We Defy «bl-elm... Because We Stand at the‘ Head. Because $170,000.000.00 11mm Life Insurance Cunpanyl IMI SHEET 3 100,000 to 1.0811, 2393138353 31333108. Mons A. I: ()BINSON DENTIST. Eh: Eribmu N. J- ARMSTRONG m HELLOEGI. LL B DR. SDIITI-I DENTIST. R. ROWAN, M. D Tm ‘c'l-nulhflhm AMES O'BRIEN. NSED AUCTIONEE “ALLOY i. KEEPER T. STOREY, N. E. SMITH M EDICA l D FJN'I‘A. 1 TIO N'l‘ARI ONT. vim 11111111111113 III [III "on WIIIIIIII II. The Suï¬sï¬fï¬ \\'2 ‘.'.1». WASHING MACHINE-I Fan-7 flu bun «mud in «SJ-.2: Klan Haley’s BlueL _-_ - Stnufl 310x83 T0 LOAN COTES COLLECYEII IT LOVES! IITES. Sale and Farm Moles Cashed STANDAlll) BANK MILLER_ 00., HEAD OFFICE, - Tonoiu'ro Auntie-I “no." Bought and Sold I’. R. HOOV’ER ISSUEH 0F IIRHHGE LICEISES. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. afl: [um 0- Mt Inferia Brink), and r- all [lint ad Ill U.“ 5!: J. L. BAIiEIE, ISSUED! 0F IIRHIIGE LICEISES‘ JOHI IUJ01 I Ilu [I’m-1|] . CAPITAL Rub I Ran" Fttn All) ‘I'AK H. B. LOTT, mm, on. VOL. VI. N0. 12. A‘IISCE! Srourrnus H. B. LOTT, ATHA, ONT. Inun-ullord on dam-in that fa‘ SAVHNS BANK STOUFF‘V’XLLE GI 0000 EECIJIITY FINANCI A1. 011‘ CANADA. .now ' mum .' has the polish 0! silver nmlian is modest and ling laud about our i perfect usle‘ The as easy :gain as old . and has the Inga: unily Sewing Muhme. BANKERï¬ WALIEB MILLER, 3m ofthe Scandud You an keep Standard on pm: :5! Cloth and mm at [head and you DrEssmake _ uu nana a n Standard" 11% 800d; con Quit Pm‘qng up HARNESS. d Alben un with the hunt! I .l! bu; ‘. smcu: AND DOUBLE. Standard noazs. gunners. all day is ours. and ‘IGHON smmmua u. s mum'- ‘ncc given want felt. Han and it; in Canada IGEIT‘ Mumgv' :rnml. nu fund). 10. iuunlu'l the m} BELLS- mes. cunnvcomas. anusnzs. ag._ Repairing promptly attended to. Every efl'ort will be made to give entire satisfution. P HOTOS, Successor to \ VonBuscck;willkee on hand a large and full stock of goods consisting of ï¬rst-clan MER'I‘ENS’ STUDIO. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. J. w. TURNER, Tho nndanlned in pluud to inform ib- public an be bu 09611511 I Bunch-r shop in NEW MEAT MARKET. Furn- nnd Villlu Pn iv .Ehu-IL 0| DALEY . STARK, usuna..\ca aw. mm: â€"\.\uâ€" Financial Brokers. We will try and do wi you. as we would wish to c done by. Your faithfully, I) STOUFEEB dz ()0 _ We try to keep Thursday forenoons for “right awayjobs" for our country customers. Repairing-done every work ing day in the week I: is well known to every- bndy that there is not nearly so much home made work done as formerly. yet still. we keep three men employed on new work and repaiging. We have sold more Trunks and Valises this season than ever before since we have been in business. A good stock always to select from. FIRST-CLASS MEATS Money- We never had such a variety and quantity of heavy Gangers. and bellows tongued Plnw Boats as this year, and then the prices are more favourable than ever before, quality con- sidered. ~ See our novelties in gents'. lanes and misses Button and Lace Boots, Orjordsund Ties. ‘ba Corner of Mnin Ind Hark-t Sin-u. nut Dulvy'u H-II‘ und in prep-Ind (q map] tho Innu ofnll who IDIV [Ivor hm Ii their 01'ch for STOUFFVILLE Of course we handle some of the cheap goods. We are almost compelled to, as there is aclass of customers who are always asking for “the cheap things." We try to meet their wishes, but we don't recom- mend the goods. “Mantello†The great bulk ofour stock is from the best and most relia- ble manufactures In the Domin- ion which have established for themselves the best possible reputation. That Is the clas: of goods we recommend. The spring of1893 ï¬nds us fully stocked with the largest. best, most varied and cheapest supply of BootsShoes Oxfords, Ties, Slippers and Rubbers for men, boys and youths. women, misses, children and infants we have ever carried. MEAT! I). STOUFFEB C0. LATE OF UXB RIDGE Anna for Lndinx Fin Inlunnce Co}; Mae : ‘Daley's Ofnll kindl. It much-bl: Brio“. . P. HA RTNEY IS THE LATE‘T STYLE 0? DALEY J 0'"! McDonald ‘n F-nn Ind Villa-o Propum. IiuiNKSv VALISES. ESE!