a . July 2012 WW‘IWWWW mwmamm and Candi-00d. The pin. um is 13.400 MW Emmi-WM MW“ i‘ nu! dain’élia’o’iod Hm " pun-um “'5 Strawberry Festival time again. and a? |a_\waysl’chï¬re' wull be a greal variety 3f {hmq’s ta Jo! ThoSlouMFmPnunptbhhodmNybyw â€unmanned-um», CMMMMWOIMWM MWFmPnawokon-Iu grunpumdorganimiom. Plow «ndabno‘ dengmbyomu’lm Want» mew amasmhy WM-SM WW BonEmlairicoa Jil McWhinnio Ralph Ponon Maurie. Smith um um Ruth Pm Rob Reid “any Mohawk-p“ _c_hbndmm‘hMByM-dq P.O., Box 125. Stouï¬vilh. 0mm LM 72‘ â€SUD-FREE (3733) 905M037†MW“ The Musulman'o ulna/Munchmn lake mm conuovcny hu turhctd 131m, and the Muuclmnn‘s bk: Render“. Auocuuon (MUM) u ' ' inwuhmlnfomul survcyfor nu, don wnh tome fucuunng bulgrognd u) matron. , It I: a bit of a myltety why anyone would want to change a mm: that a pm of (he community's hemage, althou we tuspect the impetus may come the any! enpndeted by apostrophe; You've only got to dunk of The Free he» recently teamed a lettet on thu cementum; mue ftom Pam DavtevCund of Cedu, BC (we below). In 1:, IN plOVldfl a wealth of hutory about her grandfather, Geotge Davm. who puxchued the north there of the lake from the Muuelman family, but retained at: onpnal name, Musselman's lake Tome. bonngillikclbtllzt, erupt thctc' 1 no music, no choreography, and the dance" hu each otha. lack HJndry Hunted to have-cuminsponl whenlwuyou buxlludtoyvcit u . l'monl wt ulLIolcouldn'! ybuket . I’m only 190 pounds, nolcouldn'tplayfootball. Andlhzvc 20-20 viuon,solcou|dn'lbearcf¢rec. IayLeno Profcuioml wrestling: most Bob Hope mysterious hold In on Ill audience. bake Neely, 1953 A Oh God It a impound: to ' Garth: AbcDougthome or Beethoven being a! bdliards «golf. The Claswegnn d: HL Mencken athdstsablokcwhogo The more I prune, the Indus: l SandyStnng get; , ‘ , If winning isn't everything, why do leny Barber on golf To the Editor: Re: Proposed name change fox Mussclman’s Lake I wanted to Laiway you a bit of history about Mumlman'sLa father’s father George Dawes, who was born In y'England m the late 18005, purchased the entire northern shore of the lake from the Musselman family prior to my birth 1n 1941‘ History shows the anniversary of the Cedar Beach Park opening was 1n 1929. My grandfather had made hIS money bunlding most of the huge stone mansnons In Toronto, and Invested It m the lands along the north Side of Mussclman's Lake It never crossed his mind to change the name of the lake to Davnes' Lake, and although he wouldn't bother With such stlltness. I do not thunk he would agree to change It now either In fact my father and his two younger hrothers Ross and Vern. earned that way as kids worlun on the huge venture then dad had undertaken In utldmg the pavtlton and creating the beach and retaining wall above tt. then selling the cottages he built along the north shore beyond the twrg gateway that bordered the park My gmndmdthct Vcncna Helena Hasunks was constantly at the gnehousc entrance to the beach (when :hcre was a charge (or beach access and it was not resmctcd lo itsxdcnts) and my mom worked m the sum: until my younger sister loan was born In 1944. and Vem came home from World War Two With his bride Audrey My father Edwar'd"}ohn Davnesv who was â€cm In t9l2, earned his Unwcmly of Toronto tumon tentlng rowhoals, canoes. bathing suns and luck-ts What's In a name? A Piece of Local History -flnnamogamo - Game plans We are constantly tenunded that change In nnevntable and we wouldn't dream of