All submissions must be loss man 400 wows and include a daytime telephone number. name and address. The Sun-Tribune reserves the right to publish or not publish and to edit for clarity and space. E-mall )moqooï¬rmgmm 6 ‘ 20m pm 502.83 @3ch York Region Media Group community newspapers The Sun-Incune‘ published evety. Thuvsday. as a dnvrsion of me Metroland Media Group Ltd. a wholly- owned subsmiary of Tommy Corporavonv. ’SIEW-Tribune Col-"MN Dmncmn (3mm Smmcas Katherine Percheron To speak to’a customev servoce up: I‘m-“I3 DIRECTOR. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Robert Lazurlm ( 14“ LETTERS POLICY Anne Beswick ralwsu'u‘kï¬fyrmg. rom 00“ny incomes: yrcuslomerservrcefl yrmg. com Delivery issues? Circulation Oo-ordlnator Daphne Lawrie (Hun 'ru-h‘yrmg. mm Dlucmn. Rm Emma AND Cussman Gard Paolucci Editor Ii m Mason _ ,1 mason @fyrmg. (om H; Dumch Disruwnon Tanya Pacheco 905-640-2612 .u 905â€"640-8778 w 1â€"800-743-3353 I)I_S"I'RIBL'TION l-855~853-5613 Anvumsmc Debra Weller Dmncron. Volunteers carve turkeys for 470 meals on Chrigfiï¬Ã©gvbay. Some sliced bird with gravy. vegetables. rolls and a slice of Christmas pie. . i All the trimmings. The 19th annual Stouï¬â€˜ville event switched to deliverysonly this year. Business was good. Organizers. including town councillor Maurice Smith. had expected to dish out 350 meals. They sewed up all of the food that was prepared. No leftovers in this fridge. Driver co-ordinator Lawrie Yakabusld gave us our directions and 16 meals to deliver. He had We arrived at EastRidge Evangelical Missionary Church where a small army of fellow volunteers was carving turkeys and dishing them up into Styro- foam containers. Our vehicle was one of 14 delivering 470 turkey dinners across the Greater Stoufl‘ville My son, Ryan. and I Were on a mission late Christmas mom- ing. Why my truck smells like a Butterball air freshener he interior of my SUV smells like I received a Butterball air fresh~ ener for Christmas. Jim Mason is editor of me Sun~Tnbune. Follow him on Maesmm All were grateful. Some wanted to chat, to share pan of the day. Some made donations to the dinner fund. Our dinners delivered, we retreated to our own home. My truck still smells turkey. I hope it lasts all year. Many of the people we deliv‘ ered to were alone this Christ- special thanks for sponsoring Stouï¬â€˜ville Nofrills. with lim Mason Off The Top STAFF PHOTO/HM Misoï¬ ()n a neutral note. i suggest the churches were strong and. thankfully. remain strong in maintaining the spirit. But. i fear. they are now a smaller proportion of the town and in that way doing less. Your column, however, is titled Spirit of small-town Christmas. I will suggest the Spirit of Christmas. in any sized town. is loving your neighbour and showing it by caring. Even if your neighbour is a 25-year- old newbie with questionable cooking skills. LETTER OF THE WEEK We need to re-focus, Stouffville Re: Spirit of small -town Christmas discov- ered in produce aisle. column by lim Mason. Dec. 25. A very good question in your column. Have we progressed? it depends on your deï¬nition of progress. For those who deï¬ne progress as bigger with more choice. then yes we have made For those who deï¬ne progress as a more loving and caring community, there has been no progress. Things are getting worse. PUBLISHER [an "Proudfoot GENERAL MANAGER John Willems People need to change their time alloca- tion and focus on the people of the town to get us back to where we were 32 years ago. People allocate their time to other things in the town. For those who deï¬ne progress as a more loving and caring community. there has been no progress. Things are get- ting worse. Today, there are few businessmen, few under 60. We're mostly retirees with many over the age of 80. And today there are half as many Lions as there used to be even though the town is now four times larger. The Lions Club of Stouffville has no religious afï¬liation and is solely to serve the whole community. They were founded long before you were born by the businessmen of the town. Sï¬ï¬iï¬ibune “.4 MH‘MN GET CONNECTED 6290 Main St Stouflville, 0N. MA 167 fawbook.(om/Stouffvillesunmbune ' Wm H _ ‘ i""~ [malfyour (ommems and/or suggesnons to )mason@yrmg.(om PAUL CROWE MIMEDIA’I‘F PAST PR hm )hN’l S'I'UI ’FH’ILLE 1.10wa ( u '1: