Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 9 Apr 1896, p. 4

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twh tifi a_n_d~ family hug-9mm ‘I \tl'l C] so the world 5 Martin Roach TE EH Mia M dd at press for costs 1 Iminsed without 0051‘ upon any gains: ti ll worth I MC ll M dl‘ CHURCH'HILL‘ very day 1 any further criminal inst the p'niutiff,‘ or his rcwith. The local judge :d an intervim injunc- afterwmds digsolved by :redith ' at Toronto and Al adjourned to be (1‘ fthc actitm; 3 st bv lh BRILLANTRAE Minnie c M. S H num W. H. Jo'né’haa ’urk farm to Jolm‘ Cleav- ‘y boiling sap these days ady to help on! the luff. [he sutemem’ action was then 7 0f 1-! wcck' n Winchester, deliveliugjudg. ”In my opinion and [rivolous dismiqs‘ ‘urr W mg uioved into his tuse {And his Icnnrt @‘Wflm wag? . mu uni more snow than at On. a state. vex-ed shortly I] was moved other of Wm. Mal 1e Master’s l Dlainlifl‘s 4th Dn defem and t} robin is growing .ll unicata xr son, Edgar, ho is very ill s then rli addressed Sunday. in the P. )f Mnrkb; 11 30th, 180: ;t to ito b! the wh [lays with :pri c Lamb for the “buffer oia d my quality In, wi border in the 1 wt 1 th [no manufacture of fancy butter and cheese, having' the best grass. water and climate that this world knows to- day. The animal? are healthy, the people are vigorous and healthy. and we feel sure by putting skill into opera tion they can make a. good showing. The Hon MnDryden. who is Minister of Agriculture. and is the bend of the agricultural department it'- tne great province of Ontario, .is ‘doing- ‘all he possible can to push the dairy as 'well as every other industry in connection with agriculture to the front. The dairv schools, especially Guelph and Kingston, are well equipped and well adapted to givingnthoroug-h. practical education. and are well patronized. Th.s. togerther with the .Eastern and Western Dairymun‘s Association. and the Ontario Creamerien" Arsocla- tor, employing most eminent instruc- tions In the United States and Canada. to lecture to the people on the live question connected with their particuâ€" lar business and the employing of competent people as travelling in- structors to go from one tactory to another to keep the nnit‘ornthizh quality orgoodsthrougvho‘ut the Conn trv, will enable our friends across the border to make a magnificent showing it the nearfuturc. A Jr. Ida Mr. Henry Graham TORONTO STREET. MARKET. all A LMIRA WOOL MA RKE'I 'Ehe following from Dah'v man speaks well tule action taken but important agricnlm (From Thursdnv’l Globe. ! n ma One True Blood Planner. uxdmgma. u. Pictured only by C. 1. Hood on 00.. Lowell. Mm . cum Live: mag easy to HOOd’S Pills uke,easyooopenu. 25¢. mt. Ha hadn’t taken It; week before I new that hie epfietlte begun to Improve, and then he gained npldly. I give him five bottles, when the sore: were I" heeled and they never broke out lglln. The crutches he hnd used (or (our yeuu were laid aside, as he had no (urther use for them. I give all the credit to Hood's Bu- lnparllln. Mm. ADA L. Moony, Fey Street, Lynn, Mesa. This and many elmuu cures prove that “I” Scrofulal G.H “ One day, a newspaper mmlfiggdlnz Hood’s Barupnrflln was left. It on: door. We decided to try this med'lcine. Howud commenced‘taking it. the last of February, after having been sick to: a you Ind I notes. We hnd three almanac doom“. Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The Inst doctor said the 133' would hue to be cut open and the bone scraped, belore he could get well. Bow-rd boo-me so low that he would est nothlhz, and one doo- hr uld there wee no chance [or him. ' ble (1 ll. Cured Grnhnm Winghnm, write a irth annmlasc May. and I of Nortnrop Lymau's Veg- ery with me. ' as I did not. out it. While there. a lady .. «UM--7 ... Sarsaparilla ouzil. While there a lady sufi’uring with Indigestion, d Headnche. I recommended Discovery to her and line he result was that it did her that I had to leavetlw bal- ‘nlc wilh her. CANADIAN BUITEI B. Lehman ‘mbinnt Sores; from the American 8 well [or tha lezlslu- 888 euro Liven Ills 18 888 :ha leglslu- protect this mmm prove me this that In addition to his othér sup- plia keeps on hand lath shinglem. building papex waterlime, blacksmith’s coal paper for shegting, plaster, an pitch and charcoal. Jon. A T000, . Opposite the Station Lime; Cement, Felt Roofing, F193 Bgick The, c woan. CORN. Sm ('In barrels and bulk.\ FLUUH- HEB. EUAL; ‘ Grain, Seeds, Potatoes. Hiflss, Wool, Pork, c â€"Aud he keeps on hufi'd {or “In... Opposite the Manon STOUFFVIT .T‘ Is prep-rad to opp. the LL Will wa 11!" l m .. ’Iweth that shat“ 11 also re ‘1). How import- ant then Lhatyou got rc- liablc seeds you can get them here. Clover, Timothy,Mangle,Uur~ mt au'dall field and Garden seeds, Mm NouuCuh paid {or hides, akin and (allow. HER? WERE! "can. It. rem Fansu AM) my MEATS. SAUSAGES. HEAD CHEESE And fish in Salmon, in fact everything th 3 is kept itia well-orde red shop. Bed sold by the (Inner Ind run-i: Iw n... JAMES '1‘. mm; Feymilv Butcher Keeps on hand all kinds of 'Or fiLe mtistic Phobos call at Lim‘clen see: q . .rromrms. ] ware, Flour SL0. Another cap of Baled Hay on hand,cverything at lowest cash prices The 0ld Reliable PHOTOS FFVI.LLE, to purchase all kinds of- Irket, Stoufl’ville MERTENS’ STUDIO. STUUFFVILLE ‘n huqi‘l for Bill! and rlft that what Telephone Store I“ Had [an seeds. AI» 3. Earthen ho anmr Ind park by tl: ‘nubls label. ’1 RM . CLARK. . KEMP. you wh] For sale at hard-mime pric few choice HEIFERS. Inspm M and satisfaction quamntood welcome FOIIH GOOD YOUNG SHORTHORI BULLS . r bunhal ushel RED CLOVER IMPORTED BESTHORN A Gennnn rnrie‘y, yelluw, [18 bushelu, pl: SI BERIA N Wanted ' Ladies Mantles ‘ ,. BOOTS 8: SHOES AND QRQGKERY‘ Extra CLOVER SEED? xsmmfifix‘s’ BERKSHIRE HOGS -\ MAN ST Tl reild 01 891 ll stm °T._, E. PERKINS RETIRING SALE All Men’s and Boys’ , Overcoats M Ind lat fiRomE, l1- , Whitchumh, Bethesda, 0n .gy :1 34.00 )1 96. also I lionnolici Visiton oing at ridiculous prices. to clear them‘ out at once blue! p1! pl 7% l . WAR DECLARED I bran Outfllmubmmm. hummtolny-Mn- The Wood Company, Mada», oak, Gannon. Preside the Prc Us‘ed. Come a the best Can-lag ,.. -n. mu: FARM WAGONS, BUGGIES, »- SLEIGHS AND CUTTERS'g nr _II J Rem: Harland 8; Repain HORSE Stoufl‘ville Carriage‘ first-class handauade and ins Tip he stand, east Wood's Phosphodlne. Queen’s Hotel M an W Sherdoxvn tern in thinâ€"{E CK Delore pun-chm onestnotioe. No ‘ran tee t Sons’ Cele UBEN’S 110sz mu, Am suits and Buggy tor Wat-cu. E-a‘nia iygnn. Wood‘- India-gun! faint. ”W iâ€"Mmd arnish $75. work H8001? » heart for SID-[ville 1 0L [lash IF Galarrhal You will on us. , DEAD Is the pla American: TOD “an.“ I’ICGS TODD VIII! 8!!

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