“ L M} ENTS FOR SEE THEM AT Insurance Company 55' n. LUMBER, u:ln.§.ll.Pl.-zur.l.‘ul. Wnar 5| Tu. Tu Paper. Fin murky {or Sula aim! no Ran: Block, blouflvillo. “ col. SheepSHnm-nd I l MEAT! W. J. STARK Cecil Chants: wu Lord Wfllmom' I Junior by fully tenyun, but the), m chum of the closest,“ denudation. Ind Hm calm-d a: chi; org-=19 wu wm touch: ,,,,,,,, . «nu»...- Amm happened alumni wmmom thought It once of his excellent “c3" “W“mdmflw 113°? ' her, I ‘ p0 . {on 80th borough, Ind It this time mung-a an ‘d Erin“ Parliamentary lemma“ eC IdSemhryfor In, 15mm virtue of which ha occupied u m: in the Home immediately behind. thg Inshflecmtnry. "ltioplnin tlnt, if you no lo enjoy yourself, I shall have-vary dull time of 1: unless I invite other guest. Ind if I do that I alnll Ipoll sport “together. Have you not some Mcuhrly Agra)â€" ulalo friend whoia dying to know mu, whose society will wmpemte for the loan of yourn. lhould you bLnny ounce become absorbed during} avanlng’f" 1-4â€. x_____4; A ,l . ...... Eh: flatbed n at his anger mph meg. Ind mar ed: When Int Lord Willmore undo I call It the little villa, Muriel waived him done, and his din]: polintment was no perceptible that shape In hln sly look any upon him and invl him to meat ercompanion gt dinner on the (0110‘!- in! Friday: hnr’honielrzorlidjï¬ iieiwéSE til-15' 1:11;, if}; Donovan. and Muriel I sort of undmu standing anbdsta. b virtue of which the former in uni onnly allowed as hostess. There ls no M. 0 Connor. .. is there any “ Mrs. O'Connor." nriel is a single woman, with up ntly l comfortable independence. he has I friend and companion. one Laura King- tlnn, who goes with her everywhere. frequent the house. The chntellnny of and helps to ontertsln the guests who the O'Connor stronghold. however, 0 - penreto réet with I flaunt. lure-bu t woman of uncertain an tacitnrn manner. who seldom t kc. and normally disappears directly afterdinner, but who ‘ nevertheless either in, or seem! to be. {or ‘ pronriety‘g a_a_lre, the head of the O’Can- ‘ mdicmionaraf Ea“: sturE'h-"SEGEHE unithe Ipusculiyp tgng of her letters. . _ ,7 ,w _ .. ..._a............ Muriel O'Connor addrased an a spiuster hv those who know her well. u a mam-on By “lose whohave but a alight mqmniutnnce with her, and as a mmfby th ‘ ‘ Iv guess at hen: 68! by_ pho Ernest Clav ra. Lord Willumm, a aliglxtlybuilt but athletic and graceful young tuna of twenty-six. with dark hair and eyes, and a small blonds mustache daintily curled at the ends. ha: been for name months a re 1111' caller upon the Indy who in heme he resents the whole family of father, mo er. and daughter pigturgd. bx file poanuau'a jgnaginntmn. in number ï¬ve personsâ€"three Mum and two gentlemen. The latter have just sauntered through the conservatory. which links the dining-room with the drawing-room. to “join the ladies." after the privilege ofnn egtm glass and “igni- all Hy themsqlveq. may at In ihe gate not being overlooked by the adjacent houses. this arrangement might have escaped observation, had not an imsatient butcher-boy, tired of waiting to eliver n fore-quarter of lamb. on one occasion tried to "hn them up " by