10 BARBER SUGAR GIVEN A“; A. - ï¬vemats aw Flannel. at at cost X-Cut $21“!st String Bells, Team Bells, Next Door to :1 ll. Warriner. ROWAN 00 THE LEADING DBUGGISTSE; An SKATES, R. P. COUZLSON. 86001 Bonn MUM. Nell" and Musical 1mm, CREW um SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. Axes and Handl General Hardware. s, Spices, lambs, Brushes, Perfumes, (in, m, S'TOVES Mil) “moms PRESENTS Oil-'0“) BIBLE If new D1883 Goodsj ust opened. of new Dness Trimming at be 10c. and mp8:- worth 200. to 300. of ï¬ne Dress Trimming at 25c†worth $ r yard. of Cream Searsucker. of Dark Sealsucker of Shining and Zephyy qughgms. â€"THIS MONTH AT THEâ€"â€" ' Cashm: mining: STOUFFVILLE. all Clothing. as well as 1 10 cases of Fun- Goods 130 and a. pawl of Sugar thrown gs to match. )ods all colors. for 15c. worth 25c. k Muslims. 1‘ Oil Cloths beautiful patterns. ire givmg away 10 bbls. Sugar as follows “rain. air-M and Gongs. ’a/Iy just opened. and ï¬enriettas just opened, all colors See our Sugars, like everything else in the stone they are number me. This is open for the Dominion and for all January, but each $5 purchase must be made all at once in Older to get your present. r 1111 everv $5 north \ou get \"0111 D lbs. of brown or 8 lbs. bat gran- lated. Remember we do not sell 151111 we gi\e4 it sway, and we all «new line of Dry Goods and lothing fullv tw enpy pe1 cent. 1w er than 5111) store in towm ï¬nd 011': \011 forget it Choice Confections, Fresh Fruit. ToFchctx Gig-am, i Dates. Nuts, ï¬nned Goods, are To I]!!! pub: (nan door to Mr. A. G. Ens-I‘lH-m prep-red [0 BIG! tomynuny was In superior uyle. . FRED. SP'oFFOBD. Fruit and Contentions†Stare. ler to get your present. 3r one hundred .parcels given this week, so dont delay but with the rush to the great ovsr‘zns m sansou THE RIARKET All just opened. WITH REMOVED THE BED“ AND STAKE Hugh McDonaldJ Ms Linux nlims Nurdgia. 1n: um SURGEON PURCHASE OF HAVING 0?“, 1b., gnnulatfld pieca of run out Insurance, MAIN 81., All Idnm uncle- indie lualoulnnnl ol tho. Tqul-yfuuuMI or “mull-um II Ihleh III ndmlnluu fee in «hand, or hon ‘hloh n pecuniary blnlll (- dcnv . mun b- ndd for u lh- nu of nun «all on Hm nah inuldon. no chunkâ€! luau-nu cunLI. Whun hm: Mum-d n on“ at lduninmon l M un- M I brie! load will in Jns. Fail-lea is confined to the house on account of sickness. Store to rent in Man-(emf new block. Apply to W. J. Martens. All fun and overcoats below con: this month A: Spoflord'u. E. G. Tmnmer and family returned home on Frill“ last. )0 lb- bright sugar the with every 85 purchase a: Spoï¬'urd'a. Village question for Inst few daysâ€" "What Is that strange: whistle." Alounxmo Gaunt-Envelopempaper. L'zu’ds, c.. always in mock at the Tm- nusu oï¬ice. best results. His horses and: good set of farm implement. will also be sold. No reserve, M the proprietor is giving up firming. Tamâ€"Nine mouths' credit on sums exceeding .10. THE htmmar wlll be wieldsd by N. F. Smithtnquille‘s popular auctioneer; Don't_tnil to he prennt at this the mo“ important sale 01‘ the season. Slouflv ule's new blx- on Monday,wln will be done. Miss Nellie Edmezt, of Port Party. was me guest of Mrs. P. W. Hill for the past couple of weeks. 