Business 8: Telephone Hours: RECEPTION/OFFICE ADMINISTRATION For BuiIder/DeveIoper‘s oflice in Markham. Full-time hours: Mon-Fri. 8:30am-5pm. Must have a professional image with ability to multi task and an exceIIent ta a manner. Proï¬cient in MicroSoIt Word. xcel. OutIookand customer service. Send resume to: 1357markham©hotmaILca Call Centre Representative HmsmmisiookimfomCallCentmReptojoithoaminm Markham Charter Centre.The swcesstul candidma will have excoltent on! and written communication skills aswell as a Wessimal and fnondtyphonemannor.Applicantssnouldbenignscnoolorcol|eoe mm; able todemonstme superb: keyboafling/data entry skills suboproflcbentth.Excolw0uuook. StncesstulcandidatosMNMvoaooodworkinoknowiodoom underuandm otgoogmphyï¬lstmcemtravm time within Ontario. wlmmueconeentratodknowledoeonravolwmnmGTAPmm expodoneehahmvdumewlmlsadoflnmm. Nyoupossossflnwusmmmmovemdwufldlikemboapmm HmsnmnTummhasompomsnwnmpmummmm. uwuwammzw ortaxtofl-M1I4.M|ookmudmmmmmyou! Anaquatuwmwtymvowmtnmamw Sloumnlomrulmhmnmom Insurance Broker CSR, Personal Lines, RIBO Licence req'd. J.D. Smith Insurance. Email resume to: or call Judo 905-642-2500. 905-9484 800. Expedia w cruisem: atlpicenbere Here we %row a atnltl Join Expedia ruiseShi enters and turn your passion tor travel into an exciting new career. Poeltlone open at the Stouttvllle ofï¬ce. Flexible hours. Cruise experience an asset. Complete training provided. Experienced travel agents welcome. Emell reeume: : 1-860-743-3353 or call 905-907-1416 [SEW-Tribune Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Uxbddqm $11.25/hr. 81000 Hlnng Bo- nus Call Bonnie or Laud. 905-852-2552 Locatnon: MAALL LITERACY COUNCIL OF YORK’SIMCOE HAIRSTYLISTS FT/PT First Choice Haircutth Annual raises. guaranteed wages. proï¬t shgn'ng. dental, drug. eyg c_are Please call to registe: and reserve a spot asap Ph: 905.640.2352 {toll ftee 1866 992 9930‘ Mobile Adolescent Adul! Learning Lab an mteqvated corvpute' based Menu and mental 5le upgtadmg proo'am. benefits; qupmont's §upbï¬ed maintained. n9 digntete required One 6-week sessnon starting; Oct 7th. 2014 Regisualion begins: 0C! 6th. 2014 .:yorkworks£mp|oyment Services Available to you AT NO COST! 1 11 sandin Di, 2nd flOOI. Stouffville ON M mun-(m presents “(lo/W “Cm/w Stouflvillo Auto Service is looking for an Auto Technlclen/ Mechenlc Must be licensed or have com leted the apprenticeship program. usl have clean driving record. Able lo work on all makes and models. Able to communicate directly with customers. It lntereeted cell Doug Allen et 905-642-1305 or eend reeume to dougellenl zemcom Nihis'is you. then please email your resume tozommummgmnmmm- Expulsion in opticil salesloitomtry an 0554» but will train. Markham location. FIT OPTOMETRIC ASSISTANT assifieds York Region Media Groufl. a dmsion oi Mottoland Media Group, IS cuirontiy looiungto hli 3 Casual Pan-Time Poem r position ior the toliowinp shifts Wednesdays. aiuidays and Sundays 6am~4pm Raporh to the Machine Operator the Pocket Foodoi IS responsnhle tor ioeoing flyeis inio pockets oi the Alpha moi machine. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES oï¬emove skids lrom line. relocate them to the appropriate slots usrng pump truck and wrap timshed product - Follow the job list assigned to count. insert ttyers and stacking - Retrieve tlyers from surrounding skids - Hours fluctuate soasonalty based on insert/try" volume e Wort in a satety-conscious manner as outlined in the Company and department satety pollCIOS 0 Perform physical material handling 1- To pedorrn other duties as assigned by the Supervrsor WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR 0 Abiltty to work in e test-paced. deedtme dnven enwronment - Previous experience in e manutectun‘no enwronment. an asset - Attention to deteit - Have the" own transpomtion WHAT‘S IN IT FOR YOU - Qppommity to be a party 01 _an mitan company at m cumno edge of the mean maustry Wo'rk tor [well-established and respected dom' nv that :s cbnne'cted to your communmes Be pen 0! a com ny the! is commtmd lo pro mg a healthy and sate wort envuonmem We provide Ind uelized cereet plans and extensive oncomg development opportunmes l1 working 10! a manly ODQI'OIZOG. compotih’vo mam IS your man! onwronment. please emanl your resume to csmwhOyrmocom by September 26. 2014, INTERNAL CANDIDATES Plus: Submit your resume dinetty to the Regional HR Manager 01 the hiring dwnsuon fax Think you for your interest. Only those commutes soth for an Interview win be conuctod : 1-905-853-1765 comtortabie with technology. You would be working on the front lines an- swering customer inquiries. and sup- porting sales with phone calls. online product demos and proposals. Email cover letter and resume to wontObiz-zone com LEGAL SECRETARY Forward resume to Sales AdmlmCuotomor Supper! FIT position in Markham based ofï¬ce. Receptionist. routine clerical. experience w/ Microsoft Ofï¬ce. good oral/written command of English. Ybu arp damn chanted. frigndly ï¬nd 2-5 years experience - secretarial in personal injury practice. Hwy 7 Leslie. Malach Fidlcr Sugar + Luxcnbcrg 0.. , -‘ metrolandmedla Pockat Faodor. Casual Part Time 250 Industrial Parkway North. Aurora E-mail resume: unnumuomtmm‘mumm Cmmtw to you! communm Lg 4 Bdrm 34/2 Bath Home on quite crescent backs on to vacant field and woodlot. Min to Go Train. 404. Elementary High schools 900 Sq Ft MuttiIevet Deck. lnqround Sprinkler System. 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