preamp: the Visitors' be] with his my ï¬nger. The gate promptly open . and he stepped inside. ur by curiosity. but 0 good deal owed y the mystery of the place. But the gate closing auto- mutlcnlly behind him. merely shot him into :3 little covered porch, where it was evident that the visitors were accustom- ed tonwnit the cumin of smnn‘servant. half-porter. half-gar ener, who, now. ï¬nding the butcher-boy squatted upon 1: seat devoted to his batters, rated him soundly for his im udeuce, and turned ‘ him and his one lent tom-quarter of lamb roughly into the street. But. however jealously guarded the entrqnce toting znysterious villa, we, in There Has {xii}; very pleasant little {ï¬nner-pm! at the housq at the corner. could read the an e letters he delivered. Some were (or “ Mrs. O'Connor," some for “ Mine Muriel O‘Connor." and some for “ Mi O'Connor. Esq.."eo there appeared to be a family .ivingnt the comer‘house: but so many lemons passed through the gem in the will that it we: impossible to distinguish hose who belonged there from those who were mere! Vinita-s. It was renun- ed that. although the gate wan at some distance from the House. and those who ulled the loud- clnngiug “semnta' be " were always Kept waiting for some minute! before rheir emanation was Expanded to. those who prewar! the little electric button, lesigued especially for visitors. had the: gate opened for them without eniuamnt'a lelay. The visitors. therefore. were auh- i meted to the least possible public scru~ Liny. No sooner did they halt at the n to than they usually touched the elec- tric bell. and. the gate spontaneourdy x i‘iug, they lost no time in stepping . , 1 . a â€"â€"â€"-u ------ .... house at the corner or none of them had succeeded in making the muslin- wnce of the domestic: there. The Mules» men called for order- and received rendy- mnne for all goods delivered: so these recor iug angel: hnd nothing to tell about their customer, except that he (or she) had the best of everything. plenty of it. and " paid regular on the nail." No one seemed to have caught en lunch as a glimpse of the house orgnrden. The supplies were taken in at n wicket in the solid gnte. and the tmnn popped a correspondence into I a box. rang the bell, nml went on his we as unenlight- ened 11.5 he came, But I e postman was the‘liestdnt‘ermed person of any. for he There was no number ta the house: it hml been overlooked by the nuthor- itiee to this extent; there was no name eithur, but that of the tenant. on the gatevpost of the one implant entrance: onlvetinybraae-plute bearing u u it the word " O'Connor." The neigh urn. such of then: as took any interest in the matterâ€"a trifling minority. for this is not, an inquisitive quarterâ€"were unde- cided us tn the precise identity represent- ed by this simple name O'Connor. and. fox-lack of the information. were con- tent. to place the worst construction upon the mystery surrounding it The aervnntgirle. a lairly reliable source of private inquiry, knew pgthing about the mg inscrutable. § CEAPI'EB I. WITHOUT um wmnN. 0T :11 n c h w n I .llmown about the ‘ little villa, in the udghlmnrhood of IRezont's Park, where MurielO' Con- nor dwelt In the mmmur at 10â€". It lay back: I: l a do n my n: a than A!) d ahrnbber'y of It: well own sud-n hind A high wall at Ibo junction of two [den-at thor- ough“! lined with more prete ntlons residences, it was at once Melt-contained gflmuffnim : Emma ONTARIO. THURSDAY! "Itold you candidly, Com , when I prom-ed to you to come here with me. them win 3 cert-in dubionsneu shout thishouu and the My who was kc be vino-ll your