigh. from Mol- bourno for London, in now 210 dnyl on, and fem-u are entertained that aha muy have laundered 03' Cape Burn. The Itnmerl Count-mine andTreveLhick collided on End-y of? the enunnca of the River Tyne. The Con-uniino In out no Lhe water's edge, md founder-d. but her crew were resound. Geoffrey Perkins, nn Amerlcln, who reprelented him-elf to be I lawyer and journalist, WM sentenced in London on Tneadsy to tan yeara’ penal servitude on the charge of lavying and collecting blnok- mnil. The new: chum en Amerioen auger plume: h“ obuined the exclusive right to had I Iubmnrme cable in Hawaii ll the occuion of much dilouuion in Landau lmoug the edvooatee of e Britllh cable to the inlend. The anccauor to. the Muquil of Sllh- uryu the president of the British Ann. ‘nuon tor the Advanaement of Science in aptllll Sir Douglu Gnlmn. who hn been n- the I!“ .twanty yum the leoreury of :0 Innovation. “071717 cud Inurnnionnl "A o! ï¬ho Norah's-h Wnpolh. wu {ugly to calabuho an a! urkud Diluun v “In July unitary - me up in -‘ tho 01:36 in no no , torpado bow jun llunalmv mmy- ï¬ve mil Al. the nu » * the noon in three or [our According to uorrupoudendâ€hom uvenl prominent yum-mu. inalmfl Prince of Welu. hue fumed I I to build e yloht u: be“ the I. prelimineriel hue bun err-USN nothin deï¬nite will be decided Ilpol the an at October. no Drum n ylonu w III-I uuv â€"â€"â€"._d bu preliminariel but been urns 'uutilt, nothin datum will bo doomed upon the an 0! Combat. 0!: tho I: w mambo" of the Engluh EoAu: n Oomsmnlh the Indinn Bhgmz Igreo. Be in the non of u Bombay o'd‘mmin and tau bun . hwyer und III I, run Engllnd. mad 5 judgn in built. H. u Hi- onlv one of his use In tho “Bonn?†I r uollu nu refer to him a the um I a had“. ’ Thu prompk denill of tho Domlnion Government khn Claudia ï¬lled choc-a won land on tho En ll'lh mnrku hu hnd the olirad allow. he editor of tha North Bric‘nh Agriculmrht tdmlu ud regret. the gun error mud- in mini the word Can-dun: inland ol Amelia-n, Ind promilu or! W,“ “pl-nation, and ‘ ‘ ' - LI - a...†nlmwina tho Thus man m it Pin-burg. Dr. Talmugo pub): of tho ’i Mn. V dot-hilt in borough. The“ “q twenty-four ore-maria in Mlina chub nothing but mlnufmtnn hunter the yor round. A Wnbuh. Ind.. jury km daoided th- hinting .. won-n uguinln her mll do" no non-Linutesnmnuln A true h‘ll bu been returnad ngniult Mn. Mgck u. 81111110 for uttering counter- eib Ameriw lumpn. Step. .; baiug‘tlkan to hold In 000i dental nndOrieul-l Fur in Tacoma, W uh. in the summer of 1900. A man 'u Gilnum. N. .3" while cloning out; I ring I :30. Willi-n J. Hollil, formerly print; aco- reury of sir Jaueph Hicklon, wan arrested in Benton on I cbugo a! robbing hil em- ployen. , ,u 4.4:â€.... r": , Abouu 1.000 Grammlr Iohool gradulua of Broddyn nra unlble to ï¬nd plscan in tho Ekh Ichooll, no crowded as tho- buildmu. A hl’d of 7,000 horael Wu bought on I thin Lon nnch mo azher dly by the Pom-n Hone Mu: Cunning Company It. 83 n "Ind. The Ito LhAC the mm 0! on. billion doll-n in be ruined by the hivblul Cnholm of he world to obtain {or the Povvlemponl power in “Early discredited in nhingmn. The Kan-u City Bond of Eduonion bu prumulgnud nu order lorbidding the Imokimz at cigarette: by pupil: durin school hour! (on pannlty of