10 0 Jul! 2012 Paul]. Crowe Barrister Solicitor On the mornmg of June l6 a (7an when-d on Mam Street tn Stouflwlle Thev had come to see a parade to honour the (Emermw Generals Home Guard (C(iIKE) Some people wore red and white to show thetr patmtlsm. but some wre red and whale (or another ream About 55 representattves 0! three htstonc peace churches (Brethren In Christ. Mennumtes and Quakers) unre red and whtle lulttun‘ that Mal. “Tn Remember Is to \Vurk lnr Peare ' “'e 'sl'mwed up herauae we wanted tn have the htstnn ul' our tuwn remembered mun- mmpIetely than the parade wt“ tellma It The parade was touted ax a rerunnectton to a mtlttary untt from ~our area" and that lought In The “hr of |8l2 However. the htstoncal record shovn that “"hllrhurrh Stouffulle was populated mostly by Consetenttous â€Merton at that tame In lam. nowhere else was there uu‘h a nmrentratmn nl (‘( ) '4. {mm three hl‘lnflt‘ peace ehutrhes At‘t‘unltng to our local Lemon. then' were nnlv two definite and possibly a thtnl. \eterans 0! The “far ul l8l2 from here The matter hl'iluru'al (‘nntnlmtmn ul' \Nhttrhurrh Stnuflvllle was In the htstury ul ('unst'tentmm ï¬lm-Hum .\u the matnr u! a Mennonite ('htm'h. a rhunrh that talks a Int about peat-e l See Paul |. Crowe tat Friendly, Experienced Legal Services In! hum. Milt. have" a! Attomq, Mala Community Mennonite Voices 86 Ringwood Dr., Unit 28 Stouflville, ON L4A 1C3 Phone: 905-640-8100 paulicrowe®hotmaiLcom www.pau|jcrowe.com If you are ncw m Stouffvillc and lonking for a faith community-or simply curious-you arc wclcomc In visit in. We have Chou-n not w build a \tructurc, but we mcct in rtntcd facilities at Parkvicw Village Audimrium Nth [incl at I0 am Sunday in mmmcrtimc. COMMUNITY MENNONITE CHURCH 12184 Ninth Line. Stouï¬ville - 905â€"640â€"9730 Summer \Vnrshlp Scrvu'c-s I Icltl 5mm! kmmbumd by Cam Kaufman he). [hum Protesting in Memory of Wtchurch-Stouï¬ville’s Contribution to Conscientious Objection was Asked by some other residents til Stoufl'nlli: “h\' the Mennonites wcn‘ being un-peoi‘cful \Vhy “mild we try to stop the parade fmm happcmng" \K'hv did the pain- Churches show up at Town (burial to pmtc-st the parade" Some people said we wcn' trnng in Im‘m our ideas on nthcrs It seems funny to me that speaking up In A van ('oum‘il met-tum w.“ conzudcn‘d (in un-ix-an-lul ll'lll’l‘l to (in. “him di‘mm'mn is all about ri-sulnng ('iinl'lins thmunh dialimiic A-i spiritual (lcsn‘ndiints ul' thaw (Us. “0 wanted m speak up about tho l'nlt‘ they pldwtl In Canadian histnn- Thu- ahuwcd lhdl minoritics whu haw diflercnt values [mm the "minty can be valuable Citizens Thcv held up (‘ “stun of a world when: conflicts are nwlwd without violctwc They followed :lcms' words to "turn the other cheek" and to "luvc vuur momma.†and inspin-d many neoph- In lhmk (‘n‘dllwlv about how to n‘sulw ('unflu‘l \Mlhuul \Iulcm \- “1' know \u‘ an‘n'l [hr nnlv uncs who want peace “1‘ are hdppv lu live In cuunlrv when. pcuplc [rum mum mum mllun‘x and Tl'Ilmntï¬ lwr Inmlhcr mauâ€"fullv Sn xw mll umIImw uphold lhc wlnrv nf Ihc rnnlrlhuhnn of pm‘lflam tn (lmndmn hNan [he cnunnl With a wm centu- Thls wull what staff are don the ¢\\ If cm )n at I“ am M In tho: n annc'luu unumc I“ m MATURE SENIORS? IMMATURE JUNIORS? Nhl m plus an Ml m 3f .lf ot the tension between cwrlized surface and savage instinct Set in contemporary Brooklyn. the film centres on two couples who meet to discuss a playground fight betWeen two of their children. Harried corporate