Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 11 May 1893, p. 2

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M £11188: Ontario meivadumnhy umonoimmignnu madman Aretha . an: pun for m n; 03. duo-e who entered Onhdo “Ii! 7,771 map may m;hemfign5:“m Wm H. um... u than: 1' I And 3.5wlesathmin 1890._Owing to tho wihkdnwnl of dmmmwfi-h; Th: Ran-o 'omed n 10.3!) p.111. 10mm. y aâ€"Somo manning Mia wan brought dawn yum” ' :ho induct o! immignnh into Onurio ‘ Int your. Fume put m or eight ye.- thm has been a study dicta-o. mu. falling o! In: yan- wulpecnllyldze. Below-nth: gang-n. 9! 9mm: who entered Ont-sic 'uiDâ€"nblm m In, aâ€"Y-uuh lion- oondnnd and concluded decfionbluabdlom anmuwbe Mdmmfwormtprohi by each In; All the upon: (by lehnciumm be borne tho malt! pdiflec. and should my 1 hi} to comply with the Act ho THE TRIBUNE. "A310 LEGISLATURE is“? mquLBmdlqupMe-mm‘ WI,” Pflulmwbox. fluid by wdnmaucrmchymlflolmlptupma. Hood’s 3’33“? male dem Scrunm tram ) Dyspepsia The bar stomach tonic known to media] science are so [zap ily com. bind in Hood's Susi that it cures Indigfition, and D In is severe“ forms, whcu o a medicine: $11: In many as: 'Hood‘n Sung:- seems to pass: a magnal’ mu , so quick and so gratifying the relief. Rad the following from an aged and rapecced citizen of St. Mary’s, OnL: "Imverygladwghu mmflmnmu to what Hood's Sammrmn Ian-donate: me. I mac-rod very much with dyspepsia. 1 have Hooo'n PILL! ’rom Mr. sander Eat Better Ammauflaolthacfimom Lost»): Out. May T.â€"Burke and Wilson. who were convicted 0! man- daughter on Thursday at the Middleeex Aminesfur the Idlfingof muckive Harry .Phnir. on Oct. 6. 1832, were brought be- fore Judge Street yesterd- Ind received a mzeuce of 12 year: euc in Kingston Penitentiary. with the indiFarenco which charmterized them upon 1-4 day of their trial. ‘ C ORDIAL Hood's Sarsaparllla Hood's Pills nuglng frnm'u anhlcr. For 25 Years fiver Complaint. “Mp-Hon. lea, Huduho. Indigenlou, m In" Emlyn Jumdlee. when up Ind I Inc! mulled I; 8006'. Full. Phil‘ mam .The flown in ro- Mr. William Lnunt. QC mm m (Intended by Mr. Hand's P END ORSEMENT. 11ml! why FHA Sleep Better Him Ever! arm has entirely dun I cam: pm” 1: .m‘ I I I Iv er. Ind mm mm. Continuum ache. Indlmtlon, (M Druaalst. Pills Mei; ordul :hter'w ri'? 4"!" " Cmnurrrzmwx, REL. Me Lâ€"The inquest on the body olMiuMc hren, the victim of the poiwnin nfinir, which iatha sensation of the here, was held in: evening. The evi once of the docwn we: to the elect ch» the girl had taken poisonous drugs woollen! her unfortunate poeition. The girl Id- mmed this to Dr. Johnson, but refused to give the name of the man who in re- Iponaibie end who hAd given her the medicine. The 'nry returned a verdict that the d come to her death by goiean, which we: “ministered to her y none other person- with feloniou- intent. 11.- 31.1qu raw-d- W by Lâ€"Tho Slflpmn murdntrhl bu bi... adjourn-d until the (all lining: of the {u Conn. Thin course 11-- been run um hymn-grim 11an Mun. Whack; In important with. ed :6 have originated In the dry . all?) and it spread with trepl pldity. urned fiercely for two out: end by the time it we; under control the buildin was ulmoat completely gu the val alone remaining. The engine and boiler: m not seriously injured and the office oeutenu were saved but the valuable plant is destroyed And with l: 27 000 bushel: of malt undB! ,0OOpoundl of hope. valued at $85, 000. an: m Also 1 470 bmeln of ale in ooeee of Iermenution, whichiaetotnl on. The luau-nee Amount: $0 W,000 Bl; II" It Emlnon. . HAXIIJ'ON, May 4.