We‘vesoldtlmemuingturkeylforthelannyeanâ€" and I‘ve writtmtllthatcanbewrittm about them. So atriskofboringyoufolkwhohavcmdthkfordlelat 20 years or so, there are a couple of points that I’d like tonnketoour newer customers. Firstly, ourturkeyseat lotsofgrainmdcom,umuchorulitdeudleywmt, becauaetheyrunlooce.Addtodlingmtlerde-fathering proocswhichluvcsmoreofmcnatunlflnvommdme oddfeathcrwididxemrkey,mdyou’llhaveaturkeythat willexeeedyourexpectadomforflnvourmdmoistnea, widloutthetldoftheuï¬ï¬dalenhmmtdnt Butterka and some other pie-busted turkeys receive. They come with a little ‘pop-up’ thermometer I: well, hmwyouhaowwhmdwy‘ndonqwhkhisoï¬enabit quickerdnnyoumiyltexpect.’lhcynngeinniufrun 14-2111», md for my taste, the Optimum Eating leity isfromthooeinthem-lebsiu, astheyhavea‘Good Finish‘tome. $ Please know that they are available in lb. portionsuwelllfyournecdsmleu. Callustoplaceyourorder. ï¬mMcudetoBoopâ€,mdthcodnrisCflduW. 'I'hcaoupnecdsnoinmuit’sbemamplcwidamfmzomwhfle thechickmisinsâ€x5â€foils,andhmflidmtmfeed3niody.hguln m m 87.96011: soup) and $19.96 (the chickcn), % and both an: lvnihble from ourcver populu (and well 50m smcked)ï¬'ounsecdonat 2 % BEWisi‘mzze It’s Holiday Time and we LOVE Christmas! You‘ve got to visit the ChrlmMnrhetthisl’ddaytflISnnday, lOIm-Spqupstairs in the Cooking Studio. There will be samples, table top ideas, and ideas for everyone We‘ve had a bit of trouble heer with extra old cheddar, which '3 a key ingredient of Gmlu’n Chen Apples. I am happy to say “problcth mohcdâ€,andtheywiflbcginnppeaï¬ngenmmthisweekend. fwmolnrfmcnrucï¬on,m‘fl haveflvoitungdacï¬mbdngoneofmy “Mllï¬mmmmu‘flbwuâ€! Klmmuï¬ceondsuhrgdyofdmecmnesmdimuummmidhphy pieces for wedding: and other celebrations featuring violin, dnrinet, accordion, piano, and éonblc but. The Gummy. Anniâ€"winnth “TheKlamadaâ€autumnsicdmisstecpedinButu-nï¬mopunlcwish tradition and spirituality, while incorporating contemporary and are influencedbyavnï¬ctyofmusicalnylesmchuAnb,Afriun,Latinand Baiknn rhydmu, and Ian. Gin; Snmuch!!! See you at the Theatre! Wcmgoingtomrtwithdxcbumhvadonofl’u Soup. Ingredients m split peas, leeks, celery, our bacon, smoked Dutch sausage slices, sweet onions and chicken stock. Reguhrhs7.951900mL.,mdhwmbcfntn1-edat This will be followed by our Chm and Mk! Ilka and. Ingredients are... whit: and wild ricc,com, pas, 25% picfledredonlmmpeungmgemmoniomwid) "H afreshonngedmsing.msaladhastcxmrelkcguhr 81.89/1003nhofutuudu Next up is Porclnl Apolotd! We use those venmble Italian fall mmmnemdomofmmonmm EA. Till WI“ onions, white wine, cream and the but pgrmesan, and “Spicaâ€. This will ha sold In our 4’“†(on. a RANGE I-IEATRE THIS WEEK AT TI-IE FLATO MARKHAM WHAT’S COOKING SPECIALS IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY TO CLOSING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 V O 25Ԡ25% INDEPENDINY GROCEI VH4LAGE GROCER CALENDARS m CHARLIE’S SALMON NEPTUNES! Thcsc are calm-cut Salmon Fillets stuffed with hi: mix ofBlud, Sautéed Onions, Butter, Lemon Juice, Lemon Zest, Salad Shrimp md Cnbmcal, withjunasprigofbfll.Chadktdhustocookdun15- 9f, 18 minutes 0375. I93. 319.951.. The supply in limimd art .2.- to Charlie’s ability to imp up! Thiswcekmdwillhmmofmmmt-Whm‘mcphycnmdawhflccommunityof voluntecuwiflhcdoing. Howitworhisw’flooukalongouï¬tutdnymdlcavc youabngmdvn’ll bcbacktopickit up. Youcanï¬llthehï¬s)withdthamon¢yorfood,andwe‘llgecilovcrtothc Food Bank. Now,ifyoumissour truckunrd todoutunlly),youcanbring your conu’ibuï¬on tome bhuatCmbyAmgoratourntore.Andonclatthing:tthhristmuPuadcilthisl‘ridaycvming mm‘oufmcotcownnduunyofmwiflbeinartendanccon‘thennct.