COMING UP Cutting the parade route short, Which had 55 floats last year, means the residents of Parkview Home will not be able to watch it go by from the comfort of their rooms. The parade was too long and tied up trafï¬c going into the Stouffville Clippers Sports Complex. according to Bruce Gribbon, past president of the Stouffville Kinsmen Club. That is why this year's Stouffville Kinsmen Sama Claus Parade on Dec. 6 will end at Main Street and Ninth Line instead of on Weldon Road. "The people playing hockey couldn't get (to the Clip- pers Complex)." Gribbon said. "It's something we should hagg foreseen: The arena is just too busy on saturdays." The annual parade starts at 2 pm. arid it takes abbut two hours fpr Santa to come through town. Arena trafï¬c tie-ups behind shorter Santa parade “We would hive éertainly preferred to accommodate Sunday Service at 10:00 am Advent Sundays 010:30 am 0 Advent scriptures lcandio lighting 0 Singing the songs of Christmas 0 Teaching - "Tho Cast Of Christmas†0 Nursery can 0 Kidz Program SK â€" Gr. 5 Cum! dress / Warm Waicomo! This Week - is! Sunday 0! Adam I I . . . helsehllldlurch 11760 Woodbine Ava, Gormley (lust south of Stouï¬â€˜ville Road) 905-887-5489 www.heisehill.ovg AIS-8984774 19 on the Park 19 Civic Avenue, Stouffvillo lntm'm Pastor ~ Charlie Maskinm Interns - Mm Hill / Caleb Morllty Charlie Hummer spanking Lead Pastor. 8mm: Clinton A Chumh Of The Christian And Missiomry Allianu In Canada shqe the joy qu cum» nun! BY SANDRA BOLAN Stoufjfvillc Rd. at Kennedy Rd. 905-887-5651 Sunday, November 30th 10:00am Celebration Service Speaker: Ed Fontaine l 1:303m Second Hour Anglican Church of Canada 254 Sunset Blvd.. 905-640-l46] www.5t0uï¬ Seniors Serv'icc 8: Christmas Lunch StandayANs’Yrember 30th “Way Pec9mb¢r 2nd Monfiay D_e§_ember_lst 8:00:11; 81 10:00am Eucharist Nursery Church School at 10:OOam - o ï¬sgrmgvale N Mam “V W Cm" Every Wednesday frida] Nights \Christ Church Famil'y Drop-In 7 - 9pm Sports P'rograx'nmes All Welcome COME SEE This year's parade theme is Christmas Around The World. the seniors but it was just putting too many out,†Gribbon said. The parade starts at Tenth Line and Aintree Drive. It heads south to Main Street. then west along Main Street to Ninth Line. 'Ib register. contact Guy Cooper at 905-640â€"3560 or sir- To enter a float. the fee is a minimum $50 donation for any business. Not for proï¬ts. community service groups and schools are free. “It’s something we should have foreseen. The arena is just too busy on Saturdays.†BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH ST. JAMES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. loan Masterton, minister 11:00 am - Worship Service Service of Worship Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Monday December 1 Fellowship breakfast Pickle Pickle restaurant 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, December 3 Men’s choir practice 7:00 pm. Friday, December 5 Christmas pageant practice 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Aï¬-imdlyfamily church 6:30 pm - Evening Service 13660 Ninth Line N. (905) 642-4414 Rev. Peter Pallant Sunday, November 30th 9:30 am - Sunday School 6432 Main St., Stouffville 905.640.3151 Sunday, NoVenEeï¬O Everyone Welcome! Tuesdays 6:45-8:15pm Kids Club + Jr. High : Kindergarten - Gr. 8 Wednesdays 6:30-8:15pm Sr. Youth: Gr. 9 ~12 Sundays @ 7pm Young Aduhs: 18+ Life Groups Stouffville Pentecostal Church 6853 Main St., Stouffville 905.640.5696 Chinese/English/Chndren Service ('l‘l (Iflï¬ll) / ass/511nm) CHURCH CONTACT (It'll) (647) 547-3618 32 Jamesway Cres., Stouffville SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:45AM Sunday Service @ 10 am 0 Oscar Pemrson Public School 850 Hoover Park Dr., Stouffville Lead Pastor: .Ieflr Laird Children '5 Pastor: Lori Attack Sunday School for Kids! Everyone Welcome! Youth Pastor: Ian Harley STQDENIS Big crowds will await Santa again on MéixiSiféH ï¬Ã©EféQ MARINA“ SYMWLU, A Chumh in a Beautiful Caunayside Pastor Walter Robbins Stouffville Christian _ Fellpw§hip Sunday Service 10:30am 860 Cone. 8, Claremont 905-649-2812 ofï¬ Lunch to follow SUN-TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO /////4 WHAL mvm (UREMONI PKlfRING m (out. 31