hostess. (or. 0! count!» odymdngo dugout-only- Wmmfiâ€˜ï¬ 1mm†‘" He rose and stood by the windowhgu» ing into the en brillinnt with um gï¬â€˜Ã©mi‘e‘ e “mufï¬n: deu'gne“ n . n l puen y out ‘ . their piety ï¬ning the me “turn! grace as that of the presiding geniu- of the pnradise. Willmomroun 1190 and followed his friend. linkin his Inn in Chegterjg and speakigg ln_ oger tqnu: 7 "My den boy." said he. " you might run on in that strain for hour-l. and X Ihould not have the hear: to d with you. Thank your stars If! have» farmmnedthauno ofmy brain: “to sound the alarm and pan the word to NEW in W 9rd?!†7 Cocfl Chester nodded, and replaced the daze! on the WIN. "Indaed, I see nothing bus but elo- gnuce without prehmtiousneu. an un- Iflected, generous. and gnceful hoe l- hflty. a cnuplo of ladies who have II] t a charm of good breeding and cultivation (31::me with nmmt whooping Bohem- 13m." "Pardon me‘l have and nothing About her characher.‘ “ You call her '11“: mul' " "And you call her ‘ utiful.’ Come, Ernest, be maible. and Admit the there is something too much of the enchant- Nu’a apell About this house And at lea-t one 9! ‘m 9ccupnnta.'_‘ _ " You must bemud, Cecil 1" cried the lovor indignantly. " It you are :3 min- taken about her chamber as you us About the colour of hareyen, Ican’t rely muc'lg upon yon:_opinimg , low. “ Upon my soul I" cried Willmoro, â€I was not prepared to hear you draw unfavourable deductions from her eye- â€"snch a heavenly bln§â€"" "Ara th ' Who!" "Are the ‘lua ! If you hul looked into them as > _ ‘ tel] an I have done, you would know they In most wonder- hl eyes.†"Bufihat 18$;"R2ucy," pursued Willmore anxiously; "You don‘t mean nyrdï¬gnipat ' His frigid fihterrnphed him by hum ming an air sulï¬ciently familiar : " I know I mlden (Mr to weâ€" Tnkc um 1 Ella hull "Veal eyes and wonderful hib- Bewnm 3" “ Fatal is the word." Chester drew the Japanese dagger again from in sheath, and felt it: rum-v Iike_edge_\vilh his thumb, fatal ,, â€7.. - “Hum-J. addin . “nua never to back" \Viï¬more's Inca expressed the utmost bewilderment. " You cannot mean thlt you distrust her !" ho gasped. Cheater re lied with some reluctance : "It is y gum-roux to say so, after taking salt together. but as friend to Irish Imus: own that I think her I dan roux womalkl'; " nugerolu? , yea! 0Q one’a peace of mind. of course. Shg‘a moreâ€"she's “ Let's getaway as soon as we decently can." said he. Wilmore aux-ed at him. Chester 7 Eensed 591'. and looked hi: m the face. Io Incâ€"something Out with it, old L‘ her, eh T " ‘IWho coal-1 1n,- Tbem was "‘1 ev which did |l forunqmlmm any a chair close to hi: himself. mid : " Tell me hunk] “ Wandgrtul 9 (:5. but not blue." "Not blue 1 Wylmc Ire they. then 1" "I'll bet you ten to (our they're yel- up. man during I running Dinner d vivacious wmethiug Willlnurn and calm: the drawing-room. followed by friend: “uhull we join them there!" But Chostor div] not seem to be no (lis- posed. He deliberately deposited him. self upon n lounge nem- lhe open French window. and begun to trifle moodll with R dn '21- ul curious Oriental wor an- Ihl t ï¬fth, {in m sheath Against the w . Tl 1,. .3, ' ‘ "v light-henrted and vivacious °t~"†' m y seemed to have wmethiuw,’ ‘ A .upon his mind. nun, , TH); ADVICE ()E‘A I " Thu Indies nre dnnbll‘ (1811," said Lord \Villmon the drawing-room. foll‘ friend; “uhull we join th He did use} 01 liaï¬sfucl‘ion ant cipnun dri handsome Col um: with receive hi): by the younger mlon Won‘t)! doubt or (hfllonlty. Doubt and dlflcnlty bed now Irina. Willrnoro hnd nnm pretty deeply in love with the modeet com on of the