m‘agmmaa (313131333. " ‘5†Km. lwdmfl, Davidson t Paterson 07:1]: Q‘erihï¬ne. \ R. J. DALEY, m‘iAMMQurlï¬n "Street THE IOVIL TIII For 'uhiontble BEAVING In. 5 TO 6 PER CENT Iv notiknof Shviu 501v. Cumulhua. In nub. 1‘th Bnuha. Sunni. in. in conplcu Alan Imus- Ruon for al- Ing gunman] In" Rain: and Shun Slurp-fling:- *0“- hunt-dun VOL IX. N0 8 Ml IEET Stouflv P. R. HOOVER, ISSUE! OF IIHRIIGE LICEISES, GREEN RIVER. ONT. TONRORIAL ARTISTS- IDNEY T0 Lou E SIITH IICDOMLD - HUSSEL FITCH. L~;L- 8-. PHZB- THE PIHIS MIT} ’arm 01 AUCTION EERS BOLPH TERMS mun - Pravda!» II... "PM“ AMI!“ nouL TonSonIIL mun N. E. SM'ITH, M ALLOY. _B. A.. DEN'ITAL J. .A. isodd, .TOUFFVILL‘I: ma “TB: NANCIAL STDIIFFVILLE. OIT r Village propertv‘ TOISDRIIL â€BLUE ille, Ont.,' ‘RINARY BROWN, Pmp‘ Todd‘s Block. E ALL AT '31: College 0f 13an ‘r Gradune of Toronw MM 10 Loan UGLL LL 8.. rr the Can-(ls Landry AUCTIONEER ml u: Duncan: 1 I0 do buinuu in n mum-Tun KAIEDRFSIING, nah 3nd nndu W'- “099N914? mar Victorh St‘ l. 3. 11.0.3 'zmn'nz 1.0:. Etc LICITORS. Sumfl'ville. Ont at the ludopuld‘ m nveynnce n. )nu. ms noun rufl'ville ’1' run L1 mouo INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE â€"ANDâ€" Financial Broker GENERAL mm mm The Bin He Insurance Cumnauy 01m: Cor. Main and 0brian Aye. Stouï¬villo , 0': hmnï¬lélhd,mh H- Fun" Ind “Hun Proouty (1)me Ind m Rout Stalk."Williamsnn Bwï¬ï¬RS - Haley’s Block, - - Stuntiville MOMEYII‘b’LOAN Money to Loan SALE and FARM NOTES GASHBD Dram Issued on the Imperial Bank and its Branches, and on all '“vnts in Canada and the United States. 4 per cent per{ annum â€WV allowed Lon de Ofï¬ceu s m., Saturdays T‘IOS. WILLIIIISM Ann: for India: Fin 1mm“ Coll Head Ofï¬ce, Bowth‘filla Bradlord, Brightpu Brussels, Forest Piston. Cnmpbellford Stoulfville. Kingston \ ALSO AGE ENTS AT Montreal. New York. _ London,E Winnipev, Northwenc Provinces and ' British Columbia. Siamharh 333111 points in Canada mgoweat mm notes discounted; Sale notes and business pn'per negotinmd'sc current of interest. A SAVINGS BANK ,SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Interest allowed onldeposits, Notes collected at Lowest Rates- ) 'Where deposits oi 3| and upwards are réceived and interest. allowed thereon at. current rates. Deposits of a special nature, nun funis. as received on favorable terms. Oï¬ca Hours From 15 'a. m. to 3 p.m , Saturdny'u from 10 Lm. w l p. m For further information npply Do Eu been. opénq Spring? eggpecial FINE BLACK WURSTED'SUIT From $13.50 up " SPRING ovnncoxyrs Consulting Managed: SANDERS BUNDY, Be sure-and see u 1" New Tweeds and Trouserinég A shipment of the latest styles just in J t- A AA: Furnishihgs anba issued undrcolleclLona mags $8, $10, $12.50 and $18 CAPITAL Pun R-Em‘r. Fm: And taken for cplleclion ï¬eadouartem for Gents‘ 0f CANADA 011 good se‘cunly M. M. BRENT mum new Merchant Tailors. STOUFFVILLE AC Canninuon Chalh am, Celbomo, Durbim. ENCIES AT HATS ; ul in connection with branch at W J STIHK \Business Manager alleclions made on all went mFurmers' ~Ma†m. to 3 ‘. tol p.111. 61.000.000 ~8600.000 l lard-ton. Markham. Newcastle Parkdale, Toronlo good rates the ‘09 Apxll came in Me n “on but on.- il'n):uresx~1itm is that she win in a few days give us a taste of June weathgr. FARm To RENTâ€"Ill the 'vilhigo of Stouï¬â€˜ville. containing30ncres. Possess- on given at mice. ‘Apply to W. A. Rae, Stoufl'ville. 1: ' Newmullet electornta- tut-vote next Mandav on the purchase of an Electric Light Plant to be run :by the cnrpomtion. , HEAETDISEASE KELIEVED 1N 30'1“!!!- WEB â€"A cases of organic o'r sympathetic hearttliaeue relimed in 30 minutes and quickly cured by Dr Agnews Cure tor the Heart. One dose convinces Sold by Faster ueckwear in grbat variew 2 for 25¢. at Monkhonse‘s. ' NEILâ€"A cases or organ heartdiaeue relieved in quickly cured. by Dr‘ A; Heart. ' One dose com It is hardm'shv whom the depart- mental smra Lzsineas will' end.