-Shartly before '7 o'clock yesterday fire broke out in the GrantvLottridga Brewing Com y'l premises on Buy shoot north sud fore 1|: w got under control more flan .60,- 000 9mm be?! dm . The “:9 in CANADIAN CURRENCY. Th» Dnvnlopmnl- .I' yak Du During. The Gnnd Trunk freight hmdlsn II tha Bonaventure nation, in Mantra}, are on strike for an dunes of 26 per cent. in wan The company refine. Loconceda edema. m1 Jamal! At a special meeting of Guelph pres- byter at Berlin. Out. on, Sntnrda , Rev. obert Atkinson, of Pictou, N. g, was inducted to the pastorate of St. Andrew‘s church. Berlin. _ Th6 handed Street Railway mummy ha reduced tha working day 0! in imployeu to m hum in. 'E. Gmun. m of an oldant o! mtive WI. died yam-y inbou- don township. I896 9‘. NTEFIESTING EVENTS OF THE DOM , INION FROM FAR AND NEAR. Dr. 131- ..ps. medical health officer of Win“): ‘ has been suspended for re~ moving quarantine on a residence in which»: smallpox cue was found re- cemly. Hem-y Good", m3 1?): Women: mfittedr, mlcida .2 Toronto Junction by g him-elf. Wm. McMillan, an employee o! the Arnprior mm. aged 28, van bluntly killed by m Accident to the flanking. D. A. Cmy of Tommo wu ro-olootod grand president of the E B. A. for On‘ urio at the convention In Standard yel- Frederick Koch. a milkman, was thrown from his wagon in Toronto yea- terdny Irnrnm . Hush“ WIS fractur- ed. and) iv but a few hom grand 1 Carlo l‘ tel-day There in a pomtn famine in British Columbia. and "Murphiea" are selling wholesale at $45 per ton._ Several cm are on the way from Manitobm . The City of Colllngwood, 3 new screw miner built 1: Owen Sound for tha North Shore Nnfigtfion Compnny, was launched yesterday. At Montrenl thecoroner‘a jury has re- turned a verdict of manslan later against Wallace Ross, who kicked ohn McVel so severely that he died. Frank McLeod. who lived near ‘Til- bn - Center, was ldlled'in n stave mill at Me regor, near Essex, yesterday _by being caught by I revolving shaft. Cyrus N. Garrison. proprietor of the “Little World." has reported to the Peterboro' police that he was serrated- end robbed 01:65 at the C. P. R. station in that town Thursday night. Over two hundred women waited on the Ontario government last night. and demanded Ihe ballot {or all women in parliamentary elections. and for married women as well as spinners and widow: in municipal elections. MONDAY. MAY 8. Prisoners in Montreal jail cost 7 [-2 cents per day {or food. West Hastin Conservative. »will banquet Mr, Car y. M‘P. Rev. '1‘. W. Winfield. pun: of Em~ manual Reformed church. Ottawa». Ins r-igned an! enter the Presbyudm church. Eon. G. E. Foster. Hon. Muckenzie Bowel] md Hon. A R, Anger: were in Toronto yesterday. They received de< pumfioml from the venous trades in- bregtod m the proposed “[35 revision. Ail email! ol_ nu Want a: culture auud' In Humid luc u that be had just received positive infor- mation that the scheduling a! Candler: cattle by the British government would be abolished on June 1. Albert College. Be debt 83,000 last you. Tubman Thonipaon, one of the oldnt citizpua of Belleville, died