000. Hunt, 0! Donald. B. C.. visited like it while others sort of pine in secret with the desire that the plum was theirs but are not possessed of the- necessary nerve or movement in them to make a hustle and try to (spturc it. The Wordenshlp has nearly always been settled on the question or politics and there Ill! been innsidernble nonsense about doing it in that way. But nevertheless it has been so done. although there is scarcely a municipality in the county where s Reeve 01' Deputy is selected with a. View to his political belieï¬ So far the two most prominently men. tinn’ed for the position are Forster. of lvisrkhnm. sud Russell, of Vaughan. As both these gentlemen are of Reform pertusinn there In every prahohllity that the Conservatives will put A can- diduh in the ï¬eld. However, we opine that Forster will sit in the much coveted chair this yenr. To those interested in the mill; and butter industries we would call atten- tion to the sale of Mslcolm Boyles, lot :2 . rear of 9th com. Msrkhsm. one mile south of Mongolia. to be held on Saturday. Jan. 16th. commencing at :2 o‘clock. noon,lunch being provided. Mr, Boyles directed his attention especially to the dairying branch of forming and to that end psid greet attention to the selection and breeding of the very best of animals for the purpose. His herd consists of thorough-bred jerseys, jerseys having mo crosses. half zuernseys and severe: fresh milch oows With calves by their side. To those desiring to improve the quality at their dairy cattle this sale ofl‘ers In excellent portnuity to secure snimnls reared speciollv with a view to securing the Geo. Hunt, at Donald. B. C.. visited this week a: the residence of hla brother- in law, I". W. Hill. D L Barclay has been laid up for the last two weeks with a. severe Muck or inflammation of (he lungs W. A. McCormnck. the succeslful candidate forms recvesblp of Whib chmtch, paid us a flying visit lhia cand'm chm-c week bran-think peritonitis vulsionsï¬ CATTLE. .The Markham I‘ownshIp Sabbath School Convemion will [8 held in Ihe MI-Ihodisl church. \ ictorl- Square. on Thursday and Fridu), Jan. 23th nud 29th. During the year 1‘ day ol December la: land with the clerk in ofthe village of: 15 marriuges and causes of death v It is reported that quite a lot or money clunged hands in the shlpe of bets on the Reevcship election here last week. C.\nsn‘AL.â€"A grand: val will be hehl nn ll skating rink on Thin-5‘ Jan. “215: Good ice, and music by the Stoufl'v band. Should the rim evening warrant it a prize will be given for Admission, skaters 15x we, ticket holders free. Dr. R. W. Smrrv. V. ton, Ill.. (ion of the lute of Stouï¬â€˜ville) in sending tiou to the TRIUL’SE sm The question of who will be Warden of York for ‘92 will soon begin to agitate the mind of our civic legisla- .ors and to tell the plain truth there is nnuy a breast ï¬lled with rm nmbitlou [0 capture the Wardenship. Some do not hesitate to any that they would like it while others nnrt of pine in etc! will: tlln desire that the plum mmp; STOUFFVILLE. JAN. 15. is? LOCAL ITEMS. MDNEY T0 LOAN LOCAL NOTICES of death were as follows:â€" tul i, inflammation of the , para|ysis 2. gangrene 1. con- In Leholem infuntum $,chrouic HE J, croup I, heart disease 1. Iis S. typhoid fever 2. con- â€, stillborn ‘2. totalï¬l. Liaâ€"John Conner has just d from Nu: north with another of catllv. composed of feeders, lppoued to be in calf and year- ash or on time to suit the Intending purchasers early in ordr‘r to secure require as they will Hall ‘will be on “Fairvlew 11. two miles and a half ‘gwood. OFFICE n ol'the lute Wm. Starry a} in sending his subscrip Tmuv sa ~“\\'u an »A grand skating mrnl neld on the Sruuflvillc nu Thursday evening, 00d icc, electric llzï¬t; the Stoufl'vnlla orchestra Real Fatah, council will assem :n Home "swearing‘ STOUFI‘VILLE. ild winter here In Canadian winter agreeable here. as ice put up for nnxt 300 m 18001bs. ’ came and wiIl time to suit the r the ruï¬'vill‘ Ie municifml- \-ille.3l births deaths. The g on the 1 -ipts 01’ Lbs khan] ad) fast skating. :4, spectators Mlilln-r She is rince likes [lulzc rlh Since the defeat of the bylaw to pro- vide means foriiighting the streets of the village by‘ electricity we have had but little use for an artiï¬cial light of any kind. Nature seems to have smiled upon us Mother earth has been clothed in her heeutihll white mantleï¬end the moon has been shedding forth its beautiful rays. But ere long that heavenly orb which serves to dispel the darkness of the night will ceeae to illuminate our pathway for n time. and we will feel the went or something to guide our wandering feet, (unless our villege fathers puint the sidewalk white). Hero's aciever device:â€"â€"Put some heated olive oil into I. small bottle. drop ip a piece of phosphorus and cork it up securely. Any time the fork is removed for e few seconds and then rep heed e powerful light will be given 0 of the bottle. which will last severuiggnuml. and be easin renewed at my uioment by pulling out the cork. A more con- venient device for ï¬nding the sidewalk on a dark night could scarcely be (m- vised, esit will give otYits light on the stormiest night. and if it gets out of order can always be got into shape again by the old are little warmth. The mixture once prepsred. will Inst for some weeks with but 3 reasonable amount of care But don't give it away to those fellows who voted egaiust the by-iaw. MILLINEIRY MF3. F. Wil$0n’$ Big excitement over the free auglr at Spolford‘n Mammoth. We never carry over goods from one season to another. wm those indebted please settle MRS. F. mun. Hirnm Ylke, _Jr., b whiting hlr brother. In, a: Arnprlor. Mrs. Jacob Barkoy lute rented the bonus lately vacated by Mr. Fermi- 50"- John McKlnnon'a Iittla son, Willie, la dnnzorouulv ill with mflnmmntiuu of Ihe lungs.‘ All the pretty zirla are saving their low: letters diligently now in hopes to accumulate enough with which to paper their bedroom. It is really quite the latest and most approved form of wall decoration. They mnke the dado of the envelopes and the general decora- tion of the letter sheets. Young mun will please write only on one side 0! the letter page after this, na it goes further. and use v9 . black ink, uthe efl'ect is more artist . MARKET Racontâ€" Farmers were somewhat late in arriving yesterday. yet there was a very good attendance and high prices for produce were obtain- cd. Butter 17c to 20¢. eggs 18c toi25c. onions $1 hush. , chickens 50:: to 70¢ a pair, potatoes 40c bag.;. apples 30c buaa.- , cabbage 25c to We doz.; celery 4°C to 60c doz.; usu‘ifiower 5: to Sc Mach; calves 84 to 86; lambs 82.50 to $8; wheat 86c to 88c;barlev 48ct145c; oats 29c to 30c: pease black-eye 90c: peasc small 56c; park 95.00 to $5.25; lard 12c lb. geese tie to 7c 1b.: tnrkcvs 9c to 10c lb.ducks 60c pair; aisike 8 ‘. 80; her 89 to $i1;floar $4.75 to 85 barrel. We will have four eclipses during the year. a total and a partial each, of the sun and moon. But while we await with anxious expectancy thc timp when these peculiar occurrences are to take place we would just remark that the concert given by Fred Spoï¬â€˜. 0rd in Dainy‘s hall on Wednesday evening eclipsed all his previous efl'orte in that direction. The attend- anon was go'cd (though not quite as large as is generally secured at a free concert) and the programme allthat could be desired. The stage was nrtiully adorned in a manner well pleasing to the eye. The promised talent were all prevent. viz., PM. vVarrinzton. buritone. and Mrs. Helen Wright. sopranol of Sherbourne {heel Methodist church choir; Geo. F. Smed ley. professional teacher on mandolin. guitar and banjo. and Miss Ellis, pianiste. of Toronto; Barry W. Rich, comic singer. also of Toronto. and Miss Josie McCarty. pianiste.of Stoufl- ville. Each number on the prm gramme was well received by the audience. some of whom were heard to remark that the entertain» meat was the crowning event of the season. While home for vacation Ira like son of C. Ynke. bought and shipped pflr C. 1’. IL one car loud ol’ apples to What does “Or" Mean? It means the only Reliable Kldney cure ever put on the market. Put up by the Or Company, Box 89. Belluvlllo. Backward. turn backward. oll. tlme, in your flight, give me lhu nose that [breathed through last ulzhz. seems to express a popular sentiment jun HOW, WHI the party who borrowed nur axe (whhour nxinz us for It) kindly return the name. By so doing lhuy wlllmuch oblige the editor and need no: fear lhe"'devil.“ Counterfeit ten cent pieces are in circulation in Toronto. They are very ï¬ne imitintions In appeal-Inca. and can onlv bedincnvered bv the ring. Sea that _\'nu don't carry any at this kind at tillhv lucrehomu with you when you] go to tlw city. . A lnrgo number of 'l‘nnuxn nub- scribara have mncwed (or 1592mm! we beg to remind than who have not thlt now in tho pruper time. The p¢per that is paid for is always Inner read- ing than the one you own for. There- fore, runuw. llld you will appreciate the paper boner. um! we will try uud duly appreciate the money. Canada. is being congratulned everywhere on the excellence: of her manhunt-ea. M w Obi is prominently in the from rank or her improvements, thanks to Mchualund and Son, of Toronto, who for ~10 years have laborad. not only to nccumulazu money, but to muki: Stained and Ornamental Glass of all kinds in credit to the Dominion. “'1: have received a copy or the Peoria, 111.. Journnl. containing a lungthy non-nun: or the marriage ol‘Dr. J. '1‘. Nulress, of DeIavan. “L, to Miss Louisa Young. a niece of Mrs. J. M. Wells. of Aurora. The bridu was the Louisa Young. a niece of Mrs. J. M. Walls. of Aurora. The bridu was the recipient of many handsome and use- lul presents. which wv have not space to enumerate. Mr. and Mrs. Nuureua are now on a visit. Arnprlor. Spofl'ord has I house to rent AT PRICES T0 CLEAR. Woolen Smurfs It will be to your advantage to all at If You are in need of As we are selling WINTER- The member- ol the Onhrio (hunty Comp oil for 1892 Are u follow-z â€"O-huu. CoIIl than]. 15ml)! n Ind Forks; Whitby Town~ Eutlad \Vut \Vhitby yWil-on ‘ mfg"; Put mgWhithy. Muller-ll Ind oflregor; Pick ï¬oIany Gm ma Boy ESL? in... Ann} Ind Munro; Scu ,Gnhun; Port Perry, Wright: [7bu Town. ‘.H J. Gould; Scan. Bhnuh: and Kmr; Ulbrid Flam-nan. Mllhnl And Dow-ml]. Bronx: Shier, Vmolm. md Gibb; Thur-II Mc- M md Brown; Mun. huh-m Ind Hilla- le. Elma, Trenmnh, Bonvermml‘ruluveu: lé;nningwn. May. John Jnmiesou. of Baker Hill, is on the sick list. Mrs. Ab. Hoovur, of ths 7th mm. Msrk- hum. snd Mrs. Wm. Wuhan, of the 3nl con. Uxbri‘lge. are very ill nl prewar. A short road to health vu opened to those sufleriug from chronic coughs,uthms, bronchitis. enurrh. lumhsgo, tumors. rheumatism. cxcoristed nip lbs or inflamed breast, and kidney complnmu. by the in- !ruduclion of the maxesnsive null efl'eclive rommlv, Dr, 'l‘homss' belaclric Oil. At. Newmsrket the other ilny Mrs. Kitty At. Newmnrket the other day Mrs. Kitty McDonald's children were laying with I cow's horn, which the ion um lining extensive] ' now-nvdnv- in decanting, when little Trixie received a very u l 10 d in the forehead. It bled and nwï¬ï¬xl to My Vine medical lid w“ afterward: lent lor. mt At lub Account: they were nlminl of Lpoilonin Jeni in. E “8 ' Why Inï¬er from disorder: «used by impure blood. whan than-and: um being cured by using Northrup a. L‘ymm'I Vaga- ubla Dueovery '! 