12 BY BREA BARTHOLET Bbartholrt®yrmgmom You may not see re-elected Markham Regional Councillor Jim Jones in his posi- tion for very long. Jones is telling colleagues he wants to become the next chair of York Region - replacing Bill Fisch. who is retiring after his ï¬fth term. "Our present chair is retiring from the position after many successful years." Jones wrote in an email 'IUesday afternoon. “As a person who prefers to be upfrom about major policy and political issues. I After 30 years or servrce In the Stoutvme communny Boyd's Source For Sports° will be re-locating our Ml operation to 4 Ben" Road In Uxhrmoe tn earry 2015. You can expect to receive the same care and concern with custom ï¬tting and service for your hockey and warm needs RELOCAHON SALE We woum like to acknowledge your suppon and loyalty over the years and invite you to our Rem Sole starting November 1" at the Stouflvme store. Be sure to ask for our Customer Loyalty Cerd‘ that can be used at our Uxbrldge store. Our Uxbridqo store is now open: Boyd's Source for Sports. www.m'smm Markham councillor challenges Emmerson for chair of York am letting you know that I would like to become the next chair of York Region." Whitchurchâ€"Stouffville Maynr Wayne Emmerson. whose term ends this month. announced he would be seeking the post in 2013. lones' email went on to outline some of the issues he believes would be part of the upcoming term. including increased debt in York Region and the expansion of essen- tial services. For a number of years. Iones has high‘ lighted one of his primary interests of work being an integrated rail transit network to 10-6 10-7 [ones hopes his journey to becoming chair will bring some of his transit ideas to life. improve commuter access and travel time. "I would like the opportunity to see some of that work come to fruition. This will require a successful partnership with other municipalities in the (l'l‘A, the province and Ottawa." ()ther goals on iones' list include: 0 Make York Region a more desirable place to locate business and industry 0 Review the rapid transit plan presently under construction to determine if it is still the right one for our region 0 Review the long-'term operating maintenance of the bus rapid transit tem ’ 0 Electrify and transform GO Transit lines from a commuter to a subway type service at 15-minute frequencies Rumours have been swirling for some time that re-elecled Markham Mayor Frank Rumours have been swirling for some time that re-clvctal Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti may sock H Fisch's position. Another name touted is Regional Councillor lohn Taylor in Newmarket. and sys- Scarpitti may seek Fisch's position. Another name touted is Regional Councillor John Taylor in Newmarket. The new chair will be chosen by the mayors and regional councillors at their ï¬rst meeting in Newmarket. Dec. 11 at York Region headquarters. If the person chosen is a sitting politician. a byelection would be required in that municipality to ï¬nd a replacement. V Jones has 23 years' experiénce in govern- ment. having served locally. regiunully and as a federal MP. JIM JONES: Formet Markham MP announced plans Tuesday to seek chair of Yom Region.