‘lt‘sagoodtimcif Ouf20_15work{_ofARTmryowrudy!miaapmiectchatw¢havc mmmbondmwimdxmmcmï¬ofmfumg dtdrwork.WchavcmioyedthcwmxdafulhdpoflJ'ndaMdnmshm theyoupinplanningandprodudngdtaqanddwy anhcautiï¬d,hrgcenoughtomkcnotuu1,wilh _ hdpï¬dcucs,mddwywiflbcwldfor$5.00cadx, youcannnkcit. HOCKEY WITH HEART i "'3 THIS 1 II 1' THIS ()I’I’ "/o This weekend wc’ll be warming you all up with our “Eva’s Chill Plzu". Yes, we use my Chili, which i; loaded with lots of meat. This is what we put on the pizza, along with Cheddar and Pepper-jack, and when it's done, some Cilantro too ....... and, a: a bonus, we’ll have some Guacamole dipping saucc as well. lug. $12.95 Lvï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬! Tbocnshar ...... Thiswcekuxdintheuféwc willbcsa'vingupbigponiomofl’m Chittagoncof my all-time fave dishes. It’s my pd's Gnadnmdmndpgandwebcg‘nwifln uxdauxsdxofwfltlt’sunbdievablysimpkand ddidousscrved with: sideofroast potatoes. mmmmsms. Also,we‘ll havcchdmmflmo, so be quick. Available on Friday 87.96 out We are now in full bloom, and it looks great. There are many colours mdflowernfledesmdiooccï¬'om,mdd|m is nothingquitc like these to warm a room. There are extra-large, medium and small, and two further lots of front-porch outdoor arrangements that look amazing. And spouting of warm, how good are the light: on our little outdoor gazebo? I love this nelson! allofwlï¬chgoatoflscflockcy with Heart Charity which supports local Communhy Initiatives. râ€" Pf PIZZA *“ ZZZZZAZ! â€"â€"â€"~â€"~â€"-~â€"BEAUT1FUL--â€"â€"-~~â€"~ POINSETTIAS WHAT’S FOR Hours: Mon. ~ Fri. 8:00-8:00 Sat. 8:00-6:00 ~ Sun. 9:00-6:00 AVC. (Just W. of Kcm 905-940â€"0655 We make Smoked Turkeysâ€"probany turkeyx. That are becoming increasingly popular, especially with our Asian customers. Itseansdutwealwaysmakeafewkuthan what we need, which came: a few problems. Ifyouwouldï¬keongitmmbeorderedin advance, before Dec. [8141, because itmkua wedtomdxanready.Mbecm-e¢het paénthcfldfornguhtéuqut’ueay, WOMdualmhbvmbn 18th. of Kennedy) SMOKED THIS WEEK HAMPERS 5. Thcfc gbongnq noyv they can be tailored w your particular needs, both for individual: and corponte clients. See either Robert or me in the store and we‘ll look after your needs. To see examples, click on our website thuvlllqop-mcnwm The varieties include: ('IANDIED GINGER - ï¬nely diced candied ginger CANDYCANE - crushed candy-cane T (MILE-301411 - chopped Toblcronc chocolatc CRANBERRY - dried cranberries and orange mt SHOITBREAD COOK] ES â€" We are making a lot of our delicious shortbread this week. Our shortbread is made from only three ingredients, butter, brown sugar and flour. in my opinion it is the brown sugar and the way it caramelizes when baked that makes our shortbread so special. We use the same recipe that my Motherâ€"in~law Doreen has used all of her life. LEMON - lemon oil and zeal CARAMEI. PBCAN - touted pecans and nut caramel CHOCOLATE â€" cocoa powder and chocolau: chunks and of course our “plain†SHORTBREAD with Christmas 'nkl spn cs "/0 ALL THESE ITEMS ARE fruit." wmm Go to our website to see What-‘0 Beth; ï¬ne Chi-lama and inn a reminder that the deadline for union I: December 2!». Doreen’s Fruitcake, Christmas Pudding and Brandy Butter. Mincemcat, Gingerbread Home: and Cookies now available! THIS Wâ€"EElf? Sunday M will start with In! Ind Inflcy Many, md then mm: M and Mutt-mm 8m. Chicken In“! In I Put» Cum Mun ov Chou. MIMI“ MOI! m luau In a l’nrmuuu Homo. with either rice or potato and vegetable. ten 01' coffee and a token dune" if you have room. Saved frole pm - 2 pm. 510.0849.†ELEGANT ‘ B » SUNDAY RUNCH We are starting to get some South American emf! fruit like Apricots. Nectarine: and Cherries. a well as nice Spanish Vanilla Persimmons. California Hachiya Persimmons, and abundant Citflu Varieties. Grapes are still good from California, but they and Blueberries will begin arriving from Chile. and lastly. California Strawberries are almmi ï¬nished - so new Florida Berries won’t be long! Lastly. we have lhe 2014 model Ambrosia Apples in stock now â€" from British Columbia. PRODUCE? BLACK COD g We will be making some ufour Smoked Illanb l‘..A .Li. ..._..|......J 'V‘LL. 1.. . We will be making some of our Smoked Black Cod this weekend. This la a perfect appetizer when you flake it onto a cracker. The flavour of thla ï¬sh la lung and mellow, and perfect with a glass of Chardonnay. Available 1%, Friday and Saturday. ‘ 1†Reg. $5.99 l100.. 11 .' "N WM‘JK “MWHV mmwlvï¬mh.m,.ov‘s . WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ SMOKED a ark am #1193 re LIVE ARI’S MAY H R‘-