1!. removul ' l. and all eruption: of th in. r. ohn C. Fox.0]il::d|.wrim : «amp L mum‘- V et- le Dilcovzry in [vi In nun- hzï¬ion. Thane who luvagunzfif uy it. hu dune them more good than wythi-R they have over “ken." , on the 9th can. of flickering, About one Ind :5 ml! miles from Clmmont. md than hewed out. {or him]! a home when! In: retitled the mat of hi. lile. He wu ï¬ru mnrried lene 14w. of Pickering wim- Ihip, of the cllildm of which union than m luvive Junu and Robert, 0! Hunt h'nlhip. nut Wnlkartan. And Ibo Ann, who ruidu In Buï¬lo. .Hh second rt- “! in life. who still Illl'ViVfl Hm, In. MAry McBeidI, u. Surborb, whom unly Ion George live: mm†61d lmmumd. Dace-sod In t. h‘ud- 'ng industriou- uld unecndul mm and lpechlly nowd for being nniahbfo uni strictly haunt in All hit huli crumctionn. Ha 1-: An when!“ 0! ,I .; Prubyberinn church. The {anal-d " on Frid-y 1mm hi! hw‘l'uide 0 Bethel bury- nf [ti-3nd: And :Emud.n Inge mum: to chain Dear young ladies. how in your golden pld Mother npportuni Earth bu rolled ' other cycle. nod now. Iccord to‘ the dictates of the uzronomera i) th-vou an: enjoy- ing a period 0! 866 day-.durlng whirl: you my in III Wrilvâ€'lalde those icy barriers of maidonly moduaty and reticencv. assumed and “II, that have likened you to a cutie or I nhrinu builded on n iirm rock. before which the men. old and young. rich and poor. bald and otherwise. or all times have beslnged or worshipped with u fervor unremitting tint cor» tninly merfte sumo compensation It yo and». [Al us rope-I. indiesâ€"â€" here is your golden opportunity. There are hundreds oi you" men‘ right in Stouflrille, Whit urch. Markham and Pickering who have moped. blushed nnd eimpercd ns min!- culiuc wnli flowers during" the pusi three years. who hnvu longed for down of 1591. Would you like to roam unnolraled in ï¬eld: oi ynur own choosing. plucking: the flower: of masculinitymlioï¬e colorMorm Ind per- fume attract and please you most? This you can do. and gum let it be said. here is your opportunity. Iguana Piï¬mnlmiu‘onh’o’h‘he olden p noel-Io t 3mm Inn. in ringpluod IWIV wly on \Vednud-yhmm'niug n! the Car load of good! ‘1 choice nnd new jun arrived 138ml myâ€): tumour was ; lnsclng presentâ€"one I! In]: wlll cause him to be mmlnded of you pleasantly (my-two tlmes I saltâ€"send hla name and midi-EB with one dollar to the Tmnlma ofllce and we shall see that your request ls cumpllud with. F than who are on the lookout for bug: ns now la the tlme to be on the Wll‘pllll. At all the stores whom Bd- vermememe appenr in the Tuaun: the prices on mmlnlux amok 0 Mn- Ier goods have been cut. no In: some very handsome place: can be bought for verv little money. Not only dr :3 mnturlnls are being “cruised to make room for spring zoods. but l" aorta of novelties» If one sees nnyching tlnl is really needed now I! the time to huv it. Many women .howeverJiuy thing- slmply because they are cheap. This is a deliberate wane of lime and money and there in not the first prlnclplo of economy about it, good old ' 0182 yell-I. 'M ;v mzivo of ï¬nial-land. England, and c ww'hwezwm-a 11qu Dress goods and tlfmmlng to much uny down It Bpolflnd‘s. Moummm GoomL-Envelopes, PIPE!" cards. u. allel in flock n the T21. DUNE omen. Joseph Lehmnn bu returnnd homo n-om Carleton Plus when he has been working for the put elght months. “Waruo glad tom Jlm. non of J. G. Martin, mund 3pm after a very maven stack of lnfl-mmtlon of the lungs. James Smith and J'.- F. Richudson wear n 219 smile on their counten- ance: thug dl_\'l over the advent 0! u sou sud daugh‘er. To THE MAmurr Dlum Smu- S'rourrvml.n:â€"Deu Sln.â€"l hva used your Baking Powder wlth entlm snclafacuon and can rocanmmand it highly.- Mrs. John D. Hnovar, Thev have discovered It! "Whuo- Vltn Ore. whlch ls vumnwd :0 cum DIptherll or Any Thrust "autumn. papal: 0: Funk mkneaau. Put up by the VI:- Ore CDDPID)’: Box 89. mm. On these very cold mornings when one is In a hurry to get out, I very nnid wav to mike the kunle boil quickly is to cow-r Ihe top of i: with n lhlck piece of flannel or woolen stuff. This keeps the cold air off the top and hurries the heating. or has much the lame Gill-ct as a cover on n teapoL In A great hurry, placing the hands when warm on the top of tho-kettle will hasten m boiling. Wo AM sorry to hit that W. Mason ha been Inld up for†In: wuak with In trippe- The Independent Forester. the otflchl organ of the I. 0. F.. wlIl now be published In Toronto Instead a! London as hen-Motors. Dr. Oronhyntokhn, the supreme chief ranger of the Independent Order of Foresters. III! appointed the Rev. D V. Lucas. (who lectured in Daiov'u Hull. here, u nhorl time ago) his dop- uly to plant this standard of tha order in Australia, II. in expected that his operations may extend to some 01 the colonies in Somh Alriu and NH: Zeninnd. The uupreme chiei ranger has about compielad arrangement: for tho institution: 0! high court: in Win consm and Manitobl. Biz clothing uh n Spoflord'l. 11m. Mil-um Mod. r. high'l n, Canada». I; Ilium-3.1! V , fl and fly . ‘ Mu. ml ï¬ned Mt L, on Aw] Criminal Auize Court now in Imion It Tomato. The circumlunua of the use A") nu doubt. mlenbly (re-h m thl mind: 0( ï¬rubï¬u’; 0n 1hr: 17th 0! Julv but the of Mill Sophia Hmdcock Wu found In I mom luck 0! her Inthur'l Item in the vi] a! Fflrhnk On it. wens mukl 0! Vin ence. but for I then Hm. the theory of Accidcnul deal: by hiliugnppe-r- now- in am mpou-ible {a th‘ the Igont Income Illufulller. held that the ngcnv. lulu whomwith to mull: with ll Thus the giving a! hunch, payment, for unchinery in I l @051. unless the agent in km 0n Mon’dny n Qqeen v‘ Hand“ Hmnw‘u numw uxLâ€"Thlu internal Ind external remod din â€5'13: I“ pain. 1! un-peciï¬c cmp,uul promptly cum coughl. mldv. sore Him-L. ipnifu,‘|nrui|eli hnTmu, rheumuilm' cuu. numb. ck. Good for nun a:- bull. Sundldl mu Sold cveryvhen. Prion 25 cent; Baum“ quo' Oil. Felon luviug Markh-m for Or-illin. J. Kennedy. at the kalin Home. on l-‘rid-y evening. Ill Jam. tendered hil friend: And tmna ll complimtnury dinner. About rn-ur hundred rtoak of his hospihdily And Liter the clad): was removed mipmc-tzd mine hut‘u kindness by prawnting him with rlmndamne ll'lll'blc dock and his ellimablu lilblc Foole_ n1 Bethesd- hnd lbe°u1ufonun¢ to bmk bar left arm II-nut In]! Iv-y between the elbow and wrist on W «lucid-A) of Int. week. she Wu going dawn nun. when the Val \rippeul by one of he: I110! luau which Inppeuzd to be untml. 0n Tuudny evening. 29th 1:11., I number (1(th pupils and friendl of 5.8.570. 6,M|rk~ hamuuumlded M. the mitlcnee of \V.Lundy And mule-l Mn. Jul. Perkin. widow 0! the u umber nl that action, with 5 beautiful uphol-teml rocker Accompanied by I kindly worded uldreu. Film, the lO»ycnr-oh| dnuglnar J 8. P. Alax. Ind JII. Err-nee are the m-w pn {ielon of the Franklin “guy, V.