challenging that anemon, but we do dnw the [me at changing I propel name, pentcuhfly one that is put 0! a long and proud henuse. To register you: vote in the MLRA'I onllne tu , vmt www.muuelnumhkeu. The forvotaululyZe The Whuchurch-Swuffvflk Library oonunues to ndc the dnpul wave by uhngiushowonthcroadwCedu Beach Gnu at Musselman's Lulu: on July 53mm 2 to 4 pm. cuuomnude cottage nan: announcing that you luv: unvad u the «unmet residence of, say, The Gildcrdnle'l, or a undudc sign for gtocery'l, open Sunday's. Staff Will present a hbnry Webate Demo which will cover topics such Then'snoth'mgwmngwilhdk WhyuthaeonlyoneballfotZZ bulebungoddSaiathnlochng playen?lfyou9veaballooeachof out the adults couldn't cut. them, they'd stop ï¬ghting to: it. Milt Penna, to: Angela Tuna Anon lwudwdtlwlndyï¬w,nndlwu Teamwkiseuznthlâ€"itallaws thinkingthanftheylzhurhenhey youwbhmnomaooedn wouldnthave togosofut. Anon Steven Wright l was called ‘Runbrmdt' Hope in mybozungdays. beauaclspemno much time on the canvas Oh God, if there be cricket in [A Hadnun heaven. let there also be rain. The Claswegun deï¬muon of an SandyLyie atheist: a bloke whosoe: to a Rm!!- Celtic match to watch Munroe: We did_n't lose the game,- we just It's a funny kmdof month, Octobct For the rally keen cricket fan it's when you discover that your wife left you in May. In the change rooms m the «fly 1930:, just as I did in the 1950: until I graduated to the snack bar. Several of my childhood fncnds saved their tune on the lifeguatds' lower, and worked m the boathousc. My Beloved grandfather was sent to Canada 111 the orphan ships from England when he was a along With his only brother - they were about 7 and 9 years old - after his mother dted during chddbtrth lust months after then dad had drowned off the coast of England Thur infant sister sun/wed and was wet-nursed by a neighbour, but the boys were shlpped away to work on farms tn Kenora. Ontario My grandfather had a respect for the history of the land he owned and I would like to see that respect contmued In his memory I am sorry It IS confustng to keep calling the place that us so Stgmhcant in our family hustmy Mussclman's Lake. but that has been the name It was alvï¬ays called. and cogvrmcncc Is a sad excuse to change that. So many of our family art now gone and my cousnn Janet and her family any on the legacy of my grandfathcr. Patnua Dawes-Grand Cedar. R C The when of Ashton Cooke: Club, the orgunzing body for the World Canker Championship, are far from deapondau thou! the men's tide going to Germany. The day of the Eumeonkex is here. It's not whether you Win or lose . but Matherlunnorlou. ran out of tune. Vmce Inmbwdi As we celebrate Canada Day and the Strawberry Festival, we are reminded that we live m perhaps the best country mtheworld.Weowea ‘ voteof thanks to all the volunteers t malt: the femval possible and we wish everyone in thchurch-Stouffville a fantastic Canada Day. anxu hunted resources, our hbt does an excellent 10b olkeeping up wit the um and prowdmg mvncu for a npidly changmg commumty in the constantly evolving digital age. u bormwing thanks, "nun; book has, lmdmg databases and mating o: zcwrvmg books onlmc. The library will oflaannuluuerviuul‘ordnlnveof )0 Coffee Shop on Mam Sue! on July 12 from 10 am. to noon, and ll also hosung (h: Diyul Bookmobile on June 29 from 11 am (03pm. nrmwrsy er www you: claim: vote In an decals. 9cm†dcwvn to Ofï¬CHHV dung:- the Mussrlman Lakr has Stouffvillo