\"l'he John Eaton Co . at Toronto. . will now have u post mice. a tree reglnlrv ofï¬ce house renting and furniture moving department. a photograph zaï¬orv and a doctor in constant ntlondan may be consulted for a quarter LOCAL ITEMS- SmLon‘s 1t cures In‘ beat Comlh cu, 50km. Mrs. Stock rocenllv receh of the death of her brother, . of Shepwick. Somersetshire‘ the age of 68 years. The served his full 21 \‘czirs as a marine and smv ho: work at Bamklava and Alma. during mean war. He was one of sturdy sons who was'aIways do his dutv." Occaalouallv we hear at great for- tunes in the Bank of Holland lelc van-s ago by ancestors of persons living in Canada. anore spending anv money in endeavorlng to secure supposed for- tunes it may ba well to‘ume thht there is no Bank of Holland and alqo that bv a Dutch Statute of 185? all unclaimed inbe-ritances after a lapse of ï¬ve wears mmmyméu to the ante MAPLE Srnur.-â€"Henry Hoover. of Almira. has maple syrup operations under full swing. He has-{upped 340 trees to the extent bf over 600 spiles. It takes 3 hours to gather the sun and he makes about a gallon nflllb syrup everv hour. Mr. Hoover will be on the market hero next (’I‘hursd with a good supph, so get vour bot l-g and milk; ready. We gan vouch f01~the article as being A I i.-i even respect. ‘ The warm spring weather will in i1 ew davs be here and wiih it a large. increase in the microbes which are sure to infest 'Va_rds which are not cleaned of the uccuiniiliitiuiis of winter rubbish. As soon as possible the refuse in our back vards shoiild be removcd. as in many cn'ses the lots ate small and conmin a well. which is verv liable to have the Water cm- tamiimted iinlos_s extreme cleanliness is piinctually observed. Besides. (he contents of all closets shoiild forthwith be removed and thorough disinfection be resorted mi , Cesiipoois should be whblly abandoned as ihcy are cnnataut p .r carries hibles ln twelvolanpuages and a large stock of hymn hooks and other publications. The railroads haul the. cars free 0! charge. and the teleâ€" gra’ph and telephone companles rurnlsh fnuks to the pastors ln charge. No ,collectlons are made at any of the services on the cars. the society sup,- portlng the travelllng churches. Whenever a Ilkely place for mission- any work ls found the car is sidetrack- ed. and Its presenpe advertlsed by posters, and la vnrlous other ways. ‘ï¬mmffm STOUFFVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, rllard in constant Btléndance 0mm is sold'on n quar uipieut Consumption. IL Cure. Only one cent a 1k and SLOO per botLIe' S . drnqaist. drnzmism (Iv receiv‘cd notice brother, Jas. Wull. :rsetshire. Eng, at ire. Eng, at The deceased L8 1: Plvmouth mt Inkorman the CrL~ England's ready “to unme is the 1111 by who .For Safe odto rentâ€"a new brick house with modern improvement». apply to J.A-Todd Stouflvme Try the new But Cure {qr chat shabby leeling. Special styles jun In at Mpnkhouae's. Hun-y Hoidge, of Sutton, visited friends in Stoufl'ville and Bluomington durina Easter holidays. . 'I‘ha maple urup season so!“ hIB been exceedingly fM'orahle- John Pike ol' Locust-.111". hu 590'rees tap‘ped with about 2 spllea ouch. Tnï¬v pulls ought to be (he order of the day . (Arum awn-mu, U. S. Cul.. says: “Shiloh's Gnu“ Lheï¬nt. medicine [have cv would do me any goo." P of thu tu Hutchim Loon: HEREâ€"My Frleudl will tell you where you own got a splendid parlor suit. walnut {ramem ï¬gured plush, 6 pieces. for $24.W.caah,â€" Win-ma! Why at. P Davin' SLculT- ville. Also curtain poles for Be. ond upwards 3t bin. ~ Daniel Ritz. Proprietor 5nd p ‘ the Humburv. Ooh. Indeme "I was sulferinv from DvspeV tronblp.l took n {ow bflllllmz ' commom drunnist‘ Viwlizcr and it our COB I. our apple orchard; , tanning an immense increase m mount of cul‘s. pr Cnnadltn like Cinediaiicheese.e:heve