@014, ARMSTRONG % BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS WWDWMIWWMUIIHM ‘l s.» m mum mun II" um lmlfluhhfllmm lln‘ hum" hmlnl but all" om â€Us .uul mm I \Nllh' gm 0! In llr Imam "Ir Inch :IIII' Ml "IN' muun III." hint all†ullm mum-- m an «minimum "I mum: N“ M “Mun! ma! I lung!“ .| HI hm Inn k and .I uuugw and h“ m1 m um um .mmmmt ummuu m-wm ( 4mm m Ilm'm ‘ \lh"\ man than luau mum- !" animal-nu rum-nu! Ilium: hr: «Mu-w Mil: \‘Iu m-rknl h-l ' \I'M" “II“ I [Irv-hm; I\III|IU'\ I~ yo hung-r lrkw \‘h' uwnnl Vumn In l‘ï¬.‘ \ln- trip-d null: â€70‘ Lumh Ln" â€mm «m tun mu mun and m h and Mann: and luanu: \ouwx ï¬r «mm-ml II mu m» Lam II .‘II mun .mw 0w "Nun! I.“ m I‘m! “5: 'III- "flux l\o' chi-4‘ \h\ Mar \lu- “as .n mg†u'II‘ mnh uhnu m h olm-m‘ man‘s .v~ inn-mu. «aw tk’Hl'ullmu and mu! nun)“: slur do! hm um nl lbw llnumn- dw lm "wk \ln- n.“ .uluulwl in "w \Indmlr VII! .u I!“ ulna-l mmm Hutu .ull uuunflw' [u]: “my mm hw mm \Nrr Mar Ins A Human! mm Hum. v \M‘ and Human hml nun-aura (and \th luILIMIIIKuu- \lu-lm'u‘nununlxmul tun-.1! 2:.qu has "I "I“: PM“. man x.“ "Inn; ‘ muum: Du nlu' ' May 2013 “mt-1mm um, mum and Iml ll‘\Wl .I-I (mlml- ln-In- "nun; in nu- Mal ~w~ mm: mm! I» h- lam n! In "IN-"1 \lnmn II Mum-II \lr In.» lam m fln- \Ilnhllv .WNI 1| \n" mm W: hr mm! In Mm \Nw \lm mu In“! tum ‘11an "m w.» m N “IRS '4 SIWVW: \llu- 6361 Main St., Stouffville ° 905-640-3530 STDIIFWIllE SENIOR 0F "IE noun: sum nunsmnnommm "0! “(WIN M I“ AI 'MWRSJM A B nmm WI Eric R. Button, B.A., LLB. Kenneth C. Goodbrand 8.00mm., LLB. Monica Farrell, 8A., J.D. Real Estate ° Wills Estates ° 0 Family Law ° Practicing InAuochuon GARDE: IS 1.1895‘ The clock te nu the number of days, hours ï¬nd mtnutel unttl t communtty parttctpatel In one obthe largest leutvals tn Ymk Refton To the commute: tt ts a vemmrln of haw lnn It wi l he nnttl we hmt 20.00" plus guests from Stouflvnï¬e and as fat away as Pennlylvanta It also teptesenls the amount of ttme the commuter has left to conttnue hoolttng atts. organtzmg the lugmtts, arranging all legal petmtts. recetvmg appltcattons and Elan" vendors The Itst ul thtngs to do seems Inftntte. U! I reward makes It all Worthwhile. '35 the 20 tummlttee membets get to stand on Mam St . en|oy the crowds and take pnde tn the" aecomplnhmcnts We all the festtval our baby as It takes us ntne months to pull It all togethet When I open the Suawhcny Festival web [use «my momma, the first Item that catch» my cy: u the Countdown Clock LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Strawberry Festival Countdown By Laura Rueukr ‘If I had It to do all over qgam, I wouldn‘t change a thmg.‘ he said In a Free Press Intervww u on hls letlmmcm, ‘1 only mnsscd two «ya and that was because of a pow" blackout ' Dunng the final years at ‘ Ralph and Rosa would clnsr the Fur Ralph, the long days In thc bakery that saw him go m to fire up thc ovens .31 midnight and stay unlll noon six days a w-ck wl‘u‘ always a lalmm nf Invv Hr c muvul 1 WW mmuIc hr spcnl baking and M dlscmung life With (hr lhnusunds u! custumcrs who \Nuuld cnmc (allmg fnr co“rc.hnkrd gnodu‘e’. mnvrrmtmn everyone who knew and loved hum, rcprcmlly Rosa 'There was no sign whatsoever.“ she said. Ralph died of massm: hcan attack a: home: on lanuary 3]. He was 71. HIS sudden passmg For the better part of a quarter century Stouffvrlle residents and truckers dnvrng through the east end of Stoulfvnllc always ltncw where to go for friendly conversanon. a joke and the world's brat apple [utter Thost wru- thc trademarks of Ralph DIMarcn whn. along With his Wife Rosa. ran the popular T 5: R Donuts shop that operated at Tenth Lmz and Main St. from l983 until their retirement m 2007 a (ram-t or fluid vendor; a {csuval map. photo gallery and, most Imponam. a lust of the sponsors who make u all posublt. Out webmc offers a continuously updated schedule of events. details on how to apply to btcomc Baker Made The World's Best ‘ Apple Fritter Ralph DiMarco had a passion for life and laughter By Bruce Stapley Smuffvulle Fm Pu-ss the- bakery door: for} lo keep up to date With the latest information. visit www.suawberryfesuval.ca or look us up 3; www facebook.com/Stouffvnlle$trawberr Festival. You can also leave us a message at 905-64 3779, email mfo(i1 strawberryfesllvalca or send us a Tweet to share your Ideas on festival events ‘ f Most Important of all, marl: youIVt/alendars for our Canada Day Weekend celebration beglnmng the evening of June 28 through to July I 2013. Hope to see you there. Laura Roessle! Is a member of (he Strawberry Festival Committee We are busy booking the comedians for Friday's Giggles Nrght. The What About Bob band wrll be m full swmg on Saturday evening. And Canada Day would not be complcrc wrthoul the Blackboard Blues Band returnrng to help us celcbralc the greatest country In the world, not to menuon free Canada Day Cake for everyone, followed by ï¬reworks at dusk. This year we wdl again offer a family mow: in the tarball diamond, a larpn Inflatable playground, 1 putting green and “moonwalk for younger festival :3. There WI" be w: free family swnms and we wil repeat our Mum lam Season on Sunday, The 20l2 wasnon was such {success we have allocated more time for eve one WlShlns to participate. erembcr that all chi {en's acnvmes an her. and Ralph leaves behind his w Ross and Tony his dau hm and granddaughtns le '. Al along wnlh holhus lack and I sister Malone and hm huslun. Ron aid’the daemon to close the bakery wasn'! easy for her husband ‘Retmmem was hard (0: Ralph Ht had to give up what he Iowd.‘ of humout.‘ Ralph was knnwn l'y all .‘m hls passmn for lxlc‘ his Integrity and hm low- or penplc ‘Hc was always Lhrmful. and always honcS! ' bard Rnsa m whom hc had [Va-n marncd fur 48 vmrs ‘Hr saw thc ï¬rst In cwrvl‘ody. and he always had a lake to tell ' Ralph wwkcd a: a lulu-r lnr a Tnmnm grnccrv smu- Nlnrc openlng up hlS own busmcss 1n Smuffnllt fwc vcars after thc couplc mow-d hcrc In 1978 HIS renowned applc hitters were Inspnul by a tcupc: he gm from a fellow cmplovu‘ at [lu- gmcery store bakery Cénbbcan. and visitcd thér native 1:55, fox: two months In 2008, month after Clglstmas and head to Mexico 0: the Caribbean fm a well deserved rest. gpop than Inucmcnt they returned to the 1 leaves behind his Wife Rusa. sons d Tony. his dau Nu m law Mary. nddaughms lefy. Alex and lesstca. nth holhcrs lack and chm. and hts alone and hm husband Alfmdo For Ralph, the bakery was a place to meet thh people and enjoy Me 'The people who come Into the shop are friends, not customas.‘ he said when he retired. 'I always had a good day With the people talking, Iaughlng and telling jokes, life :5 beautiful If you have a scnsc IWho came m, Stouffvillo