Like life itself. the small community of Mussel goes through constant chan es Over the Winter a beautiful equestnan barn w Ninth Line at Aurora Sideroad On the south side i a new king-Size home sits on sleepy Valleyfield R completed and perhaps a Sign of things to come road Sits the quaint house Lil Horton lived in l before passmg. A few doors away on Victor Driw Paul have |ust welcomed a new baby boy My house stands across the street alongside a ‘ concrete pad where my garage stood until recently of the heaViest snow falls this spring. this budding downward spiral From the kitchen Window it looked like the loo In Thinking the ht‘RVV law-r I“ turn†\uxe thee In addition we sell fresh produce. Ontario cheeses. deli meals and much. much more' thv fresh baked breads. mufï¬ns. cookies and cakes. as wall as mups. salads and entrees made at our kitchen on Ringwood Drive Keesor s. we inviw come In and Chet thv fresh baked b mufï¬ns. cookies ‘ 22 0 May 2013 If you have not be" THANK YOU nut to all our customers who have helped to make our nvw slum opening such a mu ccssl THANK YOU Reesor's sends a a big MARKET {'5 BAKERY 5758 Main Street 905-640-2270 we invitt besor’s By Ruth 1.: Blank Uou to out MARKET 8 BAKERY Ramblin' Ruth Teesor’s of Muurlman's Lake cmly Mm ( ldmg stancd H. lngnd. Murgmm "at n 'dccac Is hull! tf the la Anr nearly 155 lb! unk and NEW HOURS ‘: Mon. to Fri. 9 - 7 Sat. 9 - 6 Wllh (cm; and found. ! My Insuucu buned under wnh Ia: A: bag I could the VWB vww l wcm « When I got h of the gamu- wag support and ttu garage our triendlv HAM" Iwryl and Rachel Igcd u-fu )9 lht ‘ the dense snow was In nd down It Lame 'mporary beams In place, i. to my mind, (ha! (ha Iclmn book on becoming dz: an avalanche of snow A: l peeled It up and p Ild safclv Confirm that E h rough unc- I now: A Splash Of Reality rcllcf. lhal that wk on becoming: d It up and pm unhrm that [M m ‘ “we, mm.- maln ham 0! was more than the beam nuahmg a nagging helm?I and: pamculazly wumwmr s nfung rvanuuset‘ Mdllld rmlay‘ and CEO Cathy Loblaw, Family Room at Mailman Jane Marco. exec: a smale wnh Chan IJHCHISEQ Inc mrlr If and stuck L! It mlo v15 had It hart for SI Ronald McDonald Family Room Opens At MSH [he ul *Ut‘ xxx-nu In t â€Iâ€! m†out the gauge, much damage. Ibute amst was to the concrete a large garbage 'lt the building weeping bed and my patten Lake old faithful In Jelly but mine comes not throug comes a gurgle, followed b) explosions of watet My expenence. Is to never lool: coming {mm a toilet Thankfully. as the ground “all! nh'n {mm my 1962 after n†na la. ore Informanon vusvt wwwbachtoblue 1n Bach To Spring ran I he 5mm m the corner was an opossum wnh wndc eyes and (mlcfback lips, offering rwdcncc that bundled: d green in Her Ups had fallen prey to those sharp teeth. All amen fuund safe new homes hefou the building fell to the pound. Th4- garage w‘lll rise agam, and meanwhnlz I have the apt-Hence 0! my new lmlcl/bndct All the melting snow, along wuh the pond behind (h:- house. have tested my Thankfully. as the ground dues the and glonms spring has finally amv: you lust never know what tomorrow DIM ‘n‘IC dn‘r NK BHC( Nk D Markhan 1 House 85‘ BHISYS )rr -s the gurglmg l5 disappearing amwd Everyday hf: proves now Will bring or call 905-649-2684 "0 \mn Stouflw’lle supper t ,Id