yesterday. rSevenl persons were umd by a col- lisxon of electric sheet at Bnmfoni yesterday. ‘ - A hurficane srmfled It Quebec lut night nnd conai arable dnmage was done to fences and light structum Mary Grant, 3 middle-nged gamut, living at 179 Blenry street. Montreal, committed suicide by swallowing rough on mm. A yonn woman named Mary 81min; living in ammo died yesterday mom- inpz under choumaflmcas that causal the terms] oMcertiflcnm of death. At Strathro yesterdav Mr. J. E. Chute of Can oc wu ordained to the Baptist ministry. - Eleven uowaways were each sentenc- ed to two weekn' -imprisomnent at yontreal yesterday. ' Dr. Bell has been reelected president of the Peterboro' Rifle association And Cbee. Curtis secretary-treasurer. Brndstreet's reports 80 business fail- ures in Canada this week, inst 35 last week and 41 in the like wee but your. Illa Wool Cunt: Uru- m- t. lint, The induction of Rev, E. J. H. Glau- ford. Into of the Prenbywrhn church. Suecflavilla, m be pastor of Chdmar'a church. Guelph, took place yestardly Alter-noon. A registered letter contain!!! 350 and some small change were :00 en from Smithfield. Ont, poet ofiice on Tuwhx night. The door was broken openwi a chisel No arrest: yet. Successful mica minlnfo nfionam reported at the village 0 orthnd, on the Rideau. donut! {or Our (In. The famous Senator Ross will we was decided“ uebec eaterdayinhvor of the plaimi a, In sustaining the judgment of the Superior Court. This means that the appeals of Frank Rosa and Theodore Rosa are dismimed. Prpi, Robertson. Dominion Dairy Com- missioner. has renewed from the Eug- hsh tea merchant who purchuad Can» adn's mammoth cheese 3 pound of m valued at 2'2 gnineas. The ten willbe distributed among th? Cabinet Minis tars. Sherifl Glass of London continue: critically “L Dr. $.11. Shaver of Blenheim died Thursday night. aged at Dr. A. M. Shaver of Blenheim died Thursday night. aged 344‘ Mr, James Cnhill. police magia'mte of Hamilton. died yesterday morning, gged a uni cunruuy mm am Can IEUBIDAY. KAY I. in; u new general in Hannah; Higinbothun has been ducted mt of the Guelph board of trade. oceaq steamship- Arrival 5t Mon- ShO'Wu Pol-and. SATURDAY. HAY YBIDAY. HAY 5. {11639, Belleville. 'mduced it. Butter 165 to 17¢, eggs 9c to 10¢; onions $1 00 bush. :chlckens 46¢ to 600 a pnlr, cabbage 3 for 200.; calves $4 to ‘6‘; pork $6.76 to $7.00; lard 15c lb. beetflfio, lambs 86; wool Mic. tol'ic Fallwheat .......... ....9062w.000 Spring wheat. 58m 58 Goon wheat“ 50 to 00 Blue! Eye Pena. 02 m 00 SmllPe-u ..... 009.0 00 30% 40 80(4) 00 How 400 ’ 80m .75 7000» 900 56000 000 800w 800 Barley. bulhel... Pm, bushel. Hay. um ..... . Hsy. mixed, up: Straw ton...(.. Dressed Hod” . Bed. {oreqn In: Beef hindqu Mutt/on ...... k..." .. Lunb, Ipriugu BRITISH AND FOREIGN Wheat Whenh Whe INTERESTING HAPPENINGS OF THE WORLD FROM FAR ANEI NEAR. Spring maficiua null Hood's Smnpurilla Ire aynonymnua terms. so popular u this gnut medicinv at this season. Wheat, no ' Dov-lupin“!