brilliant and (mung uriel O'Con- nor: and the mg- of luhlon. who Ind entered that lmeo u n hurt-whole idler. returned to it Iguln Ind Illll with nwkwnrd Mona auditorium-HI uplmtiou: llm must hnv queiled before the in omib able innocence 0! Laura Kingdon. The rmlnnce of her dark blue eyu read I halo of sanctity about her. on 3am tine shield from which all evil thought: {all shattered. Willmore had nought the acquaintance ol‘llur'lel O'Connor out of idlaet curiosity at the imtnnce of e friend. He was presented to Laure Kingdom nudhenceforth had no other dream thnn to make this girl. whoeegue ‘ was like the deep summer we, his wife But Laure Kingdon was of ohecure orifuâ€"clmrly. emphaticallye dun htor it open not The contemplated co | involved expornto trunhlu with the Earl his father and the Countess his mother. and a huge scandal among all his re» Inticne as well an the outrageous huey- bodies he had to recognize uhie friends. However, as the time went on. and his ï¬ssion dominated him more thoroughly. e thought himself equal to defying them all it he had but the npprovul of Cecil Chester, Chester was no eentimeutnlist; Cheater was a cold. shrewd man of the world: Cheater was his best friend and trge'at well-wishor; Cheater should do» at e. And so it [mm more jumped at begged lean-u m Cheater \vnh him high-i113.)- of ilmpeo 10‘ The involved espcmte his father and the and a huge scam] ladcns as well as I bodies ho had (on prever, as tho Get away reigned f‘nuxkly \rh aï¬eï¬ï¬léying y m yhe Ang- .u-ed at him. Y" be muttered lied tho other CHAPTER II. 4 dinner. I came pm H“. but that's all right. mm't be Irish." «him: you want to say lg unpleasant, I can see. chap! You don't like ‘peued that Lord Will- . this op rtunlly. and I bring I 3 Hon. Cecil In to dine on the follow- weave: in the reply ,15!)' n. lover's craving )rovnl. Willmoredrew 3 piqued at the noncbnl- ‘ Muriel consented to arm the strange gleam no might almost any of ‘h t at flitwd over yher II" I‘ runk friend straiEï¬t ul. Willui -u!or, and, ‘E‘ A FRIEND. mr impg'L-sgion. Cecil? What's rune very silent )gn'. I‘ve been Ir nae veranda]: min the gar. In: he entered «red by his jiaively, tanking um $73075; mwy' “ "F'inu Dononn ; ï¬t] without opened-dam] door It W room. an MW. "I: My to follow. 5?: “They are caning." Ilm en‘hlmod, 1:12;“ Iforgotwmll I‘m-Iv) detain ham 1n the an until my ro- tnrn. 81m“ wogo moths flhtlry, or luv: we flniahod'nythege ï¬n to y 'I :‘_ Foot. were now hand upon the Va] and the voice- of her out: convention outside gun no no to Murlel that he: pï¬vmy would be inter- "PEl A _. " There in no'one 6155;71'wflluï¬wir7f5r' him." "hem here." she murmured in the ï¬rst moment of their meeting; and a n id conversation ennued between them. w iapered no conï¬denthlly u to 1mg? 1 perfect mutual understanding. 8 seemed to be wing upon her certain project. to whic , after some henna» flan, she Jaunted. Then some question Ame between than: u tn a ï¬tting ngenf. in a scheme which, {mun the mast mnnner of in diecnuion. append to be ofrviml imporunce. Muriel 0 Comic} inflected the nuns of one Balp h Kenna]. and. being met with some objecuops. repligd decisively. o nlent Ind pencefnT lurmnndinga. But uriel O'Connor did not seem to .thgnk 50. Elm meted Dennis Donovan wnh cordinh'ty. and drew him to her side in the flying darkneu of the room. -rn'non. " wnn‘s ml: in c I WHAT'S UP. sum Y " into the thawed, indeed. la n aulperhlv hnndaome 'vom an. The ample {u d of her dinner 3 Mn gathered in her small white hlnd adorned her queen line-a ï¬tflngly. and she wuin perfect accord with the luxury of an