A young man from StouffVille who recently joined the military and who was to be guarding the War Memorial near Par- liament Hill yesterday is ï¬ne. his friends say. 7 Ryan Wynne, a 19-year-old who attend- ed Stouffville District Secondary School, War Memorial guard from Stouffville’OK’ was guarding the structure Tuesday after- noon and had posted a photo of himself on Facebook. He was supposed to be guarding in the same spot agaï¬n yestrexdayiaftemoon. Wyrine téld icebook'fn'ends late yes- terday morning that he is OK. Wynne also attended Unionville High School in Markham and was involved with the Unionville Theatre Co. A Canadian soldier was killed and a Par- liament Hill security guard was wounded in an attack just before 10 am. yesterday in Ottawa. Police continued to hunt for suspects and much of the city’s downtown core was on lockdown yesterday. -with ï¬les from 7brstar News Service Shootings occurred at the National War Memorial, Parliament Hill and near the Rideau Centre, Ottawa police said.