- 4:! Inch v. Thomas Spurgeonlgill sail l'mm Ami NJ... for San Francisco on May 20. He will remain I few day“ in Cinema. and will probably mint Mr. Dwight Moody in ‘lns work them. The whole force of tebula in Cuba have surrendered. There were only 30 of them Limit-Gen. Sir James Chum/nan: Dormer. K.C.B‘. commmler of the Brililh forces in Mr“. in vlomL The ltenmem Purl: and Campauia started from New York on their race across the ocean Snmrduy morning. One of the passengen on the Paris Is Ignace Paderewskl The World's Fair council of adminia‘ tration has decided that smoking is per. misaible within the grounds of the ex- position, but not innide of the buildmgs. John Wood, the {urnitnra dealer who in the chief human: 0! Dr. Tunings in the Brooklyn tabernacle. has failed The consolidation of the wind lbelt leather mmnhcturen of the nlted Staten has been accomplinhed, wlth‘l capltll or .130,ooo,ooo. The Paiflmndle awikchmen at Colum- bus, Ohio, are still out, and traffic is continued with dimculty. A Schitldno 1-1. 17 mars old, has been rescued at gorodnks. near Mon- cow, after being buried in the snow {or 51 days‘ She subsiutod on snow and I low crust: of bread. A verdict for $5.000 damage: has been returned at Detroit in the case of Mrs. Memalf against Mm Timmy for alien:- tion of a husband‘s Infections. A Washington despntcli announces that the international monetary confer» ence, which was ndjonmed to reusanmble in Brussels on the 30th inst. will not re- memble until some time in November‘ MONDAY. MAY 9. The Mississippi valley is threatened with one of the greatest floods ever known. ' The striking dock laborers M Bristol Eng” have returned to work nucondi tinnally. Thrée important. cities of Nicaragua have fallen into the hind: of the revulxr tionists‘ _ A great fall of «mow is reputed tbmnnhout Hungary, Railway traflic is blocked by snow driftp‘ The St. Pater-shrug Church Messenger any: thlb out of 1,000 pi] ima journoy- mg to Nazareth tho warm-y yermhed from "unsure during the terrible weather encountered on tha way. The Indimlpohn. Decaturund Spring- field nilrold wna acid at auction yester- day under-foreclosure. lorflnilflfl‘w, the nrchmn boin the members of tho orgmisntion mmitm of the road. It was Innouucod at Philadelphia y as- Nrdny chit Speyer a; Go, of Now York, have extended their as 000 000 loan to the Radium This, it is believed. pm finally complete: the plan {or rohnbili~ cation. Near El Blvorshdon, Incl. «.de throemen were working in nb innit Ihop. A piece of red hot. iron mew into 1 box containing 50 sticks of dynunlte. The “figment: of ‘hs .thne men were gath upin a basket. ‘ rummr. nun! 5.7 Marshal Moll-hon, 0! Emma, in_ sex-L only 111 of influenu Dr. Charles Tmner. Irish Nllionnllst M.P., is critically ill in London. Richard Bennett has just died at Ben- tonville. Mm. 110 yam of age, Mn Elizabeth Lipp who died in a dentiat's chair in Buffalo while under the influence of laughing gas. was a daughter of Mr. Jacob Lipp, of Platte- vifle, Oxford county. News has reached Panama of thacom- pleto triumph of Gen Vasquez, leader of the government troops against the revolutionista in Honduras. Two hnn'dred lwitchmen employed in the Pan Handle ' 'nrds at Columbus, Ohio, struck Thurs my night against the importation of non-union swilcluuen from Pitubnrg‘ . In Milwaukee 6.100 convert: are re- pox-tad as the result or evangelistic ser. vices held by Revivnljst Mills. Two men were killed and three bully injured by the ex losion of apiston head at Chattanooga, eun.. yearn-day. The National Normal finivemty at Lebanon, Ohio. has madam assignment. Liabilities, $75,000 tu 3100.000. assets. theHudwn river. Co A fifteen-foot