apartment furnished with some richness and a thousand details of good taste and ele» gum fancy. Not so the mm. who ad- unmd somewhat nrdently to meet. her. and took almost by force her dninty ï¬ngers in his com clnu'h. Them Wu An aggressive activity. a pertinent new will in his general bearing 1nd the hush Belfast accent 01 his speech which Italnped him as being out o! plggze amide: and in: lieu: taken a elf-tn} O'Connor eaten: As «he parted of swphnnutis. setting sun flood CHAPTER III. ummsn. Scarcely had the friends left the draw- ing-room when the door opened. and n :hart, lhicknet man. with A black baud Ind unmistakably Hibernian cut of countenance. swung boldly into the room He worn a dark (wood unit. and at his throat gleamed u cravnt of livid green. In his hand no carried a drab- coloured slouch lint. He showed himull at the window {or nn instant. and then began to page to and fro on the rich carpet. “in: n hmiliu air. which im- pligd ‘thnt he wag an accustomed visitor. I MAY 11, 1893 friend. I beg 0! you to prep»: n Hound report of her. Remember my life's hap- piness may depend upon your advice." . " Mv Advice is given." said Chester in an nnï¬ertonc. as they crossed the lawn together. 'Praise the flowers and the ï¬ne evening. plead an engagement. cut away, and never come back any more." At this moment the two luliea whom thsy had been so freely discussing emerged from n shrubby on the left of the broad lawn, now ppled with evening shadows. "There thev both are now," Lord Willmona excinimed; "let us go and meet them. They hIVB wen In. Now I will take charge of the O'Connor, and bind Laura over to you. As an old friend. I peg of you to prep»: 5 sound vi rt josh gndulg "- Nothing. my dear Cecil 1 nothing in the world! e will explain All on me in due course. t in such a delicate matter wnrï¬uention her upon. II is noun i! the ah ownm of tho O‘Connor were an Id- mittbd thing; for all you and I know, if; may be the most respect-bio of lea." f -‘ mesa, I namiz'zToéï¬inï¬â€™ot the kind. I oounael you to run away. The very fact of herbeing here in close compon- iomhir with oâ€"wilh such a Indy ll Murie O'Connor inâ€"" ' floured slouch but. He ahowet the window {or nu instant. n egnn to page to and fro on rpet win: a luniliu air. wl ied that be was an accustoma m 31 the present moment an |d in lien: on». He had ken n ulfâ€"ndouu turn: when W "w, m... " Butannly she must have made some impression upon you 7 " " She seemed very quiet." “ Altogether diflere t i y Ltd] O'Connox’. eh ‘I Quie d all mis- giviygrypurudmit that ‘ mm}. ,‘5’aï¬mf’flie â€"thnt I fear I have eglecbed my duty as your amen! pri councillor sadly: I will gum, hgr more 91ml] now." :oufnb, The D! the dragon m'ety in the _"‘Bu-t' nn EKingdon 1" urged the other, too nch Absorbed in his own in- “mm to w ‘ hheodlullythiaconle-lon 0! his friend. A Chester 3 head. " I am I 1%“. , my dear fellow, bu‘t' If}! - ‘ , yo nuured. tint can has maderinriI-QEEr iEfmfl ‘74:: :wr me than (mun Icveryet saw in All my Li!ng , Itmkad m’a elm-cup golden beard, and n no" light one in his duk cyan. Memnttmm my expression Will- moro bud-eon there be! . "Unin- fmutonnble‘! Let man on. Ernest, lye atriceut conï¬denqe, atom- hon:- I uni: loveâ€"I 6n it... Thu Haï¬z the cane. I mistrust my Wm. md want an. cool~ Inhwuâ€" dumb (1me hm tics.