ec. 11 will be a watershed for York Region. A pivotal decision impacting every constituent in our nine municipalities be made that day when regional council members appoint a new regional chairperson and (IEO to replace long- time leader Bill Fisch. The chainwrson's agenda deserves and demands dialogue. Metrolamd Central publisher amd vice-president Ian Proudme said. A9 political lead for one of(lan- adu’s fastest growing mgions. the nominee's tem1 through 2018 will abound with challenges. issues and opportunities. Accordingly. York Region Media Group has reached out to commu- nity leaders to share seasoned and reasoned opinions on this integnfl role. the qualities the appointee must bring to the ofï¬ce and the issues he or she must addresx “There are several prevailing themes and a plethora of ancil- lary mattem None are more or less important than the others.†Pmud- INTEGRAL ROLE DEMANDS DIALOGUE Community leaders weigh in on what York Region’s new chairperson must bring to the table BY CHRIS TRABER rrrabcr@)'rnlg.(‘ont ELIZABETH CROWE Y0fk Catholic District School Board Chairperson The smile of a child. I loved one. a unndperem or a friend can brighten our m : div and make us smile. Whose thy have you brightened with your smile? smumm.‘ 0mm um“. To Book Your Appointment Call 905-640-1010 Creating smiles you‘ll want to share I mmammmmm m: "me ï¬scal Mponsibillty to working co-opemtively and collab- oratively with all levels ufguwm- ment to owning and delivering an cmdite vision. the chairpomm will need to be a supmmely oxperienwd administrator." l’mudfuot foot said of the responsm “Issues confronting the region range fmm housing. transit. gmwth. senior. youth and nvwmnwr servic- es to poverty. hmnoluxs‘noxs. gmwth and infmstmctum.†Commentary on the new Chair- person's mitten“! skills is also diverse. "The major opponunity fol‘ our new chairperson and council is to manage all aspects of our gmwrh. from housing atfoniability to tran~ sit to social services and thereby ensum York Region maintains an envied quality of lifv for all its waidents." Uniu-d Way York Region (EEO Daniele Kanoni said. Over the past decade. regional muncil has played a leadership role in deï¬ning and addrwsing some of our emerging social pn‘ssurw. Zanotti said. But incmnsed invest- ments in critical fruntline pmgmms. including those dealing with hous‘ WHITENING O VENEERS '"BVONDING - IMPLANTS - EMERGENCY TREATMENT Brighten someone’s Dr. Paul Mirkopoulos, I 880.. 0.0.8., day I Family 8: Cosmetic Dentigtry United Way York Region CEO DANIELE ZANOTn GET CONNECTED It LL US What do you thunk us the most umponam quality fot the role 0' York Region‘s chmrpemm? Let us know tmad ;n\a50f\@yvn\g.cm1 IAN PROUDFOOT Metroland VP and YRMG Publisher ing ambniability. a regional seniom' strategy and mmnner suppons. zine mummy “Regional council. by its wry composition. is a muubomtion. a group of nine municipaliliw com- mitted to u wgional awndu." he added. "i would sumvsl mum is. at the mm. only one oxwmiul quality for our incoming chairpomm - to be a selfless. mlenllm and innova- liw collalxmilor.†Each ol‘York Region's nine chainlx‘rs of commen‘e will have important local issues for eonncil. Markham Board of'ltmle ptesident and ( 21-20 Richard (htnninghtnn said. "In Markhaun. our govemtnent affairs mmmittee is le‘llSl‘d on two key areas â€" housing and tmnsit." he said “We hear from our menthem than their employees are making long mmmutes due to a lack of loenl housing in their prime range or they are losing stall to jobs in com- nntnities ckxwr to where they live." lmpmving transit is the uthvr kcy issue for those who wish to work and live in the region. he said Seneca College board chairper- son and fonner York Region District School Board education diM‘tur SHAPING OUR FUTURE ALTAF STATDNWAM Mackensz Health President. CEO “Majorilies will become the minurilios in ihc n‘gion. Cleaning the lived for insights into social mhosion." he said. "Social media will dolin how people gain authorâ€" ity and list‘ it. Millenniuls will insist mi solutiuns m un‘umulnlul pmh- Icms and injustices. 'l‘licir voices will be mum pmnnuncul." Hill Hogarth said the R‘gion's next louder faces the challenges of an everâ€"chmxging local. Canadian and giobal economic dynamic. along with the iofmstrucmw and social pressures (hm come with gum). An nngning challenge for the region and its chainwrsun will he tn unsun‘ community xt‘rvit‘vs anti int‘mstmctun‘. including hospitals. EMS and public health scrviu‘s. Lt‘t‘p paw with York's nnprec» ulcntul gmwtlL Mucketvje Health pn‘sidont and (Zlit ) Altai" Stationâ€" wuln said. A number of speciï¬c isiéues will impact York. our youlh in panicular. in the next four wars. he said. Ongoing ï¬nancial and political support from lhcn‘giun will be cm~ ciail to the (lowlupmont of Muckâ€" vn/jv llvzilth‘s Vaughan limpitul. hv said. "The new Chuiqwrson needs to be uhlv to foster a Culth of innovat tion and tu'hnological advance- ment to continue tho great work that has been done to establish a health can: technology innovation hub in York Region." Stationwala CHATS Development Directon format Aurora mayor TIM JONES SmileVVor/e : The next chairperson needs to have the ability to look at how community growth. industry changes. infrastructure planning and economic development all come together to meet the needs of the people of the region. Markham Stouffville Hospital president and ( Tlii) lunet Heed said. "'l‘his person should be u facili~ tutor. ii listener and a big picture thinker. They need to be someone who understands what the region is today. where it's going and what it will he in the future. Their role is to help us get there." she said. added. York Catholic District School Board chainwrson Elizabeth (Irowo lx-licws the nut t‘huirpemm's chill» longvs in York will include the nml for aillordablv housing. our "invis~ ihlv" powrty untl pmviding neces- sary infmstrut'tnm to support low- income earners. further improving transit and im‘rvstsing cmploynwnt omiortttnitics. l‘hc new chairperson will haw to address and (11le a focus on thv gmwing needs ()l’wninrs. cslx‘ciulh in the areas 01‘ mummmdminn and better hvuhh nmintvnumv npliuns. (II lA'lS (Community and Home Assistance to Seniors) dewlopnu‘m dimmr'l‘im luncs said. For extended commentary. visit yorkreglonxom For more on the race, see stories on pages 10 and l I. JANET SEED Markham Stoufl‘ville Hospttal President. CEO