lawyer Alan (Waltz) and his put upon Wife Nancy (Winslet). a high~flying broker, vs“ Michael (Reilly), an arniable wholesaler. and Fenelope (Foster), a self consciously liberal writer, to discuss, logically and amiably, how to deal With the boys However. as the evening wears on. the patents become increasingly childish and combative, words become weapons. prc‘iudices rise to the surface and the meeting suun collapses into a storm of anger. recnmination. drunkenness and Violence. Polanski nimbly keeps the action flowmg with an active camera that avoids the feeling of a play captured on film. Alternatcly funny and devastating. Carnage ’_â€" and devastating mnvmrmgly lay: daiku tendcnucs n.“ U (.arnagc lod): P ar On July 11 at Nmttccn < 'M' l [IS When I! tomes to how seniors as a group are perceived. Dayna Stoddan 15 working hard to dispel myths about aging and promote wellness and prevention She spoke at Nineteen on the Park last month A member of the International Councxl on Active Aging (lCAA) and wellness dueclor of the Ballantmc Golf and Country Club. she lull ‘eptcmhc rIIL ‘ph W mu hung "M "R ding. temt )f "C mur SH mp Whlk‘ the town {and MI the pm, Statinght Cinema * Park presents Roman and willv new ï¬lm 3H U!" uman uld langu wmbe JndIng mumapalmcs ‘e semots' facflmes, he ' town Is “looking at Will be shanng wuh I langunsh The club has ‘mbers ‘and m a 1.500 :c.’ Mr Morley noted, cssubllny of that thing presented at coun 'H [Cf ill mw past 16,201 mu D R [5 resents am ted that at "(C 30†30! [IV rplc mun: that m: With each other in different Circumstances. But as the armed conflict takes hold of their lives. their relationship grows darker, their motives and connection to one another ambiguous and their allegiances uncertain Friend of Starlight Cmema passes are available for $100 and include admissron to all regular season presentations for one year Annual memberships are $12 and allov~ you to buy individual tickets for 35 per screening Single tickets are $7 50 at the door on the night of the screemng. Starlight Cinema which is pan of the Toronto International Film Festival Film Circuit. is proudly sponsored by the Stouffvrlle Free Press For more information. and to watch trailers of upcorning movies. visit www nineteenonthepark.ca or call the box office at 905~640~2322 lf you would like to receive regular rcmmdcrs cmall to 51 Al Paxkvnew Village, Cindy Dodd, semor manager of client servxces for the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) spoke to a large crowd recently on how to access semces and programs to help people mamta'm independence m then homes longer. The CCAC offers such servnces as personal support. occupauonal and phySIcal therapy, respite care, and assessments fox long-term care. VISIt www.central communitycarercsources ca for In Information. Parkwew offers mnrs surh concerts and information sessions Icasx twncc a year. wh|ch are open Icasx twncc a y the community many pc Itgularly than m. then 405 exhorted the audncm to Imp 3cm: ignore nzgmvc stereotypes and mpg: In lifelong katnmg. J! uffvnllcfrcc; engaging htr )pk if! mu: to receive reg )mxng movies. send nth IO mmultsof: rec umes a day person's health (tally. domg we 1; m admin I gudcnmg 0! hi): 'ong, supcnnsor or the nine, has observed that 1 the" 705 who exams: 1 better Phys“! shape r-acuvc counterparts in Drcssfll \r Import“ mmutesc ag rut lcx 1! years less vcly-mi ndcc Stouflvme for more exams: helping Staying )lumccr such as mg on. It the sh: