ENTERTAINMENT Danny (Iherkas loves IIHISit'. lie plays guitar and played drumsaudsaxuphuneatStuulh/ille District Semndary Sehunl. He studied piano and music theory from ages eight to 18 under 'l‘eresa Kusatz of StuuflVille.‘ MUSIC lOVER loved everything about music m except playing in front (if others. “Horrible stage fright left me with no desire to ever want to pursue being a prufessiunal musi- cian." he said. He was studying aerospace enginm‘ring m Ryvrson University First-time effort sounds great to recording engineer Sunday Service at 10:00 am This Sunday @1080 AM Brg Words: Important Words For Followrng Jesus "Thanks" Charlie Mashr‘ntor speaking Casual dress Relaxed atmosphere I Contemporary worshrp / Nursery care for infants to JK / Kid: Worship l0r SK -r Gr 5 -’ Teaching that app/res to real Ma r‘ Good coffee / Warm welcome! H700 Wmullnnv .‘i‘ti, (Mimic-v (Ins! wth M Sluuffi‘lllr Rum“ 'ltl."»-8.\“-.’34.NԠwu-unhrisrhillmrg www.in20ne.ca Ala-8984774 19 on (he Park 19 Civic Avenue. Stouffville nnusunot’w mg. mm loud PISIOI Grimm Chnton BY IIM MASON S QWHQ EhurcheSJWQlQngmll: WM mfl‘m ‘ A Chuvch 0! IN! Chnshan AMI Nisaionary Alluanca In Canada hviwhillchurch “U? 5‘ CHANGED "III Jom Us'!’ when his passion called. "I discovered that a job exist- ed culled audio engineering." he said. “where you can make it living working with sound and music behind the scenes. Recording and mixing hands in studio and work- ing in the sound department in ï¬lm and television. 'l‘hut's when I dropped everything and never looked back." He ï¬rst worked as an intern for former Smnffville-ureu resident luck Len}. at Lenz linterulimm'nl where he met a singer from British Columbia. lndi l’edersnn. She's back in B.(I. now and (Iherkas is a mixing engineer at 'l‘healre l) Digital in Toronto. Wednesday, Octobér 15th Stoufl‘villc Rd. at Kennedy Rd. 905-887-5651 Sunday, October 12th 10:00am Celebration Service Speaker Alex Street Anglican Church of Canada 254 Sunset Blvd. 905-64% HM wwwsmnffvillcunglimn.ca Tuesday, October 14th Harvest Thanksgiving 8:00am 8: 10:00am Eucharist Nursery 8: Church Schnul at! 10:00am Sunday, October 12th Friday, Octobei 17th Christ Church Espringvale familx Drop-In 7:90pm www.5pringvalcnrg Floor Hockey 7:30pm B‘admintun 3:00pm All Welcome COME SEE iv-m-no Im‘u min ‘-t\ < w- But they‘ve hooked up on a romrding project that's paying dividonds ulrvudy with more nn the line. l‘odvrsun was sok‘ctvd from 250 applicants in the top 12 for the BC PEAK l’vrfurmancc Pruioct. "Self dvclurvd arguably the best day of her life." (Zhorkas said. "It still hasm sunk in for me BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH ST. JAMES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. loan Masterton, minister Sunday. October 12 Service of Thanksgiving Donations to W-S Fund Bank 10 a.m. Friday, October l7 P0t~luck supper. Guest speaker â€" former pastor Rev. Herb (Bale 6:00 pm. Saturday. October 25 Annual {all bazaar and men's pic auction in Mums Hall 9:30 «.111. to ll noun .{ï¬icndlyflmflly church 1 1:00 am â€" Worship Scrvicc rm' with no dcsin‘ In over "Horrible stugvfrigh! loft 6432 Main 51., Stouffville 905.640.3151 prqli'ssimml musiciun.‘ want to pursue being a 13660 Ninth Line N. (905) 642-4414 Rev. Peter Pallant Sunday, October 12th :30 pm ~ Evening Scrvicc :30 am ~ Sundav School Everyone Welcome! yet. The ï¬rst song I t‘o-pro- dllt‘t’d with an artist was not only going to be plnvod on the radio for everyone to hour. but recognized and noticed as something spvciul by the: top professionals in the industry. It was so surreal hearing them introduce her song on the radio for the ï¬rst timu" X What made the experience even more amazing. was hearing it in the same sequence as The Black Keys. The Lumineers. Kun- gos. [12 and Wee/.er. he said. Pam of the selection process includes onlinbvming from ()Cl. IT to 2-1. It wuuld be 1.; Slnufï¬'illv to lot ower Tuesdays 6:45-8:15pm Khds (‘luh o Ir High . Kindcrgartcn -(}r_ 8 Fridays @ 7pm Sr. Youth: (‘nr‘ 9 -l2 Sundays @ 7pm Young Adults: It“ I m Gmups Stouffville Pentecostal Church 6853 Main St.‘ Stouffville 905.640.5696 Chinese/English/Children Service (.ifl (“mum / ï¬t! / Q.I*H) 0 Oscar Peterson Public School 850 Hoover Park Dr.. Stouflville CHURCH CONTACT (RI...) (647) 5473618 32 Jamesan Cres.. Stouffvulle admmflstouffvulle gbcorg www.3touffville-gbcorg SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:45AM Sunday Service @ l0 um ( 'hildn'n "x Puxmr: Lnri A mu‘k WW\v.spcfa1nily.ca Sunday School for Kids! Everyone Welcome! )imlh I‘mmr Ll'ud Puslur: Jeffflxu'nl STUDENTS! by great for everybody out Iun liar/H wvsl know how much of an rulo they did play in this and vntv for ludi Podvrson. us much as pos- siblc and show 115 yuur suppurt." he said. The top throt‘ artists will he announced Nov. 3‘ ()n Nov. 20 they perform in a ï¬nale shuwmsv. at the end of which 010 winner will he announced. The ï¬rst place unis! cums $l()2.70(). For more infur- mutiun. go to http:/l hc.pcakpvrfnrmauwopmim‘t. comlinformation and www.mcv- hookmm/i()dipodvrsonfl‘rt‘f:nf MARINA“ Rev. Elizabeth Cunningham 34 Church St. N. - 905-640-1163 ‘VQlL'fllLLl Stoufhrille Christian _ Feflpmhip A (.‘hun‘h in a Beautiful (.‘Bunm’sulr Pusmr Walter Robbins Sunday Service 10:30am 860 Conc. 8, Claremont 905-649â€"2812 ofï¬(e@stouffvilleuc.ca Lunch to follow ‘SHOW SUPPORT Mkrl Id HAMMON‘ MAM m llkle