†yn'igyresgiunqgle 1': ,7 101mm: "Murlel O'Connor. [bet you an to four (but Aha bu yellow eyes." " my be any colour. (or In I u“ ""24 â€Unwa- gum... aflnimhngï¬modiflomd by the ‘03- no un or m u- Ioo'iï¬on with Hm 0mm- of no unmi-tnhbiy pure and hishâ€"mindod a woman-- Lnnn mambo. Ipemeive Myomhnving unluch bias. on 1 - dined!» think we no in the dorm-in of , Auumingthu who theme. I um the more bone upon rescuing noun from n oompromidng connection which must. have come about. from circum- sulwo: beyond her control. You would not venture to include Laura Kingdon in your umpicions !" "I have not thought About her," wu Chaucer's reply. Wilimon seemed khan shock. "Not thought about be" Why. nun. (but u thevuy object of you: vials! Not thought About her! Whom haw we 130:3 snaking about. then, all thi- w o? She mny."commentod Chasm:- dryly. Laura and I." continued Willmon, ave never had 3 chnnoe of 3 private tub, The O'Connor, in the absence ho dragon. has always played pm- lty in the stricken fashion. I! «he a folbw-fveling. it has no‘ mmlu her zlgent to her companion. Indeed. turn of this girl has gone fu- to Ad- ; mo of her own strict propriaty and ne: but it may be jealauï¬v. mere ntuuy. mar all." ~ It may." aid Chester cvnimllv :- said Chester cynically "I AND 3:. {TEE PRISES‘ mind] he. Ind Inn [In] lolly that iv. human 1 beneï¬ted than who Invented it. Onaminputinulu-I-pit bu mule himlmw mun-ad hemmlgomuch {or in cleaning Ind cur-ï¬ve q sum: the 11: mL Perhaps had ha met her in her parents home. instead of in a house that he [and entered upon a somewhat equivocal foo} ins. he might have understood he: purity of mind. Unhn pily. the influenm of his nuociaus and [ï¬e feverish expel- iencea of his youth had led him to dis- trust all women. and. where there was my doubt betwixt good and evil, to as: nume the worst as n MIPguard Against the.ten:ib1_e gauge: known as "being unworldly‘ rimple rec-i race "on tha‘ dad not attempt to tri L- with love. insult her law: by the suggestion Iordid and class interns“ could c wtween them; nor did she dream 1 with I ‘on so true. to which soul free y responded, could be join reckleu selï¬shness, I brutal desig' annoy :11 that was worthy of I] loved. She said simply: "You make me.- Tcry happy. I may tell Muriel. may I non" Lord Willmore ind been quiet prapaxn ed to mndnliu his {unily by a me:- Iilianoe. but his ‘01: did not blind him to a sense of is main] importance. and he cerhinly hul looked for the rain- ing of such obstutles u a girl in the de- pendent position at [am Kingdon might Inspected m “Jpn-cine†lumi- iux belwesn her And nurri-ge mm A nobleman; and further. he had antici- tod that. this virtuous girl (as he fully ï¬ne-red her (0 he) would a: once detect the hollownm of professions of love in which the sacred name a! Wife was never spoken. m Laura} septimgnt wnsrone ofsnch for his deiï¬- pmdenw w Both aw flu: he had grown pale, Ind 9». lama hlzgzuh up? the In 14mm to go In m Mubarak col-long walk mnndthewn-ndn (ofguden. He undo In Incoherent excuse Ind left than landing mm In the red evening glow. naming done to the Ihmhbcry. when? in t:- whom no â€".‘I “be: h m in mnkhmnnt. ed by “weaning «Chester . and theme! society stood on the the» hold for n moment. tnmï¬xed with this conï¬rm-6m of hhnnchuituble doubt: It in. only A moment, but in that short I 0! line he was struck with a hen he: End In believed in this woman Ind obit-inï¬rm 0! bar worthlalmeu, hooonld yhna felt nheavier weight “ht-henna)» turned back and In- c: Intent] hi. friend and I‘m-amusing under the vamdlh. Thh mule meal. In- My Mutedâ€"not Io “MW. hovers. but flu: God] Chute: I hing the window, noted Maria's and caught. 3 glimpse of the banded who din pared into the immr room. It was cult to can-true the retreat in; gay 91h“ v'ny tl_n_nu bdpg coagulan- $91,; WeIiRITeï¬ ddvlflaï¬Ã©nlndthutojm SOCIALISTIC FUTURE nth-1t n noun-J