spec I reputa- tion in thfl English mar tend to maintain this reputation and make the mnst out or the fruit it is absolutely necessary to use both germicidal: end fnlbg'icidzs. To apply these remedies 5 5pm pump in required, which will cost a row dollnrl. but the increase in saleable fruit bv this means will repay the outlay can fold on an orchard oi ordinary extent. Now is the time to .call on the hardware dealers to gut if m‘ apruv pump. Even i do ido to spray it will possible information o: During the floods last week jun! us one ï¬lm teams, which were my utchinun to the R. Thumton ma approaching the bridge nnmnt property 10th line floated dawn stream. The necesmry epnim, howovex hnve since hem made. by‘ tha iurnace chlmnov. Imtantlv th alarm was sounder], .and the brIgade was soon on i s wav to the scene, but. owing_ to the and roads and the distanca, thny- did not arrive until the lire had totallv qonaumed the tower. and had communicated to the Inansard roof. The nearest Watar supply _. was fuliv a. quarter of a mile away. n‘nd of course was very inadeâ€" quilts to cope with the all-devouring elnment. The ‘citizens. however, worked manl‘uli and a, greater part oftho furniture a d ï¬xtures, includ- ing ten, pipnos out of sixteen. were saved. The building was a large fourâ€"storey brick structure, with a manï¬ï¬-d roof. The siza oi the build- ing was 160 feet long by 50feet wide. It is known through its educational Id- ‘ vantages from Halifax to Victoria. and quotations for pumps or svringes. A pamphlet giving method of prepara- tion of remedies and time of applica- tion is usuallv supplied free with sunn- numo. Even it vou do no: DEMILL's COLLE Mondnv night tho mill's College. 05h by‘ tha gurnace c! the nlarin was s COLLOBD. Dru win manv n voung lady graduate will read of its deetruction with regret. It has been in acnve operation since 1874 under the dlrecnou of the Rev.. A. B. Demill, and has had on average at» tendan‘ce of 126 students per session. Luckily most of the glrls were home on their Easter. holidays. or probably the lndiivdual loss would have been verv much greater. As it was how- ever. about 40 of the students remain- ed‘. and of than about 25 were in at- tendance at the organ‘reeitai. ï¬ndel‘ the dlreczlon of Prof. Geiger, at the Slmcoe Street‘MethodistChm-ch. The students there suffered to a great exâ€" feat. The Rev. Mr.Demil|, beluglu Toronto nt the time o! the ï¬re. did not hear oflus lose untH late. T e college was bonused at its inception y the town to the extent ol’ 85.000 linud’s Uni-on! Gum Golda. cw LLEIIE Dunstanâ€"On lhn tower roof of De- Oahawn, was ignited :e chimuov. Imtantlv’ us sounded, .and the U. S. A., San Diego Cutarrh Remedy in .ve ever found thut Price 50 cent.» pm; to the subject on Monday Ed. andBlake Sanders ape It Uxbridge. Mina Mnggia Spark-4 in hum Easter holidays,» Miss Stokes lsvlmlng her sister Mrs. A. Low. Abram. Ynke and family m0 week to Guelph. Gaol Minna; of swim, was 1 Easter Sunday . M Mch, of Richmond Hill town on Saturday. Frank Martens. or anohto.- visited his val-ems last week. Thos. Rowden. or Toronld Junction in town on Mondnyg~ .M.'Bront and Lorne Sumorvill: em. Easter in Tul'ullm. . Mr. Finch days with R. Gus German. 0! Acton, was reuow‘ i {Hg QId acquaintances. Herb Kinsey, of Toronto. spent the holidays at. thu old home. John, son at the home N. Rainer, spent. purcntnl home at C Misses Maud and \JaJiBae Sr. J. J. Jr. melted at Toronto Juncllon on Satnrm' w aoqunintances in mwn last week. Mr.Underhill,o[ Mnrkbasz visiting II {be home of hm son this week. > Miss Hulda Todd spent Saturday lust (riunds. home J A. Breuls. teacher in Gu: Central School, visited his brother, H Breuls. this week. Miss Nettie Van spending Easter m John Moukhouse. Mr. and Mrs. James Mruk. of All: are visiting at the home or her sis: Mrs. D. L. Barclay. Miss \V. C. Moore, of West/on, f A. von Buseck returned to Sunderhnd Beuj Connor has mm ed to ‘Almira 'where he is engaged to work ufbr lb: summe‘r by D. Kuudrick. Miss Arueue ed a few fri Stoufl‘ville on ( Dr. R, Meek and wife of Orangeâ€" ville, spent the holidavs at the home 0! her father. D. McCarty. Mr. A.Smith and his sister ‘Mins Rosin Smith, of Parkdule, visimd at the home of thuir aunt, Mrs. John Park. Miss Galbraith. of Scarboro, and Mrs. Thos. McDonald, of Toronto. are vlsillng at the home of H. MncdonaId, parents Dr. R seriously Buff A. B. Sanders, of Cannington, visi1 his parents Mr. and Mrs W B. Sznd and with his brothel-113V took n run Toronto; _ Mrs. Thos. White. or Whitey-l9. and Mrs. John Evans. of Claremont yisited at the home of their brother, T. H. Bmuls. Miss Lolo Hamilton, of Toronto. spent the holidays at the home of her grand parents,'Mj-. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton. and enjoyed home" with her little Stanï¬- ville friends. W Swn‘ Khmer FACTS. ln Jan . 18% my son was taken with Kidney disease. Tl-ough attended by three phyllclens and chanve of climate he grew worse and by 98' had (Allen from 195 lbs to 961135. In 10 dnva fror'n starting to us: Dr. Chw’é Kidney-[Aver Pills we were able to move him home» In 4 month- he gained 50 lee and was fully restored to health by the use of otthis medlclne. Jun. 8. Hastings, 23 3t. t‘eul St. Montreal. Minwl's Linimenx Cures Barge! in (Iowa Juhn P‘ John Eye Mr. mid Mrs Gamaby. of 'l'oront Mr Ily Burcl Chas. Urqu . Urquhart m t ul udw EASTER VISITORS Clar ‘l his {cw 1 Mrs‘ the h‘ duri . Spoï¬'oxjd, who- I: 1 visit her sister wh‘ ill. returned home I aster with her aunt, Mrs with M sister Mm days in town last wee ne vou Buseck entertailr friends from "apt-onto and 1 Good Friday. Ind Dawsnn KL! D-I‘n‘ Ill mn. of Colbornc, and of Toronto, visited their r Euler holidays. 1896‘ Toromo, visited at the r Mrs. lesm John- the ho‘.i udar Cr? teacher in Guelph nut, 0' Markham is lu Jbli‘ 1536 at the mt Friday Goodwood >nt 1d Mnrkh I‘OXIQWO has visited Mr isit sen last tlm The llbel can or camé up Iasr week son. It Newmuket. ‘llll to-dny to‘ Adm $2}: County Alton 1! you would Always your blood pure with E the One True Blood Put W. Reynolds. of Glut into C. D. Mertons‘ ho Sp‘flnkle when on ‘ Keep the qulnin Wear ynur ulster For the gentle a took 1' Stouï¬ Burkm, or :11 onrMonday the uni Cloanlin lavalcri‘ tion will t End Miss Flore‘ï¬m Ra: Taronm. 1! you would nlwa, EDMAN: chllen ago I had At the ‘ Monduy e MIBLs )RlLLIA CO! public wil his uttcm reliable. “dabhle†in the proï¬ ls}; champion star. 1‘“ the case of Croz reg t that I slight 1 the utter of coats. ‘ read “his Vown costs COMB As» further legal proceedlnga ta place in regard to thesu twn cases ll will be dulv reported in the TRIBU notwlthsunding the covert threat thla mighty son of Blackstona suggest In regard to our future la; reports. we hope he will come out ov his own signature like a man of pr clple and perhaps the‘TRiBIlNE r then enlighten the public as to wonderful success in the lag-l prof alon Hurry up. Mr Cotem, get ucopy ¢ this week's Tmnuun nnd answer rig! swu’, .al a week's deiav might resu in canning somebody in be “so foolish as to believe the Tulsa: bright “Leg“ Lamina 'considenble tarnish on hi An ‘mmi flinud‘l [Jul-ant Gum Dislenpnr‘ In ‘case he has any Jan quentlv ills 1hr DA BBLIN Tl’ great amount of suflrring bBurLin. daughter of Mrs. [the west end. passed awav SEEDS; MILE. . PBOMINENT mornil ouse it tiller spent Easter in Tkimms will WHOLE NUMBER ‘424 Lll'l" 0 his prin J Monkhouse MANGOLDS SOMETHING NEW! $225. $2.50, ’83 $3.50 . Dr. vv. J.’fViLSON, $1.50 $1 $125. $1- 50 5: $250 $1rmul $1.2 The Leading Tailorl and Dr. I. A. FBEEL MARKET DRUG STUB M'h ne M3 G. COLLAR D, Tl ALWAYS CARROTS. 1T 'EDS JNB 11 Gems? Furnislm. TURNIPS. ‘O‘O‘ 810, .812 51. 81.25. NLHUUBE