fires at is reported in idernbledam a to roperty hm: been c used at Albany, NE", and other points. Ten ‘honMnd workmen i1; Cincinnafl furniture {tutorial threaten to strike. A cyclone in North Carolina Wednes» day night did $200,000 damage in the neighborhood of Raleigh. Aaocfion of the Williammn. Pm, boom broke yesterday and sham; fifteen million feet of log! escaped, passing down the river. Th3 infnutn Eul 1m and the other members of the $7 iuh royal puny who are to visit the n Red State: have Ir- rivad at Porto Rico. The number of pan! admissions to the World’s F-ir yesterday was 18 000. Rem William Lawrence, of Boston. the Broad churchman'a candidate. has been chosen an bishop of the diuceae of Massachusetts. The union dock laborers at BristoL £115., have struck against the employ. men: of non-union men, and the ship ping trade at that port is blocked. The lumbering]: of Tonuwnnda, N,".. are thing poles from Bnfl'ulo to unload lumfir. and them are fears of trouble with the union lumber shavers. A Melbourne cablo says thué the Bank of Victoria and Pb? Cit): and Commercial A Melbourne csblo says that the Bnull of Victoria and the City and Commercial Banks reopened their-doors Wednesday. It is expected (hat all the other Austra‘ lian banks which closed will be reopen- ed. The chambermnids lug: hotels are .aow am 8. tin Wu! Clll‘llt F WI"- Iml c-nmn; ldltcd ad for Our u". SATURDAY, MAY 0. Ernncia Henshnw (‘0.. Mock Am fioneen. of Boston. have failed V THUMDAY.KAY 5. An earthquake shook Sicily yous: Minardflinjment (o{_salq_cvgrywhc"o TORONTO STRELT MMKET STOUFFVILLE MARKETS white. bu-hel...'..‘ spring, bunhel.. ml winter. bulhel goose, bunllnl. . . . (From Thund-y'a Globe.) wwww mwmw 3 .1 New -York‘s threatenixgg m mmmmmm 4 All that our returnees to Dr. Brin- lnd Mr. Wi kilnon prove u that. the ward ammxu in nnv. ginn in lexicon-nu dafini lion of BAPHZO which when raved (- no! murinl to tho I meat. u have Ihown. With 19rd to !. Huntingfud' nuw whether thin or that worcri is used but whet Lhcword Iiguifiu. Our contention in that the word 11““!le in the loxicoul deal not men: immone alone but he a number 0! definition: attached. and therefore when we ruler m the lexical“ it in not w lee whether SPRINKLB or rolm in given but whether any other meaninv then immerse is given. end if other meaning! an given then the lincnnl can’t decide the particulu‘ munin to be ntteched Apart from theconuection which the word it found rr the pramgt Lgm ,e debating this tiou In the nuwl'pn [1,!“ I now see ing to prevent. nn umn vuauc Dawn, by not let. a committee with Lhil boxi- Lunuon! y not have an mun. vunuc om“! mly publish those letter: to show what : men any L‘gscnxlsu mucosa And for BAPTISM. WHAT IS IT ? let the" repmcnhljva men frame ions on the subject of buplinm. ng the Annex. sumac: Ind DEIHN. the (liapuumls frumo rulu lo gov- delmte. and appoint I time and this villnge (or the ulincunion. All \ we want in limo‘repnre for than Rupoctfull 1 H.’ K: llll tlw fall at n Th a- word- Am- ara «given u a he: um. I J. w. STEWART. Mr Editorâ€"Allow me to flunk you for Ike lpnee you luv: giwn {or (hue lulu: on human: Ind your Idndnm Kn Illowing m In ovcnu-p our pmcribcd limits. If lhcy have ll Illhclped to incmne m: circulation of the TuBch it wi|l he ngmt mifimion lo the man. Venn linen-e y, J. W. S. Allow me In closing Io :xprun khc hope lhnk :1 through this correspondent: we luv: {armed wmewhnl of an acqqumnc: it may be 9km: and long conunued. And also llm our christian Iympalhicn may btcom: lug: annual: ko loqlr upon' II} who low: the Lord Jun: Chrisk In sinen-ily,’ “wk-lever may be our miner diluenees. ll Christian brethren Lu Ill be more anxious Ibon! Ihc inw-rd Ind rpiritull khan lIIe outucd and rnnkcrinl, Ind mo: bnpkinn wiIh uIer inhe Iymbol of lhI' bnplinn of kbe Holy Spirik. let our tell for [Ink whinh il symboliud far oulnrip our ndvo my 0! my nulward form. Winhingyou every success In your wnrk. I tannin \ nun In Christ, A: :0 I public d'ehm: our traders will hurd- ly think you are sincere in your dcsire when they know you failed to put in an Ippcnnno: n lhe TIIIUNE olfic: an Mend-y In! «speci- Illy without I word of upllnuion following. With regard lo Iny samples you have made I mistake. They Ire stronger than when l mu refused. No, there will be no public dc- bule. WM! we sly through me press w: my thougllll’ully and w: an be and expect [0 be huld lo il. But lo why we would say in a con-cruelion " Willi mun! to your still deaiii Acn miltu w invenligma the lexicon! L é‘ut' I made to III-sec you an Mundny int. vi u you did Ml. see fit lo accept nnr even acknowledge in your inner, would have u I“ the neceuillu oi the we. I aim] y to bring a lriend or two with you In-l [h two of mine with me. Thin wnuld lu been all the committee (but. Wu menu: Father Linn thin I need not go, elpecin u the commveray in coming to In enxl. the lexicon! Lllé‘ull‘cr n Mundny hut. Which o accept nor even to latter, would have met he one lulml you so with you nn-l llnul e. Thin wnuld luv: it thu Wu necaurv. ted not go, elpecinlly coming to In enxl. : our Nader: will haul- : in your dcsim when Lo put in an Ippcnranoe m Monday In! especi- elpllnuion following aplcs you have mud: n CREAM 2 :fard'l um. See My Prints, Llama Cloth, Cottonades, TWICE AS MUCH FOR THE MONEY AS YOU EVER GOT BEFORE. [Ill-1 BREAM _ ATâ€" 9 FLEURY GO 3 slru men! P. R. 110mm: « soxs ’ Choice Lily While Family Flunr ALWAYS ON SALE IT THOS. E. TRUI .L. 'Wlliifil ht sold very chem T. WILLIAMSON, Forks, Rakes. KALSOMINE AND ASBESTINE I have n first-class Tinimllh for me. um! I“ order: lull will be 9‘ gllrd. “Enxegmughlug pay up MBMS NEEB PAPERING EMILY. PEWTS rll‘ rnll ISSUER 0F IIIRRHGE LICENSES igenfsfor Whale: 3., Music and M4 Brushes. TI GKI‘ THEIR SIZE AND J. J. RAE POPULAR STALUONS BOOKS 9 Hoes and Spades. Fl RST ATTE ll I CUNFECTIUNEBY Rep-irinv Vipéc‘l’uil; 1‘ Wall Papers J. J. RAE, AND OILS â€"ANDâ€"- F \'| Our l-H .\'T Ivoritc Brand of CURBANTS still take the lad in: nhim ‘ed utter. wnrkil‘ promw SARDIN ES In REALLY %~Hats, 'éx‘e‘Hats, M J. HONKIIOU: Ind Shaken Th BUY BREAD MADE FRUM THE PURE MANITOBA FLU THE BIGGEST SNAP IN SOME OF THE Chatham FanningA Mill. P;§'.'.'8°'e. Icoonfi-hnnd [Sandal-d Mill YOU EVER SAW‘ Bagging Attachment POP; ALI. PBflPLES. J. H. RATCLIFF CO. NEON Fur Your Phedoras in all the Latest Styles H. J OHNSON’S SPRING SUIT. MONKHOUSE CHEAP Full A’inf and Borders. FOR YOUR For the Chatham Mill. ._. _THE___. THE PIONEER. KHOUSE TE ll. 0LI YER. Stoufi‘ville. 'f Gqfis’ 'r‘llTTfi'éhiD TRY naked in “chug! lot cum. Mel-chant Tailor. THE PLACE unlock Hams:-

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