\l..rkhun Among lhn victim: chimed h)- llm ml mu! din-Mr on (he Hmlwn Rn'cr R. R. near Yongan.N.Y.,on D.m24!h.wu Denni- Bnrry Mu by. I hwy" of New York cilvy uml A gun's-on o! the hm (inn-ct Barry of MIrklIIIIL The annual meeting oi the Town-III of Murklum A ricnltunl Socinly I'u hel I Victoria lnl Uninnville. on TlIund-y the Hill in“. For the E. KT. Society.!lle Innu-l meeting will be held u the town lull erk- huln :n Wednud-y the Mk inn. It one 01: 0c . $0th Onurio Agricultunl Society much It Whithy an Wednudly, 90111 inn. Ontario County Council will convene It 'he Court Home, Whitby, on Tuudny, 26:): inn. “'03:“: mos: unumu ulcxsm Dr. law'- Worln Syrup datum a and expel.- all kinda of worms qmckly ms unruly. A mbnmy in the hint. thing which the young ' 0‘ Whitby IN Ipringing upon an unwary hnchalun of thnt town The Sutum Flu-dd remarks: "Some men think they know ue hing until they no! home law It night Am their wives uh them when they have bun." Tho Mukhml High School opened Blond-y Int Ind bu now nu Attendance 150 pu ill with u mlive immune {mm I mus thi- uï¬n. {QR Some Whitby Mi. bulk of u u I ‘l-p-you- M1. “ In“ P Chmmont Muthodipu netted about "50 It their Inuull New Year‘l dinner. CANDIES Oranges. Dates. Nuts Books. smmnnv, TOYS AND FANCY GUDDS "l'll Steel Bros. Goo. Field, of Goulwood. i- very ill Minud's Liniml for ado mrywhm hot. uni min :nedlul mm {and panick- of lead in an m completed an Wed; Ind that Juniors Strict hm ed in {Aver of the wound th *Electors-* scidcnul anI by ï¬lling appar- rormct. Al the coronalâ€! jury l the “mm, foul phy VII- I - eventually Edwml Hundeoc : were Arne-M on the c o! mdered tigeir A daughuhuï¬ï¬‚ Din-mm BEIIFA LI Acquitkd m3 Kudeock trill The d jury found in“ him. other demon: the exhumation of the body, me by the defence, who Iw Lhtory um. the demand min medial man chin: to GEI‘ YOUR â€"ATâ€"â€"â€" lg the one o! the ueommenued in the mlwr. Thu 'ud 0 must be pui c a ith the employ". um, em. .. In part in I mky tun-Ac known to be re- Airman. D1 Iéqnichl. he IiuIL sadly “I [ti-mg), I“?! Y“ quaghï¬l I‘l :1 him. Ilrik'mg h'im uvel than†cluhl. Jun than Mr. "turning home from churc the loans and mm in fur a u. the had: 0! the infurhb evid-ntly milhking he Ind 01 their rule! men for whc owl-planted Nut. momil were led wu muï¬i‘ m- myu ];ip with n. ma um . toy-l minke. b- Imlld then have how peep-red m 54ml! thut with regard to flu: Injuriuus effects of lob-Leo. it All Japan-lull on what Six vluuLs’ nurrzmsu.â€"Dw wu troubled far nix you: with er} Ind l'u bottlm 0‘ Burdock Blood 13 entirely cured Inc. I keep I . Inn“) in the home and think i in a efl'ectu-l uuru for I" dium awed by ha blood. Mu. M. Dun-um. Poul-ml, Uul The followin m "we oflicen 0! (.1an mom. ludga ho. um. .I.0.U.\\'. fur ll‘ ensuing term :--P M. \\'.. M. Hundemu H. \V ,\V. Downwell: Forumm. \\'. Lu: er. 0\eneer. T. (.ibbonr Reconlzr. Hwnnb; Finnnciar. J. Band); 0. W. H Found. Applianionl tor uIenIbenhip continually coming in, uni the lodge In in very pmpemun mndiliuu. When King “countcrbhn u knew nodung A In bad. inning-l of the crack almu of that wu Au oy-Ler Iupparâ€" Lh lull bill. Fault, Silnum A drunken limb-ml, nut nmuy mile- \lounL Albert, turned hi: wile unl fun I Inn-.11 children out of door: the lush: llld they were mpellul to go to her hther’l. A child nhoul eleven ml old died from exposure. He is a lint mochmic only {or whi-ky. the Mr. R. H. Tinsdnle, the popular teach in Mount Albert ublic Ichool ha been re lick .wilh congestion of the lune-I. Goodwood pout nflice bu been made money order ofï¬ce. which will uli-fy a In: (:1: want in that plnce. them being no bu l are. Umin thieves Ire Ilid to be opcnming in the vicinil. ‘ of Goodwood. The ocher u M. W. A. Trr d by! I quality of pt“ no u: from hi: ham A plenum, event. wok 11102 M the mi~ zlpncarof J Gould, cler of the «h Divi- The ll'llllll‘ meeting of the Nork York A Society “ken place in Newmrkcf. on “'a uwlny. Jun. 20th hDu. Law"; I In t In. WWW: York District Council, K T.o£ T., met It Nemkec Inc Fridny. Du. law‘s Sou-mm Son in I delightful nmpoo. Itch-m. duaulp Ind duk- _ ‘_...L,.. It is made by Spooner, of Poft Hope, and is the best SILVESTER DOUGH ERTY. “I? lead: them all. " in (he gencrtl v! drugginu when uked About the u- nlen of Hood 3 Snruparilln. Mr. R. H. Tiqmlnle, the: ponulnr t: Ms Linimlclm Bum. ow um psi-l (imdvrood a ï¬ll! II few dn_ IN MI their lII-coclI loaders, md um I 1- beat mnrlulnen were mad inn IA ho crack lawn of III: Race. .n “'“K‘ 'b. Uxhridxé, 0 i0“ “059;! "1%.." deodorizer, disinfectant and germicide known ‘m the club! wen And the O'Biem lg two septum c spin-c them. I: an of com". “aldwellpne of our wolf-kn utive ciliuun, whose death to En veal. PH ENYLE ! PHENYLE ! «judiliuu Jame (I: tf the "Myrtle Nu of Hiding hi: [and Yes, Phenyle is it’s Name. ‘hl the has. he or 'â€"th:lcler p-ying 35w loam paid [or the nyl» o d, not. my mile- {ram LI hi. vile sud {unily of u: a! door: the nlher compiled to gn home ild about elenu Innnllu re. He in a lint-chum milky. [mythâ€"Dar Simâ€"I you-- with erylipzha. lurdock Blood Bitten» I keep 11.8.13. mm a uni think it. in nu diuuuu uuued by hul )wsm. Portland. UnL I râ€! paid {4 Nev dd Sold at the Stouffville Hardware Store Yang? 51y“: MSJISIWS, 1'1 6'5. Mollie“ flecL mrge of Insult It ch: mute: ‘Id have ï¬lL lh lint reply merit Thu nation-aim in pleural la am ha ha: opens-i - Bu THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! W was soon New York Life_ Insurance Company Myrtle N my l’. C. HAMILTON Issuer of Marriage Licenses. “mm m: Manufacturers Life Insurance [10 Th! ‘Vurllx British and Mermnla'le and Iht “rt/4 Mutual FIN CAUTION Dr. W. A. Sangster Co's MEAT!_1VIEAT! NEW MEAT MARKET. SIII'I‘INbiS On (In Corner 01' min Ind lurk-w w D-loy': lhll. sad in wrap-rah maid] ‘Ihh mu [Ivar l Leading BURKHOLDER ‘8 Come and see the «111;. m: (imam-ins in townand we will greet you with “A Merry d‘ln‘istmas and Happy New Year." Confectionery, Fruits of all kinds Canned Goods, the choicest Groceries for the holiday seamn. A LARG_§_ STOCK FURNITURE ATTENTICLN’. STOUFFV’ILLE FIRST-GLASS MEATS 0F STOUFFVILLE, Has the 511-3ch \.1ll;c. 1'â€le 3106; and Larges! OVERCOATII H JOHNSON, Clnislmas Grace] Ics, Baby Carriages J. monxaovsm of I.“ kinds u muons! ZISIWS, £16.15â€. QJZTIS. ~ NIT'I‘S. NUTS, NI"1‘S. MIXED CANDIES 100- PER LB. ,ar Bed-Spring. Florida ()mngc IN BRONZE LETTER Call l‘ Slbe. Bright Sug “be. Briwm Su John McDonald ACII I‘LL MARKEI J In 5h. JV Ilium»- inn-(N m ll - [XI-fl! "due-I a Merchant Tailor M mg mg pnbh .IIIS Iupgl] Lh- H; JOHNSON, ll damn )mign and Domaï¬ J. MONKHOUSE )l‘ S] and id 1 lb. 01 11mm: 1'01 Dry Pine Flooring S. Siding LATH SHIN GLES NO. I £ 2 BARGAINS ! J OS. HUNTER JOEL BAKER Cedar, Scantlinz, Timber. LTINGS ONSORIAL Aï¬m cmmm gflmi mum §SHIQNABLE HAIR liill St ufl‘ Cut. "r111; PARIS CUTTING III) SHIIJIG PIIU'I TH‘ J08. 111mm WEST END smug Joel Dukeâ€"1:. THIS W 11 FOR Domestic Fruit Store, Main Street. Stouï¬'ville ï¬gu; chap 2: mini lbs. Raisins for 25¢ )f 25c. Tea for 75c. Hats and 03 ps. Crocktry Glass-am, Groceries, eta. y reduced prim in order to :1: room for new goods. Pluler nut. Um “In. and tiny. Burn! am. MRS. STOCK Lumbar ud Pun. price xor buua and eggs in mons 30c dozen :cds. Naps. wfl'h 1. DJley's Block :ofï¬mu} Nd. Ili- mu' Inh- dnd- lt-f large stock of [inn makes. Irish 11 Black Worsted ribbons from 1c. Toys uni Sun nomad-Nam ed workmen all branches. Dun. Nut; mmmmm 11111