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Sure. your Leafs were stink- ing out the rink in Buffalo and achieving something few can do -â€" lose to the smelly Sabres. ’ And the pooch really enjoyed the buffet of seasoned tortilla chips your little protest created around the family room. But you blew it Down at the Stouffville Arena, the hometown Spirit was winning its third game in three nights â€"â€" they’ve lost only one of their past 10 games -â€" 2-1 over the Toronto lr. Canadiens. COLUMN This wouldn’t happen in a real hockey town, Stouffville Unofï¬cially. it must have been Family and Friends Night. judging by the Dam gathering of 163 dotting the bleachers. That's unacceptable. Stoulfville, if you really am the hockey town you proudly tell people you are. On the verge of its 20th anni- versary. the Jr. A franchise has never caught on as it should have. (Eleven lr. B teams in Southern Ontario are averaging more than 500 fans per night this season. led by the Stratford Cullitons at 1.309.) Sure. fans have packed our Ninth Line Ice Box (as one frigid fan calls it) for several lengthy playoff runs. including the franchise’s only Ontario Junior Hockey League championship in 2012. Otherwise. not so much. The banners of excellence at the north end of the rink only tell part of the team's story. The teenagers on this year’s team include ï¬ve Whitchunch- Stoufl'ville kids Your neighbours. Boys who went to school and played on teams with your kids. Lads who are raising money Four graduates have gone on to play in the NHL â€" the same league you were watching Satur- day. There are future big-leagu- ers who played in Spiritville waiting in the wings in minor pro and US. college loops. hat ceramic bowl bouncing off your 50-inch Sony and spraying Doritos like bhstéd hydrant for little Luca Gennuso. as well as breast and prostate cancer months when they aren't on the ice ï¬ve times a week Selï¬shly, you should be at the rink because it's darn good hockey. Flash back to Saturday's game, when a tired, outshot and undermanned Spirit team had no business winning. But did. in what felt like the playoffs â€"â€" some place the Spirit hasn't been since 2012. For $10 ($5 for seniors. stu- dents and children) you can sit front row. Listen to players chirp each other in the faceofl' circle and the refs explain why some- thing was or wasn't a penalty. Smell the sweat. lust don't reach out and grab a jersey. Beyond the on-ice action. there's a thing experts call social interaction that goes on in hockey arenas across the land. Strangers meet. Neighbours talk. On Saturday. the conversa- tions ranged from the funerals of the week (Ken Wagg, lohn Layland) to the shoner route of the Stouffville Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade and the municipal election results (mixed reviews on the last two topics). Bottom line. ignored as it is, the Spirit is the biggest show in See you Satund ' hockey town? ay mgr“. with Iim Mason OffThe Top LETTER OF THE WEEK Let’s enhance, not destroy past Morley remembers the two town meet~ ings at EastRidge Church when all the resi- dents were invited to hear and share ideas on the redevelopment of the park. Some of the process then was flawed. as it seemed a done idea. The discussion included the sharing of ideas, not that they were set it place. Re: Town did right thing with Memorial Park, park 'monumentI letter to the editor by WilfMorley, Oct. I am writing this because I do care in a big way. I attended a lot of these type of meetings and council on a regular basis. more than Morley. Council approves chang- es and if you go back to the ï¬nal map/ plan more changes have been made than it shows without council approval. For exam- ple, where there were trees on Park Drive to enhance the entrance to the park. gone. , The "monument". or as he calls it a slab of cement, has been in the park since 1930 and has seen changes through the years to enhance it. Morley admits it even had a special plaque that was temoved. It said the Music Mania’s legacy lives on The Music Mania Christmas Show has entertained hundreds of people in Stouffville during the past few yea_rs. This year's show has been cancelled. Unfortunately, we have not been able to round up enough cast and crew to create a viable show. We want to take this opportunity to thank director Rick Lightfoot and all the cast and crew for their time. talents and energy devot- ed to this show over the past years. The show has providéd a [0! of fun for our community. Your legacy lives on! New rules for bikes need support The Ontario Ministry of ï¬ansportation is revising the Highway Trafï¬c Act. and in par- ticular changing rules in regard to bicycles. The ministry proposes to require motor- ists to allow a minimum of a one-metre space to bicycles. It should also add a rule to make bicycles stay one metre or less from the edge of paved rural roads. Currently groups ride our roads several abreast. creating a one-lane wide, very slow traflic entity. This is unsafe for bicycles and cars on some of the very hilly sideroads we have A one-metre rule such as this or a rule that cyclists in groups must ride in single ï¬le would be welcomed by literally millions of drivers. and voters, in Omario. GENERAL MANAGER lohn Willems PUBLISHER Ian Proudfoot LOVANNA 8: "M SANDERS PRESIDENTS SIOUFFVILLE UNITED (.‘Hl'RCH (.‘(H-V’LES + (31.1 'B I urge readers to contact your local MPP and Minister of Tiansrxmation Steven Del Duca. Send them a message to also provide a rule such as this for the beneï¬t of the motor- ists and cyclists. “(LEE 10th Battalion". Morley even admits there was a gun on top. It surprised me. a longtime resident. I did not know the histury and special reason for this gun/ guns in town. Morley must have missed a few Rememâ€" brance Day services in the park when wreaths were laid at this "monument". It has long been a place of gathering and remembering. It also tells a story special to our community. The question comes down to the sake of a phone call to the Royal Canadian Legion branch or to some historians in town â€" we do have a few â€" and asking council. Election campaigns too long The municipal elections are over for four years. but I can‘t help temembering those W newscasts night after night. where. Olivia Chow said what Doug Ford said about lohn Tory who said Well. I really don‘t remember what they said. Re: (hudidates. journalists can? wait to mass the ï¬nish line. mlunm by lim Mason. ()(‘L 23. l was told two councillors were sur‘ prised and very upset to know this went ahead without discussion. Secondly. the point becomes why now. It surprised me greatly that on the 100th anniversary of the Great War we destroy that connection and memory for our town. Anyway. I'm sure everyone remembers the campaigns went on for a very longtime â€"â€" 10 months if I‘m not mistaken. It saddens me greatly to destmy rather than enhance a piece of history for our community. I couldn't gm (‘noogle to tell me how much it costs the taxpayer the longer the election continues. but I‘m sure it would be a lot cheaper if the campaigns Wt‘l’t.’ made shun and sweet. at say two months. As Mason suggested in his column. "the candidates couldn't wait to mm the ï¬nish line". I'm sure if the elected Whitchurch- Stouï¬viile politicians creased the line eight months earlier. they might have some energy left to do a better job running the town. DOUG JOHNSON smur‘r‘vnu Sum/fulk' 'SUn-‘Ii'ibune Send your letter to jmanvrnmmm 6290 mm St StoufMlle. 0N. NA 167 myockmgionmm FRED ROBBINS 8‘11 )1 ‘FH'ILLI'I CHUCK SUIKKI 3n )1 "Hull r,“