expullion) An imluucung “when to rigidly enforce the HI e. The Canon Smu Exhibicion u Ammu. Georgia, opened on Wetland-v with much ceremony. Pre-idnnc Clovalmd mined the mnuhmory an at time by touching the electrical commotion u hil ruidance, “Grey Glblel." Daniel Spnker of Fondn, N.Y., in the only president m Mohlwk River Nuionll Bunk he. ever bed. He has held the oflioe for tony yearn. Ind nltbough he in 97 yam old, noel w IhI bunk duily Ind “made no buliueu. Ganenl Greely who ha been inur- viawad on the proposed bdloon pol“ expa- dninn of Mr. Andree. doal not. believe the Inn in feasible or likely to be Iuoceulul. ‘ngineer Melville in of I like opinion Ind reg-tall Mr. Andru'l “bun. u toolish. Busineu in the United Sum- thil week has been to l certuiu extent. Influenced by the ï¬nnncill situation, but who volume oi tnde. while not. up to expectation, shown ‘ ll] incl-cue o wemy per cent. over [an ye“, though 1 behind the IhUWing of 1892. The cotton mlrket ha been unlab- tled, and stocks no l-rgo. The Stock Exchange It. N6! York hll fluctuated nonsidenbiy all the week. md denrer many in probnhle. Iron aoniinuu to inurene In price, and than in I notice-Me lhrinklge in the home demmd 3 the mills are lauded down with orden for month- lhlld. notwithstanding n [owned enquiry. Conan mill: no ndvnnoing the price of goodl, though dam-ad jun. now in euier. There in a falling 03‘ in the enquiry for some linen of woollen goodn, Ind n few milll haveoloud. Chili hu renounced the commarcinl unty with England, concluded in 1854. Fifty house- and the Dominican Monu- wry n. Friuloh, Cuinthin. Anna-in, were burned. A second Chinole lonu ance and Runin will be November. Several on“ of oholen have been mud in Constantinople, and one of It Eu raaulted (sully. A military twin returning u Thundby night, was wrecked. u: were killed and Iixty jujured. Them In! indicnbibnl thl the power- mny be invwed Motel-{ere In the mun 01 Belgium and Lha Congo rue Sun. A lot 0! rifle: and mild. ry nora- intend- ed for the Cuban inuurgeuu huve bean discovered on the British lalnnd o! Andros. TWO gnnbonr- lnve been ordered to Kunhsng, Claim, to enfotca punishment of tho noten who “backed the minmnnrie- there. In the Province of anhynin, Runis, during one week towards the clone nf Ang- ulb there were 5,849 case": of cholera will: 2.134 denbhl. The Japnnuc Pu‘linmenb has voted 5 creditlor aha building of tour iron-olnd butluhipa, an cant delenao val-ell, Ind ï¬lty torpedo but“. A Splnilh wnnhlp nu! avnnk'in collision n._ A S Vim-l; Iunhip wu sunk in collision near ï¬n“; Adminl Parojo. Cnptnin Blnez, three othar ofï¬cers and 30 of the crew were drowned. ASt. Patel-abuts denpnteh any: the from ‘Kood Iourco in il learned the Perle has “Mined tha dommd of the powers with “ï¬nd to raforml in Armenia. . It in reported thnu rebellion has broken nut on ma border_ at the Province of F9- Klan. A detachment of _Imperial Hoops . runny reéeï¬bly' found I gohi whid hil wile [and lost Iovan you-n are adv gent-s. to pro Janein eltnbl ilhe lllnud. ,‘aln: . will go to Wuhingmn u )f 1h. int. ProlbyMri-n Church. decbllz, denial um. Min VII:- in anrged w the Duke 0! Marl- Tr d to h-va_lpen_b swung m for int). , which '01“ flu- u-iul trip. would emu onoi’lrom Dowe- an. Including th- nad I I die-u the va- _ Th0 projacud M. Ahiuhmou}, o! . lud.. on ma gun“ Lead undertaken gradulul "W plum: in “n,“ I In thou ","' lug ughh on I ran] uy by the Company $5.000 to ., nirwen During a nvhw a! who Bnlm‘l troop: M. In tho Ioldicn mud- n stuck upon th- Iribunnn who won Among flu “neuron. killing nin- nd Intkh. prhonnn of unn- by. , . â€" . I ,,,AL__2Aâ€" I‘- Tho Nuioml dlolnin Eh“ Hob-n10 I ll lb of hum-rm Ch- é! found-Hun ‘ A Pflil Inventor unmad Turpin olnimlw Inn unthori‘y from $ho £0â€. to [unify Ibo Bud-non“. and w nblc :0 nuts 4.. .9. In lmnnnblo to the unilod floou inurior of Chinn. Alur I Imp-union of than you-- the Inomrologlcll obleruwry an the Bracken. in the Huts mounulnl, whore witche- hold ‘heir Snbbnh on May dny night, in to b. ke-uublinbed thin full. A upon lrom Ching, brought. by n ro- tnrned Americnn tnvallu, nano- that o‘nolon in linking ltighdul nugu in ch“ country, Ind ch“ ch. denhl in Pekin I'BI'IEG two thousand t dny. A Spun-h court-mulhl “Ln Hunt“ 11-: oondemund tho cnpuin of An Americm vuul to eight and tho ï¬remen to ten youn’ imprI-onmun It hud [About for lundiug outridgu in Cuba for the inlur- (enun- In *0†o! the Intel commomonlinn mha ry 0! tbs Iulinn umy into Rome in 1870. King Humbert, hu gunned - pnrdon Do all Lbs Siuilinn riomn who were undergoing «ounces oi impriloument {or lu- lhnn ten years. The uprising among the mtivan in Morocco il lprendmg and warning I much morn neriou “pea Three ream tribe- huva undo I combined “no upon the nrongbnld of n chiel who in one of the nrinninn‘ ndheronu 01 the Sulun, Ind prlncEA’lWedheranu o! the Sulun, um routed hi. forces. Capt-in Mentio- Vermont, e member of I French mnuion on the Upper Ubengl who he: returned to Fruce, penetrated into Emin'e province or Equnwrie. end exploded the watershed between the Welle. the rivers flowmg iuw lee Tched, And the tribuuriee of the While lee. The manoenven of the French umy in the Vessel cloud on Thundly with I grind â€View n. Mirecnun, which wn mndo romuknble by the pretence of the Ruluiln General Drummu‘utl~ Ind Prince Lobnnoï¬'. the Run-inn Mmluer of Foreign Aflnira. The Russian oflicioll vole xeuived with immense enthusiasm. gum, B' V â€"- , , , . concerned in the muucra of miuionlnu av. Ku-Cheug have been punilhed, the ulmon efl'oru of this British Con-ill have bean tin-wailing to indnca the lulhoricies [ode-l with the Viceroy of the ravine: Ind other high oiï¬ciala who urc A1 aged to hlvo been responsible [or the riou. It ll much In Adv-Ice or Thu at Ilse [lulled Intel. II" III Amerlun Anny Gullah. A deep-cob (ram London any: zâ€"Tha‘ Americnn umy oï¬icen who In" been nbrond on lelvo lhll summer studying Europun miliury sy-mml It ‘heir own expense, hive hld their oyel opened very wide, indeed. to Irha Iboncomtugl of the Americln larvico. Sovenl of the young oï¬cen in Lb. {nfmuy “my who hue neon duty in the wont. have taken Idvnnhgo 0f :11 opportunities for undying scientiï¬c wnlnro. They nuns ncron the noun with - ir id» 0! Ameriun mnliury wanknou W' .h... much from the umed powers on thin aide, but they hue been utonnded to lop-n. even in Englend. when the militery in not I0 oon- ‘ tinuelly in evidence I: on the Continent, that the reeponrible oï¬icinll ere deplornhly delinquent in the mutter of muting Inir me of the power vented in them. No one who look- below the lurlnce o! miliury oï¬eir: in Euglmd onn ovoid being uruck by the hot thnt Englend depends not, or- muoh for protection on the reguler troopl. u upon the excellent, (er-reaching provi- eionl in force for rnpidly mobilizmg Well drilled end experienced volunteerl. u well '1 u the opportunities Imrdod generel ofliuere for leerning how to 00!! â€A! I? TROOPS. The-e two invelnnblo denidereu ere le- onred Iimultnneously by the miliury menoonvreo. One oi the brighten. yonng‘ lienwnenu innkly told Amhmndor Buy- erd ndny or two ego thet not: Iingla generel ofï¬cer in the Americnn Irmy to-uny nod more than n theoreticel knowledge of the l00.000 men ~Operltmg under modern conditionl, nod poeelbly conlronted by on “my of equal lilo holding e mare invoreble position. Thin otï¬cer h-d jun. witnessed the New Forest mnuoeuvree, which were nndertoken by two corpl, each equnl in size Ind ormnment to the entire eundlng army ‘ of the United Stems. This otliciel wu deploring thlt :he United States did um. ‘ lend o law colonele of high rlnk. eppronch- ‘ ing promotion. to Europe each summer to etndy the methodl by which greet meeeee ' o! troo I ere ninuueuvred by oï¬icera prep-re to ï¬ght It I week'e notice. .7 .. . "LA ...-. mum! mm the Although luuuy uu: lllvuuvuâ€" u, ,. , h of non I nre mnuueuvred by oï¬icara prep-re w ï¬ght IL I week's notice. Ac Aldanhon i: In: armed mm: the regulnu nppelred to ba smarter in dren Ind Ippetnuco xhln American Ioldien, mad that; the manual md drills wen per- formed with n sungI that u conspicioua by its nbaenoe in the nhed SKALGI. This 1- nuibumd to the "swagger stick." which while not necollary to the men. ll 01 whom __ ._.: curry them, impuu n earrings to the soldier Manull and recruit dril complicated than in Am: A llnnunu Tucker Adorned “uh Ho Inn-n llld l-‘rnllnrn. A deupltch from St. Cloud. Minm, “ye: 5 â€"John Welnn, eeuhool teacher It Olding ' Ford, cnme to town Ind reported. came of. molueee end feelhere in echool diltrict No. l 88, in which he wee a victim. Three atrong women Vilited the echoul end at once poured e pail of moleeeelovez \Velne‘n body. end then emptied I big beg o! (enth- erl over him. “'elnr’e heads were pinioned behind him in the prelence of the Ichollre by one o! the women. and he was AllO etrnck an the bend end has with n peil. leeving uqu cute. \Vnrnnu were ileued by direction of the County Attorney {or the erren. at the three women. Mrs. Ketia Zinner. Mre. Stephen Dieteriah. end hire. Luther Nimrood. Weliie begun hie term 3 few weeks .20. end found it warning pin- ued on the door of the Iciioolhouee that it would not, be heelthlul {or him to bench (but district. The only motive {or the notion on the part of the women in the: Welne wu errelted lent hill (or whipping BRITISH MILITARY SYSTEM ued on the door of the schoolhouse mi: it would not, be heelchlul (or him m Lunch then district. The only motive lor the eeblon on the part of the women is then Welne wu erreemd In“ {all for whipping I child turned Helleck, but the evidence allowed the punishment wu not over severe. end Welne wee dilchnrged. Laotian- summon cltuen Cured Rheum-alum In Three Dnyl. Mr. I. Manrlnue‘, 3B6 Wellingï¬ou ntr woe. Monti chbu' bu “thorny (or abut the rnmonn tint Princa a in “you: Do retire from v.11. pol: ml Ghnncallor In ubwrly devoid Give mo honluh And ndny. and I will muke ridiculoul tha pomp oyf Emperor-.â€" Emerson. :l‘ u;d recruit drill cued than in Ameril Id thus ï¬n Brifllh urniun the River Yin -lu-K1nng in ‘f infoxmnion t It foreigner- ruenod Inch violence in who the more humï¬le lmong ‘lh‘ WHIPPED BY WOMEN in: w the CDIII'G Iundlng 1 Ind Sum. This oflicnl but :he United Suies d'u :olonela of high nuk. uppr‘ ,on, to Europe nah aumm nethodl by which great In distinction and when 011 dmy; l is much morn any Attorney 10 omcn. Mrs. Kan ‘IeLeriah. and Mr: m. begun his arm d n wuumg pm choolhoule Lhati {or him to but: 11v moxivn [or bi: ls conupicioua by Sula. This 1- er aï¬ck.‘ 'whicb man. Ill 0! whom THE FIELD OF UBMMERGE. 50MB our umo I"! Exporu o! 1 95m?! 2-2“ Exporu at when sud 81 M “'2 260 000 bulhelu "000 luv. week Ind 3 937. corresponding week 0! Inn _y Comm mukeu In very Ii In Liurpool {or America In 411 The September report of United Snu- cropl phoe- condition of when n 75.4 per cent. “d of non: n 96.4 per cent. The nrningl ol Censdinn PIOIï¬O for the ï¬n: week of Sepkmber Are $397.11», In increue of $16,000.: compued with cor- relponding week of In! yur. When. murketl continue depreued o'ing m lerge receipt.- in Western Stereo and small export demmd. The world's vmble lupply increued 2,209,000 bulheh the pun week. Strong prove-u hue been mnde by the gum dulan o! Toronlo mad the millerl of the Dominion ngninn the Older In Council showing the mnxlng o! scoured when. with No. 1 Munwbn hnrd. The viuble lupplyo! when ' the United The but oluringl oi in“) Inn-ennui “non-red « I Dnnxhler of William Mill Consuelo Vuderbilt. the deughier oi Mn. W. K. Venderbllt, will, before the and of the yeer, become ihe Dachau of Merlborough. Thoengngeinenl wu quietly “nuanced by the lemiliol in the friendl of the pll'liel on Fridey. The merriego will be perlormed in sword-nee with the ritu- el of tho Protuunt Epilcopel Church, conforming with thev. of the Church ol lEugl-nd. VBiehop Potter will probebl; oliicieu. end the services, in in ihoughn {will be in open church. The Duke 0 Mulborongh uhled the noun to the mom ben- of hi. femily end inlimnu friende ii Euglend end the continent. Includet emong ihou to whom the informetion In conveyed we. Elie {mice of) 'elu. whoi 000 bmnell u bulb-ll I you he viuble I u uni Cnn ogre-i with MARLBOROUGH-VANDERBILT. lam: «Interest. to ma Bus! nos: In. _Wedd|nl TM.- Gohl Ind I'rcrnm- Golan ofleu Tied l- ‘l‘helr becornllom Tn! VALUABLE DOG COLLARS of Int yen-r .|.4 5â€"â€" K... York. II!- for (be We- pned w I'ur. .d or the bike I. I]. l. ‘Indcrhllt mun: 00mm 7.6 pet can dl kn: put a Ink. Cropl The pr .5 week “‘ \ For Twenty-ï¬ve Years DNUN N’S 2BAKING POWD f“: THF COOK S BEST 2% I Awarded Medgl m World Ayer’sEiJ!§ HEEGi'hhul x Began taking Ayer’s Pills Aver Scott’s Emulsion Sick Headache T'HECBOK§B_E.§IEBJ§ND WAS THIS MAN MURDERED': WOBKHEN UNEARI‘E A IN HAMILTON EYIGQIPH of Foul ?I an: [Ice- llIrled Gicisr SALE Saraaparula a "56 But- OIEI' Won I Afl WEED MIME!!!“ a! 'rumm cm.- 3.8m Duty and III ?l-y. l-II n [he Bonn Irled 1’!- Ienn llr lo N CANADA rm: ulcl 'zunfll SKELETON STORE